Period 6 Presidency Charts - Bremerton School District

Name _______________________________
Date ___________________ Period ______
Presidency Charts – Period 6 (1877-1898)
Complete these charts as you read the assigned chapters for this unit.
For each event/person/term/theme/idea/etc. listed in the chart, provide a brief identification and discuss the
significance in U.S. history. If possible, make connections to other people/events/themes/ideas/etc. Fit in all the
info & details you can!!
19. Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)
Election of 1876 & the Compromise of 1877
(review from the end of Period 5)
Major events during Hayes’s Presidency
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Split in the Republican Party
Munn v. Illinois
Emergence of the Knights of Labor
20. James A. Garfield (1881) & 21. Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885)
Election of 1880 & the issue of the tariff
Major events during Garfield & Arthur’s Presidencies
Assassination of Garfield
Chinese Exclusion Act
Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883)
22. Grover Cleveland (1885-1889)
Election of 1884
Major events during Cleveland’s first term
Haymarket Square Riot & the Knights of Labor
American Federation of Labor founded
Wabash v. Illinois
Interstate Commerce Act
Dawes Severalty Act
23. Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)
Election of 1888
Major events during Harrison’s Presidency
States admitted to the Union during Harrison’s presidency
Closing of the frontier & the Turner thesis
Jane Addams founds Hull House
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Battle of Wounded Knee
McKinley Tariff Act
Populist Party formed
Homestead Strike
24. Grover Cleveland (1893-1897)
Election of 1892
Major events during Cleveland’s second term
Panic of 1893 & Depression
Repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Jacob Coxey & “Coxey’s Army”
Pullman Strike
Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Compromise Speech (1895)
Plessy v. Ferguson
25.William McKinley (1897-1901)
Election of 1896
Election of 1900
Major events during McKinley’s Presidency
Expansionist Sentiment (Mahan, Lodge, Beveridge, Strong)
Spanish-American War
Annexation of Hawaii
Teller Amendment (1898)
Platt Amendment (1901)
Guerrilla War in the Philippines / Emilio Aguinaldo