flacs regional checkpoint b examination

Monday June 17, 2013 -- 1:15 to 4:15 p.m.
(early start 12:15 p.m.)
This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 (76 credits) of this examination. Your performance on Part
I, Speaking (24 credits), has been evaluated prior to the date of this written examination.
The answers to the questions on this examination are to be written in the separate answer booklet.
Be sure to fill in the heading on the front of your answer booklet.
When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed at the end of the
answer booklet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the
examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions
during the examination. Your answer booklet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration.
The use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you use
any communications device, no matter how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be
calculated for you.
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 1 June 2013 Part 2
Answer all questions in Part 2 according to the directions for a and b
a Directions (1-9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once.
Then you will hear a passage in FRENCH twice, and a question in ENGLISH once. After you have heard
the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your
test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer
booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [18]
1 What is the mother’s main concern about her
5 What is your friend asking you for?
(1) help in choosing a gift
(2) transportation to a shopping area
(3) a loan of some money
(4) the date of your mother’s birthday
(1) that he has a good time
(2) that he has enough money
(3) that he finished his chores
(4) that he has appropriate friends
6 What is Jane’s plan for the summer?
2 What does this announcement encourage you
to do?
(1) to visit many sites in Germany
(2) to go to Germany to visit her friend
(3) to practice German with her friend
(4) to teach German during summer school
use less polluting types of transportation
get outside and play more team sports
work more hours per week
use your car to run errands
7 According to this story, what did Mme.
Clément want for her birthday?
3 What is the news report about?
(1) to have a statue dedicated to her
(2) to hold a huge party for her entire town
(3) to go on a trip around the world
(4) to have donations made to a charity
(1) many types of charities
(2) the sites in Tours
(3) town employees
(4) help for homeless people
8 What does this new company offer?
(1) a new cell phone every three months
(2) new cell phones with longer contracts
(3) refurbished cell phones for people on a
(4) new cell phone plans with unlimited text
4 Why is your friend calling you?
(1) His parents want to take both of you to the
(2) He has to cancel his plans with you for
Saturday night.
(3) He wants you to keep him company while he
mows the lawn.
(4) His little brother needs a ride to the doctor's
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 9 What is the reporter discussing?
(1) the high salary of doctors
(2) the reason there are so few doctors
(3) why businessmen are becoming doctors
(4) government scholarships for students
2 June 2013 b Directions (10-15): For each question, you will hear some background information in English
once. Then you will hear a passage in FRENCH twice, and a question in FRENCH once. After
you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four
suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number
in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage,
only. [12]
10 De quoi l'actrice parle-t-elle?
14 Où se trouvent ces personnes?
(1) de ses enfants
(2) de son enfance avec sa mère
(3) de sa séparation de son mari
(4) de son enfance avec son père
(1) en ville
(2) à la plage
(3) à un site de camping
(4) à la montagne
11 Quels renseignements est-ce que cette annonce
15 Quel est le sujet de ce reportage?
(1) une journée pour commémorer les victimes
(2) un nouveau programme pour apprendre à
(3) les changements du code de la route
(4) la réduction récente des victimes d'accidents
(1) où auront lieu tous les matchs sportifs
(2) qu’à cette école les sports sont obligatoires
(3) que les familles doivent assister à tous les
matchs sportifs
(4) les responsabilités des élèves intéressés aux
12 Quelle est une bonne description de la
télévision en France?
(1) La plupart des Français préfèrent les
émissions par satellite.
(2) Il y a un grand choix de chaînes.
(3) Le gouvernement règle les programmes.
(4) On a terminé les émissions de réalité.
13 De quelle phobie parle-t-on?
(1) d'une phobie d’être sans son téléphone
(2) d'une phobie de la technologie
(3) d'une phobie des téléphones portables
(4) d'une phobie de la foule
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 3 June 2013 Part 3
Answer all questions in Part 3 according to the directions for a, b, and c. [30]
a Directions (16-20): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements,
For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement
according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer
booklet. [10]
Passez vos vacances au Québec et vivez une expérience remplie d'émotions dans un lieu unique en Amérique. Faites connaissance des Québécois, des gens authentiques, avec un cœur aussi grand que leurs grands espaces! Villes d’histoire et pourtant bien ancrées dans la modernité, vibrantes, festives, Montréal, Québec et Gatineau vous font découvrir une facette contrastée du Québec urbain avec un riche héritage architectural et beaucoup d’activités culturelles, dans un décor toujours respectueux à la nature. Le Saint-­‐Laurent, un des grands fleuves du globe, se déploie sur 1800 km. Venez explorer les petits villages anciens, les refuges d’oiseaux, les habitats de mammifères marins, les phares et les îles. Tout un univers à explorer sur l’eau ou sur les rives! Le Québec invente son propre art de vivre en vacances; détente, confort et accueil personnalisé, dans des sites naturels d’exception. Profitez de la vie en harmonie avec la nature entre lacs, montagnes et forêts, en combinant les joies des activités extérieures et les plaisirs de la table dans les petits villages. Depuis l’époque des colonisateurs, le Québec repousse les frontières de l’aventure. Dans ce territoire immense, les ours et les caribous sont souvent les seuls habitants! Explorez les forêts, les parcs nationaux et la toundra, en canot, en motoneige ou en avion avec la nature comme compagnon de voyage. FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 4 June 2013 16 Selon ce site Web, comment sont les
19 Où est-ce que le visiteur pourrait se détendre
et bien manger au Québec?
assez timides, mais extrêmement polis
généreux et fidèles à leur héritage
antipathiques aux étrangers
très travailleurs, aimant la simplicité
17 Quelle est la caractéristique principale des
villes du Québec?
à Montréal
dans les villages
dans la toundra
à Gatineau
20 Qui serait intéressé à visiter le Québec?
(1) Les gens qui aiment la vie urbaine, le
plein-air, la nature et la culture.
(2) Les gens qui veulent faire une croisière
et dîner dans les grands restaurants.
(3) Les gens qui aiment les parcs
d’attractions et les gratte-ciel.
(4) Les gens qui veulent payer moins cher
pour un hôtel confortable.
(1) On peut y voir des éléments
historiques et modernes.
(2) On peut y visiter beaucoup de zoos.
(3) On peut y conduire des motoneiges en
(4) On peut aller dans plusieurs parcs
18 Où devrait-on aller en vacances pour
observer les animaux aquatiques?
en ville
à Gatineau
au Saint-Laurent
dans les villages
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 5 June 2013 b Directions (21-25): Below each of the following selections, there is either a question or an incomplete
statement. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the
statement according to the meaning of the selection, and write its number in the space provided in your
answer booklet. [10]
Parcourez le catalogue, et choisissez un livre. Cliquez sur l’un des liens MP3 et le
fichier devrait immédiatement s’ouvrir. Vous pouvez également télécharger un fichier
audio en le sélectionnant avec le bouton droit de votre souris (sur Windows) ou par un
contrôle-clic (sur Mac), puis en l’enregistrant sur votre disque dur. Ensuite, il vous
suffira de double-cliquer sur le fichier sauvegardé pour que votre logiciel de lecture
audio l’ouvre.
21 What do these instructions teach you to do?
(1) use the library Internet service
(2) have books sent to your local bookstore
(3) buy CDs from a catalogue
(4) download audio books online
Si vous recevez plusieurs personnes à la maison et vous ne voudriez pas passer trop de
temps à la cuisine, voici une idée pour un dessert qui s’accompagne de glace. Faites vos
boules de glace à l’avance et gardez-les sur un plat au congélateur. La glace sera ainsi
beaucoup plus facile à servir à vos invités le moment venu, tout en vous permettant de
confectionner rapidement des coupes glacées pour ceux qui en voudront.
22 This tip would be of interest to a person who....
(1) wants to spend more time with dinner guests.
(2) does not like to prepare big dinners.
(3) is looking for a new dessert recipe.
(4) is allergic to dairy products.
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 6 June 2013 23
Au centre Raymond-­‐Bourque, plusieurs heures de glace sont disponibles entre septembre et avril afin d'y faire du patinage libre à l'intérieur. Pour connaître les horaires, composer le 514 956-­‐2580, poste 5 Tarifs Patinage libre Enfant : 2 $ avec carte-­‐loisirs ou 3 $ sans carte-­‐loisirs Adulte : 3 $ avec carte-­‐loisirs ou 4 $ sans carte-­‐loisirs Gratuit le mercredi soir avec la carte-loisirs
23 According to this advertisement, what activity is available for children and adults at the
Raymond-Bourque Center ?
(1) swimming lessons
(2) indoor tennis
(3) indoor ice skating
(4) cooking lessons
La Maison des Jeunes
La Maison des Jeunes accueille les jeunes de 10 à 20 ans. C'est un lieu d'échanges, de
rencontres, de loisirs, et un espace d'information pour la Jeunesse.
• Hors vacances scolaires: lundi, mardi, jeudi, vendredi de 17h00 à 18h30
• Pendant les vacances scolaires: Du lundi au vendredi: de 14h00 à 19h00
Une équipe d'animation propose des activités (baby-foot, billard, jeux de société...), des sorties
(cinéma, bowling, musées...), des activités sportives (tournois, tennis de table, piscine...) et
manuelles (fabrication de bougies, porte-clefs...) tout au long de l'année et également des miniséjours pendant les vacances d'été.
La Maison des Jeunes, 18 rue de Mendig, Téléphone : 01 69 48 27 30
24 What would you expect to do if you went to this Maison des Jeunes?
(1) take classes to learn new languages
(2) work with a charitable organization
(3) get help with homework and reports
(4) socialize and pursue leisure activities
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 7 June 2013 25
Maison à vendre
Belle villa Béarnaise du 18ème siècle avec 13 hectares de terrain situé dans un environnement exceptionnel offrant des vues superbes des Pyrénées et de la campagne vallonnée autour. La grande maison et deux granges avec des écuries entourent une cour fermée centrale. La maison a 6 chambres, 2 salles de bain, une salle d'eau, un séjour/salle à manger, une cuisine, et un grenier aménageable. Il y a une terrasse d’où vous pourrez profiter pleinement de la beauté du paysage. La propriété se trouve au bout d'un petit chemin et est calme sans être complètement isolée. 25 According to the ad, this house would be best suited for someone looking for…
(1) tranquility and excellent views.
(2) proximity to public transportation.
(3) views of the seashore.
(4) a small house for two people.
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 8 June 2013 c Directions (26-30): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements in
English. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the
statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your
answer booklet. [10]
Les loisirs, ce n'est pas seulement consommer, ou participer à des activités collectives. Comme tout le monde, les Français sont des amateurs de création artistique: 32% font de la musique, jouent d'un instrument, principalement de la guitare, du violon ou du piano; 18% font de la peinture ou du dessin; 14% font ou ont déjà fait du théâtre amateur; 8% font de la danse, les femmes en particulier. Par ailleurs, ils invitent assez rarement leurs amis ou la famille au restaurant, mais plutôt chez eux, pour de longs repas où ils savourent dans une ambiance plus intime une cuisine domestique, des plats originaux. Mais l'activité favorite des Français est le bricolage: faire des choses soi-­‐même, construire des meubles, améliorer la décoration de la maison, faire des petites -­‐ ou des grandes -­‐ réparations. 80% des hommes et 50% des femmes bricolent en France. Les bricoleurs ont leurs magazines spécialisés, des magasins conçus pour eux, des émissions de radio et de télévision où ils peuvent trouver les idées et l'outillage nécessaire à leurs projets. Et s'ils possèdent un jardin (un ménage français sur deux a un jardin de 650m2 en moyenne), les Français passeront beaucoup de temps à faire du jardinage. 26 What type of artistic pursuit is the most
popular in France?
28 According to the passage, what leisure-time
activity do the French enjoy the most?
(1) drawing
(2) music
(3) painting
(4) dance
(1) creating paintings and drawings
(2) going out to restaurants
(3) going to dances
(4) working on do-it-yourself projects
27 What can be said about the place of food
among French leisure activities?
29 What demonstrates a great interest in
gardening among the French?
(1) The French enjoy creating meals at
home for people they know.
(2) The French prefer to eat in restaurants
run by creative chefs.
(3) The French love creating meals that can
be consumed quickly.
(4) The French like to invite new
acquaintances into their homes.
(1) Landscapers are popular in France.
(2) Most French spend their weekends
shopping for garden tools.
(3) Half of French households maintain
home gardens.
(4) Large family vegetable farms are
30 Which of the following would be a good
title for this passage?
(1) "French Leisure Time and Creativity"
(2) "Professional Entertainers in France"
(3) "French Careers and Professions"
(4) "French Gardeners and Contractors"
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 9 June 2013 Part 4
Write your answers to Part 4 according to the directions below. Your answers must be in your
own words; no credit will be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as
material from other parts of this examination. [16]
Directions (31-33): Choose two of the three writing tasks provided below. In your answer booklet,
write your response to the two writing tasks you have chosen.
For each question you have chosen, your answer should be written entirely in French and should contain
a minimum of 100 words.
Place names and brand names written in French count as one word. Contractions are also counted as
one word. Salutations and closings, as well as commonly used abbreviations in French, are included in
the word count. Numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not counted as words.
You must satisfy the purpose of the task. Be sure to organize your response and to include a beginning,
middle, and ending. The sentence structure and/or expression used should be connected logically and
should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with minimal repetition.
31 You have just spent the past semester as an exchange student in a French speaking country. Write a
letter to your high school French teacher, telling about your experience. You may wish to include:
The city and country that you visited
What you studied there
A description of your host family
Your living accommodations
A typical day with your family or at school
A special family function/event that you attended
Places or sites you visited
What you learned during the exchange experience
Your recommendations or suggestions for future participants of the program
32 Your school is offering a special project opportunity in Haiti. Write an email to your French
speaking friend to persuade him/her to accompany you. In your letter, you should provide information
about the opportunity. You must accomplish the purpose of the letter which is to persuade your friend to
participate in this program with you. You may wish to include:
When the program will begin and end
What type of project you will be working on
What participants’ responsibilities will include
The expected daily routine, meals, etc.
A description of the living accommodations
What you might do in your free time
The benefits of participating in the project
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 10 June 2013 33 In French, write a story about the situation shown in the picture below. It must be a story relating to the
picture, not a description of the picture. Do not write a dialogue.
NOTE: The rubric (scoring criteria) for a Part 4 response receiving maximum credit appears below.
FLACS Regional Checkpoint B Examinations in Modern Languages
A response receiving maximum credit:
Accomplishes the task, includes many details that are clearly
connected to the development of the task, but there may be minor
The extent to which the response
exhibits direction, shape, and
Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence throughout, provides a clear
sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Makes smooth transitions
between ideas.
-Subject-verb agreement
-Noun-adjective agreement
-Correct word order
-Spelling/diacritical marks
Demonstrates a high degree of control of Checkpoint B (Regents
level) structure/conventions:
-Subject-verb agreement
-Present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate
-Noun-adjective agreement
-Correct word order
-Spelling/diacritical marks (e.g., accents)
Errors do not hinder overall comprehensibility of the passage.
Word Count
Includes a wide variety of vocabulary that expands the topic, but there
may be minor inaccuracies.
Contains 100 words or more.
FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 11 June 2013 FLACS Checkpoint B Exam 12 June 2013