
Cimarron, KS 67835
December 2014
Vol. 12, No. 1
Lindee Carson saddles up, competes in barrel racing
By Tana Pickle
Lindee Carson, a freshman, has
been barrel racing all of her life.
“My mom and my grandma were
professional barrel racers, and my grandma is still training horses,” said Carson.
Carson has been around horses
her entire life.
“My family has been ranching
over 60 years,” she said.
Carson does a type of barrel racing called break-away.
“In break-away you tie a rope
with a cotton string to a saddle, rope the
calf, and try to break the string,” said Carson.
Carson competes in the Kansas
High School Rodeo and places all over
Kansas. She also competes in Beaver,
Oklahoma, and Buffalo, Oklahoma.
Carson has won many awards
during barrel racing.
“I’ve won the Beef Empire Days,
IFCA open barrel race, Beaver County
Rodeo Club (BCRC) 15-18 barrel racer,
and Harper County Rodeo Club (HCRB)
14-18 barrel racer,” she said.
Carson loves to barrel race, and
it is a big part of her life.
“My favorite part of racing is
when I’m coming around my last barrel to the finish line, I look at my time,
and know that I just won my race,” she
Award-winner: Lindee Carson, freshman, races around barrels, trying to get
the fastest time in competition.
A learning experience: Javier Corpus, Noel Cervantes, Anette
Holguin, and Julieta Corpus explore the public library. ESL teacher
Norma Pando took her class to visit the Cimarron City Library to learn
about the different resources available to all students.
The Bluejay Post
December 2014
page 2
CHS CCR classes collect food for Gray County Food Bank
Two weeks before Thanksgiving, CHS CCR classes conducted
a food drive in order to help restock dwindling supplies at the Gray
Counaty Food Pantry.
In total, students collected 1,447 items, which evened out to
over five items per student.
Students in Charles Dirk’s CCR class were the winners, however; and they and other classes which met their goals were honored
with root beer floats.
The month of November had been designated “Help out your
Community” month, and speakers from local organizations started the
theme by informing students of the many volunteer opportuities in our
immediate community.
In addition during that month, students and teachers also collected items for the Adopt-a-Soldier campaign. Those boxes were
mailed to soldiers serving overseas.
Packing up that Mac: Juniors Jack Berry, Alex Reed, and Cassandra Ortiz help sort items for the Gray County Food Bank. The
school collected packaged and canned foods during the month of November.
Mishayla Moffitt, senior
Moffitt chosen to attend Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Washington, D.C.
Senior Mishayla Moffitt was nominated to attend the Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Washington, D.C., which was
held November 14-16.
Mofitt was nominated by Dr. Connie Mariano, Medical Director of the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists to represent CHS based on her academic achievement, leadership potential, and determination to serve humanity in
the field of medicine.
During the three-day congress, Moffitt joined students from across the country to hear Nobel Laureates and National Medal
of Science Winners talk about leading medical research, be given advice from Ivy League and top medical school deans on what to
expect in medical school, witness stories told by patients who are living medical miracles, be inspired by fellow teen medical science
prodigies, and learn about cutting-edge advances and the future in medicine and medical technology.
The academy offers free services and programs to students who want to be physicians or go into medical science.
Suffering through an attack of the Hand, Foot, and Mouth Virus
By Kodee Stokes
A virus has taken over the school. It’s called
the hand, foot, and mouth virus.
What is this virus? Take it from someone who
has caught it, it is a virus that puts little red dots on the
back of your throat, on your hands, and your feet. It
hurts your throat and you get a fever for the first day or
two. It hurts to hold onto things, and it hurts when you
The red bumps on your feet, hands, and at the
back of your throat turn into blisters. Then your hands
and feet itch and ache for a while. The virus can last
from five to seven days. People have missed a full week
of school because of this, and many teens are behind on
homework, tests, and quizzes.
You have to be careful about what you touch
because it is contagious.
The hand, foot, and mouth virus is like the
chicken pox. Most people only get it once, but a few
people may get it again.
The first symptom to this virus is a sore throat.
If you have a sore throat, take a flashligh, use the light
on your phone, or maybe have your parents look for red
dots in the back of your throat. If you see them, stay home for a week.
The virus can spread to the sides of your
tongue and put bumps on your face and/or around your
mouth. On the feet, it can put in air bubbles which can
pop. When they peel off, it hurts.
The hand, foot, and mouth virus is most com-
mon in children since they go around exploring, touching stuff all the time, and putting their hands in their
Doctors suggest that you should always stay
hydrated and wash your hands. A shower is always
My suggestion is when your hands and feet
itch, take an allergy pill. Drink a lot of water and take
some Nyquil to help you sleep at night.
When I had it, the pain was terrible. I had to sit
down when I wanted to get some medicine.
If you haven’t caught it, I hope you don’t catch
If you have it, good luck!
The Bluejay Post
December 2014
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CHS KAY Club stays busy on projects during first semester
By Tana Pickle
Kansas Association of Youth (KAY) is
a leadership club for junior high and high school
students. Members of KAY Club help serve our
school, community, nation, and world.
This semester the CHS KAY Club accomplished many projects.
“The club has helped clean the glass
in the gym before a volleyball game, helped the
sixth graders make a craft before Halloween, and
handed out Halloween candy to all of the high
school students,” said KAY Sponsor Jackie Jantz.
The CHS KAY Club also went to Dodge
City on Saturday, November 3, to pack meals for
Numana, which is an international hunger relief
organization. It benefits children and families in
the United States, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Haiti,
Vietnam, El Salvador, Malawi, Honduras, Columbia, South Africa, Rwanda, Philippines, and
Liberia. The CHS group packed meals for the
Dodge City area.
When the club visited Numana in Dodge
City, they packed 540 meals.
Some KAY members also helped gather food for the Gray County Food Bank before
KAY officers attended the KAY Regional Conference in Holcomb on November 12.
“We will also celebrate KAY Citizenship week on December 8-12,” Jantz said.
HELPING HANDS: Cody Woods, Josh Hibbs, and Brandon
Figueroa help pack items for the Adopt-a-Soldier campaign.
Sending Supplies to Soldiers: Students in John Mowry’s
class help KAY Club pack supplies to be mailed to soldiers overseas.
Taylor Carson, Sydney Meis, Mariana Ramirez, and AnnaMaria
Ramirez work to get boxes full and closed for mailing before Thanksgiving.
an enchanted evening
Members of Instructor Lynn Unruh’s vocal class perform at their
concert in November. The group sang selections from Disney movies
to Broadway show tunes.
Vidal Mendoza,
Jamison Bourgeois, Mishayla
Moffitt, Ellie
Moffitt, and
Zach Schmidtget ready to
buzz in during
their home
Scholars’ Bowl
meet held on
December 2.
The Bluejay Post
December 2014
page 4
Lots of New Faces at CHS this year
Jamison Bourgeois, grade 10
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Caramel brownies. *What’s the name of your favorite movie?
Remember the Titans. *If you could be any animal, what
would it be? An elephant because they’re big! *If you
could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be? To
the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. *What is your hidden talent? Singing. *What was the hardest thing about switching
schools? Losing my old friends and meeting new ones. *If
you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would
it be? Julius Caesar. *How would you describe yourself in
one word? Ridiculous.
Grace Greene, grade 8
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Dessert
pizza. *What’s the name of your favorite movie? Alexander
and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. *If you
could be any animal, what would it be? A giraffe because
I’ve always wandered what it would be like to be so tall.
*If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would
it be? London, England; I’ve been there once, but only
for a few hours and would love to stay longer. *What is
your hidden talent? Well, I like to sing and play guitar and
piano. *What was the hardest thing about switching schools?
Leaving all the friends I’ve known since I was three. *If
you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would
it be? My grandmother, who passed away when I was little. *What’s your favorite word and
why? Flubber. There’s no reason—I just think it’s funny.
Amanda Tesson, Math Teacher
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Cake
batter ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. *What’s the name
of your favorite book? The Great Gatsby. *If you could be
any animal, what would it be? I would be a cat because they
get to sleep all day. *If you could travel to anywhere in the
world, where would it be? Jamaica. *What is your hidden
talent? I can do an infinite amount of back handsprings in
a row. *What was the hardest thing about starting the school
year out? Moving to a new town and living alone. *If you
could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it
be? Amy Poehler. *How would you describe yourself in one
word? Funny—at least I think I am. *What’s your favorite
word? Perfect. I’m not sure, but everyone tells me I say it all the time.
would it be? Hawaii. *What is your hidden talent? Singing. *What was the hardest thing about switching schools?
Leaving my friends and meeting new people was hard.
*If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who
would it be? Courie Kae Cox because she passed away,
and I miss her. *How would you describe yourself in one
word? Weird. *What is your favorite word? Swag because it reminds me of my sister.
Osama Kokasah, grade 12
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Donuts and ice cream. *If you could be any animal, what
would it be? A cat because it’s not savage. *If you could
travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be? Turkey, Istanbul. *What is your hidden talent? I play guitar.
*What was the hardest thing about switching schools? The
language. *If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or
dead, who would it be? Someone alive, my friend in Jordan. *How would you describe yourself in one word? Adventurous.
Diana Orozco, grade 7
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Salad.
*What’s the name of
your favorite movie? Divergent. *If you could be any animal, what would it be? A horse because I’ve been around
them a lot, and they’re my favorite animal. *If you
could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Australia. *What is your hidden talent? Acting, drawing,
and singing. *What was the hardest thing about switching
schools? Leaving my friends and family. *If you could
have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?
My aunt. *What is your favorite word? Faith because if
I’m sad, no matter what it is, you never lose faith.
Jasmine Ramirez,
grade 7
Estevan Hernandez, grade 9
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? An
Oreo. *What’s the name of your favorite movie? Enter
the Dragon. *If you could be any animal, what would it
be? An eagle, free to roam and protected by law. *If
you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would
it be? Antarctica. *What is your hidden talent? I’m a
fast learner. *What was the hardest thing about switching
schools? Just being a new guy. *If you could have dinner
with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Bruce Lee.
*How would you describe yourself in one word? Curious.
Iran Mesta, grade 8
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Cherry cheesecake. *What’s the name
of your favorite movie? Grownups 2. *If you could be any animal, what would it be? A zebra
because I love the colors and zebra print. *If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where
Nathan Vang, grade 7
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Cheesecake. *What’s the name of your favorite movie? The Maze
Runner. *If you could be any animal, what would it be?
A frog because I want to know how it feels being born
in water, then having to be on land. *If you could travel
to anywhere in the world, where would it be? To Paris.
*What is your hidden talent? I’m a good cook. *What was
the hardest thing about switching schools? Missing friends.
The way the schools are very different. Finding rooms.
*How would you describe yourself in one word? Funny.
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Ice
cream. *What’s the name of your favorite movie? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. *If you could be any animal,
what would it be? A badger because they’re fierce and
courageous. *If you could travel to anywhere in the world,
where would it be? I would go to Japan. *What is your
hidden talent? Drawing. *What was the hardest thing
about switching schools? Losing friends. *If you could
have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? I
would have dinner with Marilyn Monroe. *How would
you describe yourself in one word? Smart. *What’s your favorite word? Home because the
word sounds calm and nice.
Nicholas Pfeifer, grade 7
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be?
Cherry cream pie. *What’s the name of your favorite
movie? The Sand Lot. *If you could be any animal, what
would it be? An eagle because they can fly. *If you could
travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be? Colorado. *What is your hidden talent? Baseball. *If you
could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would
it be? Jesus. *How would you describe yourself in one
word? Helpful.
Christian Ramirez,
grade 10
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be?
Carrot cake. *What’s the name of your favorite movie?
Titanic. *If you could be any animal, what would it be?
A shark because I like to be in water. *If you could
travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be? Paris. *What is your hidden talent? Playing video games.
*What was the hardest thing about switching schools? In
football, switching coaches and teammates. *If you
could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would
it be? George Washington. *How would you describe
yourself in one word? Creative. *What’s your favorite
word? Swoosh because I like the sound it makes.
Hunter Bailey, grade 8
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Key
lime pie. *What’s the name of your favorite movie? Maze
Runner. *If you could be any animal, what would it be? A
bird because they can fly. *If you could travel to anywhere
in the world, where would it be? Brazil, to Rio. *What is
your hidden talent? Playing a trap set and piano. *What
was the hardest thing about switching schools? Meeting
new friends. *If you could have dinner with anyone, alive
or dead, who would it be? George Washington. *How
would you describe yourself in one word? Different.
Andrew Gwennap, English teacher
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Strawberry cheesecake. *What’s the name of your favorite book?
The Outsiders. *If you could be any animal, what would
it be? A horse, for pleasure rides. *If you could travel to
anywhere in the world, where would be? England. *What
is your hidden talent? My wit. *What was the hardest thing
about starting the school year out? Lesson plans. *If you
could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would
it be? William Shakespeare. *How would you describe
yourself in one word?
Driven. *What’s your
favorite word? Perfection. I have not achieved it yet, but I still try.
Rob Adams, science teacher
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Double-stuffed Oreos dipped in peanut butter. *What’s the
name of your favorite book? The Gunslinger series by Stephen King. *If you could travel to anywhere in the world,
where would it be? Pacific Crest Trail, all 2,663 miles of
The Bluejay Post
December 2014
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it. *What was the hardest thing about starting the school year out? Learning names. *If you
could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Ayn Rand. *How would you
describe yourself in one word? Driven. *What’s your favorite word? Why because it provokes
George Fowler, special education teacher
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be?
Chocolate turtle cheesecake. *What’s the name of your
favorite book? Other People’s Children. It tells educators how to use diversity as an advantage when teaching. *If you could be any animal, what would it be? A
bald eagle. I would like to soar with the eagles. They
are the symbol of freedom and represent our country.
*If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would
it be? Greece. I’d like to see Athens and Sparta. *What
is your hidden talent? I keep all my talents pretty well
hidden. *What was the hardest thing about starting the school year out? Writing rules for
students I didn’t know yet. *If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it
be? My father who passed away about four years ago. I miss him. He was my best friend.
*How would you describe yourself in one word? Slow. *What’s your favorite word? Onomatopoeia; it sounds cool and it’s hard to spell!
Andrew Ebey, band teacher
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? A strawberry milkshake. *What’s the
name of your favorite book? A Song of Fire and Ice (series).
*If you could be any animal, what would it be? A turtle so
that I could mutate and become a Ninja turtle. *If you
could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Iceland. *What is your hidden talent? Making balloon animals. *What was the hardest thing about starting the school
year out? Staying organized. *If you could have dinner
with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? John Lennon.
*How would you describe yourself in one word? Sarcastic.
*What’s your favorite word? Defenestration because I find
its definition funny.
Randall Rath, football coach and P.E. teacher
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Cherry pie. *What’s the name of your favorite book? Crackerjack Halfback. *If you could be any animal, what would it
be? A housecat. I could lie around all day and be a pest.
*If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would
it be? Any beach—like on the ocean. *What is your
hidden talent? I can install garage doors fast. *What
was the hardest thing about starting the school year out?
Inservices. *If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or
dead, who would it be? My grandparents on both sides.
*How would you describe yourself in one word? Caring.
Jocelyn Serna, math teacher
*If you could eat any dessert item, what would it be? Pumpkin cheesecake. *What’s the name of your favorite book?
Green Eggs and Ham. *If you could travel to anywhere in
the world, where would it be? Greece. *What is your hidden
talent? I can open a banana with my feet. *What was the
hardest thing about starting the school year out? Learning
my kids’ names. *If you could have dinner with anyone,
alive or dead, who would it be? Ellen Degeneres. *How
would you describe yourself in one word? Independent.
The Bluejay Post
December 2014
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Football gets new coach, ends season strongly
By Tana Pickle
The Cimarron Bluejays football season can be summed up in three words:
detication, hard work, and belief.
The boys started their season with a new head coach, Randall Rath. Rath
coached the team to several victories to wind up the season on a positive note.
Sophomore player Brandon Rodriquez said, “I liked the camaraderie between
teammates and the relationships we built with coaches and players. I also liked the
work ethic our coaches instilled in us all.”
Players named to All-league were A.J. Cooper (1st team TE), Kaleb Neuschafer (1st team OL and LB), Nick Ast (2nd team QB and DB), Blake Neuschafer (1st
team RB, 2nd team LB), and Jaylen Pickle (2nd team DL).
Pickle, A.J.
Neuschafer, Kaleb
Neuschafer, and
Nick Ast.
Cheerleaders spread the spirit
Girls’ golf makes it to state,
Ediger places second
Cheerleaders: Timberly Smith-Jones, Alyssa Diebert, Korina Bailon, Megan
Miller, Andrea Bryant, Konner Moler, Brooklyn Walker, Victoria Toothaker, Maddie
Ediger, and Clemie Jantz.
Girls’ tennis team in the swing of things
double time:
Sophomore Caissa
Smith and Junior
Lizzet Mendoza
work hard playing
Up to par: Brynn Walker, Konner Moler, Morgan Ediger, Coach Charlie
Harp, Maty Moyer, Tana Pickle, and Makenzie Rogers are happy to be playing
state golf. The team placed seventh at state, and Ediger took second place as an
The Bluejay Post
December 2014
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Lady Jays wrap up Volleyball Season at end of fall
By Megan Miller
The Lady Jay volleyball season
this fall was not what they were hoping
for. However, the girls did a fantastic job
about learning new positions, adjusting
new players, and staying positive.
Varsity was coach Kelli Buehler,
coach for Junior Varsity was Mikaela
Holsten, and C-team coach was Jocelyn
Lady Jays named to All-league
Second Team were the following: Audra
Burns and Samantha McPhail.
Cross country girls do well at state
With a new coach, Rob Adams, and a good-sized group, CHS Cross
Country did well this season, and the girls came in eighth at state competition.
Smith, Timberly Smith-Jones, Kari Blattner,
Madison Ediger, and Moesha Weber hold
their eighth-place award from state cross
country competition in Lawrence.
Work the net!
1. All-league Second Team players: Audra Burns and
Samantha McPhail.
2. Varsity cover while Senior Ana Bailon blocks the hit.
3. Junior Korina Bailon and Senior Jordan Seabolt go
up for a double block.
Administration News
The Counselor’s Corner
The Principal’s Perspective
When a student reaches high school, certain questions immediately begin to get asked,
such as “Where do you want to go to college?” “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“Have you looked at programs for after graduation?”
These questions are overwhelming to a new freshman, along with his or her parents.
There is no set time frame or guidelines for how or when to find the answers to these questions.
Below is a checklist that I developed to help parents and students begin the journey toward
post-graduation plans. Whether, a student is planning to go to college, a technical program, the
military or straight to the workforce, he or she must research or investigate their option so that
they can make the best decision possible.
Freshman Year
Remember Cumulative GPA begins NOW!!!
Start building your resume by getting involved in activities in and out of school.
Enroll in challenging and appropriate courses
Create a file to keep track of honors, jobs, and activities
Begin to talk to your parents about post high school plans
Complete one or more career interest inventories
Challenge yourself-strive to do your best
Continue to keep track of honors, jobs and activities
Research, revise and narrow down career options
Start a list of possible colleges/programs that interest you
During the summer, visit colleges/programs you are interested in
Attend Exploration Days and Job Shadow
Concentrate on your GPA and enroll in challenging courses
Get information packets from the colleges that interest you
Take the ACT/SAT
Visit colleges/programs that you are interested in
Attend College/Career Fairs and Job Shadow
Continue to keep track of honors, jobs, and activities
Begin to investigate scholarships
Note-taking is an essential college and career readiness skill, and like all skills, it
needs to be learned and put into practice. Middle and high school students can’t be expected
to exhibit the level of note-taking skills that adults possess since many students have had
limited experience with taking notes. Teachers at nearly every level will describe note-taking
as a key to learning, but its usefulness beyond higher education should not be overlooked.
Earlier in the semester, teachers devoted some College and Career Readiness
(CCR) time to taking notes and helping students use their planners for organization and recording important information. Learning how and when to write pertinent information down
needs to be practiced, and good habits will develop over time. Teachers are very adept at
cueing students when an important concept or sequence needs to be recorded for future use
and students need to learn how to paraphrase information quickly and accurately. Trying to
copy down lecture information word for word or copying information from the board or a
presentation doesn’t help students learn to formulate notes on their own. Good note-taking
is not the same as transcription which some students mistakenly believe.
Studies have demonstrated that students who wrote down information during a lecture have a slightly better retention rate than those who merely listened to it. When students
review their notes outside of the lesson, they learn more about what was taught (Kobayashi,
Good study habits can be further developed when students utilize notes both for
review and also in preparing for upcoming assessments. Students are much more likely to
focus on good note-taking when they understand the purpose for taking good notes in the
first place. By revisiting the purpose and analyzing their notes, students will build the skill
of ensuring they have captured the right information.
--John Luhrs, CHS Principal
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Senior Year
Enroll in challenging and appropriate courses
Visit colleges/programs to help make final decision
Apply to school(s) or programs of choice
Take the ACT/SAT if needed
Winter Jam rocks
By Kodee Stokes
People love concerts, but we
know the prices can go up to $500 and
maybe even more for just one seat!
Have you ever thought that there
should be a concert that is cheap but fun?
Winter Jam is that concert! It is a Christian concert.
Every year, they get ten different
bands and a new speaker to go on tour
during winter. I forgot! The price is ten
dollars and no tickets. It’s first come, first
serve. The First Christian Church
(FCC) attended last year and now they
are going to Oklahoma City on March 7
for this incredible event.
For V.I.P. setting it is an additional $29.99, meaning you get to come
Guess the mystery persons!
Look at all three close-up photos of three different people.
Guess who is in each picture by looking
at the features in these close-up pictures.
Once you are certain of your answer,
see Mrs. Hewes in Room 125. There will be three winners,
one for each photo.
If you are the first person to guess correctly,
you will receive a prize!
The Bluejay
December 2014
page 3
Attend a financial aid workshop (hosted by your school)
Fill out the FAFSA
Research and complete scholarship applications
Complete resume to be attached to applications
in early, get some merchandise first, talk
to some of the members, and more. It is
truly amazing. Last year, the FCC loved
what they saw and heard there.
The trip to Witchita last year
was freezing cold and the wait was long,
but it was worth it. Some members of the
FCC got to ask their favorite artist questions, took selfies together, and got auto-
--Karrie Millershaski, CHS Counselor
Are you interested? You can
go to The bands this
year are Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca
Battistelli, Building 429, Family Force 5,
Newsong, For King & Country, Blanca,
About A Mile, and Veridia. The speaker
this year is Tony Nolan.
Hope you go and have fun!