d. Eq{ilrd AW - 501 rrrf (tril) 6rd tcrtFcqrcq trmmrS, frf,rfig{ (Assignment Work) €d-20i 6-17 ff.Ts. q?dq q{ llrsrefl 3rqqle ftqq X"rfo : {i qa arot rffo q gqq ao - oe:oo ctttiFtd Ecqr ffq fr{vf w qn id rrffq ord d q'rc os Fi€i { fonfu-a *: sTfr dgs6.r€-q crq (r-a) qo c+rs 3I EIt estrt , rz t€rr t-S - - oe egliffii rliqr{eTMirrd6 e< {ffqt r-z er< qt \q qqq dgsf,ftq er{ (qa e * u) €a 06 ctot B mi d.n t s+q q< {Jqr 75 qr c+rs'T tq d o.s sio or arn c+s t q!-s q ttus - q- dg sdfrq rrtc (EEr 15 * ra) t o+ qF{ ga t ol{ oc trr+ Ed oit fu{rd r+s qq ffq rso vt \T irq 3rd d-i sdftq wr (ge rs it zz) Ea ol q:c it +}d o: qgc cfr qr+ 01 3i6 6r ra ol r cfr rgc oz 3i6 6T elfl t+rs q - or *.rT t sm sr< {ffry :oo qt <} iq Ad sm€q erq (qd 23 it za) q-a oz ceq B fusi ii olg oz qr< ao ol r qfi q{i oq 3io t sw { - dq t rw rr< dlqr ,ooo-zso qr oa-os fq grg - 1 rrqnan d orrg-oro ol ft+r e66d I Mention the age-limjt of infancy stage. qc-r 2 q?'r d sl s{r{t"r fafuq sr.l i lfut + 6tg or qrc Fd idi I cft qr+ t 3l sl ? Write two examples of emotion. qwr-3 'Td 3ir fis' d ftgrT or qftqr(o olc d q fifuq ? Who is the enuciater of the principle of 'Trial and error method ? write this name. yrr-4 3rft'rq wrrfl o) sR-{R d6<r{ olq fr frfu I ? Which method is repetitions of learning - materials. raFr s qr*o ol w+*m os Frd ? fo-{ yox ot qrc d ? What type ofquestion iswhen independencewas achieved by India.? yFr-6 Sqrir i R-6r{d fu€r.'r of l6-s €1 { cFfrcKd F6qr ? In which year Double-factortheory was established by spearmen. q{q 7 r2o € 6c{ gfa srd srd6 6} f6{ c.f d rqr qr<n "rFq In what category a boy of LQ. higher than 120 is kept ? t ? oe 3Tat 6r ,flr cr4-8 i=a fosor qe d ? Which measure is expressed by the formual Grrg qr{-s {r{|qFift frft 6i qtrsrr{d ' 4 . "q" ? Explain socioloretric method ? sFT 10 qI{|{A d eJ c6r1i 6r s"fq o1fug I Describe two types of Questionnaire. !r':Fr 11 T.? r{rFr 12 gfr ys qq.Trtrddr gk qrf,ot d fui fu-€ d{€ or qrdgFq sq{ff Eif,r d ? Which type of curriculum is appropriate for mentally related children. i {fl qiiq A ? What is the relation between Intelligence & creativity ? crq 13 ksRsq d inn snsrq S ? What do you mean by Day Dreming. q{:r-14 srhTq di cqrfud d{.1 qd orr6l ol qfr vqa olfuq Prepar a list of factors influe,ncing learning ? . EID-g'{' qFr-1s ianisos { eilrero cM.rq ffd dqi E}i d ? Why emotional changes are so repid in adotescente period. rra-16 nFoa crlarl il1q?rn fu€rf, oi r+rrqq ar{ fl{ggi ? Explain the operant conditioning theory with examples. !rFr-l7 or<dd vq dfgSd qft{d i i cqr 3rm ? What is the difference between introvert and extrovert personality ? o1 grcqn"n d onq cqr q{fli i' ? s{rrrsr Aftr{ | qv;I-18 gffir Whatdo you mean by the concept ofintelligence quotient ? Give Example. n;r-re frRrEd -dm6l or qffs-r"r o1fuq grg-< ? qmq sr<ld d a f6fl q6T{ ft-q { ? Classify exceptional children ? How do they differ from normal children qFr-20 qrq qqff 6rflr oin d fufllrfqi'd :rE2r qfuJ|d fihqorsi 6i qrr,l d fid loi lil*qi an cd.r ? Which method would you adopt to measure the indivisual differences among the students of Your class ? s*r-21 ffi d hfi+ffq REia 6i qrsrgd ? Discuss in brief Gwiford's Tri dimentional theory ? qFr 22 qrueflrrq ol orsqn 16{ c6n cqrF{f, 6{ In sr.fi f ? sfl€{q sR-d Ftrt which way perception is affected by attention, Explain with examples. ? ? s.'s - J q5r-2s ft6|€ d fuqrc of qqfrIfn er+*sn3ri 6r fAsn d s'fc olfuc ? qEJr.niqfi ? ffq ftrlrrd dRr F{i rd ssFn(Tf Bo|{ 01 aR Explain the meaning of cognitive development theory. Discus in detail the four stages of congnitive development given by Jean Piaget. FFI 24 ro ur:i d dlnn dert srdd qfffiq) qc qTwio (t.rg lsrt"ff qrqrto) d ffq d"ft oq (d q.iq .Jon6 +1 qrsr orl ? d oqww e) ? Fqd dcTr 3ridl Score of '10 student an Sanskrit and English subjects are given below Calculate the Rank correlation coefficient between Sanskrit and Enqlish. El-t {ISII 1 qr{d 11 3id-fl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IJ 15 14 16 20 I B 11 '19 17 9 16 10 14 9 10 11 13 '15 FA,- r. rrffq oFi dvl fu wrrn rsqdltrd Err ( 2016 qe{q sd ) rrdtq ord e{ qqrc'r cqfl ftcor { qs d fusrr mf€rrdq7 ourT{ d-e ET{I MR-d ftFr n oTqi 3lin.{{ d< d qqr ol.l qracro I 2. 1{{m qffqr rre O We 17 i qr .lqdq {taifitro uln I t ql ot ti{,.q Frtq 6r{ zoj6 caJc s{ ffl 0 {i,n I fi-sd c{l {a sl s6c fftqliqnTq d. gqffirf, rmf ({t-d) ftrrFcuraq umszrq, fddrrgr s{-q 6rd (Assignment Work) wa-zoro-tz s{ dl.sc yarq fiqq - X.rfo . <eror eTrtrrftd fusq grq Eq trE tdsif w qn ii T{ffq cgc - or,oo q? rtrflttd bE Fdrr ao qus q - agsdfu e{r (1-s) t q - r {- t EIug q{q-1 ffi - 3I' qFfti d ord d .Jqqor erh 6rd qdfr otvra a:m cqr qffic Etdr d ? Qualities and skillof work in a person shows what ? s$r-2 3 i qel ? ftrmr ro{ro1 fu-q Rrard rr otqrftd On which theory based in micro-teaching technac ? Rrro q+an 6i oiA-6ia {odd d di-i 6} {qr odr qrdr d ? What we can say distinbution in small units of Teacher Behaviour. s::I 4 \.6 sawffq qri or FErdr"r ftfug t Write an example of high level question. qFr q qd es qf{ | mi sfi r{q *fu * i yc}o ii o s oro or d.n r*t rr< qftqr r 2 er< qT vfi Erdq dEvnitqcrq(qasit+) ed 06 qpi t fiffii e o}{ oa q{c rq oitcfr qri 01 3i6.Fr glq glq ctr< {ffqr zs qr emn tq dg sdefq cfi (Ed 15€ re) Eao+ cg<dfu'flq*d-{or q{r raqircftcrc02 3io oT gr.n t siR rr< rliqr rso qr vo tq crd dld serfu cF{ (ea' re * 22) ed 04 tr{r d ftrtri n 6t oz rrc 6d 6t I cid cF{ o+ 3tE ihl drn I str{ yr< {iqr 3oo {n <J tq 4d s-d0! cr+ (gd 23 t 2a) {d 02 urq d finTi * o){ or rsc rd si cft qrr 08 3ro 6l ti'Tl r rss rr< frrr eoo zso qr oq-os tq etft qrs { - qFr -E ;Xror u*urf o : rz t qrs qr 6d d rrrc os s?i n filnfud d, rrus 3r - qo-s AW - 502 5 yy:r-6 fd} * fuervr d <iql- 6i {r.l sra ffdn or crq rflfd t Write the name of lecture who rename demerits of teaching from lecture method. arr<-ani qrqrq i $ sdR-q6ra f+qr olrro d 3r'drfa qtn Which skill part of change in Speech pattern. i ? y{r-7 se.r I dfi+s fr. crgdc an er.JTff s'rd,T vlfrq|q fu{ fk<ra qs cTrqrftd B ? On which theory based is advance organizer model of Devid PAsubale ? glAqr l-qdo{"r or cqr r{i6r d ? What is the mode of presentation of dilemma ? eID-g y{rr-os - q orhoqvr d cq orgd d ? What its meaning of Simulation ? qPq-10 grdu< ffi c6ri d Eld d? How many types of Reinforcement ? sra{-11 s<frqr qM.r 6tcrd Erqr Rterot ol f&a c6r< cqtEflfr qqrqr q som i ? How can make effective ofteaching by stimules variation skill. q{q-12 ftrs"r yf;qr d e)a, qsrq, ruE6 vE styr ffi oar qnn d ? Which are Source medium, Receiver and message in teaching process. cFr-r3 ffi d rsdqq.Tl c6n Arff d How many types of concpet ? Z qrr-14 eiqxd uw olvra i enq eqr qr{d f, ? What do you mean by probing questioning skill ? gug c{q rs samr F{ir 16 g o1 fedqnr{ iafuq Write characteristics of concept. srfl r i €iq qRreq qRrqrq'i'rlq ori d qs ot.l d d ? Which syntax are using of Inquiry Training model in classroom? swr 17 viv"r d geqlq"r orqc{d {qi d ? Why necessory feedback in communication ? qs;r 18 qtl ffqrd aqr d "fftor Frsfr ftfu ?. What is limitation of role playing method qls-q qrt:r 19 IrFI-2o fii \'qr Rrer6 d 1a or cqr qFF d ? What is importance of value forthe teacher. Rtno ol qrsrc ?d wq{r l6.t qrdl 6r tarr {s qrF6{ | What are the points that a teacher should have to keep in mjnd when he is delivening lecture in the classroom. qrFr 21 1e vlov rqr d ? sE alfic Clearify What is value process. I v{n-2d qr€qn dsld ffi q6nd #t ? How many types of Explaining skill ? gw q=r-23 qoqcr cTk qftrqn "d" m f{d A ? {rd fusq cr{rsi or solc qrtfuc What is conceptAltainment model ? Explain its teaching effects. sFr-24 om d grdol or cqi'r 6-E *t fu-s q6n otrr qrfl€{ t ? When and which situation should use reinforcement in classroom. ftfu,, r. r+*q 6r{ +q{ i( qrR TqliRrd Er,r ( 2016 clrq s{ ) {iq ord 6r €c|{r crfl sf,{gkfir { F{ d fuqn{ F{raFd-srdq/ rsq{{ A< dnr Mftd fdfq { oTTi qq{r d< d qqr old olrq{{r r lrliq qfiqr sr i7 { *€iffio yfi al a$qr{z w sqff&r d 2. I {i or Frq sffq ord zore c?rq q{ fis t1€'ntrtsd c{r ra or ssc M{qrfrq AW - 503 ri. {qrdrm rrf,f ({c-ill ftrcfrureu B-frFrrC, frdrgg{ rritq 6d (Assignment Work) wa-zoro-tz fl.cs cem a{ fts{r - qrd.{f,q \q tarrio{ vw r; - qdlrr arol vtMo : rz ctattttd tge{ftr f}1 w eqn id -: old d trrc os riei i fulfuo i qre 3I - 3ftdgvtrftq rr{ (1-s) q-d oe wc t fu{Ti nr{J qrq offi t q.d-o i os:roorst'nrrs :r< r:liqr 1 - 2 :r< qT TO tt]irq ugq /FF 9 i t4 Ed 06 qF i ?r,q p -ard oa c.rc re rt sP rt:;I 0. 3rF F d.n rrn yr< frqr 75 qr o trt +d qrs € - dg strfl.-q r.r (ed' 15 t rs) ga o+ !F{ i fu-sd t +i$ o: q{r ea of r cfA crr 02 3ro .hr Eifi | str{ yr< {iqT 1so ur g+ io q!-s q - 3rd ftd sf,ftq rs (qa ro e 22) ed 04 s{r i fuir+ * 6t{ oz q.c'I 6a oi cfr rci oa orf, or *.n t ror :r< qfiry :oo qr s) +q gcqr F-{qrt I t t t sw { A{ sd$-q cEr (ed 23 r} 24) ed 02 c{c d fu]],l rt oN dq t utrq yr< {frqr 600-750 qr o+ os fq or qrq ra oi r cli r{f oe 3io or l qYq-1 Er+6 q qqlFd q{6n qrm{? qrg - 3I' vMr ig Ffi'qrcn rs erlrol d wFrtua ori d rq?va i aqr aqrqr What is prepared to bring out the desired change in behaviour of child jn accordance wtth actrons and experiences ? gt:t-2 l4fuq M ifl ErFr \rfi qpr ?i or rqrs foe c6r{ d cqq'q +1 Hsdr t? Which type of curriculum characteristics provisions & knowledge of various subjects to gether? gt;I 3 IIIFI_4 €ftft d sflq fu€Trirq d vragrq ol funRn o1 am "-.q Which commitee suggested ten yearschool curriculum ? f6-s Tqr:llF6 FiFc (10+2+3) idtf,ff cra*pnci ol qlfufud o{{r 'r$ ? i'? New Educational pattern (10+2+3) comprises of how many stages ? gti- 5 oTr<dqrH d rorlvn fd-ffi r<rn d ?rd i ? qrq lafuq t How many types ofexperieces are given by ideologists . write names 3r1rrE IIFI 6 ffi qrrERrrir qfiqfq grn Behavioural model is given I:1.;I-7 ftfl by. 'rqr i ? .............? I 6er srrit{uT olc - 61.r fr fl{d} qFqfud Eiil d? What materials are included under classroom Equipments? tn€rr rq qr{dl d si-si si|{{sr d crq ftfuq Evq Give two examples each of Audio-visua lAids? r EITg iI g{jl I qrqrrrq q,i 3Tqi pF<i. { qfunfYa otfu\ t Define curriculum in yourown words. qc:r- 10 cPi-l1 qEw qrqqarq € anq aqr q{grd d ? What do you understand by 'The Hidden curriculum? 'RRrg eftrrrrqrflf' € +qr en:rq l? What is meant by'Exceptional Leavners'? Xqi6r d€ IISI_12 sr{q c5I-13 vs{ qY;I- l,l '3ETs crdgrq' S 3nq Eqr s{sd d? you What do understand by'Experience centered curruculum'? cFI-15 3rf+rcfu loor 7 o<rqr drdr d? How is External Evaluation done ? to 01 \.6 Rrfld iq qrEYqiDd ql qqf dfuq r Djscuss upon the need of Questions Bank for a teacher ? dkd d srs!]r{ull VE 3rpJ 6l sTci {|qi { lakq I Write down the concept and meaning ofAptitude in your own wordS? cFr '16 didrfi srd.r of ergvivlori d sll$6 Ta€ Tdr{d r State the educational importance of the recommendations of Kothari commission. gFT-'t 7 f{vl aq eq.r d qr.r<-c 6lq olc d d? What are the criteria for selecting content ? qq:I_18 FcS'rdr iE 3rlqrrq 6l slqi yr<l' q- qrfl'En I Explajn 'Learning for Mastery' in your own words. rIEg ya;I-t I qrdgrq trqti iqFTq Eslc 61c - q olc d d? What are the different philosophies related to Curriculum ? q{:r 20 'q d dfa6 s<M' irt crqi sr<l d tr,rerl{A t Explain'Bloom's Educational objectives' in yourown words. !r':t-r-21 Frqforrtro vs €gR 3ri6d{ t € enq fd* lrrt qrrd €. ef{ Td ? Among fermative and summative Assessment which onedo you find better and why? d srri rr<l q frfus t a1 errdrqrf,r v4 fiqr3ri Write down the need and limitations of Curriculum Evaluations in your own words. eln-22 qrqrrq Tdi6:l sus Itv"I-23 fi.w qromrq ccrT{ff fircr ig crrqtfud fdfuq E ri{d oel o1 Bftq rftIfrerqt /oTrqrqi € €qErd T6 sffifud t Make a closed from questionnaire related to various activities/aspects of contact class in B.Ed program. er.;r-24 qlfiqr i erri srfr sqsrqt d d f6'S \'6 ir,r sErEt-lT dd gd \'6 ffiqrtro etl$qrrr d qwsr or qfsq {.n6t ftr@ r Rreror lvlake anAction Research proposaltaking example for any one problems in teaching orocess. qnrao FA,- 1. [*q ord dv< fu wrw rsqdftra sra ( 2016 car{ qq ) s+q 6rd or dcrci crfl vfl{gR or { Tt d 1irs6-t ffiqr(rq/ srq{{ d-E d|{r MR-d ftflr d 3rri 3{€qq:r +< i qqr oi'l I 2. sli( +1 qffqr €,| tz ,) rt<tLl+ ,rl-j ,rd or darrlc w srae I t Fsq {ritq 6r,i 2oro cr{c q{ dq il {tn t risd c{-r qc ,}t s6q litqfii:t|dq AW - 504 .t. qqrara rf{f (td-il) ftrtFcuraq B-dffrrq, f{drsgr qffq sld (Assignment Work) ea-zore-lz fl,t'e. faqq Ttrrd l{reTrr (qt€ - vw re - qD-c 3r - age{ alqffI sfrutf iF ti? O:,OO cwtd @r Er ft{gi qqr id os s{ - ot) q'nl {rjrq ord d qtc qQrq 12 tsg Fr?rr ci€i n faqrf'$d B,- cgs.fiftq cyc 0-8) ed os qsc i mt s.i c5{ sTFETd B t r.}'6 i o.s cio +l oFn r+s {T< ffqT n2 Pr< qr \rfi qf4q dgsflftq c{i (qa s t ra) ed 06 tr{q t ffii € ot{ oa sf{ aa oi t cR cE{ ot 3i4 oI c+Fd I sus ir rqtrs - q dtfl sii{ srq rftqT zs-qr 3Tro'T is dg s€"flq tr{c (ed 15 t 1s) gd t 04 eri t li(+i i o! os rg{ ao ol I qfr qrc oz 3i6 6l thn rrrr sr< dlqr rso qr q6 tq tlus < - s.e { - eq 04 cg{ d fusq * oig 02 qtc Fd oi t }TFd c{r oq 3i6 or drfl I rirs er< {ftqT soo qt <l qs 4d sdftq rrc (Ec zs i 24) td 02 vrc d ful+ * oiE 01 rrq 6d ot t cta cfr os err 6r dr.n t r:tc vr< Sql ooo-zso qr oq-os i-s cd frd s-dQ-q s{r (q-a rs rl zz) I tlug _ qsi_1 'rprd { srd"rq 3I d ffi sf, 'rrs.1"f qt'rqrc ot fafuq r Write an importance contribution of Aryabhatt in lvlathematics. qFr 2 'rFR firfl"r qr1 dt{ \-6 Eyq {rrq{}. w r.q Tq {r[.n fufuc Write any one visual teaching aid, any one audio-visual teaching aid of teaching N,4athematics. erFr-3 'rFrd d l46rs d F{ ffi trq ot ltoru €m r8l^- i" t 116 opr'r io-s-6r d ? The development of any nations is not possible without the development of l\,4athematics. Who has made this statement ? !rFl-4 €aarqr{ cqr d? What are concepts ? cw 5 ftterr d Xa aq {-6 (6rrd) ettt d ? What are the root variable factors ofteaching ? sFr-6 fr-c ffFsq oi we dlfuq I Explain Print Media .- qr.r-7 .rFrd Rrfl"r n- erla'f d qord ol f fuq t Write types of tutorial in Mathematics teachinq. F{:r 8 q{r-qr ftqlq d' Fo(ri qon d ccq {|nrfud m qri d ? How many types of questions are mentioned in preparing a questions paper ? grg \r!:I s srtqfol fd-arrq|{r q{:T 10 Frgol o1 eio 'rtrrd d ei" d 'rffi. q d ergtrn rrFrffa qs++ell d a'fror"r oi we o1fuq r Explain the classification of mathematical structu re according to mathematicians of Bourbaki thoughta. i oi{ cl qtq cqaRrd fdfuc r Write any two achievements of Hindus in the field of Maths arithmetics. re;r r 1 'rFra fus"r d erqrq ertq APre s<?vqi d sr.r{ wE *'lfuc ? Explain difference between general and specific objectives of learning mathematics? swr 12 rrFr 13 frEl d qpr rrFra 61 qqr 3r1qq S? w€ o1fuq f+ercra{6 qtffiq rqr d ? iasol sqqRrf,iiF Rrervr d eqr €qq d? What is diagnetic cost? How is it related with remedial teaching ? I What is the linkage of Mathematies with life ? Explain. sv=r qFr 14 1s d ftero 6t firfft-d <r +1 qlq;rr{ rcr{ arR1 ? Xvr or.) tiq fimi How many types of plans should be mode by a l\4athematics teacher to complete the given curriculum ? 'rfnn qFm fuqq qrclrfrq 6l , grg TI qtrro d gftrors d sr ..|r S i rre oi wq o11ic I Explain the importance of the study of History of Mathematics in its teaching. qFr-16 fuerdfi ti d sq qlqTmq n d erlfuRl 615N, 'rFrd rn r{rr.r Explain thejustifications of the place of mathematics in school currrculum. Fr-r-17 qfhr d firi 's6T{sr 6r qarrrero qrcfu{ s<rc'"r to-q we otfuc r Experience with example the cognitive mapping of a 'topic' in mathematics. lrFr ra llr;r-re qF+ir.ro sr1?crc ofl-q faRne oq?Yr{ d er<n fdfug I Write difference between indivisualastics and lnvisualized instruction. "on'r'rc eir ftrrfi frfu 96 ({i i4rg _ < d Xro i" urlt<"r io* we otfu1 I "lnductive and Deductive methods are mutually supplementary" Explain with examples. qa:I 20 tftfi vds o; f+om fu err+wo \'q q6d{st ac"n (qtqrij) or +tfuq Presentthe details of necessory and importance steps for development a daily lesson plan in mathematics. .rFrrr q,l qrq-2i {iqiF{ urcqlqll dqr d ? gr+1 ugu f+rinad lifuq What is evaluations ? Write its main characteristics. r r tnln-22. qrqqgwo Q eqr i rri sds ? .rtrrd d vra3grro frun d l3u r+<.S' or dftrs What is the meaning of a text book ? Describe the main norms of preparing a text book of mathematics. 3rrurq Epii - € grFr-23 TFrfl d qqrff Rmq sfu.rq l-{ osr - os oi f&-s c6rr Trrla q-{rqr F+€ndd d oen - oef d Rft d dR n qqi crlm lirs- qT Frdr t ? q+qrl r How can a classroom be made prosperous for effective teaching - learning of mathematics ? Write your experiements aboutthe status ofclassrooms ofpresesnt schools. q::I-24 d f{Er6 d 1"rl w vorv srfuq r adqn 6{d g ? 3rqi tr<l q- fufuq rrFrir { vrrcrcrl { ortrra ftrq-o a€ fio-fir {iqrftd r Throw light on the qualities of mathematics teacher. How much do the teacherworking in the present schools, maintain there qualities ? Write own experiences. E{vr,- r. rrfiq Erd ds{ i s-t Er: ( 2016 {q{ s{ ) r+q Fd or Fcre{ cqfi Fr<r flufftd ftli{ d qqi qerqrr q}< { qqr olif c-{siRrd d fusfl ftveifqrdq,/ stq{,r d< 2 rflrd c${,|r sr 1z { dEilto d w vraaa I I ffiz i{ qre r yfi ,r, or Fsq Tfiq ord ?o j6 qqq s{ fs 6 {i.n I dsd rTl cr or €i5q Mtrarrq t PT. SUNDARLAL SHARMA (OPEN) UNIVERSITY CHHATTISGARH, BILASPUR Assignment Work Session- 207 6-'J.7 lJ.[d l-irst year Sub- English teaching Mar. M :- (Section-A) 'l'imc 30 Paper - 0-1:00 Vth \1.M. :- l2 Hours Plcase see the follorving instruoiton :- 'l he Question ofsessional work rre divided in live parts :- I'arlA- Very short iuls$ cr t\pe qucstiois (1,8). total0S qucslions. n llquestions arc compulsory'. Each quesition carries l/2 nark. The limit ofans$'cris l-2 \\ords oronc scntences. PtrlB-ShoraDs$ert)pequestioDs(9-l:l).lotal{}6questions.ouloI\\'hichan}0,1aretobesohed.Eachqucstion -Ihe canies 0l mark. linrit ofan$ere i5 75 \\ords orhalf page. PartC-Shortansuert]'pequestions(15-i8).total0.1ques(ions.or(ol\\hichant03arelobcsolvcd.Eachqueslion Ilach qucstion carries ()2 n'rark. The limit ol'anrvcr is 150 uords or one pagc. I'art D- Semi llpc quesliorls ( I9-22). total 0,1 q ueslions. out of$hich question carries 04 ntark. The li4it ofansuer is 300 words or 02 pages. long ans\\ er an1 02 arc to bc solved. l-lach Pan E- l.ong anu er tl pe questioDs (2i-2,1). total 02 questions. out of$ hich anl 0l arc to b(j solved. hach question caffies 08 nrark. The limit ofanucr is 600-750 \\ ords or 04 to 05 pages. Section-A Q.01. Q.02. Q.03. Q.04. Q.05. Q.06. Q.07. Q.08. What is a concept map ? What is intonation ? What are the differenttypes of writting ? What is 'presentation'? What is ' mass media'? What is'unit plan'? What are the components of a 'Course Reader'? What are the characteristics of a'good test'? (mention only names) Section-B O.09 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Write five objective of 'listening' ? What are 'Diphthongs'? Define'passivevocabulary'withexamples. Define ' Inductive Approach' of grammer teaching? What are the different types of reading ? Define 'Hyperbole' with examples.? Section-C Q.15. Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Explain the principles of ' Communicative Language Teaching'. What would you do to liquid the vocabulary of your students ? Explain 'bdensive Reading'. Explain the process of Report writting. Section-D Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Why do we need 'remedial teaching' ? What are the qualities of a good ESL (English as a second tanguage) teacher ? Define the importance of audio-visual aid in teaching - learning process ? Enumeratethe qualities of a good prose. Section-E Q.23 Q.24 Prepare a prose lesson plan of Higher Secondary class. Write an essay on 'CommunicativeApproach. v*q 6rd drn \ rrw TcqiRrd Erd { 2oi6 ner.r d ) s*q 6r{ 6r {qI({ { q< d ffqot ftrsffqmqZ 3renrr qi< gm frqfR-d ldfq d qq-i qtqqc d< { qqr old qrs@ fdfu :- r. vf,id IIfrrIr lTt t7 i taiff4t a1 aqsde q{ srd&{ i I 2. c{j [? ar rs{sq s+q od zoro cerc sd ds O {i'n I disd rfi ce 6r €5q ffierdq r ri. gqrf,rd ?f{f ({'rd) ftrttturaq E-ffiirrrS, fddrEg{ s*q ord (Assignment Work) q;l-2016-17 ' . frsq - lid llmu (w1a , ei) O.(s. ugrq sd qY;I q-r s{q - X"t[o , :o o3roo {tqflFtd ;{Tflq qa Fg - qrdq. sflM6 tdtr ryFEfrffiqcqrqid{rfrq 6d d c{{ os rris) i fulfua t: s"-s cr - crfi ogrefto rrl (r-e) qa oe rw d fur+t q.ff cr{ e{Frod itqcfo d o.s ei6 4r Ei'n Enr tgss :r< {ftrl 1 - 2 {< qT T6 4.rrl dgsflfu cI{ (q-a s * r+) qd 06 cv;t d ffii€ q- d.n I g<r c|< -{frqt 75 qr 3tttll +q dg sdQq q.c (iud 15 t re) qa oa crq d finrii ai'n t rrr er-< dlql rso qr vo trq of ol rr+Edoitqftcrc01 3it5 inl t su€ q- * 6i{ 03 q{c 6d oi t cfd q{r oz 3To 6l t fld ldos q-Er' (ed 1e t 22) gd 04 cr{ d firq'i t 6t{ 02 cFI Ed oi cFfi q5{ oq 3ro or +rn I sdr Yr< +qr 3oo qr d iq €d s-oftq c5{ (qa zs il za) ed 02 tr{i d ffi rt 4}{ o1 r:i 6d ol nft cqr oa 3rn 6l d.n t r+s {-< dlqr ooo-zso qt oq os fq srs q - 3rd t q.c { - qrg q{q-1 qft ree ig saqcrq (r) welovr< qy{-2 fd.5v ewo {wr d I' 3l t (z) iaqetovr< (3)a{t € oX rS t qlq (r) si (q) w !rrr-3 dvo fu rwwr dqc or sh 6qI f? q?:r 4 sqR'r qlq l-fqrror tg qqrfi sqrq aqr €? cr.l-s oe dffift |g va +rra au+ d (4) fln € 6i{ Tff (z) oriu (a) sr-dTqrq (1) nq s*r-6 ds{ d srqtqc i i6-w sqtw o1 Xftf dfi i gP:I-7 3rf6{u|lcrr+, q FT ff6 .{rcl f*o|{ fuq sr{*PII i q.rrff 6'r q fiofud E}dr d? grcr,T6 fu6m d FO,{ ord i s{q I "{rw qe a gqlx dfr d? (i) fi{ (2) t r 12 rlrg - q cq-r-s rrer 3rq{n i sq|{rsff qq o1 scqiFrdr F|oa olfuC qyir 10 r+fiqo qldee 6l sqra{'r qFFf, we -o1fuc t I ig g+r< v-qa oi qFr 12 fr3q "{rqr ft6rs ig a*<rfi orrol or sds qFr-13 qr+<iq ig ffirfleid yr< dr {dR we dlvc sv=Fl1 aB Xle <tv F-ranu t g$r-14 o ca crd q 6h qR {{r {ql- crqFro i 15 dwr iq g+dc< s i{qr st1 t t ? q ljlrg yFr oliqq scdTdr o1 gfu olf'urt i vF.rq f+qtq or cftqr [<d.t or aq rro d ? sFr-r7 "nqr F+om i cr< {iqqr qrqerl q q6.r cr+qlq F6-tr q6Tr \.6 {gi d {ro d qE{-is qnq r1di6-r efi sqfaqdr s< 6l c5r-16 erql fia-ors t t EIrg - q , qFr-le -9ra;r-20 cr-r 2i affie-O s fid ETITR wtq-22 dsc srq-ifir< +1 gaql rner fi*om o1 lrrqr Rtg"r d fiqq'ro re qqq € qrqr Fa6rg w 61yr"{ fq-6rs ig sqru d sarrFr sTT.tr srr Efu d TtrT fr ftqn 'Jqn otfu( {r$r5i dftq t sqgfi tR 3TqjTI fa-qn cqn olfuc t t t s-s_g vffil ig oqr rqd,lo qRRqfu' or lia<"r lqo olfug c*r-24 sdd ndTi6.T rreEmq d enq trqfw qFri t, qR Ei ai va { rd r*ga 61 6l crorfl {F< Tfr dl ftrd srfltgd nq:r-23 dq.r 6lyrd f+om i erifhd I I fifu, r. rr*q ord dv.r ig rrrrc rqcdl}r.r Era ( 20i6 qlTq qd ) trfq or{ or sqrc-r qqit Tf,igltnor q Tr i fuqfi-{ ft{qFftrr.rql/ srq:rc d-n drqr Fcr{fRd ffifv d orri qqq-r d- t nln q1.1 arrss{o , z trrrrt rrz rz i ffio q{ scdei ? | tr{lcn dl iffidc c€ .rr .l'I l{sq qfiir ETd zors crrq s{ +{ fr -\.l'n r qisa cw ce {,T TTtqg id{qfuqr,{q d. g!{ilrd ?r{f (tc-d} fflilfffrdq E-ffiI{|r{, f{Ersgr s*q 6d (Assignment Work) wa-zors-rz fl.w. fqqq qrlrr.u F+sn fuerq (u1e - €n-s sI ctl {r gryl T-fr" ord d - qus \c - o::oo q? a.r.m vffo {Kl , tz rtanFtd tg F€er qq - e€l ii flqfua i:ufi ogaefto rw (r-s) ea q-Er os vr< qrs q - s{ - e) n"rfo , :o q?qqr InFr r-rql|r qr ulti qerq AW _ 507 frq r oe qyc B fu-s{ qrfi 2 {r-< qt q6 qtiruI sr{ 3{M trrcioi o.s:rio or d.n r+q 1 dTsn{-q qrc (qe s ri ra) Td 06 r{q d firfiri d ot{ oa rqq Fd 6i I cFfi rrs or cio +r dfl t eirs e< dhf zs q omn tq dg sRJttq qf{ (gd is ri ra) q-a o+ q5l d fusd d ori os qf{ Fd 6i r cR crc oz 3{.r,- ol rlqt sm vr< rftq'f rso qI \'6 tq r*'s q - :rd fid smfu qec (q-o rs it zz) q-a { - xrc d fus'i tlo'g w.di.t.rrr<.d. or ftRI( qrq fAfuq Eleborate N.C.E.R.T. 3I I . qP.T-2 rg6s' q|{fu{ aqr d? What is concept-map? rrFr 3 qqr6{6 qqiqc l6d 6€i e-? Whatdo you mean by Electric combination ? s$r-4 frfro- tas aql d ? What isVideo tex ? grFr-s qrq {o 01 cqt oqqlftr.l d? What rs the use by question bank? !rr;I-6 Fr-tdldl H ddd I ? What is Revaluataons. grFr-7 ol$ oz qrc 6.a d,i t cii q{c on eifi I i sFr-1 t d-{r sfl{ q< l+qr':oo qT al i-n frd wm€-q qF{ (ga zs ri za) ed 02 c{r d M i) o}{ ttn I r+s yr< dlgr 600-7s0 qt o+-os iq .Fr q!-s o+ fe-{Fr Rrtr"r d agsqd.n qa or qrq ftfuq t Name the instuments uses in science teching. 01 crt 6cl ol I qfr cgq oa 3i6 6r crrl-o tfl{q cqh tl|dr d z-z sqor"i 6r :Trq Ffifuc df(ro \ii I State the names (2-2) of physics and chemistry laboratory inheritances. tlo-g - i{ er.:r-e Rrsq ftld a1 sqqlFret fufu'J r State lhe use of teaching learning. s$I-10 erqol rrrm d fe-sn ,)dr 3rrqhfi sdfr ilqrM 6r fc-flvr fffuc Statethe points ofpreparation forscience exhibition ofyour school. rv-r li "ol{ .i qeurqr nrqfl aTo-qid ol osr € ra rfl qmr d', "Name ofthe teaching and replaced chalk-board from classroom' Reaction. n;r-12 fuqq !R;r-r3 f+sn frrurq i q0sr d- sord ftfuq aoffi \'d fusq filq d 3rirt fAfuc state the d ifference between teaching technique and teaching method. r t State the functions of Examinations on Science teaching. IrFr-l4 r.o fasr-l Rmo o1 State the d faftq r1fuorsi 6t fifuc ifference voles of a science teacher. t4ug ( . qrFT-15 fa-srn o1 r uqfd d orc r{r qr{d d? Whatdoyou mean by nature ofscience. ftM n!Fr-r6 fa-sin Rrs"r o1 lqFiq ol--j-olc S S r firs vo or qut{ olfuq t What are the various methods of science teaching. Describe any one . qyq-r7 5fu+ qlqq q:=r-'r8 What do you mean by Print medium. state in limitation.. qra d 3Trs{.f6 ftg3li oi fufuq r fiffi € 3Trq fln wrEri f? sFel s'M 6i ftfuc dq State the essential printer of a science lesson plan. 14ug q erFr 1s o<+le oftgan ?ff ff{ f{y}{dr,( ftfuc I State the three characteristics of'Broad field curriculum !nFr-20 erf-r 2'r fo-gn Rrer"r d qrqq +1 sqdFrdr tr< cdrgt srftrd t Djsscus on the importance of media in science teaching. fi-*n Rnrw o rliwroo s{i{ql dr fafuq I State the instructional objections of science teaching. r yrc-22- F{aH gworer d irqdc d fid !,sre fufu{ | State suggestion for enrichment by science library sEs_g rrFr-23 F+gn Rrer"r dfucl d tdrioc o1 rr+rpq"n d se ord gi trrrff laior ig q trz or Fr+fvr State the concept ofevaluation in science teaching make an blue printfor affective evaluation. q*r*24 qs ffi yon ftq t qH frEffur qio-qr or qvfq 61fu! t frrfrur. qrqrq furur € What is the difference between microteaching general teaching. Give detailed processing microteaching. i !rc ifu ,- 1. s*q ord dvl fu rrr< rsqdRn Era ( 2016 yqq E{ ) {ffq ord or ticr+r c{fl qf,{gfuor i T{ d tuqfl ffiorcqZ qw{r dE anr Mfrd edf}r q- irq=t qqcc d< I qcr 6i1t r {i serd qffsr +1 iflrr{z qr 2. r 7 d €-diffto grffq i r crr c" or rsrsc sfq or{ zoro cafi a{ +{fi{i.ntd-sa c.Tl qr 6r qsc l'4{afuardq AW - 508 rt. gerara ?r{f ({fd) ftrrtrureq sfq 6rd (Assignment flvs. liqq - qrqrfuo qq{rc gqq Xotfo : :o OqIII FTq Fr{SIT IR EIr;I qS _ n fuqrfuf, rl*q 6rd d q-tc os qrs oI - Work) sf,-2016-17 s{ gsrq fs{r - q) Rlrssr di E-ffiFrr-{, fd-f,rsg{ - q{r oe,oo {&ilfttd q? qd - 3r€1 a-ltltr sdiqlE . 12 Flilr tsg i- sft agr<Aa wr ( o) q-a os rrc t fu{ri ndl src erftEld i t rc}'o i o.s cto ot dFn rss rI< diqr 12 Ytr< qr Ts q1?q dgsf,n-q cPq (qa s r) ta) €d 06 T$I d ftil+i t ot{ oa rw €d Ft cft c{q ot 3rfi iFI ffrIT I Td? sr< tfrn is rir orrn qq ag s.ifQq q5{ (ea 15 * re) q-e o+ qrq d liriTli i ot{ 03 9ri 6d ol ffi rtc oz 3i-4 ol ei'n rtir s< rllqr rso w q'o to 3d Ad sd€q qrr (qa.re r\ 22) ed 04 qrc d fu'{rd * oi{ 02 trc=r 6d ol t qF qrr oa 3i6 I lq's q - , qrs ic - I qus E - q-c { - or d-tn sfr{ sr< rfiql soo qf ql q-.n frd strfu ssc (ed 23 r} 2a) gd 02 eEq 'i fu-fiq r\ qi{ or qrq rs al t qld qsq oa 3i6 6r d.n t r+s vr< rffqr ooo-zso qr oq-os +q t grg - 3l v{{-1 qR Ftelol Rl*ql d qrq fafug r Wite the name offourteaching methods. Tq:r-z :t|iro vqtvai d effo{"r dq oh ur+ vrm i? Who is known for taxonomy ofeducational objective. e"rFr-3 Rrs"r RIA € cfl eTrsrq *.,? What do you mean by teachng methods. gv.I 4 qmrfVo sel+{ qrdgfrq d vlu enun e+r d? What are the bases of social studies curriculum. e{{ 5 fq.iqrs6 q0s"r 01 B-€f <i offrqi 6t {rrsr{d I Write any two shortcoming of Essay test. !r!.r 6 yrrro r0erc) i s:.r 7 flseff 3rrds ?qr d? What is cumalative records in Quantitative test smrffio srurq:r fuerq d fc€ tr rar-qw flqqt d q qrr{d t Give any two examples of audio visual aids for social studies teaching. qYq-8' i<rqR d vXu +w olq 61c € e-? What are the main steps of Innovations. grg-q yrr-s qrr- r0 d qra drqcr d c5s i{frqlq-6} ififu( plan. Write the components of lesson I ggr<rcqo qnfu: rl snc rlrr g'r{d i ? Whatdo you mean byu cognitive maP? qsi-11 cro slq.n vwra.l ot cqr qte d ? What is the importance of Introduction in lesson plan rrFr-r2 Rrfrq i filq vs fttn"l swfi { eim eql d? What is the difference between teaching method and approach. q{ir-r3 iErF-ro qfferoi d rq?w an d? qolc oi t What are the objectives of Diagnostic test? Describe. qFr-14 oar d gdfu< qld or aqr qdd d? What is the importance of Bulletin Board in classroom? €Ius-q q=r-1s qrqrfuo 3rurrc Rtro d vgu 6rqT 01 Ffi{fl ol' ? Discuss the jmportance functions of a social studies teacher ? qFr-16 smrftro enqqc Rlq"r t s'reroq -ifl irql rrde i ? q+grgd t What is the importance. of l\,4useum in teaching of Socialstudies? qY;r-17 yrroo r{ielrori or sqqi'r fu{ qanl o1 qql iri (r{6 d {di6;r \ lou orot i t 'J"rrso qfiflr3ri d q$s t Qualitative test in used forwhich type of Evalualion? Discuss the main types ofqualitative test. s{.t-18 *u-oqr qr{fuf, F{6rq d *iqrci' a1 "al 61.' I Discuss the steps of development of cognitive map concept EITg qrr-le qqi f{qq d ffi - E cor"I w crd qiq:Tr or Frqf"r dFg t Develop a lesson plan on anytopic related toyoursubJect. !nFt-20 sr.t 21 sqqRrarro fuer"r 61 3reJ \'{ yffi-qr w€ irlfuq t Explain the meaning and process of Remedialteaching qrqrfuo qtrcq vqrrgrrro d tdisq d onqn ftifuq t Writethe basis ofthe evaluation ofsocialstudies text book rr$l-22' sFrrfuitr <IEnFI ft{q 6t T6ri d qqrrr d firq+ qri qrd oftrtr{ql +1 aaf What difflculties are faced byteacher in teaching socialstudies ? Discuss. so-s of t -{ e+r i? islftff rrffsrqi si scqnrs6 llrs"r w fesn d a-sf 6t t What is Evaluation? Discuss in detailon Diagnostictest and Remedialteaching. rr5r-23 naio+ yr:r-2i qqal qii {an sHffi d ftfuq flqqi ot sutc 6t t Describe different means of informations and communications technology. ftin '- r. q*q ord det iq qrw rscif{rd Ert ( 2016 {s]c a{ ) r*q 6rd or Ycgrr {{fl Bf,rgftirol { qr d fuqor Fq€fE-qrflc// otqqc q}< d|{r MR-f, FdfE n- qqi qqrF d< { "rc[ atil otr{y{6 t z. s{ic c06r qr rz t +<ifor c{r tr, 6r €sq q*q 6rd 2ot6 cq{ E{ +{ * {i.n I t'l-sd ffizws.roqir 'rfi tli 6r lq$'q ffiqrdlq
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