Word Problems

Word Problems
Solve the following by factoring. 1. x2 ­ 12x + 27 = 0
2. x2 ­ 10x + 21 = 0
3. Find the discriminant and state number and type of solutions of 6x2 + 4x ­ 11 = 0. Oct 27­12:27 PM
Oct 21­9:18 AM
Learning Objective: Solve word problems by choosing the appropriate method. First let's review the quadratic formula: Now, let's try some word problems....
3. The difference of two numbers is 2 and their product is 224. Find the numbers.
Solve using the quadratic formula.
1. a2 ­ 12a + 32 = 0 2. 4x + 7x ­ 15= 0
Could you have used factoring to solve either of these? What about completing the square?
Oct 21­9:21 AM
4. Nicole has a rectangular backward. She know the width of her backward if 4 ft shorter than her length. The area of her backyard measures 285 square meters. Find the lenght and width of her garden. (Draw a picture for this situation). Oct 21­9:30 AM
Oct 21­9:26 AM
5. The area of a rectangle is 560 square inches. The length is 3 more than twice the width. Find the length and width. (Draw a picture for this situation)
Oct 21­9:29 AM