S8P5 ~ Students will demonstrate the advantages and

S8P5 ~ Students will demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of
series and parallel circuits and how they transfer energy.
You may work with a partner or by yourself.
Think of a situation in which having an electronic device might make life
easier. Write one paragraph explaining the situation.
What kind of device would you create to make the above situation easier?
What kind of circuit and components would you use? Why? Write one
paragraph answering those questions.
It is time to make the circuit! Your plans must be original (your own; not
Your plans must follow these steps and this rubric to receive full credit.
For extra credit, you may actually build your project and bring it to class.
1. Write two paragraphs about your project (see above). What is it? What
does it do? How will it make life easier? What components are included?
Is it a series or parallel circuit? How will the circuit be opened and closed?
What are the advantages and disadvantages to creating it this way?
2. Design and draw your circuit using correct symbols.
3. Draw a picture of your final design showing where your circuit is located
and the body of your object. You must not be able to see your circuit or
any components except light bulbs and switches.
4. For extra credit, build your design. Extra credit will not be accepted late.
Name(s) _________________________________
Score ___________
20 points
10 points
0 points
Your project includes a diagram
of the circuit using correct
There is one minor error in your
circuit diagram.
Your circuit diagram contains
many errors.
10 points
0 points
Your circuit is labeled correctly
as series or parallel.
Your circuit is labeled
20 points
10 points
0 points
Your circuit must have at least 5
components. Wire will only
count as 1 component no
matter how much you use.
Your circuit only has 4
Your circuit does not have the
required amount of
10 points
5 points
0 points
Your plans must include a
picture of the final design
showing where your circuit
would be.
Your plans include a picture of
the final product but do not
show where your circuit would
be or your circuit is not
Your plans do not include a
picture of the final product.
10 points
5 points
0 points
You must include a written
description of your project. This
should be two paragraphs.
One of your paragraphs is not
Both paragraphs are lacking
the appropriate length.
10 points
5 points
0 points
Your paragraphs use correct
vocabulary, spelling, and
Your paragraphs include many
spelling and grammatical errors.
Your paragraphs lack correct
20 points
10 points
0 points
Your paragraphs include all the
requested information.
Your paragraphs are missing
some key information.
Your paragraphs are lacking the
needed information.
EXTRA CREDIT 50 points
EXTRA CREDIT 25 points
You presented a working
version of your project based on
your plans, brought it to class on
the day that it was due, and
explained how it worked.
You presented a version of your
project and brought it to class
on the day that it was due but it
did not work.
You brought a version of your
project to class but would not
present it or could not correctly
explain it.