a History and Timeline for Faith Lutheran

Celebrate with Us!
May 18th, 2014
60th Anniversary Celebration
A Brief History and Timeline
Faith Lutheran Church is a congregation comprised of two congregations, which merged in 1954. The two
churches involved were known as Trinity English Lutheran Church and St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church.
Trinity English was organized June 17, 1923 as a mission church of the Synod of the Northwest of the United
Lutheran Church in America. It had 23 charter members. One year later, this figure had risen to 100 confirmed
members, at which level it remained for the next 25 years.
During this period, the congregation made numerous attempts at improvement, perhaps the most outstanding
was the dedication of a remodeled church in 1938. However it was not until 1949, with the calling of Charles
Witt as pastor that any great progress was made. Short pastorates with intermittent vacancies had hampered the
work. In 1952, a lot was purchased for the erection of a new church. This has become the site for the new Faith
Lutheran Church. Also, a temporary expansion program saw the moving of a small country church to town to be
used as an education building. With the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the congregation in 1953, came
the start of a building fund. However, at this time, Pastor Witt resigned his work and accepted another call. He
was the last resident pastor, the congregation being served once again by students. It was during this time that
merger talk began. The pastor of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, A. O. Pinke, was contacted as supply pastor,
and after negotiation with the congregation for some time, a merger was actually decided upon and
consummated April 4, 1954.
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church got its start approximately the same time as did Trinity English. Also meeting
first in the City Hall, the group was served by a pastor from Wausau who organized the group in September of
1921 as First English Lutheran Church. The new church became affiliated with the Wisconsin District of the
former Joint Synod of Ohio.
The new church began with 20 charter members. By April 1923, when the congregation was legally
incorporated, the membership had grown to 40 confirmed.
The congregation moved from City Hall to Seventh Day Adventist Church, which it rented until November
1923, when a new frame church was dedicated. At this time, the parsonage and lot next to the church were also
Between the years 1925 to 1927, the congregation experienced a large growth in membership under the
pastorate of W. J. Ferne. The congregation, formerly on the Mission Board of the Ohio Synod, now went selfsupporting. Plans for expansion of church facilities were begun in the summer of 1927 and were realized in
December of the same year when a new brick church was to be dedicated. However, fire struck the new
building the night before dedication, and so the new church could not be used. It was rebuilt and dedicated in
March 1928. The fire loss was completely overcome by insurance and donations so that on dedication day, only
the original amount of $6,000 remained. At this time, the membership numbered 125 confirmed. From August
1927, the congregation had begun to be known as St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church.
The next 10 years saw hard times for the church because of the depression, short pastorates and vacant periods.
Together with the organization of a new Lutheran congregation in the neighborhood, so that in 1943 there was
actually talk of disbanding the congregation. However, things began to pick up again and by 1949, the
congregation was able to burn all mortgages and to continue debt free. The membership had risen to 170
confirmed by 1945.
The next 8 years saw the membership increase to 294 confirmed, so that by 1953 St. Matthew’s congregation
also had established a building fund and was seriously considering expansion of facilities. It was at this time
that merger negotiations began with Trinity English Church.
The new church, Faith Lutheran Church, was brought into being on April 4, 1954, with a confirmed
membership of 517.
The new congregation now set out on what seemed like an impossible walk, that of welding two congregations
into one. So successful were their efforts that now, after four years, old traditions have all but vanished, and a
new tradition has been established. Many new people have come into the membership of the merged church.
These folks have little or no awareness of the backgrounds involved and have taken over many positions of
leadership. They are almost a third congregation, which serves to cement the two old ones together.
The new Faith Lutheran chose to meet for church in the property of St. Matthew’s until a new church could be
built. The old Trinity property was sold and the proceeds put into a building fund. Building plans were formally
set into motion in the spring of 1956 with a canvass of the congregation for pledges. $68,000 was pledged.
Interest in the property and building fund was equal from the two constituent congregations. With the
dedication of the new church, one of the last steps toward complete merger will have been taken.
The blessings of merger have been obvious in what has already been said. However, there are others that should
be mentioned. The merger saw the putting together of two congregations who had a common worship service.
Today, merger is not considered in the preference shown as to choice of men for church council: the best man
gets the job. Also, it must be said that the merger served to strengthen the work of the organizations, especially
the men and youth, and that of music and choirs.
Presently, Faith Lutheran Church numbers 587 confirmed and 811 baptized. The church today is highly selfsupporting and satisfactory, but with more adequate facilities should come the solidification of the membership
whether new or old.
Probably written by Rev. Harold Oelschlager about 1958
Trinity English Lutheran and St. Matthew’s Lutheran Churches were looking to the future. Both were growing
congregations, and more space would soon be needed. Pastor Alvin Pinke was serving both congregations
following the resignation of Pastor Witt from Trinity.
This bond and many prayers and meetings later resulted in the merger of the two congregations. It had been
determined that basic beliefs of the two groups were the same, and it was believed they would be more effective
in proclaiming the gospel and serving the Lord as a unified and larger congregation. The new church was
At this time Pastor Pinke noted that it was God who led the churches to merge – an act of faith – and thus the
church had been well named. He further admonished the members to “keep the faith, grow in it and share it.”
1954 – On September 20 articles of incorporation for Faith Lutheran Church were signed and sealed by six
commissioners, three from Trinity English Lutheran Church and three from St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church.
Signing for Trinity were Leslie Lidell, N. B. Nelson, and Harry Wenzel. Signing for St. Matthew’s were George
Bliesener, Edward Hansen, and Carl Altmann.
On October 4 resolutions for merger and consolidation of both congregations were signed and sealed as
required by the State of Wisconsin. Signing for Trinity were N. B. Nelson – President and Joe Gardner –
Secretary. Signing for St. Matthew’s were Melvin Aslakson – President, and Donald E. Larson – Secretary.
There were 773 baptized members with 545 confirmed members. The proposed budget for 1955 was $8,615.
1955 – The Trinity church building was sold to the United Church of Christ and the parsonage to Karl and
Valetta Kamps. Services were held in the St. Matthew’s building.
1956 – Work progressed on plans for a new church building to be built on the land previously purchased by
Trinity Church from the Mary B. (Conner) Witter Estate. A fund drive for the building continued through the
1957 – Pastor Pinke left to accept a call to Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin, and was succeeded by Pastor Harold
Oelschlager, who was installed on November 24. Planning for the new building continued through the year.
1958 – A new building became a reality. Ground breaking was held on Good Friday, the cornerstone was laid
on August 4, and the new building was first used on November 30. Members of the Building Committee were
Pastor Oelschlager, Mrs. Gilbert Sell, Mrs. Lee Dix, Leslie Lidell, Edward Hansen, Harry Ebbe, Arnold Seeger,
John Day, Einer Pederson, Marvin Schutts, and Harry Wenzel, Sr. The architect was Donald Haugen of
Wisconsin Rapids, and Bosons were the builders. Construction was done on the basis of materials and labor.
1959 – On February 8 the church was dedicated to the ministry of the gospel. There were services held at 8:00
and 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Reverend Theodore Ohlrogge, President of the Northern Wisconsin District of the
American Lutheran Church, was guest speaker for the morning services, and Pastor Alvin Pinke, who had been
so much a part of the merger and planning, returned as guest speaker for the evening service.
There were 858 baptized members and 592 confirmed members.
Church Council members were Carl Altmann, Herbert Ziebell, Clarence Ebert, Al Holt, Donald Moen, Clyde
Reeths, Arnold Seeger, Harry Wenzel Jr., Ray Boehning, Marvin Schutts, and Lee Dix.
1960 – The former St. Matthew’s Church was sold to the Baltus Company. The house next to the new church
was purchased as a parsonage.
Faith was one of 5,000 churches merged into the new Ameircan Lutheran Church (ALC).
1961 – Roger Benrud served as a seminary intern from September to May of 1962.
1962 – Richard Smith served as a seminary intern from September 1962 to September 1963. He married Shirley
Pederson of the congregation – daughter of Einar and Myra Pederson.
1963 – In May, Pastor Oelschlager accepted a call to Dubuque, Iowa. On September 8, Pastor Walter
Schultheiss was installed as pastor. He came form Arcadia, Wisconsin with his wife Ruth and family, Mark,
Jonathan, Lynne, Carol, Peter, and Joel.
1967 – Mrs. Lucille Messerschmidt was hired as church secretary. She served to 1986.
1967 & 1968 – Members of the congregation participated in Rural Summer Vacation Program, hosting black
children from inner city Milwaukee in their homes for a week.
In June, a celebration of Pastor Schultheiss’ 25th anniversary of ordination was held. In September, Dr. Keith
Stinson and his family left for the mission field in New Guinea.
1970 – Extensive redecorating of the church was done. Art glass windows were placed in the nave, and white
textured plastering of the walls was done. A new Wicks pipe organ was purchased and installed. Maldon Plank
was the organist. On May 17, the mortgage was burned at a worship service. As the congregation grew, the
need for two pastors became evident. On December 6, Pastor Peter Anderson was installed as the first associate
pastor at Faith. He came with his wife Terri and son Jed from Bayfield, Wisconsin. (Daughter Siri was born
during their stay at Faith.)
1971 – Introduction of children’s sermons to the worship services.
1972 – The church constitution was revised, and the committee system of management was put into practice.
The philosophy is – Everyone of God’s people serving each other.
1973 – Major redecorating was done – a free standing altar, a new pulpit, a new hanging cross, carpeting,
painting, and some cabinet work. A new Kimball baby grand piano was purchased for the sanctuary. Piece
Corps, an organized group for sewing quilts for Lutheran World Relief, was established. An earlier group, who
also did sewing projects, had preceded this. A surprise 25th wedding anniversary celebration was held for Pastor
and Ruth Schultheiss.
1974 – Pew cushions were installed in the sanctuary.
1975 – Faith joined 40 other churches in the Northern Wisconsin District of the ALC to sponsor a refugee
family. The Bui family from Viet Nam arrived in September. In October, Pastor Anderson resigned to accept a
call to Clinton, Iowa.
1976 – On October 3, Pastor Carmen Peterson was installed as associate pastor. He came from serving two
parishes in Atwater, Minnesota, and was accompanied by wife Virginia and son David and daughter Catherine.
1977 – New chancel lighting was installed. A long-range planning committee was formed to plan for more
Sunday School rooms.
1978 – The new Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) was purchased for use in the church. Radio ministry was
established, Outreach of Faith, broadcast Sundays at 7:45 a.m. Moveable partitions were installed in the
basement. These would add to the Sunday School rooms available. The area was named Way Place.
1979 – The Qua Tran refugee family arrived in October. This family was sponsored in cooperation with St.
Alban’s Episcopal Church. The Bui family had moved to California.
1980 – Pastor Schultheiss returned to his spiritual roots with a trip to Germany. In May, a special fund to assist
any member or friend of Faith, when in need, was established with a $1,000 contribution by a member. The
fund was named the Care Fund and is distributed confidentially by either pastor. Faith hosted a visit to
Marshfield by Lobi Siffobela, a Lutheran pastor from Zimbabwe, Africa. Energy efficient steps were taken in
the church building.
1981 – Seminary Appeal was launched by the ALC. The parsonage was sold to Pastor and Mrs. Peterson for
1982 – Good Shepherd Lutheran Church was established in Marshfield by the LCA. A joint announcement was
made by the ALC, LCA, and AELC that each national convention had voted to proceed with a merger. The
constitution of Faith was changed to allow confirmed young people voting privileges except in matters relating
to property.
1983 – The year began with 1,259 baptized members, 938 confirmed members, and a proposed budget of
$166,116.00. Fourteen families transferred membership to the new Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in
Marshfield. A Long-Range Planning Committee was formed to look at building needs as well as other needs of
the church. This 25th anniversary of Faith was celebrated with three special services during the year. August 7
marked 25 years since laying the cornerstone. Pastor Alvin Pinke returned as guest speaker. The hymn, On a
Firm Foundation Grounded, was written by Pastor Peterson and Betsy Aldrich. September 25 brought Pastor
Peter Anderson and his family from Clinton, Iowa as guest speakers. November 13 Pastor Richard Smith came
from Little Falls, Minnesota to be guest speaker. Each event culminated with socializing and a picnic, a potluck
and a German-Scandinavian dinner.
1984 – The architectural firm Stubenrauch and Associates of Sheboygan was hired at the recommendation of
the Long-Range Planning Committee. Their charge was to study the needs of the church and develop a plan to
meet these needs. Emphasis was to be on energy conservation and elderly needs. On February 12, the fourth and
last of the 25th anniversary services was held with Pastor Harold Oelschager as guest speaker. Slides of the
building process were shown. August brought the resignation of Pastor Walter Schultheiss who had served at
Faith for 21 years. His 40 years of ministry had been honored earlier in the year. On November 11, Pastor Gary
Hedding was installed as associate pastor. Rev. Norris Erdahl of Wausau, Assistant to the Bishop of the
Northern Wisconsin District of the ALC, assisted with the installation. Pastor Gary Hedding came from
Coloma, Wisconsin with his wife Linda and two children, Andrea and Tony.
1986 – In January it was voted at the annual meeting to become part of the new Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA). This was a merger of the ALC, LCA, and the AELC projected to begin in 1988. The
constituting convention was held in June, 1987. In January, an Ecumenical Festival for Word and Music marked
the Week of Christian Unity. It was led by Pastor Peterson, Pastor Bradtke of Christ Lutheran, and Father
Passehl of St. John’s Catholic Church with Brad Ahlmquist of the UW Center as music director. It was the first
of several ecumenical events in Marshfield. November 16 marked the end of a Resident Stewardship Drive with
“The Big Event.” Held at the high school this worship and breakfast marked the largest single gathering of the
congregation under one roof at the same time. The projected annual giving would increase by $36,138, and the
three-year pledge for the building program was $165,233. The first computer for the church was purchased at a
cost of $10,000.
1987 – In January, plans for remodeling and an addition to the church were approved. On April 25, the last
conference of the Women of the ALC was held at Faith. Balloons were released, and the organization disbanded
prior to the merger. In May, Karen Vornholt was hired as part-time Parish Education Director. On May 31,
ground breaking was held for the $480,000 addition ($40,000 in contingency). Plans called for 6,300 square
foot space for education and administration purposes, an elevator and handicapped entrance and some kitchen
remodeling. Contracts were awarded to B&K Builders, Reigel Plumbing & Heating, and Weis Electric. Dr.
Homer Russ was chairman of the Building Committee,
1988 – In January, baptized membership was 1,290, and confirmed membership was 1,024. Faith became part
of the Chequamegon Conference of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin of the ELCA. Synod offices are located
in Rice Lake, and Gerhard I. Knutson was elected bishop of the synod. On January 17, a dedication service of
the new addition was held followed by a congregational potluck dinner.
1989 – In January, a new constitution for our congregation was approved. The changes were needed to go with
the merger. On May 31, Pastor Peterson resigned to accept a call to Woodville, Wisconsin. He had served Faith
12 ½ years. Four called meetings followed during the summer, which resulted in repurchasing the parsonage
from the Petersons and selling it to the Heddings, calling Pastor Hedding as Senior pastor, and calling Pastor
Eric Biedermann as Associate Pastor. In December, Pastor Biedermann, his wife Nancy and children Steven
and Rachel arrived. On December 3, an installation service was held for both Pastor Hedding and Pastor
1990 – In January the new constitution of Faith was ratified. This enlarged the council to 15 members, adding
the pastors and treasurer as voting members. The treasurer was allowed an unlimited number of terms. A
healing service and a contemporary service were added to our worship options. Both will be held one Sunday
per month.
1991 – The proposed budget for the year is $267,187.00 There are 250 children in the Sunday School, preschool through grade nine. The Care Fund generated donations of $6,093 in 1990, and 310 blankets were sent to
Lutheran World Relief. All were record numbers.
1992 – On September 27, at a called meeting, refinancing of the mortgage resulted in accepting the option of
8.2% interest on a 15 year loan for three years. Payment was $2,586.00 per month. In November, the Marshfield
Area Food Pantry was established with Faith as one of the supporting churches.
1993 – A new sound system and improved lighting in the altar area were installed. New choir robes were
purchased with donated funds. Treva Tisdell was hired as Parish Education Director. She replaced Karen
Vornholt, who had served five years. A new computer system was purchased.
1994 – Worship and Music Committee began a move toward every Sunday communion. It began with Advent
and Easter seasons. There were few complaints. Tape recorders were purchased, and worship services taped for
use by shut-ins. A stewardship drive ended with Celebration Sunday. 284 units pledged $241,370.00. The Care
Fund used for food, shelter (rent assistance, security deposits, fuel assistance, and utilities), clothing and
transportation (gas and bus fares) provided $9,765.00 to 141 different persons or families. This is distributed at
the discretion of the pastors. They work with Wood County Community Action, food pantries, other churches,
and Crisis Intervention to coordinate care for people in emergency situations.
1995 – In October, the loan was renewed for one year at 8.75%. Baptized membership at the end of the year
was 1,483. Confirmed membership was 1,129. Proposed budget for 1996 was $307,000.00. The young people at
Faith were active with two organized groups. Free Spirits included youth that have been confirmed. The group
had a Sunday morning educational program with discussion of topics of interest to their age and Bible Study.
Recreational events are planned one time each month, and opportunities for summer camping and activities
were also planned. The 7th, 8th, and 9th grade young people also had an organized group named Youth of Faith
(YOF). In addition to their required confirmation curriculum, they had discussion topics such as alcoholism,
suicide, and depression. Fun activities - such as lock-ins, a bike trip, CROP Walk for Hunger and Christmas
caroling - made for a more cohesive group of friends.
1996 – Increased numbers required a rescheduling of Sunday School classes in order to solve space needs. Preschool and kindergarten classes were held at two different time periods. New personal computers were
acquired for the church office, the pastors’ offices, and the parish education office. The Care Fund reached
$21,682.00 this year. Contributions were from members and another church. Membership at the end of the year
was 1,575 baptized and 1,159 confirmed.
1997 – A grant from the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother made possible the creation of a parish nurse position.
This began in the fall with Kathy Stockton Behnke hired as the parish nurse.
1998 – An Endowment Fund became official after the constitution was ratified to authorize this. There was over
$150,000 in it. Capital improvements begun or completed were an upgrade of the heating system with new
furnace blower, a new digital organ, maintenance on the pipe organ begun, and roof repair on the education
unit. Support to our missionaries in Japan, Tim and Yuriko Mason, was increased. The mortgage of $104,011
was renewed at 7 ½%. Support of the Care Fund and its objectives to help those in need increased to
1999 – Many changes occurred this year. Mike Steinwagner was hired as new custodian. Sally Rindfleish
resigned as secretary after serving so efficiently for 13 years. Lori Meyer was her replacement. Greg Reierson
resigned after 11 years as our masterful choir director. Bonnie Cain succeeded him in that position. Continued
capital improvements included an updated and redecorated kitchen, new carpeting in many areas of the church,
and new tables and chairs in Sunday School rooms. On July 11, Pastor Eric Biedermann resigned to accept a
call to Iowa. Pastor Dennis Olson was assigned as Interim Associate Pastor. The parish nurse reported 479
contacts made – both personal and by telephone. Parish Education reports Sunday School enrollment at 250
students. Care Fund contributions this year were $29,541.00. Pastoral acts were 22 marriages, 26 baptisms, 14
funeral services, and 47 youth in confirmation classes.
2000 – On May 21, after an interim of 10 months with Pastor Olson, Pastor Peter Muschinske was installed as
Associate Pastor. He came from a parish in California with his wife Katherine (Katie), daughter Nicole 5, and
son Erick 3. Both Pastor and Katie were originally from Rice Lake, Wisconsin and have family living there.
Money was collected secretively to present to Pastor Hedding as a special gift of appreciation for his guidance
and efforts beyond the expected as many changes were faced the past year. It was designated to be for a trip to
Europe, which had long been anticipated by Linda and Pastor. They were very appreciative for all members’
generosity and thankfulness. Darci Lindstrom was hired as a part-time youth director, working with Grace
Lutheran, Good Shepherd Lutheran, and Faith Lutheran. The office was remodeled, and a new telephone system
installed. A Synod Resource Center opened in Eau Claire. In October, it was decided by the church council that
Faith could be used as a Red Cross Service Center by the Red Cross in the event of an emergency or disaster.
The mortgage on the church was paid up.
2001 – On March 21, a called meeting of the congregation for the purpose of borrowing $45,000 for a new roof
resulted in approval of this action. In April, Bishop Bvumbwe of Malawi, Africa was a guest. This is a
companion synod of our Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. In May, Pastor Hedding and Linda made their planned
trip to Europe. They did a walking trip in Northern Italy and ended with other sightseeing. They again expressed
their sincere appreciation. In September, Pastor Hedding resigned after serving 17 years. He accepted a call to
serve as an Assistant to the Bishop in the synod office in Rice Lake. On September 30, a farewell service was
held, led by the youth group. A potluck dinner followed with large attendance for both the service and dinner. In
October, Pastor Ron Nielsen from the Twin Cities area arrived to serve as Interim Senior Pastor.
2002 – A role of stability in the church has been its serving as a chartering institution for Boy Scouts of
America. The first charter was dated September 1, 1934 and issued to Trinity Men’s Club. Currently Troop 382
is chartered to Faith Lutheran and Wesley Methodist. Jeff Tisdell serves as Scoutmaster. In February, Lori
Meyer resigned as church secretary and was replaced by Renee Thompson. In May, Pastor Peter Muschinske
was called to be Senior Pastor. In May, Pastor Nielsen left as Senior Interim, and Pastor Dan Alexander came as
Interim Associate Pastor. Also in May, Treva Tisdell resigned as Director of Parish Education. In the summer, a
group of youth went to Brooklyn, New York, where they worked and taught young people of Trinity Lutheran
Church in Brooklyn. This outreach of faith was a great opportunity and learning experience for both groups of
youth. In August, Pam Johnson was hired as Interim Parish Education Director. In August, Pastor Patricia
Turner was called to fill the position of Associate Pastor. She returned to her home state of Wisconsin from two
parishes in Western Minnesota. In October, Pastor Patricia Turner was installed as Associate Pastor. In
November, Bonnie Cain was hired as Interim Youth Director. Pastoral acts during 2002 included: 22 baptisms,
13 young people confirmed, 6 weddings, and 8 funerals. Records at the end of 2002 show a baptized
membership of 1,621 and confirmed membership of 1,217. The proposed budget for 2003 is $398,047.
2003 – Committees were renamed mission teams to reflect the spiritual agenda of the church and the teamwork
required to meet the goals of our mission statement. Bonnie Cain was hired s Youth Director, and Pam Johnson
assumed the role of Christian Education Director. A new pictorial directory and a booklet that recounted the
historical journey of Faith Lutheran were done for the 50th anniversary in 2004.
2004 – Implementation of our 50th anniversary was begun with the Upper Room serving as a history room to
show pictures and memorabilia from Trinity, St. Matthews, and Faith Lutheran. Rotation Sunday School and a
new Confirmation were implemented in the fall. Three pine trees on the south side of the church were cut down
and replaced with three honey locust trees. Piece Corps sent 280 quilts, 565 health kits, 35 sewing kits, 56
school kits, and 162 layettes to Lutheran World Relief. The Care Fund distributed $16,833 to help people in
need. Bill Crist became treasurer after the retirement of Jerry Ogdahl. The Endowment Fund was at
2005 – New, energy efficient windows were put into the upper education wing along with new carpeting in the
community room, upper Sunday School rooms, hallway, and prayer room. The library was moved into two
rooms, one for adults and one for children. New parking area was developed on the south side of the parsonage,
and landscaping was done on the south side of the church. A driving policy, nursery policy, and an up-date to
the church usage policy were done. Pastoral acts included: 19 baptisms, 8 confirmed, 4 weddings, 21 funerals.
2006 – In January, Pastor Muschinske and his unit were called up to serve in Iraq. Pastor Bob Bipes was asked
to serve as interim pastor during Pastor Muschinke’s call to active duty. Jennifer Smith was hired as Director of
Parish Education and Youth. The 50-year-old boiler was replaced with a new high efficiency unit. Pastor Tricia
and the Social Concerns Mission Team changed how the Care Fund was administered. November saw Pastor
Peter back from Iraq and the final Sunday for Pastor Bob.
2007 – New windows were put in the parsonage family room. The custodian became a contracted position.
Improvements included an updated sound system, computers and printers for all staff, and electrical service to
the parsonage. Mileage and child safety policies were implemented. In May, Pastor Peter resigned his call to
Faith Lutheran in order to accept a call to be United States Navy Reserve Chaplain Recruiter on active duty. In
June, Pastor Lowell Bolstad was assigned to serve as Interim Senior Pastor. Marty Yohn painted a fantastic
walk through of the creation story in the upper Sunday school hallway. First polka service was held at church.
ELW cranberry hymnals came into use.
2008 – Pastor Bob Lesher and his wife Sue came to us and he gave his first sermon in May, Confirmation
transitioned to grades 6, 7 & 8. Changes were made to the Care Fund so that duplicated funds were not given.
Jennifer Smith is new Parish Ed/Youth director.
2009 - Pastor Bob led a mission trip to Uptown Ministries in the summer. A computer lab was put in place for
confirmation and Sunday School programs. Pastor Tricia was on sabbatical in the summer. After 45 years,
Maldon Plank retired as our organist. Because it was not being used, the Campership Fund was closed out and
the money was added to the Memorial fund to be used for confirmation camp. Fundraising was begun for a new
grand piano.
2010 – We started using a projection system for services. Beth Behnke-Seper was hired as Music Director.
The new Grand Piano came. New lighting was put in the kitchen and sacristy, carpet was placed in the
downstairs Sunday Scholl area and the cross was move to a different location. We became a sister congregation
to the Malembo congregation in Malawi.
2011 – Contemporary worship service was named Voices of Praise after a vote by the congregation. Share the
Faith program was started. Church and parsonage were painted. New cast polycarbonate signage over the
entrance replacing the wood one. The parsonage became the home for the Clubhouse which helps mental health
patients learn independence and life skills. The Library Mission Team is starting to replace VHS tapes and
audio cassette tapes which are becoming obsolete. Repair to the flat roof to overcome the leaking problem.
Two new furnaces that heat the offices, Upper room and libraries. Technology Mission Team came into being.
Telephones upgraded. Midweek service changed from Wed to Monday night.
2012- Dishwasher and new stovetops in the kitchen. Loop System added to the Sanctuary for the hearing
impaired. Joint worship service and picnic with Good Shepherd. Website revamped again. Piece Corps
completed 512 quilts, 37 youth quilts and 121 layettes. Circles donated 74 health care kits.
2013 – Prepared for 60th anniversary in 2014. Renee Thompson resigned as secretary. Did joint VBS with
Good Shepard. Prepared for the retirement of Pastor Tricia in 2014. New cooler and refrigerator in the kitchen.
A Little Fee Library place in front of the parsonage. Green Team joined forces with First Presbyterian Church’s
team. Faith Fire held benefit for Soup or Socks raising $2505 with matching $500 for Thrivent. Roger Keller is
new choir director. Mission trip to WV.