A Wrinkle In Time Table of Contents Novel Study Title Page for Students................................................................................................... 3 Before Reading............................................................................................................................................ 4 Who was Madeleine L’Engle?................................................................................................................ 5 My Character Chart................................................................................................................................... 6 Dictionary Detective! Chapters 1 – 2.................................................................................................. 8 Vocabulary Study Chapters 1 – 2......................................................................................................... 9 Understanding the Story Chapters 1 – 2.......................................................................................... 10 Chapter Summary Chapters 1 – 2....................................................................................................... 11 Dictionary Detective! Chapters 3 - 4.................................................................................................. 12 Vocabulary Study Chapters 3 - 4......................................................................................................... 13 Understanding the Story Chapters 3 - 4........................................................................................... 14 Chapter Summary Chapters 3 - 4........................................................................................................ 15 Dictionary Detective! Chapters 5 – 6.................................................................................................. 16 Vocabulary Study Chapters 5 – 6......................................................................................................... 17 Understanding the Story Chapters 5 – 6.......................................................................................... 18 Chapter Summary Chapters 5 – 6....................................................................................................... 19 Dictionary Detective! Chapters 7 - 8.................................................................................................. 20 Vocabulary Study Chapters 7 - 8......................................................................................................... 21 Understanding the Story Chapters 7 - 8........................................................................................... 22 Chapter Summary Chapters 7 - 8........................................................................................................ 23 Dictionary Detective! Chapters 9 - 10................................................................................................ 24 Vocabulary Study Chapters 9 - 10....................................................................................................... 25 Understanding the Story Chapters 9 - 10........................................................................................ 26 Chapter Summary Chapters 9 - 10..................................................................................................... 27 Dictionary Detective! Chapters 11 - 12............................................................................................. 28 Vocabulary Study Chapters 11 - 12.................................................................................................... 29 Understanding the Story Chapters 11 - 12...................................................................................... 30 Chapter Summary Chapters 11 - 12................................................................................................... 31 Time for a Test!............................................................................................................................................ 32 Reading Log................................................................................................................................................. 34 Answer Key................................................................................................................................................... 35 Common Core State Standards............................................................................................................ 49 © The Book Umbrella A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle A Novel Study by: © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________ Before Reading Title of Book: Author of Book: Have you read anything by this author before? If so, what was it? Look at the front cover. What hints do you think it gives about the story? Read the back cover. What do you learn about the story from the back cover? Based on the front and back covers, do you want to read this book? Why or why not? A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Who was Madeleine L’Engle? Use the internet and other resources to research the author of A Wrinkle In Time, Madeleine L’Engle. Before Researching 1. What do you already know about Madeleine L’Engle? 2. What do you want to find out about Madeleine L’Engle? After Researching 3. What have you learned from your research? 4. Where did you get your information? A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________ My Character Chart Draw a picture and record important information about each important character as you read the text. A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________ My Character Chart (Cont’d) A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________ Dictionary Detective! Chapters 1 – 2 Using a dictionary, find the definitions for the words below. delinquent Definition: crevice Definition: sulkily Definition: concept Definition: dilapidated Definition: assimilate Definition: A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Vocabulary Study Chapters 1 – 2 Match Up Match the words in the left column to their definitions in the right column. delinquent • • a thought or idea about how something works crevice • • to really understand or learn something properly sulkily • • a narrow crack or gap concept • • in a way that is quietly angry or upset dilapidated • • a young person who breaks the rules or the law assimilate • • in bad shape; old or rundown Fill in the Blank Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the provided vocabulary. delinquent crevice sulkily concept dilapidated assimilate 1. Sarah __________________________________ went to her bedroom after her mom yelled at her. 2. The teacher gave us new information to __________________________________ before the test. 3. The __________________________________ spray painted the outside of the cafeteria at school. 4. Light filtered through the __________________________________ under the basement door. 5. The __________________________________ old barn looked spooky in the moonlight. 6. Kelsey has no __________________________________ for how microwaves warm up food. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time On the back of this sheet, write a short description of what a dilapidated house might look like. Use at least two similies in your description. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story Chapters 1 – 2 Multiple Choice 1. How does Meg feel at the beginning of Chapter 1? 2. What is Meg’s father’s job? (a) Like she does everything wrong. (a) Astronaut. (b) Like she needs to eat something. (c) Like she will make her mother proud. (d) Like she is lost and confused. (b) Physicist. (c) Custodian. (d) Zoologist. Short Answer 3. Describe the character, Meg Murry, based on what you have learned about her in Chapters 1 and 2. Long Answer 4. Why do you think Meg becomes so angry when the principal, Mr. Jenkins, talks about her father in Chapter 2? A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Do you agree or disagree with the way Meg behaves in the principal’s office? How would you have behaved if you were in Meg’s shoes? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Chapter Summary Chapters 1 – 2 1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be? 2. What happens in these chapters? 3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book? 4. What new words did you learn in these chapters? A Wrinkle in Time 5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________ Dictionary Detective! Chapters 3 – 4 Using a dictionary, find the definitions for the words below. gamboled Definition: decipher Definition: dubiously Definition: tangible Definition: ineffable Definition: ephemeral Definition: A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Vocabulary Study Chapters 3 – 4 Which Word? On the provided lines, write the matching vocabulary word for each definition. gamboled decipher dubiously tangible ineffable ephemeral 1. To figure something out, like a code. _____________________________ 2. Real; able to be felt or touched. _____________________________ 3. To run or skip around; play around in a lively way. _____________________________ 4. Too wonderful to be described. _____________________________ 5. Lasting for a short time. _____________________________ 6. In a way that is doubtful or uncertain. _____________________________ Making Sentences Make a sentence for each word below. 1. Gamboled: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Decipher: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Dubiously: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Tangible: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Ineffable: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Ephemeral: __________________________________________________________________________________ A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Make a list of at least five adjectives which you feel best describe the character Calvin O’Keefe. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story Chapters 3 – 4 Multiple Choice 1. Who does Charles Wallace tell Meg and Calvin it is time to find? 2. Who does Calvin seem to especially like? (a) Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit. (a) Meg’s brothers. (b) Calvin’s parents. (c) Mr. Murry, their father. (d) Fortinbras, their dog. (b) Meg. (c) Mrs. Murry. (d) Mr. Murry. Short Answer 3. Describe how Meg feels about her father. Long Answer 4. Using examples from the book, describe the dark shadow which appears at the end of Chapter 4. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin leave quite suddenly at the end of Chapter 3. Imagine that Meg wrote a good-bye note to her mother before leaving. What would the note say? Pretend that you are Meg and write the good-bye note on the back of this sheet. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Chapter Summary Chapters 3 – 4 1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be? 2. Summarize this section of the book. 3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book? 4. What new words did you learn in these chapters? A Wrinkle in Time 5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Dictionary Detective! Chapters 5 – 6 Using a dictionary, find the definitions for the words below. serenely Definition: dissolution Definition: indignant Definition: anticlimax Definition: myopic Definition: precipitously Definition: A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Vocabulary Study Chapters 5 – 6 Match Up Match the vocabulary words with their synonyms! serenely • dissolution • • letdown • nearsighted indignant • • disintegration anticlimax • • calmly myopic • precipitously • • suddenly • angry Best Word Circle the word which works best in each sentence. 1. I ( dissolution / serenely ) consoled the crying child until his mother came to find him. 2. All of our planning for the surprise party will be an ( anticlimax / myopic ) if the birthday girl doesn’t show up! 3. Pouring the powdered drink mix into water causes its ( dissolution / indignant ). 4. Joe ( precipitously / serenely ) left the party when he realized he had forgotten to bring a gift. 5. Taylor was ( anticlimax / indignant ) when his sister used his computer without permission. 6. Jeff is ( myopic / precipitously ) so he has to wear glasses. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Choose three vocabulary words from this section and write down an antonym for each. Vocabulary word: ________________________ Antonym: ________________________ Vocabulary word: ________________________ Antonym: ________________________ Vocabulary word: ________________________ Antonym: ________________________ © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story Chapters 5 – 6 Multiple Choice 1. Why are Meg and her friends traveling with Mrs. Who, Whatsit, and Which? 2. What does the Happy Medium do? (a) To save the world. (a) She shows scenes of the universe in her ball. (b) To destroy the Earth. (c) To save Meg’s father. (d) To free the planet Uriel. (b) She gives the travelers a magic potion. (c) She directs the Powers of Darkness. (d) She fights against the light to help the Power of Darkness. Short Answer 3. Describe a tesseract. Long Answer 4. In Chapter 6, Mrs. Who gives each child a special gift or instruction in order to help them. What does she give or say to each child? A Little Extra! In Chapter 5, Mrs. Who recites a Spanish quote which translates, “Experience is the mother of knowledge.” Explain what the quote means and share how you think it relates to Meg’s experiences in the book. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Chapter Summary Chapters 5 – 6 1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be? 2. What happens in these chapters? 3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book? 4. What new words did you learn in these chapters? A Wrinkle in Time 5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________ Dictionary Detective! Chapters 7 – 8 Using a dictionary, find the definitions for the words below. unsubstantial Definition: bravado Definition: requisition Definition: proposition Definition: transparent Definition: pedantic Definition: A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Vocabulary Study Chapters 7 – 8 Match Up Match the words in the left column to their definitions in the right column. unsubstantial • • a show of bravery to impress others bravado • • able to be seen through, clear requisition • • lacking in some way; weak proposition • • overly concerned with tiny details; dull transparent • • an official order or request for something pedantic • • a proposal, plan, or idea Fill in the Blank Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the provided vocabulary. unsubstantial bravado requisition proposition transparent pedantic 1. Our teacher must submit a __________________________________ whenever she needs supplies. 2. My phone is made of __________________________________ plastic. You can see all the wires inside. 3. I accepted Amy’s __________________________________ to trade her donut for my cookies. 4. Without any vegetables or meat in it, the thin soup tasted __________________________________. 5. To please my __________________________________ instructor, every detail of my report had to be absolutely perfect. 6. Jack scared off the bullies with a show of __________________________________. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Write a sentence using two vocabulary words from this section: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story Chapters 7 – 8 Multiple Choice 1. What do the children notice about the other kids in Camazotz? 2. Whose mind does the man with the red eyes try to control? (a) They ride bikes in the same direction. (a) Meg’s. (b) They all practice gymnastics. (b) Charles Wallace’s. (c) They jump rope for hours. (c) Calvin’s. (d) They bounce their balls in the same rhythm. (d) Meg’s father’s. Short Answer 3. Why does Charles Wallace think the turkey dinner tastes like sand? Long Answer 4. Towards the end of Chapter 8, Charles Wallace says, “On Camazotz we are all happy because we are all alike. Differences create problems.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Imagine you are Calvin and are trying to help both Meg and Charles Wallace at the same time. What are you thinking? What would you do differently? _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Chapter Summary Chapters 7 – 8 1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be? 2. What happens in these chapters? 3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book? 4. What new words did you learn in these chapters? A Wrinkle in Time 5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________ Dictionary Detective! Chapters 9 – 10 Using a dictionary, find the definitions for the words below. cloven Definition: brusquely Definition: translucent Definition: frigid Definition: illusion Definition: imperceptible Definition: A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Vocabulary Study Chapters 9 – 10 Which Word? On the provided lines, write the matching vocabulary word for each definition. cloven brusquely translucent frigid illusion imperceptible 1. In an abrupt way._____________________________ 2. Unfriendly, uncaring._____________________________ 3. Split; divided into two parts. _____________________________ 4. Something with a deceptive appearance. _____________________________ 5. Unable to be seen or noticed. _____________________________ 6. Allows light to pass through, but is not see-through. _____________________________ Making Sentences Make a sentence for each word below. 1. Cloven: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Brusquely: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Translucent: __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Frigid: ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Illusion: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Imperceptible: _______________________________________________________________________________ A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Using the last paragraph of Chapter 9 as a guide, imagine what you think is going on in Meg’s mind as she tessers with her father. On the back of this sheet, draw an outline of Meg’s head and fill it with her thoughts. These can be words, phrases, or complete sentences. Include at least ten thoughts in all. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story Chapters 9 – 10 Multiple Choice 1. What does Meg use to help rescue her father? 2. Who gets left behind on planet Camazotz? (a) A magic phrase. (a) Mr. Murry. (b) Charles Wallace. (b) Calvin. (c) Mrs. Who’s glasses. (c) Meg. (d) Calvin’s powers of communication. (d) Charles Wallace. Short Answer 3. What does Meg try to do in order to fight off IT? Long Answer 4. In Chapter 10, the reader learns about what happened to Meg’s father, Mr. Murry. In order, relate the events of Mr. Murry’s travels that lead up to his imprisonment on Camazotz. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time The book A Wrinkle in Time explores the idea of traveling through time and space. If you could travel through time and space, where would you go? On the other side of this sheet, describe the place or time you would visit. How would it be different from your life today? Who or what would live there? What would you see or experience? Be creative! © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Chapter Summary Chapters 9 – 10 1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be? 2. Summarize this section of the book. 3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book? 4. What new words did you learn in these chapters? A Wrinkle in Time 5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Dictionary Detective! Chapters 11 – 12 Using a dictionary, find the definitions for the words below. emanate Definition: trepidation Definition: pungent Definition: oppressive Definition: ministrations Definition: singularly Definition: A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Vocabulary Study Chapters 11 – 12 Match Up Match the vocabulary words with their synonyms! emanate • • strong trepidation • • radiate pungent • • care oppressive • • cruel ministrations • • remarkably singularly • • nervousness Best Word Circle the word which works best in each sentence. 1. Warmth and kindness ( singularly / emanate ) from her easy smile. 2. When the King’s ( oppressive / trepidation ) rule finally ended, the people rejoiced. 3. With ( ministrations / trepidation ), Will entered the principal’s office and sat down. 4. My new coat is ( pungent / singularly ) well-made and will keep me very warm this winter. 5. A ( pungent / emanate ) chemical smell spread throughout the laboratory. 6. The ( ministrations / oppressive ) of Coach Magee made learning to swim fun and safe. A Little Extra! Choose your favorite character from the book. Choose three adjectives which describe the character and three adjectives which do not describe the character. Character’s name: __________________________________ He/she is: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ He/she is not: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story Chapters 11 – 12 Multiple Choice 1. How is Meg affected by the Black Thing when she lands on a new planet in Chapter 11? 2. In Chapter 11, the beings on the new planet where the travelers land are: (a) She is blinded. (a) Dark and dangerous. (b) She is paralyzed. (c) She dies. (d) She can’t hear well. (b) Cold and aloof. (c) Kind and helpful. (d) Intelligent and uptight. Short Answer 3. Who is Aunt Beast and what does she do for Meg? Long Answer 4. What ultimately defeats IT in Chapter 12? Why is this weapon so powerful? A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Of your friends and family, who do you think would enjoy reading this book the most? Why? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Chapter Summary Chapters 11 – 12 1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be? 2. What happens in these chapters? 3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book? 4. What new words did you learn in these chapters? A Wrinkle in Time 5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Time for a Test! A Wrinkle In Time Part A – Multiple Choice 1. Who comes to visit the Murrys in the middle of the night dressed like a tramp? 2. Who does Charles Wallace decide to take along to meet Mrs. Who in Chapter 2? 3. What do the children need in order to breathe in Uriel’s atmosphere? (a) Mrs. Whatsit. (b) Mr. Jenkins. (c) Mrs. Smitherson. (d) Uncle Charlie. (a) His dog. (b) His two brothers. (c) Calvin and Meg. (d) His father. (a) Oxygen masks. (b) Flowers from a tree. (c) Mrs. Who’s cloak. (d) Nothing at all. 4. What does the Black Thing turn out to be? 5. What is Charles Wallace ordered to do before entering the town in Chapter 6? 6. Where in the city must the children go on the planet Camazotz? (a) A black hole. (b) An alternate universe. (c) A dark star. (d) Pure evil. (a) Stay with Meg and Calvin. (b) Go alone to find his father. (c) Hide that he is intelligent. (d) Never return home. (a) The International Library. (b) CENTRAL Central Intelligence Building. (c) Market Center Terminal. (d) The Institutional Educational Assembly. 7. What does Meg discover ‘IT’ is in Chapter 9? 8. What ‘power’ does Meg possess that ‘IT’ does not? 9. Where does Meg end up after rescuing Charles Wallace? (a) A dark shadow. (b) A brain. (c) A robot. (d) A wizard. (a) Vision. (b) Hatred. (c) Love. (d) Tessering. (a) Back at home. (b) At Calvin’s house. (c) On Camazotz. (d) On planet Ixchel. A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Time for a Test! A Wrinkle In Time Part B – Short Answer 1. Why is this novel called A Wrinkle in Time? 2. A Wrinkle in Time is an example of science fiction. What are three elements found in this novel that are commonly found in the science fiction genre? 3. The climax is the most exciting or emotional part of a story. What part of the story would you say is the climax of A Wrinkle in Time? Why? Part C – Long Answer 1. The main protagonist of A Wrinkle in Time is Meg Murry. Describe Meg and explain why you think the author chose to tell the story from her perspective. 2. A theme is a central idea or topic of a story. Some common themes include: good versus evil, man against nature, love and sacrifice, family, etc. What do you think a theme of A Wrinkle in Time is? Use examples from the story to support you answer. A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Reading Log Record information about the books you read on this chart. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Vocabulary Study - Answer Key Chapters 1 – 2 Match Up Match the words in the left column to their definitions in the right column. delinquent • • a thought or idea about how something works crevice • • to really understand or learn something properly sulkily • • a narrow crack or gap concept • • in a way that is quietly angry or upset dilapidated • • a young person who breaks the rules or the law assimilate • • in bad shape; old or rundown Fill in the Blank Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the provided vocabulary. delinquent crevice sulkily concept dilapidated assimilate 1. Sarah sulkily went to her bedroom after her mom yelled at her. 2. The teacher gave us new information to assimilate before the test. 3. The delinquent spray painted the outside of the cafeteria at school. 4. Light filtered through the crevice under the basement door. 5. The dilapidated old barn looked spooky in the moonlight. 6. Kelsey has no concept for how microwaves warm up food. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time On the back of this sheet, write a short description of what a dilapidated house might look like. Use at least two similies in your description. Answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story - Answer Key Chapters 1 – 2 Multiple Choice 1. How does Meg feel at the beginning of Chapter 1? 2. What is Meg’s father’s job? (a) Like she does everything wrong. (a) Astronaut. (b) Like she needs to eat something. (c) Like she will make her mother proud. (d) Like she is lost and confused. (b) Physicist. (c) Custodian. (d) Zoologist. Short Answer 3. Describe the character, Meg Murry, based on what you have learned about her in Chapters 1 and 2. Example - Meg is smart; her mother said that her IQ was very high. She loves her brother Charles Wallace. She gets upset when others make fun of him and tries to defend him. Meg gets in trouble at school. Her teacher calls her rude, and the principal says she is belligerent and uncooperative. Long Answer 4. Why do you think Meg becomes so angry when the principal, Mr. Jenkins, talks about her father in Chapter 2? Example - Meg misses her father very much and life is hard without him. She may feel embarrassed about other people getting involved in her private life. She may also feel confused about his disappearance. She also does not like the fact that others assume things about her and her family. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Do you agree or disagree with the way Meg behaves in the principal’s office? How would you have behaved if you were in Meg’s shoes? Answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Vocabulary Study - Answer Key Chapters 3 – 4 Which Word? On the provided lines, write the matching vocabulary word for each definition. gamboled decipher dubiously tangible ineffable 1. To figure something out, like a code. decipher 2. Real; able to be felt or touched. tangible 3. To run or skip around; play around in a lively way. gamboled 4. Too wonderful to be described. ineffable 5. Lasting for a short time. ephemeral 6. In a way that is doubtful or uncertain. dubiously ephemeral Making Sentences - Answers will vary. Make a sentence for each word below. 1. Gamboled: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Decipher: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Dubiously: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Tangible: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Ineffable: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Ephemeral: __________________________________________________________________________________ A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Make a list of at least five adjectives which you feel best describe the character Calvin O’Keefe. Answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story - Answer Key Chapters 3 – 4 Multiple Choice 1. Who does Charles Wallace tell Meg and Calvin it is time to find? 2. Who does Calvin seem to especially like? (a) Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit. (a) Meg’s brothers. (b) Calvin’s parents. (c) Mr. Murry, their father. (d) Fortinbras, their dog. (b) Meg. (c) Mrs. Murry. (d) Mr. Murry. Short Answer 3. Describe how Meg feels about her father. Example - Meg loves and admires her father. Since his disappearance, she is terrified. No one knows where he is, and no one seems to be able to explain what has happened to him. Meg is scared that he is gone forever. Long Answer 4. Using examples from the book, describe the dark shadow which appears at the end of Chapter 4. Example - The shadow was dark and struggled to breathe. Meg asked Mrs. Which if the shadow was what her father was fighting. It seemed to block out everything around it, even the stars. Its presence frightened everyone. It seemed terrible and evil. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin leave quite suddenly at the end of Chapter 3. Imagine that Meg wrote a good-bye note to her mother before leaving. What would the note say? Pretend that you are Meg and write the good-bye note on the back of this sheet. Answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Vocabulary Study - Answer Key Chapters 5 – 6 Match Up Match the vocabulary words with their synonyms! serenely • dissolution • • letdown • nearsighted indignant • • disintegration anticlimax • • calmly myopic • precipitously • • suddenly • angry Best Word Circle the word which works best in each sentence. 1. I ( dissolution / serenely ) consoled the crying child until his mother came to find him. 2. All of our planning for the surprise party will be an ( anticlimax / myopic ) if the birthday girl doesn’t show up! 3. Pouring the powdered drink mix into water causes its ( dissolution / indignant ). 4. Joe ( precipitously / serenely ) left the party when he realized he had forgotten to bring a gift. 5. Taylor was ( anticlimax / indignant ) when his sister used his computer without permission. 6. Jeff is ( myopic / precipitously ) so he has to wear glasses. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Choose three vocabulary words from this section and write down an antonym for each. Answers will vary. Vocabulary word: ________________________ Antonym: ________________________ Vocabulary word: ________________________ Antonym: ________________________ Vocabulary word: ________________________ Antonym: ________________________ © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story - Answer Key Chapters 5 – 6 Multiple Choice 1. Why are Meg and her friends traveling with Mrs. Who, Whatsit, and Which? 2. What does the Happy Medium do? (a) To save the world. (b) To destroy the Earth. (c) To save Meg’s father. (d) To free the planet Uriel. (a) She shows scenes of the universe in her ball. (b) She gives the travelers a magic potion. (c) She directs the Powers of Darkness. (d) She fights against the light to help the Power of Darkness. Short Answer 3. Describe a tesseract. Example - A tesseract is the fifth dimension. A way to shorten up time/ travel through time. It is like a wrinkle in time. It’s like squaring (mathematically) the fourth dimension. Long Answer 4. In Chapter 6, Mrs. Who gives each child a special gift or instruction in order to help them. What does she give or say to each child? Example - She tells Calvin that his greatest gift is his ability to communicate with all kinds of people. She recites a portion of Shakespeare’s The Tempest to him and asks him to listen very carefully. To Charles Wallace, she gives the gift of the resiliency of childhood. She tells him to remember that he does not know everything. Mrs. Who says that Meg’s greatest gifts are her faults. Meg is not very excited to hear this. Meg receives Mrs. Who’s glasses and is instructed to use them only in their greatest moment of danger. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time In Chapter 5, Mrs. Who recites a Spanish quote which translates, “Experience is the mother of knowledge.” Explain what the quote means and share how you think it relates to Meg’s experiences in the book. Example - The quote means that we learn best when we experience something for ourselves. It is easy to read something from a book or watch something in a movie and understand it. But to really, truly learn something deeply, it must be experienced firsthand. Second part of the question - answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Vocabulary Study - Answer Key Chapters 7 – 8 Match Up Match the words in the left column to their definitions in the right column. unsubstantial • • a show of bravery to impress others bravado • • able to be seen through, clear requisition • • lacking in some way; weak proposition • • overly concerned with tiny details; dull transparent • • an official order or request for something pedantic • • a proposal, plan, or idea Fill in the Blank Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the provided vocabulary. unsubstantial bravado requisition proposition transparent pedantic 1. Our teacher must submit a requisition whenever she needs supplies. 2. My phone is made of transparent plastic. You can see all the wires inside. 3. I accepted Amy’s proposition to trade her donut for my cookies. 4. Without any vegetables or meat in it, the thin soup tasted unsubstantial. 5. To please my pedantic instructor, every detail of my report had to be absolutely perfect. 6. Jack scared off the bullies with a show of bravado. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Write a sentence using two vocabulary words from this section: Answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story - Answer Key Chapters 7 – 8 Multiple Choice 1. What do the children notice about the other kids in Camazotz? 2. Whose mind does the man with the red eyes try to control? (a) They ride bikes in the same direction. (a) Meg’s. (b) They all practice gymnastics. (b) Charles Wallace’s. (c) They jump rope for hours. (c) Calvin’s. (d) They bounce their balls in the same rhythm. (d) Meg’s father’s. Short Answer 3. Why does Charles Wallace think the turkey dinner tastes like sand? Example - Charles Wallace cannot taste the flavor of the turkey dinner because his mind is blocked to the “thing” trying to control it. Once the “thing” takes over, Charles Wallace is able to taste the meal. Long Answer 4. Towards the end of Chapter 8, Charles Wallace says, “On Camazotz we are all happy because we are all alike. Differences create problems.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Answers will vary. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Imagine you are Calvin and are trying to help both Meg and Charles Wallace at the same time. What are you thinking? What would you do differently? Answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Vocabulary Study - Answer Key Chapters 9 – 10 Which Word? On the provided lines, write the matching vocabulary word for each definition. cloven brusquely translucent frigid illusion imperceptible 1. In an abrupt way.brusquely 2. Unfriendly, uncaring.frigid 3. Split; divided into two parts. cloven 4. Something with a deceptive appearance. illusion 5. Unable to be seen or noticed. imperceptible 6. Allows light to pass through, but is not see-through. translucent Making Sentences - Answers will vary. Make a sentence for each word below. 1. Cloven: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Brusquely: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Translucent: __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Frigid: ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Illusion: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Imperceptible: _______________________________________________________________________________ A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Using the last paragraph of Chapter 9 as a guide, imagine what you think is going on in Meg’s mind as she tessers with her father. On the back of this sheet, draw an outline of Meg’s head and fill it with her thoughts. These can be words, phrases, or complete sentences. Include at least ten thoughts in all. Answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story - Answer Key Chapters 9 – 10 Multiple Choice 1. What does Meg use to help rescue her father? 2. Who gets left behind on planet Camazotz? (a) A magic phrase. (a) Mr. Murry. (b) Charles Wallace. (b) Calvin. (c) Mrs. Who’s glasses. (c) Meg. (d) Calvin’s powers of communication. (d) Charles Wallace. Short Answer 3. What does Meg try to do in order to fight off IT? Example - At first, she tries nursery rhymes, but they don’t work because they are too rhythmical. She tries reciting the Declaration of Independence, the Periodic Table of Elements, and mathematical facts. Each of those strategies work for a moment, but then Meg gives in. Finally, she and her father tesser. Long Answer 4. In Chapter 10, the reader learns about what happened to Meg’s father, Mr. Murry. In order, relate the events of Mr. Murry’s travels that lead up to his imprisonment on Camazotz. Example - Mr. Murry was working for a team which was trying to perfect time travel. Mr. Murry and at least six others were trying to make it practical. One man from the team, Hank, tried it out first. When he did not return after a year, it was Mr. Murry’s turn. He wound up on Camazotz where he continually refused IT. That behavior landed him in his prison cell. He has been gone for about two years, although time on Camazotz’s is very different from time on earth. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time The book A Wrinkle in Time explores the idea of traveling through time and space. If you could travel through time and space, where would you go? On the other side of this sheet, describe the place or time you would visit. How would it be different from your life today? Who or what would live there? What would you see or experience? Be creative! Answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Vocabulary Study - Answer Key Chapters 11 – 12 Match Up Match the vocabulary words with their synonyms! emanate • • strong trepidation • • radiate pungent • • care oppressive • • cruel ministrations • • remarkably singularly • • nervousness Best Word Circle the word which works best in each sentence. 1. Warmth and kindness ( singularly / emanate ) from her easy smile. 2. When the King’s ( oppressive / trepidation ) rule finally ended, the people rejoiced. 3. With ( ministrations / trepidation ), Will entered the principal’s office and sat down. 4. My new coat is ( pungent / singularly ) well-made and will keep me very warm this winter. 5. A ( pungent / emanate ) chemical smell spread throughout the laboratory. 6. The ( ministrations / oppressive ) of Coach Magee made learning to swim fun and safe. A Little Extra! Choose your favorite character from the book. Choose three adjectives which describe the character and three adjectives which do not describe the character. Answers will vary. Character’s name: __________________________________ He/she is: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ He/she is not: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________ Understanding the Story - Answer Key Chapters 11 – 12 Multiple Choice 1. How is Meg affected by the Black Thing when she lands on a new planet in Chapter 11? 2. In Chapter 11, the beings on the new planet where the travelers land are: (a) She is blinded. (b) She is paralyzed. (c) She dies. (d) She can’t hear well. (a) Dark and dangerous. (b) Cold and aloof. (c) Kind and helpful. (d) Intelligent and uptight. Short Answer 3. Who is Aunt Beast and what does she do for Meg? Example - Aunt Beast is one of the creatures on the new planet Ixchel. She is large and grey and covered with very soft, fine fur. Meg was hurt by the Black Thing while tessering away; the Black Thing wanted to keep her. Aunt Beast takes care of Meg and nurses her back to health. She brings her back from paralysis, feeds her, clothes her, and comforts her. Long Answer 4. What ultimately defeats IT in Chapter 12? Why is this weapon so powerful? Example - Meg realizes that her love for Charles Wallace is her best weapon against IT. As she looks at Charles Wallace crouched beside the brain, she thinks and says over and over, “I love you. I love you Charles Wallace.” This act is what breaks IT’s hold over Charles Wallace’s mind. Love is such a powerful weapon because it is strong. When you love a person, you are willing to forgive a lot of hurts. Really loving a person lets you overlook their faults and flaws. It takes a lot to lose a person’s love. Love is a powerful emotion. A Little Extra! A Wrinkle in Time Of your friends and family, who do you think would enjoy reading this book the most? Why? Answers will vary. © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Time for a Test! - Answer Key A Wrinkle In Time Part A – Multiple Choice 1. Who comes to visit the Murrys in the middle of the night dressed like a tramp? 2. Who does Charles Wallace decide to take along to meet Mrs. Who in Chapter 2? 3. What do the children need in order to breathe in Uriel’s atmosphere? (a) Mrs. Whatsit. (b) Mr. Jenkins. (c) Mrs. Smitherson. (d) Uncle Charlie. (a) His dog. (b) His two brothers. (c) Calvin and Meg. (d) His father. (a) Oxygen masks. (b) Flowers from a tree. (c) Mrs. Who’s cloak. (d) Nothing at all. 4. What does the Black Thing turn out to be? 5. What is Charles Wallace ordered to do before entering the town in Chapter 6? 6. Where in the city must the children go on the planet Camazotz? (a) A black hole. (b) An alternate universe. (c) A dark star. (d) Pure evil. (a) Stay with Meg and Calvin. (b) Go alone to find his father. (c) Hide that he is intelligent. (d) Never return home. (a) The International Library. (b) CENTRAL Central Intelligence Building. (c) Market Center Terminal. (d) The Institutional Educational Assembly. 7. What does Meg discover ‘IT’ is in Chapter 9? 8. What ‘power’ does Meg possess that ‘IT’ does not? 9. Where does Meg end up after rescuing Charles Wallace? (a) A dark shadow. (b) A brain. (c) A robot. (d) A wizard. (a) Vision. (b) Hatred. (c) Love. (d) Tessering. (a) Back at home. (b) At Calvin’s house. (c) On Camazotz. (d) On planet Ixchel. A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Time for a Test! - Answer Key A Wrinkle In Time Part B – Short Answer 1. Why is this novel called A Wrinkle in Time? Example - It is called A Wrinkle in Time because the story is about traveling through space and time. A ‘wrinkle in time’ is also known as a ‘tesseract’. Meg, Calvin and Charles Wallace travel through the universe by means of tesseract. 2. A Wrinkle in Time is an example of science fiction. What are three elements found in this novel that are commonly found in the science fiction genre? Answers will vary but may include: space, space travel, aliens, mind control, advanced technology, etc. 3. The climax is the most exciting or emotional part of a story. What part of the story would you say is the climax of A Wrinkle in Time? Why? Example - The climax of the story is when Meg finds and rescues her father. It is the climax because it is a very emotional and exciting moment for Meg and finding and saving her father is what she and the others have been trying to do almost since the beginning of the novel. Part C – Long Answer 1. The main protagonist of A Wrinkle in Time is Meg Murry. Describe Meg and explain why you think the author chose to tell the story from her perspective. Example - Meg is unique and very smart. She is very loyal, especially to her father and brother. She is also resilient. She has faith in those she loves and never gives up. Second part of question - Answers will vary. 2. A theme is a central idea or topic of a story. Some common themes include: good versus evil, man against nature, love and sacrifice, family, etc. What do you think a theme of A Wrinkle in Time is? Use examples from the story to support you answer. Answers will vary. A Wrinkle in Time © The Book Umbrella Common Core State Standards This novel study is aligned to the Common Core State Standards (U.S.) Grade 5 RL5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. RL5.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text. RL5.3 Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact). RL5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes. L5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. L5.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. Grade 6 RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RL.6.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. RL.6.3 Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. RL.6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone RL.6.5 Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot. RL.6.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text. Grade 7 RL.7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RL.7.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. RL.7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama. Grade 8 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RL.8.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text. RL.8.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. RL.8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. Novel Study A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle Thank you for downloading! This product is licensed for use solely by the downloader. Please do not share/redistribute this file. The content of this file is not to be reproduced, edited, or used elsewhere without the permission of its author. © The Book Umbrella
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