t b* CHAPTÉR 13 l)ate Pcriorl N¿¡¡ne BIOMASS IN COBAL REEF ECOSYSTEMS Pre-AP Activity T' :. 5 c,C, One of the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth is the coral reef. Scientists estimate that while coral reefs occupy less than one percent of the ocean floor, they account for ten percent of the fish we consume and are home to more than a third of all marine ËË øt q# fish species. ¡¡ ãJ ()¡ g THE CORAL REEF FOOD WEB (f¡ o As you saw in Figure l3, I 1 on page 410, even a simplified coral reef food web is complicated, Phytoplankton and zooxanthellae-symbiotic algae that live within coral polyps-form the base of the web, converting sunlight into energy that is then taken up, in part, by primary consumers such as sponges, corals, fish, sea furtles, and zooplankton. These primary (1") consumers are then consumed by secondary (2o) consumers, which are in turn consumed by tertiary consumers (3"), and so on. There are multiple levels, and the variable diets of many species can place them on more than one level. For example, a tiger shark that feeds on a large grouper might in that instance be a quatern ary (4) consumer if the grouper ate a small fish that ate a shrimp that ate some phytoplankton. A few days later, the tiger shark could eat a sea turtle that is a primary consumer, thereby making itself a secondary consumer, ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Because of the shifting nafure of this complex food web, some coral reef ecologists focus not on individual species but on families or groups of organisms to determine the trophic structure of a reef. For example, scientists might assign all consumers into three groups: primary, secondary, and tertiary. After extensive field work to gather data, the scientists might construct pyramids of biomass or numbers that make it easier to "see" the ecosystem's trophic structure. t C Numbers (of o o E organisms) Biomass (metric tons/hectare) 2 3o consumers 180 2o consumers 2 o O .c 0.3 =co c o) f o T 2000 õþ : 30,000,000 õO) 1o consume 0.7 1'producers 0.004 l o oO o c Ot 'E o o O An ecological pyramid represents a hierarchy of feeding relationships in which large numbers or masses of organisms at the base support smaller numbers or masses of organisms above. Pyramids are often drawn in a general, symbolic way. For example, if the pyramid of numbers shown above were drawn proportionally starting from the top level as shown, the drawing of the producer level could end up being larger than your school. And if it were drawn based on the producer level as shown, the top level would be microscopic. Unit 5 Resource Book McDougal Littell B¡ology Pre-AP Activity 29 c^) (:t) cf, () õ cc l¿J F() ! l-u v, dr¡.¡ <o) -CL c) Ct L '; o- I)atc Period Nalne The shape of a pyramid may also be skewed by the amount of time in which data was collected or the lifespans of the organisms. In the biomass pyramid shown, the producer level is relatively tiny because at any given moment the mass of phytoplankton is small. Because phytoplankton reproduce very quickly, their biomass over time is enough to sustain the consumers. This is analogous to the mass of food in your kitchen. On any given day it is probably less than your family's mass, but over the course of a year-not to mention your lifetime-the mass of food is many times larger than the human biomass in your kitchen "ecosystem." Biomass of tish in the Two Groups of Hawaiian lslands (metric t0ns/hectare) The table to the right shows data of the average biomass of coral reef fish living around the five Main 10 20 30 lsland Consumers Consumers Gonsumers French trigate Shoals 0.6 0.3 1.7 Gardner 1,6 1 1.3 Kure 0.6 0,4 0.3 Laysa n 0.7 0.2 1.2 Lisia nski 0.7 0.2 1,8 Maro 0.7 0.3 07 0.4 0,3 0.7 Nihoa 1.6 0.6 0.6 Pearl & Hermes 0.3 0.6 3B Hawai'i 0.4 4.2 0.1 Kauai 0.2 0.2 0 Hawaiian lslands (MHl)and nine Northwestern Hawaiian z= lslands (NWHI). The NWHI are home to at least 7000 species, a N third of which are endemic, meaning they are found nowhere else on Earth, They were given National Monument status in = 2006. ecka r Maui 0,5 0.4 0.1 Molokai 0.3 0.2 0 0ahu 0.3 0.3 0 Biomass ; C o o E o O Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper, 1. Compare the structure of the two island groups' ecosystems. First, calculate the ,C F > average fish biomass in each trophic level for each island group. Then use these values to draw biomass pyramids on graph paper. Draw the pyramids so that the levels are proportional to the dara. (Hinr: Draw the smallesr level first.Pyramids should reflect the following avg. MWHI: p-0.8, s-0.43, 2. MHl. f-1.34 MHI: p-0.34, s-0.26, t-0.04 c o s O) l .o fish b rEma SS q) What do the pyramids reveal about the differences between the island groups' reef .E J ecosystems? sample answer: The average biomass of tertiary consumers in the NWHI is much greater th ,Þ hat of o ôO is lt also greater than the biomass of the lower trophic levels in it's ecosystem. Total average NWHI>MHl. .s 3. Given that few humans live in the NWHI, what might be responsible for the difference o in fish biomass between the two island groupsr Fishing ! ,? 4. o How can the biomass of 2o consumers support a much larger 3o consumer biomass in the o O NWHI? Consider the life spans of organisms in these levels, as well as the migratory abilities of top level consumers. The secondary consumers may have much shorter lives than those above them, meaning several generations of fish may feed the top level. Also, some fish migrate, meaning they could be counted in an ecosystem one day only to be living and feeding in another the next day. 30 Pre AP Activity Unit 5 Fesource Book N/cDougal LitÌell Biology
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