13@ ; 1i t{s*ft*nf+ Slau*s , - somrn$n E*ft+s.understanding ol bqian$*d va.unbaran+**'t#+*u(etetes*f mnti+n) - ld+aof i'naq-e andinertia - {dead wei$1e+a tcrie t) $peuialiaed ferc+s - Nerrilul Fsrqo - l{onmal torie'pninelineq Frictiqnul ferq+.($tatisandKin+tir) usin.g . $) $a+i+pr*hl*rne F,=ma, afld the4 mationequafiinq , a) Fegigpult+y nilddynqmi{:fi ''. prohleme. Frnh{ems, MGreadvaneqd dynamiqs prshlems Li,i, i. Newrazu:s3 rAws a - Hi:ni .ars,;Fv}rfisild.eela*s r s r L,.e | v, of mption .r, . . t . ';'" -L ' -jft T zn" L,,u I 2 rz.a , J La., b - F+n" thplet lawpf m+tipn, phnxs* it in c+mmpn sffTFF terrilF, yvhstipthstypq pf mptien rryhen pnandfip*i'ir* balan+ed, forqesaqtiing wfrstahrutwhen . fan*sn F,re unbalanced ? tisi'i*iu-lboj lxamptes . Forcesacting is zero or balanced . ,'' Forcesactingarc Unbalanced . ."n, .PAGE 2 t !t A F F pg"ES FXAItu{ $fl ruEWTS ru'SS tA WS .! .ri 1) whenwitlyouf'*l-1.{o.t:.u onyou ' hsideacarether a forcerharrfuowsyJutoward 1"lts tre I'f,'iy;'*"Jiff i;,!T#'lT.'r1,1:',ffi rfi ,,'!:TJ'Jlo*s,T*l,veiocirvina t) fromres{dFe-Q me.r'o .".iip;filhdl'ti.* oi ahecror-haiter. T::l:H$ lrthichof rhetwois Hf,rcer t0stoPl"-iii5::h" onceit isE-aveling ateomihC intemrsofinertia. /-7rr l_ -:x-"'- Lt: =v 3) \Yhendo yougetmuchlessgasrnileage; h stopandgoFafiicnor on theopenhighwaygoqrgg0 o' ttlt , -..':ld 4 , ' f'r , K t i' I ll " ablockonaskinghowwouldthetensioa of$restingbompare to theweighr of fheblock traa .*4o /crr Jt,,rJy ! yerJ ( ! t ' o '! , ' l %- I I ttr I l r L aI I I v Uei1r t mph? ' A<el,.of,n,, up ""-r--- / ) t , t A ( E e l ( , r d lt ^ q t'r +.. uaJn J -" rr- oJ fut f t + , )) tt you lveresiandingon a scelein an elevator: Witatrrruld.the$iale'readIF ----- rt It J id,tJr , n t r'{icr/, o q t$i' 'lal 6) A , r e.f Dou,, getweightless in theelovator? $_owdoyo_u Howcaurhefloor bicometheceitinii--" riow canyougettwicetheweightpg)? t ftt I ' 7) Explainwhy theasfronauts areweigfrtless whenorbitingtheEartr? Krt it ,3J ps@) NEWTON'sz^dLAWOf FORCE 1) In wordswhot is Newton,sZndLqw- 2) whot is the eguationfor Newton'szndLow,whot doesFn"trncoh ? 3) Explainttruqrips,tion of a tONewtonforccpushing 10Newtonforoe onanobjectandmeetingenothec in theoppositedircction. *fbi STMFLEPROBLEMS 't) A !o Newionforccactsonul objectof masrt0 kg. Whatwill theacceleratioo of themassbe? '-'+ Jtrt 2) If thesarneigrceasin prcblem1 aoted be? ontwiceasmuchrnass whatwouldtheacoeleration - nr!' ry@' 3) In the foilovriqg siiuationsITIID - The forceon the obiect - The objeaisaccel. - TLe objecismass -+o'lao' cl= 1.5Vt -'--- F' JazoN 1\rrc. / / / / t 7r / r 4 to 6 idaoquestions 4) hlirart'tl{e neit { crce accelwetl ctr ecttng ' l*. !r ePldfuPl b. dccJbl Ef . tha trr' FEtr,E!nr ofl an cbJqct d. halvel. lr nsnr of douElees the thrccr EI.If,F. i..nt l-r.r /) fi'7-F Ptl -tu 6) 1-P JZfr m -7///7V-tt////ttt Suppcce qt obJ eqt ,,i ftre.set s dacreeel f o r c e t s . g p . p l i c d ? r r t h s o b J r e . t -I t h a . :. 'EJ\) " L;e.I l|^! Farl.-e ,a cengtEnb i{ ni ! . ece.et.pt iltlen *n EhJ ect .[e Propol I ed *l31e x itretqht;f Aie pnttr in eper E *sc-cF. tf .thc meec a f . t h e e $ l e e t * " u g i u u . - t E G - * < i i f ereEs€! Er . g.lEdfLpl$iEr b" doubtes' ,d, lislvE€', Elq nqnE ef thetg. 7) f Netforce F eausesmassm, to acceleraieai rate a, A net force of 3F causes*"tt *, to ee€lErete gh rate 2a, What j.f the rado of messi,?1to messmrP --F ._-:e f' \I ("t -.-/ (l) r;3, (2)er3 q - < t - +------::€-, ')4. . {'.,. \*/ ) - L ' M UtrtrPtE FORCE'TYPE PRSBTEA,IS ':50 -fiN 'r""?Ll t-_t zo&f1 ((,,',1,i^- - fipoil Whot is the net Forceonthe object ? m, - 41 .2 . ta.*, [oi n r,ii n.er.u.iro, Il iJ1r.rt*b!.1h: furcrsF1 ft rnd Fl rcrtdE: * rhown.'-' Fe=8,0N The ecceleretion of th.bblockts (1) 5,b rnlsEto rherieht (g) ,l,om./s!to thele-ft. .r (3) 3,0 m1s!to the riEht . (4) 3.0 m./ssro the IeFt Whqt is the objectsqcceferotion ? FyE The diagram below shows a 4.0-kilogram object accelerating at 10. meters per seeondzon a rough horizontal surface. = 10.rnls2-+ Acceleration Frictional force = Ff (Notdrawnto scale) What is the magnitudeof the frictionalforceFoactingon the object? (r) 5.0N (2) I0. N (3) 20.N (4) 40.N Two forces, Fi and Fn, are applied to a block on a frictionless, h6rizontil surface as shown below. Fa=2N Fr=12N surface Frictionless If the magnihrde of the block's accelerationis what is the massof the 2.O.meteripersecondz, block? (3).6 kg (1) I kg (2) 5 kg (a)7ke A sk7divdrjlyP-Eo1t.ofe.plaae. !fis downward weightis 600N; He receives a forceof air resistance. equa[to 400N, Findtheskydiveriaccel, . : 'l' F '{oau ' F ,t, r- - F t I , t , l . - - .Y t \ I ir) \ '.tzr-' ' ,'roii . Go t<,, /f':\ l ' ' Il , v t/ =Coo,,v . I t / (?) fJq drive.itforward A cartravelsaudthe engines is withaforceof 250N. Tte forceof airresisfurca PROBTE&4S THATf ruVSLVE F=ma (buto=AVlt)so F=m(lVlt) . , fie mas_s of e sFsceshuttlels approxirnetely g.g I0Ekilograrns. buripgllft.;q thenetforce .x . on theshuttlels_'I.O x 107newtotrs U"*t.l "p. we.rd.Whatis the speedof the shuttle10, seiondsafterffi.o{ ftrlegle6t air resistance andthe . . .rness'ehaagethe.shuttle.l _of. n lgl ./: H :.g (s)5.0x ro.m/s 'r fk l'l 'l f " . 1 x1 o t 9 ' \ J (i) s.ox losm/s (+)s.ox ros;i; F aelf ,{d\ 450.-hlogram womenwearinga seatbelt is travis movinsi;;i-* ;;t;;ity;i iiT':-?^:atat meters Dersecond.In an emergency,'thE . .rru, Whar F5:rllughi the to a.stopin 0.S0 seeond., rorce.does seaibelf exerton the wo.man so ihat she remainsin her ,;;ip- ( I ) - i , 0 x r o 3N (s) -s,0 x r0zN (s)-S.0x tor N' (4)-u.Ex lor N U 7\ a) iVl'ratareragebrakingforce ls regufmdto siop.an&$ 'tocrrobileof srlassZOOOkg Asn a speedof g0kH&ffi ur/s)in {.5 s? [4.2] o A motorcyclebeing driven on a dirt path_hits1 rock. Its-60.-kilogramcyclist is projectedov-d into i the handlebaxsaf 20. metersper second. haystack.If the cyclist is brought to rest ir 0.50second,the magnihrdeof the averageforc exertedon the cyclistby the halntackis (3) 1.2x 103N (r)6.0x 10rN (4) 2.4 x I03 N (2) 5.9 x 102N (5) A 0.I5-hlogrambasebdlmovingat20.metersper secondis s-topped by a catchgiio O.OfO r"coid. The averageforce stoppingthe ball is (1 ) 3.0x 10-2N (3) 3 .0x 1 0 1 N (2) 3:0x 100N (4) 3.0x 102N A car increasesits speedfro.m _g.6metersper secondto I1.Z meteriper second in 4.0seconds. The averageaccelerati^on of the "", Jlri"g thi, 4.0-second-interval is (r)0.40m/sg (3) 2.8m/s2 (2) 2.4m/sz (4) 5.2 mlsz 4-0.45-kilogramfootball travelingat a qpeed -by of 22 - meters per second is caught an 84-hlogram siationaryreceiver. If-the foLtball comes to rest in the receiver's anns, the 6^* "F lt,, Fu"-" g. ll,e brll 6 Notewhatis Av andwhatis directionof his acceleration Note what is (Avlt)=(ballsacceleration) What is the directionof the balls accel. 4g and4g on the . ^Baseyour answersto questions information below. naD The instant before a batter hits a p:1f-ld",q"mbaseball, the velocityof the oau N 4b meters per secondwest. The instantafter the batter hits the ball, the ballt velocityis 35 metirs per second"*ri. fnu U*t andball are in cont"6tfor 1.0* fO-i r*";J. 48 Detennine the magnrlu-de and directionof the averageacceleration of the baseballwhile iii, * contactwith the bat. [s] 49 Calculatethe magnitudeo_fthe average forcethe bat exerrson the-bal_wlrilethtlrl in contact. lShow all work, including tfi6- "q*uon and substitution.withunits.] tej .-:1 Note what is (Av/t):(balls acceleration) What is the directionof the balls accel. (i t / lf-F' , u % u o l \)t*rsry
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