I, Too, Sing America

I, Too, Sing America
African American Literature from Revolutionary
Poetry to Contemporary Black Fiction
Lecturer: PD Dr. Stefan L. Brandt, Guest Professor
Room and time: Room 6, Wednesdays 12-14
Course number and type: 123250 – Arbeitsgemeinschaft (interactive LV)
First session: October 12, 2011
Selected Bibliography
Primary Texts
Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1970).
Baldwin, James. “Going to Meet the Man” (1965).
---. Go Tell It on the Mountain (1953).
---. “Notes of a Native Son” (1955).
---. “Sonny’s Blues” (1957).
Bambara, Toni Cade. The Salt Eaters (1980).
Brown, William Wells. Clotel, or, The President’s Daughter (1853).
Chesnutt, Charles. The Conjure Woman, and Other Conjure Tales (1899).
---. The House Behind the Cedars (1900).
---. The Marrow of Tradition (1901).
Douglass, Frederick. “The Heroic Slave” (1853).
---. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845).
---. “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” (1852).
Du Bois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk (1903).
---. Dusk of Dawn. An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept (1940).
Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man (1952).
Equiano, Olaudah. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the
African, Written by Himself (1789).
Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun (1959).
Harper, Frances E. “Ethiopia” (1853).
Himes, Chester B. “To What Red Hell” (1934).
Hopkins, Pauline E. Contending Forces (1900).
Hughes, Langston. “I, Too, Sing America” (1924).
Hurston, Zora Neale. “Sweat” (1926).
---. Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937).
Jacobs, Harriet. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. (1861)
Johnson, James Weldon. The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man (1912).
Jones, LeRoi (aka ‘Amiri Baraka’). Dutchman (1964).
Larsen, Nella. Passing (1929).
---. Quicksand (1928).
Locke, Alain. “The New Negro” (1925).
Lorde, Audre. “Zami: A New Spelling of My Name” (1984).
Morrison, Toni. A Mercy (2008).
---. Beloved (1987).
---. The Bluest Eye (1970).
---. Jazz (1992).
---. Paradise (1997).
---. Sula (1974).
---. Song of Solomon 1977).
---. Tar Baby (1981).
Toomer, Jean. Cane (1923).
Truth, Sojourner. “Ar’nt I a Woman? Speech to the Women’s rights Convention in Akron, Ohio”
Walker, Alice. The Color Purple (1982).
Washington, Booker T. Up From Slavery (1901).
Wheatley, Phillis. “To His Excellency, George Washington” (1776).
Wilson, August. Fences (1987).
---. The Piano Lesson (1990).
Wilson, Harriet E. Our Nig (1859).
Wright, Richard. Native Son (1940).
---. Black Boy (1945).
X, Malcolm, and Haley, Alex. The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1964).
Secondary Texts
Adell, Sandra. Double Consciousness/Double Blind: Theoretical Issues in Twentieth-Century
Black Literature. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1994.
Allen, Marlene D., and Williams, Seretha D., eds. Afterimages of Slavery: Essays on
Appearances in Recent American Films, Literature, Television and Other Media. Jefferson,
N.C.: McFarland, 2012.
Ammons, Elizabeth, and Annette White-Parks, eds. Tricksterism in Turn-of-the-Century
American Literature. Hanover, NH: Univ. Press of New England, 1994.
Ammons, Elizabeth. Conflicting Stories: American Women Writers at the Turn into the
Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford Press, 1991
Andrews, William L, ed. African American Autobiography: A Collection of Critical Essays.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993.
Andrews, William. Critical Essays on Frederick Douglass. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1991.
---. To Tell a Free Story: The First Century of Afro-American Autobiography, 1760-1865.
Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1986.
---, Frances Smith Foster, and Trudier Harris, eds. The Oxford Companion to African American
Literature. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997.
Baker, Houston A. The Journey Back: Issues in Black Literature and Criticism. Chicago: Univ. of
Chicago Press, 1980.
---. Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987.
Baldwin, James. “The Nigger We Invent.” In: Equity & Excellence in Education, 7:2 (1969): 1523.
---. The Price of the Ticket: Collected Nonfiction, 1948-1985. New York: St. Martin’s Press,
Barlow, William. ‘Looking Up and Down’: The Emergence of Blues Culture. Philadelphia:
Temple Univ. Press, 1989.
Bean, Anne Marie, James V. Hatch, and Brooks McNamara. Inside the Minstrel Mask:
Readings in Nineteenth-Century Blackface Minstrelsy. Hanover, NH: Univ. Press of New
England, 1996.
Bell, Bernard W. The Afro-American Novel and Its Tradition. Amherst: Univ. of Massachusetts
Press, 1987.
Benston, Kimberly W. Performing Blackness: Enactments of African-American Modernism.
London: Routledge, 2000.
Blassingame, John W. The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Antebellum South. New
York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1979.
Bloom, Harold, ed. Frederick Douglass’ Narrative. New York: Chelsea House, 1988.
---, ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Chelsea House, 1990.
Boeckmann, Cathy. A Question of Character: Scientific Racism and the Genres of American
Fiction, 1892-1912. Tuscaloosa: Univ. of Alabama Press, 2000.
Boelhower, William. Through a Glass Darkly: Ethnic Semiosis in American Literature. New
York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1987.
Bontemps, Arna. The Harlem Renaissance Remembered. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1972.
Branch, Taylor. Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63. New York: Simon
and Schuster, 1988.
Braxton, Joanne. Black Women Writing Autobiography: A Tradition Within a Tradition.
Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 1989.
Brim, Matt. “Papas’ Baby: Impossible Paternity in ‘Going to Meet the Man’.” In: Journal of
Modern Literature, Vol. 30, no. 1 (Autumn 2006): 173-198.
Brown, Sterling. Negro Poetry and Drama & The Negro in America Fiction. [1937] Preface by
Robert A. Bone. New York: Atheneum, 1969.
Bruce, Dickson D., Jr. Black American Writing from the Nadir: The Evolution of a Literary
Tradition, 1877-1915. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1989.
Buckner, Timothy R., and Caster, Peter, eds. Fathers, Preachers, Rebels, Men: Black
Masculinity in U.S. History and Literature, 1820-1945.Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press,
Butler, Robert. Native Son: The Emergence of a New Black Hero. Boston: Twayne, 1991.
Callahan, John F. In the African-American Grain: Call-and-Response in Twentieth-Century
Black Fiction. 2nd ed. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1990.
Campbell, James. Talking at the Gates: A Life of James Baldwin. London and Boston: Faber,
Castronovo, Russ. Fathering the Nation: American Genealogies of Slavery and Freedom.
Berkeley et al: Univ. of Berkeley Press, 1995.
Chambers-Schiller, Lee Virginia, and Sidney Kaplan, eds. Black and White in American
Culture. Amherst: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1969.
Christian, Barbara. Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writers. Berkeley:
Univ. of California Press, 1985.
Christian, Barbara. Black Women Novelists: The Development of a Tradition, 1892-1976.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980.
Conner, Marc C., ed. The Aesthetics of Toni Morrison: Speaking the Unspeakable. Jackson:
Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2000.
Davies, Carole Boyce. Black Women, Writing, and Identity: Migrations of the Subject. New
York: Routledge, 1994.
Davis, Charles T., and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The Slave's Narrative. New York: Oxford Univ.
Press, 1985.
David, Thadious M. Southscapes: Geographies of Race, Region, & Literature. Chapel Hill:
Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2011.
Douglas, Ann. Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s. New York: Farrar, 1995.
DuCille, Ann. The Coupling Convention: Sex, Text, and Tradition in Black Women's Fiction.
New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1985.
Elam, Michele. The Souls of Mixed Folk: Race, Politics, and Aesthetics in the New Millennium.
Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 2011.
Ferraro, Thomas J. Ethnic Passages: Literary Immigrants in Twentieth Century America.
Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993.
Fleischner, Jennifer. Mastering Slavery: Memory, Family, and Identity in Women’s Slave
Narratives. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1996.
Foster, Frances Smith. Witnessing Slavery: The Development of Ante-Bellum Slave Narratives.
1979. 2nd. ed. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1994.
---. Written by Herself: Literary Production by African American Women, 1746-1892.
Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1993.
Fulop, Timothy Earl, and Albert J. Raboteau, eds. African-American Religion: Interpretive
Essays in History and Culture. New York and London: Routledge, 1997.
Furman, Jan. Toni Morrison’s Fiction. Columbia, SC: Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1996.
Gardner, Jared. Master Plots: Race and the Founding of American Literature, 1787-1845.
Garfield, Deborah M., and Rafia Zafar, eds. Harriet Jacobs and Incidents in the Life of a Slave
Girl. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. Figures in Black: Words, Signs, and the ›Racial‹ Self. New York: Oxford
Univ. Press, 1987.
---. Loose Canons. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1992.
---. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of Afro-American Literary Criticism. New York: Oxford
Univ. Press, 1988.
---, ed. Black Literature and Literary Theory. New York: Methuen, 1984.
---, and K.A. Appiah, eds. Alice Walker: Critical Perspectives Past and Present. New York:
Amistad, 1993.
---, and K.A. Appiah, eds. Toni Morrison: Critical Perspectives Past and Present. New York:
Amistad, 1993.
---, et al., gen. eds. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. New York: W.W.
Norton & Company, Inc., 2004.
Genovese, Eugene D. Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made. New York: Pantheon
Books, 1974.
Ginsberg, Elaine K., ed. Passing and the Fictions of Identity. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press,
Glasrud, Bruce A., and Wintz, Cary D., eds. The Harlem Renaissance in the American West:
The New Negro’s Western Experience. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Gossett, Thomas F. Race: The History of an Idea in America. 1963. New York and Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press, 1997.
Graham, Maryemma, and Ward, Jerry W. Jr., eds. The Cambridge History of African American
Literature. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011.
Greene, J. Lee. Blacks in Eden: The African American Novel's First Century. Charlottesville:
Univ. Press of Virginia, 1996.
Griffin, Farah Jasmine. ›Who Set you Flowin'?‹: The African-American Migration Narrative.
New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995.
Griffith, Paul. “James Baldwin’s Confrontation with Racist Terror in the American South:
Sexual Mythology and Psychoneurosis in ‘Going to Meet the Man’.” In: Journal of Black
Studies, Vol. 32, no. 5 (May 2002): 506-527.
Gunning, Sandra. Race, Rape, and Lynching: The Red Record of American Literature, 18901912. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1996.
Handley, George B. Postslavery Literatures in the Americas: Family Portraits in Black and
White. Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia, 2000.
Harris-Lopez, Trudier. Exorcising Blackness: Historical and Literary Lynching and Burning
Rituals. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1984.
Hay, Samuel A. African American Theatre: A Historical and Critical Analysis. Cambridge and
New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994.
Henderson, Brian. “The Searchers: An American Dilemma.” In: Film Quarterly 34.2 (Winter
1980/81): 9-23.
Hill, Patricia, gen. ed. Call and Response: The Riverside Anthology of the African American
Literary Tradition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
Hochschild, Jennifer L. Facing Up to the American Dream: Race, Class, and the Soul of the
Nation. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1995.
hooks, bell. Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism. Boston: South End Press, 1981.
Holloway, Karla F.C. Moorings and Metaphors: Figures of Culture and Gender in Black
Women's Literature. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1992.
Hubbard, Dolan. The Sermon and the African American Literary Imagination. Columbia Univ.
of Missouri Press, 1994.
Huggins, Nathan. Harlem Renaissance. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1971.
Hull, Gloria. Color, Sex, and Poetry: Three Women Writers of the Harlem Renaissance.
Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1987.
Hutchinson, George. The Harlem Renaissance in Black and White. Cambridge: Belknap Press
of Harvard Univ. Press, 1995.
Jablon, Madelyn. Black Metafiction: Self-Consciousness in African American Literature. Iowa
City: Univ. of Iowa Press, 1997.
Jackson, Blyden. The History of Afro-American Literature. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ.
Press, 1989.
Jackson, Lawrence Patrick. The Indignant Generation: A Narrative History of African
American Writers and Critics, 1934-1960. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, 2011.
Japtok, Martin, and Jenkins, Jerry Rafiki, eds. Authentic Blackness/ “Real” Blackness: Essays
on the Meaning of Blackness in Literature and Culture. New York: Peter Lang, 2011.
Jarrett, Gene Andrew. Representing the Race: A New Political History of African American
Literature. New York: New York Univ. Press, 2011.
Jones, Gayl. Liberating Voices: Oral Tradition in African American Literature. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard Univ. Press, 1991.
Jones, LeRoi (Amiri Baraka). Blues People: Negro Music in White America. 1963. New York:
Marrow, 1995.
Jordan, Casper LeRoy. A Bibliographical Guide to African-American Women Writers.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993.
Kafka, Phillipa. The Great White Way: African American Women Writers and American
Success Mythologies. New York: Garland, 1993.
Kawash, Samira. Dislocating the Color Line: Identity, Hybridity, and Singularity in AfricanAmerican Narrative. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1997.
Kellner, Bruce, ed. Harlem Renaissance: A Historical Dictionary for the Era. Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 1984.
Kinney, James. Amalgamation! Race, Sex, and Rhetoric in the Nineteenth-Century American
Novel. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985.
Kolchin, Peter. American Slavery, 1619-1877. New York: Hill and Wang; Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1993.
Lawson, Bill E., and Frank M. Kirkland, eds. Frederick Douglass: A Critical Reader. Oxford and
Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.
Leeming, David Adams. James Baldwin: A Biography. New York: Knopf, 1994.
Lentricchia, Frank, and McLaughlin, Thomas, eds. Critical Terms for Literary Study. Chicago:
The Univ. of Chicago Press, 1995.
Levine, Lawrence W. Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought
from Slavery to Freedom. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1977.
Levine, Robert. Martin Delany, Frederick Douglass, and the Politics of Representative
Identity. 1998.
Lewis, David Levering. When Harlem Was in Vogue. New York: Knopf, 1989.
---. W.E.B. Du Bois: Biography of a Race, 1868-1919. New York: Henry Holt, 1993.
Lhamon, W.T. Raising Cane: Blackface Performance from Jim Crow to Hip Hop. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1998.
Locke, Alain, ed. The New Negro. 1925. New York: Atheneum, 1968.
Matterson, Stephen. American Literature: The Essential Glossary. Oxford Univ. Press, 2003.
McDowell, Deborah E., ed. The Changin Same: Black Women's Literature, Criticism, and
Theory. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1995.
---, and Arnold Rampersad, eds. Slavery and the Literary Imagination. Baltimore: The Johns
Hopkins Univ. Press, 1989.
McFeely, William S. Frederick Douglass. New York: Norton, 1991.
McPherson, James M. The Abolitionist Legacy: From Reconstruction to the NAACP. Princeton:
Princeton Univ. Press, 1975.
Middleton, David, ed. Toni Morrison’s Fiction: Contemporary Criticism. New York: Garland,
Miller, Henry D. Theorizing Black Theatre: Art versus Protest in Critical Writings, 1898-1965.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2011.
Mishkin, Tracy, ed. Literary Influence and African-American Writers: Collected Essays. New
York: Garland, 1996.
Mitchell, Angelyn, ed. Within the Circle: An Anthology of African American Literary Criticism
from the Harlem Renaissance to the Present. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1994.
Montgomery, Maxine Lavon. The Apocalypse in African-American Fiction. Gainesville: Univ.
Press of Florida, 1996.
Morrison, Toni. Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard Univ. Press, 1992.
Nadel, Alan. Invisible Criticism: Ralph Ellison and the American Canon. Iowa City: Univ. of
Iowa Press, 1988.
Nelson, Dana. The Word in Black and White: Reading ›Race‹ in American Literature, 16381867. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1994.
Norrell, Robert J. Up from History: The Life of Booker T. Washington. Cambridge, Mass.:
Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 2009.
Nunes, Ana. African American Women Writers’ Historical Fiction. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2011.
Olney, James. “‘I Was Born’: Slaves Narratives, Their Status as Autobiography and as
Literature.” The Slave’s Narrative. Eds. Charles T. Davis and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press, 1985. 148-175.
Palmer, Janet Patricia. Animating Cultural Politics: Disney, Race, and Social Movements in the
1990s. Michigan: Univ. of Michigan Press, 2000.
Parish, Peter J. Slavery: History and Historians. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.
Peach, Linden. Toni Morrison. Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.
Peterson, Carla L. Doers of the Word: African-American Women Speakers and Writers in the
North, 1830-1880. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995.
Plasa, Carl, ed. Toni Morrison, Beloved. Duxford: Icon, 1998.
Pochmara, Anna. The Making of the New Negro: Black Authorship, Masculinity, and Sexuality
in the Harlem Renaissance. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Press, 2011.
Porter, Horace A. Stealing the Fire: The Art and Protest of James Baldwin. Middletown, CT:
Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1989.
Powell, Richard J. The Blues Aesthetic: Black Culture and Modernism. Washington, DC:
Washington Project for the Arts, 1989.
Pryse, Marjorie, and Hortense J. Spillers. Conjuring: Black Women, Fiction, and Literary
Tradition. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1985.
Robinson, William H., ed. Critical Essays on Phillis Wheatley. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982.
Rodriguez, Barbara. Autobiographical Inscriptions: Form, Personhood, and the American
Woman Writer of Color. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1999.
Ruoff, A. LaVonne Brown, and Jerry W. Ward, Jr., eds. Redefining American Literary History.
New York: Modern Language Association, 1990.
Scruggs, Charles. Sweet Home: Invisible Cities in the Afro-American Novel. Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1993. Sekora, John, and Darwin T. Turner, eds. The Art of
Slave Narrative: Original Essays in Criticism and Theory. Macomb: Western Illinois Univ.
Press, 1982.
Smethurst, James Edward. The African American Roots of Modernism: From Reconstruction
to the Harlem Renaissance. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2011.
Sollors, Werner. Amiri Baraka/LeRoi Jones: The Quest for a ‘Populist Modernism.’ New York:
Columbia Univ. Press, 1978.
---. Neither Black nor White Yet Both: Thematic Explorations of Interracial Literature. New
York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997.
---, and Maria Diedrich, eds. The Black Columbiad: Defining Moments in African American
Literature and Culture. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1994.
Starling, Marion Wilson. The Slave Narrative: Its Place in American History. Boston: G.K. Hall,
Stepto, Robert. From Behind The Veil: A Study of Afro-American Narrative. Urbana: Univ. of
Illinois Press, 1979.
Sundquist, Eric, ed. Frederick Douglass: New Literary and Historical Essays. Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990.
---. To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Literature. Cambridge, MA:
Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1993.
Tate, Claudia. Domestic Allegories of Political Desire: The Black Heroine's Text at the turn of
the Century. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1992.
Taylor-Guthrie, Danille K. Conversations with Toni Morrison. Jackson: Univ. Press of
Mississippi, 1994.
Wald, Gayle. Crossing the Line: Racial Passing in Twentieth-Century U.S. Durham, NC: Duke
Univ. Press, 2000.
Wall, Cheryl. Women of the Harlem Renaissance. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1995.
Warren, Kenneth W. Black and White Strangers: Race and American Literary Realism.
Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993.
---. What Was African American Literature? Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 2011.
Watkins, Rychetta. Black Power, Yellow Power, and the Making of Revolutionary Identities.
Jackson: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2012.
Watts, Jerry Gafio. Heroism and the Black Intellectual: Ralph Ellison, Politics, and AfroAmerican Intellectual Life. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1994.
---. Amiri Baraka: The Politics and Art of a Black Intellectual. New York: New York Univ. Press,
Whitlow, Roger. Black American Literature: A Critical History. Rev. ed. Chicago: Nelson-Hall,
Williamson, Joel. New People: Miscegenation and Mulattoes in the United States. New York:
Free Press, 1980.
Wittke, Carl. Tambo and Bones: A History of the American Minstrel Stage. Durham, NC: Duke
Univ. Press, 1930.
Woodson, Jon. Anthems, Sonnets, and Chants: Recovering the African American Poetry of the
1930s. Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press, 2011.
Yellin, Jean Fagan, ed. The Abolitionist Sisterhood: Women’s Political Culture in Antebellum
America. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1994.
Zapf, Hubert, ed. Amerikanische Literaturgeschichte. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzlersche
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