St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley

St Francis Catholic Primary School
Highcliffe Road, Morley, Leeds, LS27 9LX
Telephone:-0113 3230554, Fax 0113 2538141
Acting Headteacher:- Mrs R.Harrison
Monday18th January, 2016
Dear Parents,
This week’s Statement to Live By is:
Thought of the week:
I know that I belong to a community
that includes my school
January 24th is the feast of St Francis de
Sales, who was a famous teacher, preacher &
writer. One of the things he said was “You can
catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than
with a hundred barrels of vinegar” –
Do you think maybe he meant that you can
make more friends with one little smile than
you can with a hundred frowns?
The children making their First Holy
Communion are expected at Mass in
school on Sunday 24th January at
11:15am; there they will receive the I
Belong books to begin the programme of
We will always endeavour to keep school open as long as staff numbers make it viable and
safe to do so.
If we are to close due to the weather we will try and send a text to you and put it on the
website and soon as possible. If the School Office doesn’t have your most recent mobile
phone details could you please notify them so that our records can be kept up to date?
Geography Themed Week Around the world in Eighty Days
The children will be planning journeys to different countries and learning about the countries
they are visiting this week in their Geography themed topic.
Year 6 Herd Farm Residential
The next instalment of your payment is due, if you have not completed your payments for the
year 6 Residential in full, the next £30 is due by the end of January. Thank you
Praise Assembly
Well Done
Kacper Worthington
Rachel Cliff
Zara Taunt
Jonah Handford
Patrick Bradford
Ava Trueman
James Blackburn
Alex Wade
Jack Robertshaw
Orla Hanson
Isabelle Breakall
Andrew Cunningham
James Harrison
Alfie Armitage
Jakub Pajakiewicz
Evie Mc Kenna
John Charles Mullen
Daniel Brown
Flora Purdy
Happiness Mabiala
Patrick Sizer
Ellie May Shepherd
Hollie Smith
Luke Bird
TJ Hargreaves
Frankie Burton
Katie Lewis
Georgia Opare-Amo
Dinner Time
Ethan Wright, Neave Featherstone,
Eimear Langham
rs sincerely
Year 2
Years 2,3,5 & 6
House Winner
Head Teacher Award
Mrs Harrison
Acting Headteacher
Good Samaritan
St David