Voluntary cooperation

a. Causes of the Depression­ easy credit, overproduction, widened gap between wealthy and poor, stockmartket crash
b. John Maynard Keynes­economist suggested deficit spending and predicted depression for destroying German econ.
c. Herbert Hoover (Strategy for Ending Depression)­ Voluntary cooperation
d. FDR ­Pres. Franklin Roosevelt
e. Eleanor Roosevelt­actively promoted New Deal programs
f. New Deal­government programs to give Relief, Recovery and Reform for Americans
g. Second New Deal­name of second wave of programs for recovery and reform h. GNP­total strategy value of all goods and services produced in a country
i. Hooverville­ name give to shanty towns during the depression
j. 100 Days­first 100 days of FDR's administration
k. FDIC­insured that peoples savings would be safe in banks
l. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)­program to lead a recovery of the economy
m. Wagner Act­tariffs raised
n. Social Security­old age pension for Americans
o. Black Tuesday­Stock Market Crash
p. The Great Crash­ the stock market crash and the economy as well
q. Dust Bowl­drought and overfarming of plains, caused topsoil to blow away
r. Margin buying­buying stocks by only putting down a small amount of money and borrowing the rest
a. Appeasement­ giving into keep the peace (Hitler was given Sudatenland)
b. Causes of WWII­ totalitarian governments, imperial expantion by Italy, Germany and Japan
c. Fascism (Definition and Beliefs)­ extreme devotion to ones country and putting the country first
d. Island Hopping­ Allies attacking only some islands and leaving others as they moved toward Japan
e. Turning Points of the War­ Midway, Stalingrad, D­Day, Battle of Britain, El Alemian
f. Reasons Truman used the Atomic Bomb­ End the war faster, prevent further lose of life
g. How did the U.S. mobilize for war? draft and switched production over to military production
h. How were women in the workforce viewed? important part of production
a. Truman Doctrine­ Military aid to any country fighting to keep Communism from taking over their country
b. Iron Curtain Speech by Winston Churchill­ Westminster College in Fullton MO. said that Europe was split between Democracy and Communism
c. Satellite Nations­ Countries under the control of USSR as a buffer zone
d. Marshall Plan­ money and aid to Europe to rebuild after the war, offered to create trading partners and stop Communism
e. NATO and the Warsaw Pact­ defense alliances of the Superpowers
f. McCarthyism, Hollywood Ten, the Rosenbergs, Alger Hiss­ Red Scare in the US.
g. Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Berlin Crisis­Conflicts between the US and USSR over the expansion of Communism
h. Berlin Airlift­ supplies given to Berlin after USSR cutoff RR and roads into W. Berlin
i. Korean War, Causes and Results­ North Korea invaded South and UN came to their aid with Korea remained divided j. Cold War (Definition)­ conflict over ideology between US and USSR, but never coming to war
k. Domino Theory­ if one country in an area falls to communism then the rest of the area will fall to communism
1950’s AND 1960’s DOMESTIC HISTORY a. Economic and Social Problems after WWII­ converting to peace time production, women leaving jobs, minorities not given equal rights
b. GI Bill­ financial support given to soldiers for education, business and housing
c. Causes of the Growth of Suburbs­transportation, housing shortage and GI Bill
d. Consumer Culture of the 1950’s­ advertising pushed for purchasing new products and technology
e. Effects of TV in the 1950’s­ advertising and shows create new buying pressures for adults and children
f. Goals of the Kennedy Space Program­ land a man on the moon
g. The Warren Court and its impact on the Rights of the Accused­ Miranda rights, h. Great Society­program to end poverty and injustice in America
i. Women’s Rights Movement­Title IX
j. Counterculture and its Effects­ going against the beliefs of parents, revolved around music, religion and drug use
k. Caesar Chavez and the American Indian Movement­ led for more rights for migrant works and recognation of rights of Native Americans
l. Medicare and Medicaid­ medical aid for elderly and poor
m. Civil Right Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965­ equal rights in facilities and voting rights
n. Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education­ Plessy set up seperate but equal and Brown desegregated schools and facilities
a. Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, Stokely Carmichael­ militant movements in civil rights
b. SCLC, SNCC, CORE, NAACP­ organizations promoting civil rights
c. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965­guarnteed equal rights and voting rights
d. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nonviolence­ civil rights leader who provoted civil disobedience to fight injustice
e. Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, Jackie Robinson­ lead the movement for equal rights
f. Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott­ led to the end of segration on buses
g. Boycotts, Sit­ins and Freedom Rides­ ways to fight racism in the south and across the US
h. Bull Connor­ police chief who used force on protesters
i. Jim Crow Laws, Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests­ used to enforce segregation in the south
j. March on Washington­ Aug. 1963, showed support for civil rights
THE VIETNAM WAR a. Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh Trail­leader of N.Vietnam, trail used to supply Vietcong in South Vietnam
b. Viet Cong­ fighters against S. Vietnamese government
c. Kent State­ troops fired into a crowd of protesters.
d. Tet Offensive­Vietcong offensive on Tet new year
e. Vietnamization­turning the war over to S. Vietnam to fight
f. Effects of TV on the Vietnam War­ brought war into peoples homes
g. Primary Focus of the 60s Protest Movements­the war
h. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution­gave the President the authority to sent troops to Vietnam
i. War Powers Act­President must inform Congress before deploying troops
j. Legacy (results) of Vietnam War­mistrust of the government
a. Nixon’s Greatest Foreign Affairs Accomplishments­ detente opened relations with China and USSR
b. War Powers Act
c. Watergate (Details and Why a Constitutional Crisis?)­break in and cover­up by the President
d. Ford, Pardon of Nixon­ended Watergate scandel, but hurt Ford popularity
e. OPEC, 1973 Oil Embargo­ caused price to rise and short of oil, over US support of Isreal
f. Camp David Accords, Israel and Egypt­ Egypt recognized the Israels right to exist
g. Iran Hostage Crisis­US embasy is taken by Iranian extremist
h. Carter Successes and Failures ­ Human rights, failure economy and Iran
1980 ­ PRESENT
a. Evangelicals­ born agian Christians who vote conservative
b. Why Reagan Defeated Carter­ Economy and Iran
c. Supply­side Economics­lower interst rate and give tax cutes
d. Results of Reagan’s Economic Policies­economic grow
e. New Immigration of the 1980’s and 1990’s­Asians and latin America
f. The Economy of the 1990’s­ growth in economy
g. Social Issues of the 1980’s­ h. Why Clinton Defeated Bush­ New Democratic belief
i. Rehnquist Court (What it is noted for)­conservative supreme court judge
j. New World Order (Bush)­built on Peace and security
k. Conservative vs Liberal­fight over abortion, social programs and gay marriage