Anaconda Starts 17km Drill Program

Derek Macpherson | VP Mining Analysis
Red Cloud Klondike Strike Inc.
79 Wellington St. W. Suite 1630, PO Box 148,
Toronto ON., M5K 1H1
[email protected]
Anaconda Mining Inc (TSX:ANX)
August 3, 2016
Anaconda Starts 17km Drill Program
Anaconda Mining Inc. (TSX:ANX) announced the beginning of a 17,000 m diamond drilling campaign at
it's Point Rousse and Viking projects located in northeast Newfoundland. The drill campaign is focused
on both expanding known deposits and advancing greenfield targets at both projects. We expect the
stock to react favorably to results, should the company meet it's objectives of expanding existing
resources and defining higher grade deposits.
Expanding higher grade areas should have significant operational impact. One of Anaconda's primary
goals of this exploration program is to expand existing resources, particularly at the higher grade Stog'er
Tight. We note the addition of higher-grade ounces to the mine plan should lead to an increased
production profile at lower costs for minimal additional capex. While the we view this as an achievable
goal, the addition of ounces at the current grade is also likely to be viewed favorably by the market as
Anaconda's assets have seen limited exploration drilling.
Targets well defined, drilling a logical next step. The four main areas that will be tested are greenfield
areas, Argyle and Goldenville and deposits at Stog’er Tight (~50 koz Au at approximately 3.4 g/t) and
Viking (~80 koz Au at approximately 2 g/t). Stog’er Tight is located 3.5 km from the Pine cove mill and is
open for further expansion over a 1.5 km strike length. Argyle, which is 5 km away from the mill, is
known to have surface mineralization and geological characteristics similar to Stog’er Tight. Goldenville
drill targets are associated with the same iron-stone unit that hosted the Nugget pond mine which is
located 30 km to the east and had a historical production of 166 koz Au at 11 g/t. Viking exploration will
focus on a 5.6 km trend of anomalous gold-in-soil values coincident with in-situ surface mineralization,
Viking also includes the Thor deposit which contains a historical resource of 83 koz Au at 2 g/t.
Company Description: Anaconda Mining Inc. (TSX:ANX) is a Canadian-listed gold mining and
exploration company with a producing project called the Point Rousse Project and a
exploration/development project called the Viking Project in Newfoundland.
Priced as of prior trading day's market close, EST (unless otherwise noted).
All values in USD unless otherwise noted.
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Anaconda Starts 17km Drill Program
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Company Name
Ticker Symbol
Anaconda Mining Inc.
August 3, 2016
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