antarctica - Palos District 118

The coldest continent that surrounds the South Pole is known as Antarctica. Antarctica is one of the
seven continents and is the southernmost continent in the world. Antarctica is the fifth largest continent
and is the cold, stormy, and packed with ice. Almost no one goes to the continent besides scientists and
daring tourists. Even with and helicopters to cover most of the land, satellite photographs have revealed
the rest.
~ What characteristics does Antarctica have? ~
Antarctica contains about seven cubic miles of ice. The Ross and Weddell seas are covered by ice
sheets floating in the sea. Despite the cold temperature many animals
live there. Penguins, seals, dolphins, and fish are just some examples.
~ What is the legal status of Antarctica? ~
Legally, no one can own Antarctica. It is reserved for science and
research purposes. Any minerals found must be shared with other
nations. This makes Antarctica a ‘world park’. The Antarctic treaty of
1959 had 12 nations sign. It said that Antarctica would be used for scientific reasons only. It also said no
nation could make military bases or use military weapons on Antarctica.
"Antarctica." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2016. Web. 2 Mar. 2016. Suppose you could change climate change, what would you do?
~ How is climate change effecting Antarctica? ~
Coalition. Climate Change and the Antarcric - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition. Non-Profit
Soapbox, n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2016. <>.
Climate change is also a big factor in Antarctica. Though it is very
hard to track the ice growth and shrinkage on Antarctica scientist believe
climate change is changing the ice and water levels. By tracking how much
ice is deposited into the ocean and how much snow is being added each
year scientist can see that 1.5-2 mm more ice is being deposited into the
ocean compared to how much is being added to the ice. Species of
animals that feed on algae (and those feeding on those animals) are
slowly decreasing and scientists believe this to be due to the cause of a
temperature increase (of 2 degrees Celsius). Scientist hope spreading
awareness of green house gasses and their effects will stop climate
1) Suppose you could change climate change, what would you do?
2) Why do you think Shackleton was so interested in exploring Antarctica?
Cite text evidence from both webpages to support your answer.