1920s to 1950s Comparison

African Americans
Joseph McCarthy
Model T
Consumer goods
Beat Generation
League of Nations
Federal highway Act
Sacco and Vanzetti
Palmer Raids
Fear of
The Attorney General along with the FBI hunted down communists
despite failing to turn up any real evidence. 550 immigrants were
deported as a result of
_____________________________________ were
Italian anarchist immigrants who accused of murder based off little
evidence. Their conviction was an example of the extreme prejudice
there was against immigrants at the time.
KKK and nativism rises in the 1920s targeting mostly
Affordable _______________________ led to more
independence for women and teens, more jobs in the Midwest, people
traveling for pleasure, the creation of paved roads.
People could now move to ________________ (housing
outside of major cities) because the Model T allowed them to
commute to work.
In the 1920s, there was an increased standard of living. People
bought items like washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and sewing
machines. Many of these items were bought using
Women worked in factories during WWI and enjoyed more personal
freedom. As a result of the war, the _______ Amendment was
passed, granting women’s suffrage.
In the ‘20s, the first form of mass media was the
As a result of the Treaty of Versailles, the
___________________________________ was
formed as an international peacekeeping organization. It was largely
____________________ was the popular music of the
1920s, which symbolized the freedom and excitement of the age.
The ________________________________ was
a revival of African American culture in the 1920s.
____________________ were the social rebels of the
1920s. They drank, partied, and tested traditional morals.
Pair in the Electric
Women After the
Mass Media
Postwar Peace
New Music
Social Rebels
Harlem Renaissance
Installment plans
United Nations
Rock ‘n’ Roll
Fear of
Senator __________________________________
blamed the government officials of being Communists. Failed to turn
up legitimate evidence and caused mass hysteria.
The ___________________________ died in the electric
chair because they were suspected of having Communist connections
and giving nuclear bomb secrets to the Soviets.
In the 1950s the KK’s main target were
________________________ because of the growing civil
rights movement.
In the 1950s there was a car culture that was sparked by the creation
of hundreds of miles of new highways because of the
In the 1950s, _______________________ was the example
of the ideal suburban neighborhood.
In the 1950s, people made more money and spent more on
_________________ ____________ such as washing
machines, lawn mowers, dishwashers, and cars. The first credit card
was also created.
During WWII, women worked in factories but lost their jobs to
returning soldiers. Women of the ‘50s were expected to be perfect
_________________________. This stereotype was
reinforced by society and the media.
In the 1950s, the new form of mass media was the
After WWII, a new international peacekeeping organization was formed
called the _______________________
____________________ was the popular music of the 1950s,
which grew out of African American rhythm and blues.
The ____________________________ was an artistic
group of non-conformist musicians and authors.
___________________ were the social rebels of the 1950s.
They drank, drove fast cars, and were seen as trouble makers.