Writing a Psalm

Writing a Psalm praising God in our work with refugees adapted from David Arscott 1) Make a list of about ten to twenty things God has done in your life and work recently which are highly significant for you – particularly in your involvement with refugees and asylum seekers. 2) Look through this list and see what aspects of God’s character emerge… (strength, gentleness, patience, mercy, justice, love, endurance…) What kind of a God has done those things? (e.g. a loving God, a forgiving God , a teaching God, a protecting God) Is there a repeating idea or theme? 3) Think and write how we could respond to these qualities? What should we do or what could we encourage others to do? (e.g. trust in him at all times, confess our sins) Does any major theme emerge? 4) Write your own Psalm! You could follow this structure a) Introduction Who are you inviting to praise God? Praise God all who live in Southampton… What’s your major theme Praise God because He is… b) History / Experience/ Evidence Praise Him… Because He has done…. / Because we did this then He did that….. / Because other people did this but He did that to thwart their plan / answer their prayer c) Reflection This shows that God is… d) Response We should always remember to …… e) Conclusion Praise God because He is…… ‘We put our hope in the Lord. He is our protector and strength. We are glad because of Him; we trust His holy name.’ Remember these qualities and responses during the rest of the day. Maybe you’d like to try putting your psalm to music!