Extinction - Philip Morant School and College

Unit: Extinction
Homework tasks Self Assessment ‐ Starting point worksheet LAT ‐ Zoo visitor information Research task ‐ research for ISA style SC1 task Computer based task ‐ bitesize task Extended writing task ‐ The World is warming up Revision for test ‐ Revision check list and recommended resources. Working scientifically 1. Experimental skills and investigation 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Levels 3 ‐ 5 To ask simple questions and develop a line of enquiry based on their observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience To make simple predictions using scientific knowledge and understanding To plan and design part or full simple investigations and experiments to make observations and test predictions To use appropriate simple techniques, apparatus and materials when carrying out experimental work To make and record observations during simple investigations and experiments Levels 5 ‐ 8 To ask more complex questions and develop a line of enquiry based on their observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and understanding Makes predictions of more complex variables eg continuous using scientific knowledge and understanding To plan and design full investigations and experiments to make observations and test predictions using more complex variables To use a range of techniques, apparatus and materials when carrying out experimental work To make and record observations and measurements using a range of different experiments and investigations 2. Handling information and problem solving 2.1 Levels 3 ‐ 5 To present observations and data using appropriate tables and bar charts Levels 5 ‐ 8 To present observations and data using appropriate tables, bar charts and line graphs 2.2 To use simple observations and measurements to draw conclusions To present simple explanations of presented data 2.3 2.4 To identify simple questions arising from collection of experimental results 2.5 To interpret observations and data including identifying patterns to draw conclusions To present reasoned explanations, including explaining data in relation to predictions and hypothesis To identify more complex questions arising from collection of experimental results To evaluate data showing an awareness of potential sources of random and systematic error 3. Scientific attitudes 3.2 Levels 3 ‐ 5 To identify risks when conducting experimental work 3.3 3.1 Levels 5 ‐ 8 To identify risks and include control measures when conducting experimental work To pay attention to the objectivity and concern for validity, accuracy, precision and measurement of uncertainty To understand that scientific methods and theories develop as scientists modify earlier explanations to take account of new evidence and ideas, together with the importance of publishing results and peer review 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 Levels 3 ‐ 5 To use some simple SI units for measurements To use some simple equations eg speed = distance/time To analyse simple data Levels 5 ‐ 8 To understand and use a range of SI units for all measurements To use and rearrange simple equations To analyse more complex data Extinctionself‐assessmentWhatdoIalreadyknow?
Questions What I know? I can give examples of Adaptations. I can explain how adaptations help organisms to survive I can give examples of extinct organisms. I can explain how organisms become extinct. I can describe the different ways in which humans have an impact on the environment. I can give examples of endangered animals. I can explain how living organisms are classified I know what a classification key is. I can explain how to produce a key to identify different organisms. :
LAT 5-7
Zoo visitor
As an expert in animal adaptation,
a Zoo has commissioned you to help
with the design of the visitor
information plaques. Each animal
enclosure needs a new information
plaque that tells the visitors about
the animals they are seeing. The
plaques are important because
they help to educate the visitors
about the needs of the animals at
the park and help them to
understand the threats to the
animals’ natural environment.
Your task is to design an A3 visitor information plaque for one desert animal and
one polar animal.
Choose one animal from the polar regions and one animal from the desert.
Polar animals: Emperor penguin, musk ox, lemming, snowy owl.
Desert animals: Fennec fox, Jack rabbit, South African sand grouse, camel,
kangaroo rat.
The information plaque must include:
 A description of the key features of each animal’s environment.
 A diagram of each animal and an explanation of how it is adapted for survival in
its environment, including: body size and surface area, thickness of coat,
amount of body fat, camouflage.
 Highlight any threats to the animal and its natural habitat.
 State what can be done to help conserve the animal if necessary.
 Write in your own words.
Key words
adaptation, competition, conservation, environment, extreme, global temperature, organism,
pollution, population, predation, deforestation, replacement planting,
Skills used:
LAT 5-7 Zoo information
What is your target grade? Use this grade ladder to help you reach it.
To get
You might have:
Designed a simple visitor information plaque for two animals: one from the
polar regions and one from the desert.
Listed three features of each habitat.
On a diagram, identified two adaptations of each animal to its environment.
Stated how each adaptation helps the animal to survive.
Identified at least one factor that affects the size of the population of each
Identified at least one way in which humans can help to conserve the animals.
Stated simply some reasons for keeping the animal in the safari park.
Used simple key words correctly.
Written your ideas in simple sentences.
Used and listed two sources of information.
Designed a visitor information plaque for two animals: one from the polar
regions and one from the desert.
Described simply the main features of each habitat.
On a diagram, identified at least four adaptations of each animal to its
environment including: body size and surface area, thickness of coat, amount
of body fat, camouflage.
Explained simply how each adaptation helps the animal to survive.
Listed several factors that affect the size of the population of each animal.
Discussed simply some reasons for keeping the animal in the safari park.
Use most key words correctly.
Written your ideas in all your own words, using proper sentences.
Used and listed at least four sources of information.
Designed a detailed visitor information plaque for two animals: one from the
polar regions and one from the desert.
Described the main features of each habitat, using both quantitative and
qualitative data.
On a diagram, identified at least four adaptations of each animal to its
environment including: body size and surface area, thickness of coat, amount
of body fat, camouflage.
Explained in detail how each adaptation helps the animal to survive.
Identified and explained several factors that affect the size of the
population of each animal.
Discussed a range of advantages for keeping the animals in the safari park.
Used all the key words correctly and fluently.
Written your ideas in all your own words, using proper sentences and
Used and listed at least six sources of information.
Parent guidance
Links to: Wikid topic Extinction
Key science ideas:
Adaptation, Environment
Suggested resources:
A3 plain paper or poster paper. Text books and exercise books, internet access, library
Suggested websites:
This piece of work will go towards final assessment level
In this topic students have been looking at adaptations this piece of homework is
designed to allow students to apply their knowledge gained in lessons to an extended
piece of work.
This is a longer piece of homework and the effort students put into this task should be
reflective of this.
They should refer to the level ladder and the work should be in their own words.
This can be handwritten or typed up on a computer.
Extinction- Computer based activity
Go to the site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/environment_earth_universe/changes_in_en
vironment/revision/1/ Use the BBC Bitesize KS3 changes in environment: "Revise"→ "Ac vity" → "Test" Choose the answers to the test questions you think are most appropriate and then "Check your score". Print this page and stick into your exercise book as evidence you have completed the task. Skills to be assessed: 2.2 2.3 Extinction-Extended Writing Task
The world is warming up! We are constantly being told that the world is warming up. Your task is to write a story about what will happen to polar bears as a result of global warming. You should: 
Aim your story at primary school children. Include lots of pictures. Identify the causes. Have a message about how we can make a difference. Skills assessed: 1.3 2.1 3.1 Extinction
Revision check list-
tick off the list when you are happy that you understand the
I can give examples of Adaptations. I can explain how adaptations help organisms to survive I can give examples of extinct organisms. I can explain how organisms become extinct. I can give examples of endangered animals. I can explain how living organisms are classified I know what a classification key is. I can explain how to produce a key to identify different organisms. I can describe what the atmosphere is made up of I can describe the different ways in which humans have an impact on the environment. I understand what is meant by climate change Useful resources for revision
1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/environment_earth_universe/ 2. https://www.samlearning.com/ 3. http://kent.skoool.co.uk/keystage3.aspx?id=80 Tick