Texas^ The Alamo - Hanover Area Historical Society

Territorial Flags, Confederacy
Texas^ The Alamo
Date: 1824
Description: Green, white
and red tri-colors in vertical
stripes. [XOl]
During the 1820s and 1830s
numbers of Americans
emigrated to Texas and
settled in the Mexican state.
The growing population of
American settlers in Texas and differences between them and the Mexican
Government led finally to the Texas War of Independence.
This flag flew over the Alamo at San Antonio, Texas. On March 6, 1836, the
Mexican army, led by Santa Ana, captured the historic mission fort, killing all of
its 187 defenders. Six weeks later, the Mexican army was defeated, establishing
Texas as an independent country.
The flag is a modified version of the Mexican
National Flag. The date 1824 in the white stripe
indicates the adherence of the Texans to the
Mexican constitution of 1824.
Among the defenders of the Alamo were legends
Jim Bowie, Davey Crockett, and William Travis. Sam
Huston was the leader of the Americans during the
independence movement.
C. Clausen H i s t o r i c Flag
H a n o v e r A r e a H i s t o r i c a l Society