Unit 6 - Home : LPSS : Lafayette Parish School System

Lafayette Parish School System Curriculum Map
Mathematics: Grade 2nd
Unit 6: Money and Time
(LCC Unit 3 )
Time Frame:
Frame 22 instructional days
assess2know testing date:
date March 27, 2012
This unit extends number and operation skills to include money (skip counting by 5s) and time (telling time to the nearest 5 minutes).
Guided Questions:
Can students skip count by 5s, and 10s?
Can students tell time to the nearest 5 minutes and relate 5s on a clock?
Can students find and write the value of coins up to $1.00 using ¢ and $ symbols?
Can students read and construct line plots?
Can students solve simple logic problems?
Can students trade money (exp. 1 nickel for 5 pennies; 1 dime for 2 nickels, etc.)
Can students connect a quarter of an hour to 15 minutes?
Can students identify the time one hour before or after a given time?
Can students identify a minute as being shorter than an hour and a day as being shorter than a month?
Can students use calendars correctly?
Can students collect and organize data using observations and surveys?
Can students identify the missing element in a pattern?
Vocabulary List:
The sets of words are for vocabulary development throughout the year, not for isolated memorization or testing.
Money – penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, dollar ($), cent (¢), decimal point
Time – clock parts (face, hour hand, minute hand), hour/half-hour, half-past, 5-minute intervals, quarter of an hour =15 minutes, digital/analog clocks, an hour
before, an hour later, day, date, calendar
****The textbook is NOT the LPSS 2nd grade math curriculum. It is to be used as a resource for skills
presented in 2nd grade; therefore be selective with problems from the book as well as the workbook.
♦ Remember you must teach every GLE in each unit ♦
Lafayette Parish School System Curriculum Map
Mathematics: Grade 2nd
Unit 6: Money and Time
(LCC Unit 3 )
TLW be able to:
Instructional Notes/Strategies
This site provides you with simple logic
problems. We will have to provide students
with guidance regarding how to approach
this type of problem.
Harcourt: Logical Reasoning
Focus 6:1 Logic (2 instructional days suggested)
Solve logic problems involving
two sets by using elementary set
logic (i.e., and/or, and is/is not
statements) (D3)
Solve simple logic problems.
☛TE pgs: 114, 132, 184,
210, 232
☛LCC Activities – See the
Activity Alignment Document
for ideas1 (located on
Focus 6:2 Money (10 instructional days suggested)
Count and write the value of
amounts of money up to $1.00
using ¢ and $ (N2,N6,M1,M5)
Use the concept of one-to-several
correspondence to trade single
items for greater quantity of items
with unequal value (1 nickel for 5
pennies, 1 dime for 2 nickels)
Identify coins and give their value.
Skip count by 5s and 10s.
Determine the value of a set of coins up to
Write money amounts less than $1.00 using ¢
Write money amounts equal to $1.00 using $ and
decimal point.
Represent the value of a coin using different
Students must be able to identify a penny,
nickel, dime, quarter, and a half-dollar. Do
not make a big issue with the half-dollar
since there are not many in circulation.
Prior to 2nd grade, students found the value of
a set of coins with the same denomination.
When students have to determine the value of
a set of coins, start with a combination of
two different denominations. Do not move to
combinations of three different
denominations until students understand
combinations of two different denominations.
LCC Activity 2: Counting Coins – Uses a
hundreds chart to count a set of coins.
☛TE pgs. 204-212; 215-218,
221-226, 227-230(NO SYMBOLS)
☛Intervention Skills pgs:
☛Enrichment pgs:
☛Linking Math: A46, A47,
A48, A50, A51
These activities are listed for your consideration. The table of contents identifies the concept(s) the activity is addressing. All activities, chosen from the LCC or elsewhere,
must be chosen to achieve the GLEs embedded in each unit.
**REMINDER: Practice basic facts daily**
LPSS Comprehensive Curriculum 2011-2012
2nd Grade Mathematics Unit 6
Lafayette Parish School System Curriculum Map
Mathematics: Grade 2nd
Unit 6: Money and Time
(LCC Unit 3 )
TLW be able to:
Instructional Notes/Strategies
Another strategy students can use to find the
value of a set of coins is to draw strands of
hair or antennas on each coin. Each strand of
hair or antenna equals 5; therefore a quarter
would have 5 strands of hair or 5 antennas;
dime would have 2 strands of hair or 2
antennas; a nickel would have 1 strand of
hair or one antenna. Since the value of a
penny is less than 5¢, it would not have any
strands of hair or antennas. Once students
have drawn all the strands of hair or
antennas, they count by 5s and then by 1s.
☛LCC Activities – See the
Activity Alignment Document
for ideas1 (located on
Now students can count the antennas by 5s to
see that this is 40¢.
Recognize, extend, create, and
explain patterns of addition and
subtraction as represented in
charts and tables and in varied
forms of skip-counting (P1,P2)
Create a pattern with coins.
Identify the letter pattern.
Create a pattern with coins when given the letter
Identify the missing element in a sequence of
Recognize and explain the pattern.
Review repeating patterns from 1st grade.
Repeating: P P N P P N P P N
Letter Pattern: AAB
☛LCC Activities – See the
Activity Alignment Document
for ideas1 (located on
These activities are listed for your consideration. The table of contents identifies the concept(s) the activity is addressing. All activities, chosen from the LCC or elsewhere,
must be chosen to achieve the GLEs embedded in each unit.
**REMINDER: Practice basic facts daily**
LPSS Comprehensive Curriculum 2011-2012
2nd Grade Mathematics Unit 6
Lafayette Parish School System Curriculum Map
Mathematics: Grade 2nd
Unit 6: Money and Time
(LCC Unit 3 )
TLW be able to:
Instructional Notes/Strategies
Focus 6:3 Time (10 instructional days suggested)
Tell time to the nearest 5 minutes,
and identify the time one hour
before or after a given time(M1,3)
Model the concepts of thirds,
fourths, fifths and sixths using
regions, sets, and fraction words
(e.g. one-third, three-fourths, fivesixths) (P1)
Identify the parts of the clock face.
Differentiate between the hour hand and the
minute hand.
Relate the numbers on the clock to skip-counting
by 5s.
Set a clock for a time given.
Tell time to the nearest 5 minutes.
Tell the time one hour before or after a given
Show half of an hour as the same as 30
Show one-fourth of an hour as the same as 15
Select the phrase quarter of an hour for one-
Students should have a clock they can
manipulate during their entire study of time.
It would be especially helpful if students
would have access to clocks with gears.
LCC Activity 14: Counting the minutes!
Introduces moving the minute hand and skip
counting by 5s as the hands move to each
When students have to determine one hour
before or after a given time, start with
o’clock times. Have students count by 5s to
discover that when they get to 60 they will
have arrived back on 12 which represents
the next hour. Provide students with many
opportunities to practice with o’clock times.
We want students to notice that the only
thing that changes from the time given is the
Once students make the connection that 60
minutes makes an hour and recognize the
pattern, then give times to students that are
not o’clock times. Example: 3:15 4:35
☛TE pgs. 245-246
Students can be given 2 paper clock faces.
With one of the faces, have students fold the
clock in half. (Put finger on 9 and fold to the
three.) Have students color one part. Ask
what fraction of the clock did you color?
☛TE pgs. 247-248
☛Linking Math: B3
☛Intervention Skills pgs:
☛Enrichment pgs: IN399IN400
☛LCC Activities – See the
Activity Alignment Document
for ideas1 (located on
These activities are listed for your consideration. The table of contents identifies the concept(s) the activity is addressing. All activities, chosen from the LCC or elsewhere,
must be chosen to achieve the GLEs embedded in each unit.
**REMINDER: Practice basic facts daily**
LPSS Comprehensive Curriculum 2011-2012
2nd Grade Mathematics Unit 6
Lafayette Parish School System Curriculum Map
Mathematics: Grade 2nd
Unit 6: Money and Time
(LCC Unit 3 )
TLW be able to:
fourth of an hour.
Instructional Notes/Strategies
Have students count by 5s this part. Then
have students count by 5s the part that is not
colored. Students will notice each part is 30
minutes. Write 30 minutes + 30 minutes =
60 minutes
With the other face, have students fold the
clock in half. (Put finger on 9 and fold to the
three. Then have students put finger on 12
and fold down to 6.) Ask students how
many equal parts did they divide the face
into? Have students color the part from 12 to
3 red. Ask the students what fraction of the
clock did they color? Then have students
count by 5s the part that they just colored.
Have students use a blue color for the
section from 3 to 6. Ask the students what
fraction of the clock did they color blue?
Again have students count by 5s the part
that they just colored blue. Now ask what
part of the clock is colored and how many
minutes have been colored. Repeat this
procedure with the other two parts using two
different colors. This activity will
emphasize that one-fourth of an hour is the
same as 15 minutes.
After doing the activity given, introduce the
term quarter hour. You want students to
connect quarter hour with one-fourth of an
hour as well as 15 minutes.
Stress with students that a quarter of
something means it has been divided into
☛LCC Activities – See the
Activity Alignment Document
for ideas1 (located on
These activities are listed for your consideration. The table of contents identifies the concept(s) the activity is addressing. All activities, chosen from the LCC or elsewhere,
must be chosen to achieve the GLEs embedded in each unit.
**REMINDER: Practice basic facts daily**
LPSS Comprehensive Curriculum 2011-2012
2nd Grade Mathematics Unit 6
Lafayette Parish School System Curriculum Map
Mathematics: Grade 2nd
Unit 6: Money and Time
(LCC Unit 3 )
TLW be able to:
Instructional Notes/Strategies
four equal parts.
Compare units within the same
system (inch is shorter than a
foot, minute is shorter than an
hour, day is shorter than a month,
cup holds less than a quart) (M3)
Know that a minute is shorter than an hour.
Know that a day is shorter than a month.
Select activities that take a minute, an hour, a
day, or a month.
LCC Activity 13: That’s a Long Time!
This activity will help students grasp an
understanding of the length of a minute.
LCC Activity 18: How Long is an Hour?
This activity will help students understand
the length of an hour.
☛TE pgs. 243-244
☛Linking Math: B1
☛Intervention Skills pgs:
☛Enrichment pg: IN401
☛LCC Activities – See the
Activity Alignment Document
for ideas1 (located on
Select and use appropriate tools
and units to measure length,
time, capacity, and weight (e.g.,
scales for pounds and kilograms;
rulers for inches and centimeters;
measuring containers for cup,
quarts, and liters) (M2)
Identify a clock and a calendar as tools used
when working with time.
Select minute and hour as units used with a
Select day, week, and month as units used with a
Give students situations whereby they have
to tell whether they would use a clock or a
calendar. Example: What is the date on
Friday? (calendar) How much time before
the recess bell rings? (clock)
☛LCC Activities – See the
Activity Alignment Document
for ideas1 (located on
These activities are listed for your consideration. The table of contents identifies the concept(s) the activity is addressing. All activities, chosen from the LCC or elsewhere,
must be chosen to achieve the GLEs embedded in each unit.
**REMINDER: Practice basic facts daily**
LPSS Comprehensive Curriculum 2011-2012
2nd Grade Mathematics Unit 6
Lafayette Parish School System Curriculum Map
Mathematics: Grade 2nd
Unit 6: Money and Time
(LCC Unit 3 )
Collect and organize data using
observations, surveys, and
experiments (D1)
TLW be able to:
Show a schedule of school activities in a
monthly calendar
Answer calendar questions about the data.
Instructional Notes/Strategies
GLE 20 mentions day and month;
consequently we want to pose questions to
the students as it relates to a particular
month. Include questions that ask what day
of the week is today; what is the date 2 days
from today and what is the day of the week;
what day of the week is the beginning of the
month and what day of the week is the last
day of the month; how many Saturdays are
in the month, what date would it be in one
week and what would be the day of the
week, etc.
A daily question could be presented relating
to a calendar.
☛TE pgs: 260-266, 269-270
☛Linking Math: B4, B5
☛Intervention Skills pgs:
☛Enrichment pg: IN402
☛LCC Activities – See the
Activity Alignment Document
for ideas1 (located on
These activities are listed for your consideration. The table of contents identifies the concept(s) the activity is addressing. All activities, chosen from the LCC or elsewhere,
must be chosen to achieve the GLEs embedded in each unit.
**REMINDER: Practice basic facts daily**
LPSS Comprehensive Curriculum 2011-2012
2nd Grade Mathematics Unit 6