Writing Prompts

Somewhat Extended Sacred Silent Reading Time
Movie Review Assignment
If Money Was No Object
Due Monday, December 03
Watch Short Video
Write a Short Reflection
Re-watch Video
Additional Reflection
What Women Really Do in the Bathroom
Writing Prompts
Some questions to possibly humorously explore:
Why do boys wear baggy pants?
Why do coaches/parents yell so much?
Why do teachers assign so much homework?
Why is the food in the cafeteria so good/bad?
Why do people watch ___________?
Why do people hate on Justin Beiber?
Why do some people love vampires so much?
Why is Facebook/Twitter so popular?
Why does my brother/sister __________?
Why do people listen to Dr Phil or watch Oprah?
Why are commercials louder than the show?
Throughout the ages, mankind has been
troubled by a multitude of questions.
Through perseverance and great
intellectual curiosity, many of these
questions have answers. Long have they
pondered questions such as “Why is the
sky blue?” “Why is grass green?” “Is the
sky falling?” “What is the answer to Life,
the Universe, and Everything?” and
“What is the average velocity of an
unladen swallow?” Thus far, we have
been successful in compiling answers.
However, there are other questions such
as “Where do all the socks in laundry
go?” “Why are gooses geese but mooses
not meese?” and “What would we do
without any hypothetical questions?”
that have yet to be answered. However,
through meditation, self-inquiry and
theoretical logic, one of the unanswered
questions has been answered. “What do
women really do in the bathroom?”
Throughout human existence, mankind
has been troubled by a multitude of deep
questions. Through perseverance and
great intellectual curiosity, many of
these questions can be answered. Long
have they pondered questions such
as “What happens when we die?” “How
did the earth originate?” “Is global
warming going to be the end of the
human race?” “Is there other intelligent
life in the universe?” While some great
minds debate these questions, there are
other questions such as “Where do all
the socks in laundry go?” “Why isn’t the
number 11 pronounced onety-one?” and
“How do they get the deer to cross at the
yellow sign?” and “Why can’t the NHL
get its act together and start playing
hockey again?” that have yet to be
answered. However, through
meditation, self-inquiry and
theoretical logic, one of the
unanswered questions has been
answered. “Why do teachers assign som
much homework?”