Effect of Pa^Oo on Hyperemia and Ischemia in Experimental Cerebra Infarction BY TAKENORI YAMAGUCHI, M.D., FRANCO REGLI, M.D., AND ARTHUR G. WALTZ, M.D. Abitract: Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ by guest on June 14, 2017 Effect of PaCOi on Hyperemia and Ischemia in Experimental Cerebral Infarction • To assess the effects of Pa^.^ on cerebral ischemia and reactive hyperemia, the right middle cerebral artery was occluded in 18 cats. Four to six hours later, PaCOo was adjusted by mechanical ventilation, with or without CO.,, to less than 20 torr in four cats, 31 to 38 torr in six, and 46 to 68 torr in eight. Regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) then was measured at multiple sites in each hemisphere by autoradiography. In regions of brain tissue outside the distribution of the occluded middle cerebral artery, log10 CBF correlated positively with Paco,,. In ischemic regions, CBF was higher in normocapnic cats. Reactive hyperemia occurred in two cats of the hypocapnic group, in four cats of the normocapnic group, but in only one hypercapnic cat (PaCOo = 46 torr). Hyperemia also was found outside potentially ischemic regions in five cats. Multiple hyperemic foci developed in six cats. Neither hypocapnia nor hypercapnia was associated with a smaller size or higher CBF of regions of cerebral ischemia produced by occlusion of a middle cerebral artery, although hypercapnia inhibited the development of hyperemia. ADDITIONAL KEY WORDS carbon-14 antipyrine • Numerous studies of humans1^4 and animals6"8 have shown that an increase of arterial carbon dioxide tension (Paco 2 ) causes an increase of cerebral blood flow (CBF) in normal brain tissue, and that a decrease of Pac 0;! causes a decrease of CBF. Studies of the From the Cerebrovascular Clinical Research Center, Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, and the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine (University of Minnesota), Rochester, Minnesota. A preliminary report of these data was read at the International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, London, September 17 to 19, 1970; an abstract was published in the Transactions of the Symposium. This investigation was supported in part by Research Grant NB-6663 from the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service. Dr. Regli is the recipient of a Medical-Biological Scholar's Stipend from the Schweizer Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften. Stroke, Vol. 2, March-April 7971 arterial occlusion autoradiography autoregulation cerebral blood flow effects of changes of Paco2 on the vasculature of ischemic brain tissue, however, have provided varied results and interpretations. When ischemia is severe and acute, there appears to be an impairment or loss of reactivity of the cerebral vasculature to changes of Pacoo-8"19 If only a small amount of brain tissue is ischemic, or if measurements are made days to weeks after the onset of ischemia, the impairment of cerebral vascular reactivity may be less. 8 ' 11 " 18 Hyperemia, or "luxury perfusion,"19 may develop in or near a region of cerebral ischemia or infarction.11-15' 20~23 The significance of hyperemia to the process of cerebral infarction remains obscure. When hyperemia develops in regions of brain with preexisting ischemia (reactive hyperemia) 23 or is confined to the territory normally supplied by an 139 YAMAGUCHI, REGLI, WALTZ Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ by guest on June 14, 2017 occluded artery, it may be beneficial if it occurs early enough and lasts long enough to provide sufficient oxygen and glucose for preservation of neuronal function. However, if hyperemia leads to an increase of cerebral edema or to hemorrhagic infarction, it may be harmful. Moreover, if hyperemia develops outside regions of brain that are ischemic, CBF of regions already ischemic may decrease further, a situation analogous to the paradoxical response of CBF to increases of Pa^,., that occurs in ischemic brain tissue.8"10' 12~14 The present study was designed to investigate the reactivity of the vasculature of various ischemic and nonischemic cerebral structures to Pa^o,, and to assess the influence of Pa ro ., on the development of hyperemia, on the degree of ischemia, and on the sizes of ischemic regions after occlusion of a middle cerebral artery in cats. Methods Eighteen adult cats ranging in weight from 2.05 to 4.25 kg were anesthetized lightly with pentobarbital (25 mg/kg) injected intrapleurally, and the right middle cerebral artery of each was occluded with a miniature Mayfield clip via the extradural approach.24 Approximately four to six hours after occlusion, a tracheostomy was put in place. A short arterial catheter was passed transfemorally to the abdominal aorta for monitoring blood pressure with a strain gauge and for drawing blood samples for measurement of Pa^.,-,,,, Pao0> pH, and hematocrit. A venous catheter was passed transfemorally to the inferior vena cava for the injection of drugs and a diffusible radioactive indicator. Rectal temperature was monitored continuously. Each cat was then paralyzed with a minimal dose of d-tubocurarine injected intravenously, and ventilated artificially with a respirator. Four cats (hypocapnic group) were given air mixed only with oxygen at a rate of about 36 respirations per minute for at least 20 minutes, until Pa c0 ^ was less than 20 torr. Six cats (normocapnic group) were ventilated at normal respiratory rates (approximately 24/min) with a mixture of air, small amounts of CO2, and oxygen, so that PaCOo was within the normal range for cats (31 to 38 torr). Larger amounts of COj were given to eight cats (hypercapnic group); Ps^oo w a s higher than 58 torr for all of these but one, for which P a ^ was 46 torr. Less than two minutes after PaCOo was 140 determined, 14C-antipyrine was injected for the measurement of regional CBF by the autoradiographical method of Landau and associates,25 as modified by Reivich and associates.22- 2H- 20 Approximately 375 fid of the indicator, dissolved in 5 ml of isotonic saline, were injected into the inferior vena cava at a constant rate for one minute by an automatic infusion pump. During the injection, 0.2 ml of arterial blood was withdrawn every ten seconds for measurement of the increasing arterial concentration of the indicator. The circulation of blood then was stopped by a rapid intravenous injection of a saturated solution of potassium chloride. The brain was removed quickly (within ten minutes) and frozen instantaneously at —100 to —150 C in 2-methyl butane cooled with liquid nitrogen. The frozen brain, warmed to —20 C in a freezer for two to four days, was cut coronally into five slices. Two serial sections, 20/x thick, were made from each slice in a cryostat, one for autoradiography and the other for histopathological study. The remainders of the slices were fixed in 10% formalin, sectioned, and used also for histopathological study. The sections of brain used for autoradiography were placed on glass slides and dried on a hot plate. The slides then were put in a cassette with the sections of brain facing the emulsion of x-ray film. Plastic disks containing known concentrations of 14C-antipyrine also were put in the cassette. The film was developed after ten weeks, and the optical densities of the autoradiographical images were measured with a densitometer. The concentrations of 14C-antipyrine in various regions of brain were determined from a curve plotted using values for the densities and the concentrations of the plastic disks. Values for regional CBF were calculated by digital computer from the equation20 Ct,(T) = \ k , l Ca,e in which Ct,(T) was the concentration of 14C-antipyrine in tissue at time T (one minute), X was the blood-tissue partition coefficient (A = 1 for antipyrine), Ca, was the arterial concentration of the indicator, and k, (with A. = 1) was the blood flow value in milliliters per gram of tissue per minute (ml/gm/min). Measurements of regional CBF were made for at least three sites in the gray matter of each cortical gyrus and three sites in each caudate nucleus. Measurements from cortical gray matter were separated into four groups: those from regions normally supplied by the middle cerebral artery and those from regions normally supplied by the anterior cerebral artery, both in the ischemic and in the nonischemic hemisphere. The Stroke, Vol. 2, March-April 7971 EFFECT OF Pa c0 ,, ON HYPEREMIA AND ISCHEMIA o Nonischemic hemisphere • lschemic hemisphere *Hyperemia in cortex supplied by MCA •S 30 o o each region was considered to represent CBF of white matter of that anatomical region, without intermixed gray matter. Additional measurements of CBF were made for other regions of the ischemic hemisphere if there was visible evidence of high or low optical density. o o o ^^ ,-'r=0 | " e 1.0 Results CORRELATION OF REGIONAL CBF WITH fa r "OOj Nonlschemic Hemisphere <o 05 40 60 80 FIGURE 1 Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ by guest on June 14, 2017 Relationship between PaCQ and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) of cerebral cortex after unilateral occlusion of middle cerebral artery (MCA). Correlation coefficient (r=0.87) of iog10 CBF of nonischemic cortex and Paco was statistically significant (P < 0.001). border between the middle cerebral artery territory and the anterior cerebral artery territory was taken as the center of the lateral gyrus. The means of the measurements for each group and for each caudate nucleus were considered to represent CBF of those anatomical regions. For white matter, measurements were made from the centrum semiovale, the internal capsule, and white matter supplied by the anterior cerebral artery in each hemisphere. The minimal value obtained from 10 o Nonischemic hemisphere • lschemic hemisphere CBF of each of six regions of the gray and the white matter of the nonischemic hemispheres showed a positive correlation with Pa<;o2 (table 1, figs. 1-3). The correlation coefficients for loglft CBF and Paco2 ranged from 0.77 to 0.90 for the different regions; all coefficients were significantly different from zero. Itchemlc Hemisphere In regions of brain normally supplied by the occluded middle cerebral artery, there was no correlation between CBF and Pac 0o (figs. 13 ) . Mean CBF values for each of these regions were highest in the normocapnic group of cats. Values for CBF were lower with both hypocapnia and hypercapnia, and the differences generally were statistically significant (table 1). In regions of gray matter normally .5 30 \ 20 o° ,-%' r=086 oNonischemic hemisphere • Ischemic hemisphere *Hyperemia in cortex supplied by ACA r»0 67 io | 05 0 0.1 r 20 40 60 80 ™co 2 -torr FIGURE 2 Relationship between Pa00 and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) of white matter after unilateral occlusion of middle cerebral artery. Internal capsule is normally supplied by middle cerebral artery. Correlation coefficient (r = 0.86) of log10 CBF of nonischemic was statistically significant capsule and Paco (P < 0.001). Stroke, Vol. 2, March-April 7971 20 40 60 80 Pa^-torr FIGURE 3 Relationship between Pa00 and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) of cerebral cortex outside the territory supplied by occluded middle cerebral artery. ACA, anterior cerebral artery. Correlation coefficients (r = 0.87 and r — 0.67) of log10 CBF and Pa00 were statistically significant (nonischemic hemisphere: P < 0.001; ischemic hemisphere: P < 0.01). Difference between slopes of regression lines (least-squares analysis) was not statistically significant. 141 YAMAGUCHI, REGLI, WALTZ TABLE 1 P°col and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow After Occlusion of a Middle Cerebral Artery in Cats Sit* Cortex supplied by middle cerebral artery torr <20 31-38 46-<S8 Cartbrol blood flow, ml/gm/mln Nonischemic llchemic hMmisph*r* hemisphere Mean SD SD Mean 0.82*t 1.34t 2.77 0.20 0.39 0.92 0.22 <20 0.82 # t 0.38 31-38 1.33t 2.77 0.88 46-68 0.31 <20 1.12 Caudate nucleus 0.20 31-38 (supplied by middle cerebral 1.51 2.18 46-68 artery) 2.96 0.05 0.25*8 Internal capsule <20 0.10 (supplied by middle cerebral 0.42t 31-38 0.21 0.75 artery) 46-68 0.06 0.23§U Centrum semiovale <20 0.42t 0.07 31-38 (supplied by middle cerebral 0.69 0.15 46-68 artery) 0.28OT 0.08 White matter <20 0.528 0.09 supplied by anterior cerebral 31-38 0.91 0.20 artery 46-68 Significantly different from normocapnia (*P < 0.05, IP < 0.01); from hypercapnia P < 0.001). Cortex supplied by anterior cerebral artery Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ by guest on June 14, 2017 supplied by the anterior cerebral artery of a hemisphere to which the middle cerebral artery was occluded, there was a positive correlation between logi0 CBF and Paco2 (fig. 3). Although the correlation coefficient was somewhat lower than that for the opposite hemispheres, the difference between the slopes of the regression lines was not statistically significant. However, in the hypercapnic group of cats, CBF of both the gray and the white matter normally supplied by an anterior cerebral artery was lower in the ischemic hemisphere (table 1), and the differences were statistically significant (gray matter: P < 0.05; white matter: P < 0.001). HYPEREMIA Reactive hyperemia (CBF greater than 115% of that of analogous regions of the nonischemic hemisphere) was found in parts of the brain normally supplied by the occluded middle cerebral artery in seven cats (table 2). Two of these cats were from the hypocapnic group, four from the normocapnic group, and only 142 0.72 0.98+ 0.64 0.24 0.31 0.17 0.85+ 1.27 1.89 0.29 0.45 0.70 0.32* 0.81t 0.33 0.41 0.20 0.25 0.181T 0.35+ 0.21 0.07 0.05 0.10 0.19fl 0.34t 0.21 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.261T 0.46 0.44 0.06 0.11 0.16 < 0.05, < 0.01, one from the hypercapnic group. The hypercapnic cat that had hyperemia was the one with the lowest Pac0o of the group, 46 torr (fig. 4). Multiple hyperemic foci were found in the territory normally supplied by the occluded middle cerebral artery in both cats of the hypocapnic group and in two of the four cats of the normocapnic group that had hyperemia. One cat, with Pac0o of 19 torr, had six hyperemic foci (fig. 5). Because of regional hyperemia, mean CBF values for the ischemic hemispheres occasionally were nearly as high as those of the nonischemic hemispheres. Regional hyperemia was found outside the usual area of distribution of the occluded middle cerebral artery, in brain tissue normally supplied by an anterior cerebral artery in five cats (table 2, fig. 4). Two of these cats were from the hypocapnic group, two from the normocapnic group, and one from the hypercapnic group. Each of these five cats also had hyperemia in regions normally supplied by the occluded middle cerebral artery, except one of the two cats from the hypocapnic group. Strok; Vol. 2, March-April 1971 EFFECT OF Pa c o ON HYPEREMIA AND ISCHEMIA TABLE 2 P°oot ai id Hyperemia After Occlusion of a Middle Cerebral Artery in Cats Pathological change C«r«braJ blood flow, ml/gm/mln Nonfccrtemic Itchemk hemisphere hemiipriere Ischemic to nonlichcmic flow, % Cat torr Siu 1 18 Gray matter, middle cerebral artery White matter, middle cerebral artery Gray matter, anterior cerebral artery Yes 0.83 1.27 153 No 0.20 0.27 135 No 0.67 0.83 124 Gray matter, middle cerebral Gray matter, middle cerebral Gray matter, middle cerebral Gray matter, middle cerebral Caudate nucleus White matter, middle cerebral Yes 0.73 2.15 295 Yes 0.74 1.90 257 Yes 0.55 1.39 253 Yes 0.79 1.31 166 No No 0.61 0.18 0.89 0.47 146 261 2 19 artery artery Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ by guest on June 14, 2017 artery artery artery 3 20 Gray matter, anterior cerebral artery No 0.74 1.08 146 4 5 31 36 Caudate nucleus Gray matter, middle cerebral artery White matter, middle cerebral artery Gray matter, anterior cerebral artery No Yes 1.39 1.25 1.79 1.61 129 129 No 0.28 0.44 157 No 1.38 1.59 115 Gray matter, middle cerebral artery Gray matter, middle cerebral artery No 1.15 1.77 154 No 0.91 1.15 126 Gray matter, middle cerebral artery Gray matter, anterior cerebral artery No 2.06 2.62 127 No 2.39 3.41 143 No 0.41 0.87 212 No 1.96 3.35 171 6 7 8 38 38 46 White matter, middle cerebral artery Gray matter, anterior cerebral artery MISCELLANEOUS There were no evident differences in the total volumes of the ischemic regions produced by occlusion of a middle cerebral artery in the different cats despite the differences of Paro.,Although there was only a short time between occlusion of a middle cerebral artery and measurement of CBF, histopathological studies showed early ischemic changes in the Strok; Vol. 2, March-April 1971 neurons in regions of brain normally supplied by the occluded artery in 17 of the 18 cats. Reactive hyperemia was found in some regions with early ischemic neuronal degeneration23 (table 2 ) . Blood pressure at the time of measurement of CBF did not influence the development of hyperemia. There was no evident relationship between reactive hyperemia and the 143 YAMAGUCHI, REGLI, WALTZ 198 68 24 Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ by guest on June 14, 2017 Peo, 4 6 FIGURE 4 Autoradiograph of ischemic cerebral hemisphere of hypercapnic cat (Pa00 = 46 torr). Optical density o] autoradiographical image is directly related to cerebral blood flow: darker regions are those with higher flow. Cerebral blood flow values are indicated in ml/gm/min X 100. Asterisks (*) indicate regions of hyperemia in white matter normally supplied by occluded middle cerebral artery and in gray matter normally supplied by anterior cerebral artery. A large ischemic zone can be seen. development of edema. No hemorrhagic infarcts were noted. CBF of ischemic regions was not lower in animals with regions of hyperemia than in those without hyperemia. Discussion Pa co ., AND REGIONAL CBF A positive correlation between Paco., and CBF of nonischemic, relatively normal brain tissue has again been demonstrated. From analysis of the present data, particularly calculations of correlation coefficients, it is apparent that regulatory arterioles deep in brain substance react to Pacoo to the same degree as those of cortex. Moreover, the exponential nature of the 144 response of CBF to Paco2 has been confirmed.8 The ineffectiveness of hypercapnia in producing increased CBF in ischemic brain tissue, found previously for cortex,8"10 has been demonstrated for deeper cerebral structures by the present study. A paradoxical reaction of decreased CBF with increased Pacoo8""15 ("intracerebral steal") can be inferred from the significantly lower CBF values found for certain ischemic cerebral structures, notably the caudate nucleus and internal capsule, in the hypercapnic group of cats. Such a paradoxical reaction presumably is related to vasodilatation and increases of CBF in nonischemic regions, with diversion of the flow of blood from ischemic regions. Failure of others10"18 to find paradoxical reactions may be related to less severe ischemia, smaller ischemic regions, or a less acute process in the cerebral hemispheres studied. The available evidence shows unequivocally that increases of Paco,, can cause decreases of CBF of acutely ischemic brain tissue, such that the use of CO 2 inhalation for treatment of acute ischemic strokes in humans seems unjustified. Hyperventilation has been suggested for the treatment of cerebral ischemia, 10 ' 27 - 28 with the hope that a paradoxical reaction may cause increases of CBF in ischemic regions from vascular constriction in nonischemic regions ("inverse cerebral steal") or from decreases of cerebral edema and intracranial pressure. In animal studies, however, hypocapnia has not been shown to cause increases of CBF of ischemic cortex 8 or to cause decreases of the sizes of infarcts or ischemic regions that result from occlusion of a middle cerebral artery (unless Pacoo is decreased before occlusion). 2 ^ 81 Results of preliminary studies in humans are conflicting.82-86 The present data confirm the results of earlier controlled studies in animals, and cast further doubt on the possibility of a beneficial effect of hypocapnia for humans with acute ischemic strokes. HYPEREMIA Three distinct types of hyperemia (increased CBF, or "luxury perfusion") have been described in relation to cerebral ischemia: 23 Stroke, Vol. 2, March-April 1971 EFFECT OF Pocc,2 ON HYPEREMIA AND ISCHEMIA Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ by guest on June 14, 2017 FIGURE 5 Autoradiographs of nonischemic (left) and ischemic cerebral hemispheres of hypocapnic cat (Paco = 19 torr). Note multiple hyperemic foci in gray matter normally supplied by occluded middle cerebral artery. Two additional hyperemic foci were found in other sections of this brain. (1) reactive hyperemia in regions previously ischemic, (2) hyperemia due to increased flow through anastomotic or collateral vessels in nonischemic regions, and (3) hypervascularity developing late after infarction. Reactive hyperemia, in regions normally supplied by an occluded middle cerebral artery, developed in seven of the 18 cats ( 3 9 % ) , and histological evidence of preexisting ischemia was seen in three of these. This incidence is much lower than that of a previous study,23 in which six of seven cats studied shortly after occlusion of a middle cerebral artery had foci of reactive hyperemia. The different incidence is explained by differences of Paco2. In the present study, hyperemic regions were not found in seven of eight hypercapnic cats. The absence of reactive hyperemia with hypercapnia may be due in part to the definition used for hyperemia (CBF greater than 115% of that of analogous regions of the opposite, nonischemic hemisphere) in that CBF of ischemic regions cannot match that of Stroke, Vol. 2, March-April 1971 nonischemic regions when Pacoo is increased. However, visual inspection of the autoradiographical images of the brains of the hypercapnic cats failed to reveal any areas of increased optical density in potentially ischemic regions. Thus, hypercapnia inhibits reactive hyperemia in relation to ischemia, perhaps because of vasodilatation in nonischemic regions, a situation analogous to the paradoxical reaction of CBF to increases of Pace,., that occurs in ischemic brain tissue. Unfortunately, the significance of reactive hyperemia to the process of cerebral infarction is not clarified by this finding. Previously, hyperemia outside potentially ischemic zones was seen only late after occlusion of a middle cerebral artery, 23 and was attributed to increased blood flow through anastomotic vessels to supply regions formerly served by the occluded artery. Because anastomotic vessels can develop only with time, other mechanisms must be used to explain hyperemia found in regions supplied by an anterior cerebral artery in this study, in which 145 YAMAGUCHI, REGLI, WALTZ Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ by guest on June 14, 2017 CBF was determined soon after occlusion of a middle cerebral artery. Most likely such hyperemia is a reaction to manipulation of the anterior cerebral artery at the base of the brain or to extradural retraction of the brain during the surgical procedure for occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery. Surgical trauma would modify the reactivity of regulatory vessels as well, and explain the relatively low mean CBF value found for regions supplied by the anterior cerebral arteries of the ischemic hemispheres in hypercapnic animals. Less likely causes of impaired reactivity and hyperemia in territory supplied by an anterior cerebral artery are: (1) spread of acidic metabolites from ischemic regions, either by direct diffusion through brain tissue or by countercurrent diffusion from veins draining ischemic tissue and passing through nonischemic tissue, (2) autonomic reflex activity, mediated by axon reflexes or through brain stem pathways, (3) reaction to venous stasis in ischemic tissue, or (4) reaction to cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension. Regardless of cause, hyperemia in territory supplied by an anterior cerebral artery does not seem to influence the ischemia or reactive hyperemia that develops after occlusion of a middle cerebral artery. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Acknowledgment Dr. H. Okazaki assisted in the histopathological studies. Technical, instrumentation, and analytical assistance were provided by Robert E. Anderson, Robert D. 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WALTZ Stroke. 1971;2:139-147 doi: 10.1161/01.STR.2.2.139 Downloaded from http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ by guest on June 14, 2017 Stroke is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 1971 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0039-2499. Online ISSN: 1524-4628 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: http://stroke.ahajournals.org/content/2/2/139 Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Stroke can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. 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