Title Systematic survey of phosphate materials for lithium

Issue Date
Systematic survey of phosphate materials for lithium-ion
batteries by first principle calculations( Dissertation_全文 )
Ohira, Koji
Kyoto University (京都大学)
学位規則第9条第2項により要約公開; 許諾条件により要約
は2014-09-23に公開; 許諾条件により本文は2015-10-01に
Thesis or Dissertation
Kyoto University
Systematic survey of phosphate materials
for lithium-ion batteries by first principle calculations
(第 一 原 理 計 算 に よ る リ チ ウ ム イ オ ン 電 池 用 リ ン 酸 塩 材 料 の 系 統 的 探 索 )
Chapter 1
General introduction
Int roduction
Lithium-ion batt er y
Cathode materials for lithium-ion batteri es
First principl e calculations for lithium-ion batteries
Chapter 2
1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 (M = Mg, Ti to
Int roduction
Results and Discussi on
Chapter 3
Comparative study of crys tal structures of lithiu m
metal phosphates
Int roduction
Results and Discussi on
Chapter 4
Factors determining redox potential of lithium metal
Int roduction
Results and Discussi on
Chapter 5
Chapter 1
General Introduction
In recent years, demands for the natural and renewabl e energy sources
such as photovoltaic power and wind p ower continue to increase. The
demands grow even more rapidl y after the nuclear accident in Fukushima,
J apan in March 2011. However supplies of these natural energy sources
are strongl y dep endent on natural conditions. Massive rechargeable
batteries are therefore required for bal ancing the p ower s upplies and
demands. Depending on the application, man y technical requirements
should be met for t he rechargeable batt eries, The y are required to b e
high-energy densit y, high-power densit y, high s afet y, low cost , just to
b atteri es
lead-acid batter y, nickel cadmium b attery, nickel metal h ydride batter y
and lithium-ion battery [1] [2]. The advantages of the lithium-ion batter y
are hi gh-energy dens it y, hi gh-power dens it y, low self-discharge and high
effi cienc y b etween charge and discharge. Therefore lithium -ion batter y
is thought to be most promising am ong currentl y avail able batter y
s ystems.
In the present study, we p erformed the s ystem atic surve y of phosphate
materials for lithium-ion batteri es b y firs t principles calculati ons.
This paper is organized as follow:
In chapter 1, we described the general introduction of lithium-ion
batter y. Especiall y we explain the cathode materials and fi rst principle
calcul ations for lithi um-ion batteri es and exploring a new m aterial.
In chapter 2, we report ed the phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y
s ystems of 1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 (M = M g,
Ti to Zn). In each composition, the formation energy was calculated b y
first principle calculations and the cal culation results comp ared to the
In chapter 3, we conducted the comparative stud y of cr ystal structures
at tempted
relationship among the coordination number, bond length, cell volume
and ratio of phosphorus to cation.
In chapt er 4, we conducted the comparative study of battery voltage of
lithium metal phosphates. This stud y focused on relationshi p to the cell
volume of each structure.
Lithium-ion battery
Lithium-ion batteries consist of three m ain component s such as
cathode, anode and electrol yt e. Generall y, the cathode is a metal oxide
[3] and the anode is a carbon [4]. The el ectrol yte is a lithium salt in an
organic solvent. The properties of lithium-ion batteries are related
closel y to the sel ect ed materi als.
In lithium-ion batteries, the b asic reaction is the transfer of lithium
ions between cathode and anode. Duri ng a charging, lithi um ions are
extracted from the cathode materi als and inserted into anode materials.
During a dischargi ng, this el ectrochemical reaction is t he revers e
process. The chemical reactions for charge and discharge are shown as
Cathode :
 Li x MO2 + xLi + xe
LiMO2 Discharge
Anode :
C + xLi + xe ←
 Li xC
Battery as a whole :
Li x MO2 + C 
 MO2 + Li xC
The disadvant age of lithium-ion batteries is safet y risk. If lithium-ion
batteries become overheated or overcharged, the lithium-ion batteries
have been known t o exhibit thermal runawa y and explode [5-8]. To
reduce these risks, l ithium-ion batter y p acks contain fail-safe circuitr y.
Furthermore other s afet y features are required in each b atter y.
Cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries
Three t yp es of structures are known as cathode materials. One
structure is the l a yered structure s uch as a lithium cobalt oxide [9]. The
cathode mat erials wi th layered structure have a hi gh energy densit y and
low thermal st abilit y [10]. Another structure is spinel structure such as a
lithium manganese oxide [11] [12]. The cathode materials with spinel
structure have a lower energy densit y and higher thermal stabilit y than
the cathode mat erial s with la yered st ruct ure [13]. The other structure is
the olivine structure such as a lithium iron phosphate [14]. The cathode
materials with olivine structure have a high thermal stabilit y [15] [16].
Cathode materials are requi red to b e high-energy densit y, high-power
densit y, hi gh safet y, low cost, just to mention a few requirements.
However hi gh-energy densit y and hi gh s afet y cannot b e satis fied.
The theoretical cap acit y of these cathode materi als is calcul ated the
following equation (1).
M × 3600
Q is theoretical cap acit y t ypicall y given in the unit of Ah/ g. F is the
Farada y const ant, n i s the charge transported and M is molecul ar wei ght.
The voltage is calcul ated b y the chemical potential difference between
cathodes and anodes. The voltage E is calcul ated from the following
formula (2) [17] [18].
E = −
µ Li
− µ Li
F is the Farada y constant and z is the charge transported. If chemi cal
potential of cathode materials increas e, the batter y voltage is increasing.
Hence energy densit y can increase. However cathode materials with a
high chemical potential cannot use because electrolyt es do not exist.
Therefore it is neces sar y to develop the optimum cathode mat erials.
Firs t principle cal culations for lithium-ion batteri es
First p rinciple cal culations for lithium-ion batteries have two t ypes of
approach. First the first principl e calcul ations were used for to explain
the experimental results [19-23]. These calculations shed light on a
chemical reaction. S econd the first principle calcul ations were used for
to search a new mat erial. This app roach was attempt at constructing a
phase diagram [24-26] and calcul ated voltage [27] [28]. Unfortunatel y,
these calculations do not alwa ys guarantee that calcul ation results are
consistent with experimental results.
Materials informatics has been much attention in recent years [29]
[30]. The concept of materials informat ics is to appl y t he principle of
informatics to the material sci ence. Materials informatics is the
promising approach to discover a new material. Mat erials informatics
needs a massive dat abase and data mini ng t echnique. It b el ieved that
first principl e calculations are import ant skills to make a massive
databas e. Hi gh-throughput calcul ations were performed for exploring a
new material in lithium-ion batteri es [31] [32].
[1] K. Ozawa, Solid State Ionics, 69, 212-221 (1994)
[2] S. Megahed and B. Scros ati, J . Power Sources, 51, 79-104 (1994)
[3] K. Mizushima, P.C. J ones, P.J . Wiseman and J .B. Goodenough, Mat er.
Res. Bull., 15, 783-789 (1980)
[4] Z. X. Shu, R. S. McMillan and J . J . Murra y, J . Electrochem. Soc.,
140(4), 922-927(1993)
[5] R. A. Leising, M . J . Palazzo, E. S. Takeuchi and K. J . Takeuchi, J .
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[6] T. Ohsaki, T. Kishi, T.Kuboki, N. Takami, N. Shimura, Y. Sato, M.
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[7] Q. Wang, P. Ping, X. Zhao, G. Chu, J . Sun and C. Chen, J . Power
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[9] T. Ohzuku, A. Ueda, and M. Naga yam a, J . Electrochem. Soc., 140(7),
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[10] Y. Baba, S. Okada and J . Yamaki, S olid State Ionics, 148(3–4),
311-316 (2002)
[11] T. Ohzuku, M. Kitagawa, and T. Hirai, J . Electrochem. S oc., 137(3),
770-775 (1990)
[12] D. Guyomard and J . M. Tarascon, J . Electrochem. Soc., 139(4),
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[13] M.M. Thackeray, M.F. Mansuetto, D.W. Dees and D.R. Vissers, M at.
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[14]A.K.Padhi, K.S.Nanjundaswam y and J . B. Goodenough, Electrochem.
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[15] A. S. Andersson,a, J . O. Thomas, B. Kalska and L. Häggströmb,
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[16] M. Takahashi, H. Ohtsuka, K. Akut o and Y. Sakurai. El ectrochem.
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[17] G. Ceder, M.K. Aydinol and A.F. Kohan, Comp. Matr. Sci., 8(1–2)
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[18] Y. Koyam a, I. Tanaka, Y. Kim, S. R. Nishitani, and H. Adachi, J.
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[19] M. Naka yam a, M. Kaneko and M. Wakihara, Ph ys. Chem. Chem.
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[20] Y. Koyam a, I. Tanaka, M. Nagao and R. Kanno, 214th ECS Meeting
[21]Y. Koyam a, H. Arai, I. Tanaka, Y. Uchimoto and Z. Ogumi, Chem.
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[22] Y. Okamoto, J . Electrochem. Soc., 159(2), A152-A157 (2012)
[23] D. Morgan, A. Van der Ven and G. Ceder, Electrochem. Solid-State
Lett., 7(2), A30-A32 (2004)
[24] A. Van der Ven, M. K. A ydinol, and G. Ceder, Phys. R ev. B, 58,
2975–2987 (1998)
[25] S. P. Ong, L. Wang, B. Kang, and G. Ceder, Chem. Mater., 20(5),
1798-1807 (2008)
[26] R. E. Doe, K. A. Persson, Y. S. M eng and G. Ceder, C hem. Mater.,
20, 5274–5283 (2008)
[27] T. Mueller, G. Hautier, A. J ain, and G. C eder, Chem. Mater., 23,
3854–3862 (2011)
[28] M. Cococcioni, C. A. Marianetti, D. Morgan, and G. Ceder, Ph ys.
Rev. B, 70, 235121 (2004)
[29] S. Curtarolo, D. Morgan, K. P ersson, J . Rodgers and G. Ceder, Ph ys.
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[30] R. J alem, T. Aoyam a, M. Naka yama and M. Nogami, Chem. Mater.,
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[31] G. Hautier, A. Jain, H. Chen, C. Moore, S. P. Ong and G. Ceder,.J .
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[32] T. Mueller, G. Hautier, A. J ain and G. Ceder, Chem. Mater., A- I
Chapter 2
systems of 1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O
-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 (M = Mg, Ti to Zn)
Lithium transition metal phosphates for lithium-ion batteries have
received much att ention in recent year due to their higher safet y and
better c ycling st abilit y than other kinds of cathode materials.
properties are important because lithium-ion batteries are us ed not onl y
for portabl e devices, such as mobile phone and notebook computer, but
also for large-s cale devices. The large-scale devices include batteries for
electri c vehicl es and large-s cal e energy s torage s ystems used for the grid
energy storages.
Some of lithium metal phosphates were reported as cathode materials,
anode materials and solid states electrol ytes for lithium-ion batteries.
For example, Li FeP O 4 [1-3], LiMnPO 4 [4], LiCoPO 4 [5], Li 2 FeP 2 O 7 [6]
and Li 3 V 2 (PO4) 3 [7] were report ed as cat hode materials. Sn 2 P 2 O 7 [8] was
report ed as anode m aterials. Li Ti 2 (PO 4 ) 3 [9] was reported as solid state
electrol yt es. Especiall y the LiFePO 4 cathode material has received much
attention in recent year due to their hi gh safet y and excell ent cycling
stabilit y [10] [11].
Some of the lithium metal phosphates were also studied b y first
principle calcul ations. The research group of Ceder calculated phas e
stabilit y, lithium conductivit y, pol aron migration, volt age, surface
properties and som e other p roperti es [12-27]. Some phase diagrams are
now available on the open website of “M aterial Project ”. These previous
works attempted to shed light on a chemical reaction and t o explore a
new material. Unfort unatel y, these cal culations do not alwa ys guarantee
calcul ation
Therefore it was di fficult to use for exploring new m aterials.
However materials informatics has been much attention in recent years
[28-32]. The concept of materials inform atics is to appl y the principle of
informatics to the material sci ence. Materials informatics is the
promising approach to discover a new material. Mat erials informatics
needs a massive dat abase and data mini ng t echnique. It b el ieved that
first principl e calculations are import ant skills to make a massive
databas e.
The purpos e of thi s study was to des cribe phase relationships in
pseudo-ternar y s yst ems and to compare calculation data to experimental
data. This comparati ve study aimed to examine the formation energi es of
compounds cont ained in the ICSD.
The current stud y involved investi gati ng phase relationships and
comparing calculation data to experimental dat a. Formati on energies
were calcul ated b y phase relationship s in pseudo-ternar y s ystems of
1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . The calculation
results were comp ared to experimental data. The formation energi es of
cr ystal structures contained in the ICSD were examined b y first principle
calcul ations.
phas e
pseudo-ternar y
s yst ems
1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 were examined b y
first principle calculations. The divalent elements were s el ected from
Mg, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn. The trivalent el ements were
selected from Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu. Thes e metals excluding
Mg were chosen from period 4 elements. Crystal structures used for
examination of phas e relationships were extracted from the inorganic
cr ystal structure database (ICSD). The select ed structures were onl y
ordered structures. Initial structures for first principle calculations were
made from the extracted cr ystal structures. The extract ed cr ystal
structures were subs tituted the ori ginal metal el ement with each s elected
element. The extracted structures and substituted structures were
calcul ated b y fi rst principle cal culations. Tabl es 1.1 to 1.4 show the
cr yst al
Thes e
tab les
composition, structure t ype, space group and p rototyp e. The protot ype
means initial composition contained in t he ICSD.
Formation energies i n pseudo-ternar y s ys tems were calculat ed b y first
principle calculations. The Gibbs free energy is express ed as below.
G = H − TS
H = E + PV
G = E + PV − TS
G is the Gibbs free energy of the s ystem. T is the temperature of the
s ystem. S is the entrop y of the s ystem. H is the enthalp y of the s yst em. E
is the internal energy of the s yst em. P is the pressure of the s ys tem. V is
the volume of the s ystem. In the present s ystems, di fferences in PV term
negli gible.
calculat ed
principle calcul ations are at 0K. Therefore formation energies were
calcul ated from internal energies.
All internal energy were calcul ated b y densit y functional theory (DFT)
param eterized b y Perdew,
Burke and Ernzerhof (P BE)
[33]. All
calcul ations were p erformed b y Vi enna ab initio simulation package
(VASP) [34] with the projector augm ent ed-wave (PAW) [35] potentials.
The plane wave cutoff energy was s et at 500eV. Almost all calculations
were used with spin polarization and Hubbard U p aram eters for some
transition metals. The calculations cont ained m agnesium and zinc were
not used with Hubbard U paramet ers. All magnetic moments of transition
metals were set initi al state to hi gh spin. We used two U parameters. One
U paramet er for Ti, V and Cr was 2eV and the other U p arameter for Mn,
Fe, Co, Ni and Cu was 4eV [36-39]. The k mesh was sampl ed according
to a Monkhorst-Pack scheme [40] with a spacing of 0.5 /Å.
Thermod ynamic stab ilities of all compounds within the corresponding
pseudo-ternar y s yst ems were examined in the following way. Fi rstl y
pseudo-ternar y s yst ems were plotted with reference to the energy of
three end-m ember compounds in the diagram. Then the convex hull of
the form ation energy was m ade. When a compound was located on the
hull, the compound was regarded as “thermod ynamicall y stable”. All of
such thermod ynamicall y st able compounds are shown as the apex of
triangles in the diagram. As will be s hown in Fi gures 1-1 to 1-9, all
apexes was shown b y orange closed circl es and was connected b y lines to
form triangles. Orange closed circl es will be called “negative formation
energy”. When the formation energy of a compound was hi gher than the
hull, the
compound was
“thermodynami call y
unstable”. The y will be shown either b y light-blue or dark-blue closed
form ation
Li ght-blue clos ed circles corresponded to the formation energies
between 0 to 0.1eV/cation, which will be called “sli ghtl y positive
formation energy”. Dark-blue closed circles correspond to the formation
energi es > 0.1eV/ cat ion, which will be called “hi ghl y positive formation
Table 1.1 Cr yst al structures extracted from the ICSD
Structure t yp e
Space group
Protot ype
Li 2 O
P 2 O 5 (oP28)
LiPO 3
P2 1 /c
Li 6 (P 6 O 1 8 )
Pmn2 1
Li 3 (PO 4 )
P2 1 /c
Li 4 (P 2 O 7 )
Li 4 (P 2 O 7 )
Li 4 (P 2 O 7 )
P6 3 mc
P6 3 mc
P6 3 mc
Al 2 O 3
Fe 2 O 3
Mn 2 O 3
Fe 2 O 3
Mn 2 O 3 -alpha
Mn 2 O 3
Sm 2 O 3 (cI80)
I2 1 3
Mn 2 O 3
AlFeO 3
Pna2 1
Fe 2 O 3
Fe 2 O 3
Fe 2 O 3
Li 2 O
LiPO 3
Li 3 PO 4
Cu 3 AsS 4
Li 4 P 2 O 7
Rh 2 S 3
Table 1.2 Cr yst al structures extracted from the ICSD
Structure t yp e
Space group
Protot ype
Li 6 MO 4
Li 6 ZnO 4
P4 2 /nmc
Li 6 (CoO 4 )
P4 2 /nmc
Li 1 0 (Zn 4 O 9 )
La 2 O 3
Li 2 MnO 2
Li 2 CuO 2
Li 2 CuO 2
Li 2 CuO 2
Li 1 0 M 4 O 9
Li 2 MO 2
Li 5 MO 4
Li 5 GaO 4 -alpha
Li 5 FeO 4
Li 3 MO 3
Au 4 KSn 2
P4 2 /mnm
Li 3 CuO 3
LiMO 2
Li FeO 2 -alpha
I4 1 /amd
Li FeO 2
LiTiO 2
LiTiO 2
NaCrS 2
Li FeO 2
NaNiO 2 (mS8)
LiCuO 2
LiMnO 2
LiM 5 O 8
Li Fe 5 O 8
P4 3 32
Fe((Li 0 . 5 Fe 1 . 5 )O 4
MP 4 O 1 1
MnP 4 O 1 1
Fe(P 4 O 1 1 )
MgP 4 O 1 1
P2 1 /c
Mg(P 4 O 1 1 )
P2 1 /c
Mn(P 4 O 1 1 )
P2 1 /c
Ni(P 4 O 1 1 )
Ni 2 (PO 3 ) 4
Fe(P 4 O 1 2 )
ThTi 2 O 6 (mS36)
Zn(PO 3 ) 2
Zn(PO 3 ) 2
Fe 2 P 2 O 7
Fe 2 (P 2 O 7 )
Y 2 Si 2 O 7
P2 1 /c
Fe 2 P 2 O 7
Co 2 P 2 O 7
P2 1 /c
Co 2 (P 2 O 7 )
Sc 2 Si 2 O 7
Mn 2 P 2 O 7
Cu 2 P 2 O 7
Cu 2 (P 2 O 7 )
Zn 2 P 2 O 7
Zn 2 (P 2 O 7 )
Zn 2 (P 2 O 7 )
M(PO 3 ) 2
Table 1.3 Cr yst al structures extracted from the ICSD
Structure t yp e
Space group
Protot ype
M 3 (PO 4 ) 2
Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 (mP52)
P2 1 /c
Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2
Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 (mP26)
P2 1 /c
Co 3 (PO 4 ) 2
Mg 3 (PO 4 ) 2
P2 1 /c
Co 3 (PO 4 ) 2
P2 1 /c
Zn 3 (PO 4 ) 2
P2 1 /c
Mn 3 (PO 4 ) 2
Mg 3 (PO 4 ) 2 (P1-)
Mg 3 (PO 4 ) 2
Cu 3 (PO 4 ) 2 (P1-)
Cu 3 (PO 4 ) 2
P2 1 /c
Fe 4 (PO 4 ) 2 O
Cu 4 O(PO 4 ) 2
Cu 4 O(PO 4 ) 2
Cu 5 O 2 (PO 4 ) 2
Rh(PO 3 ) 3
Fe(PO 3 ) 3
V(PO 3 ) 3
V(PO 3 ) 3
Mn(P 3 O 9 )
P2 1 /c
Cr 2 (P 6 O 1 8 )
Cr(PO 3 ) 3
P2 1 /c
Cr 2 P 4 O 1 3
M 4 (P 2 O 7 ) 3
P2 1 /c
Fe 4 (P 2 O 7 ) 3
V 4 (P 2 O 7 ) 3
AlPO 4
P3 1 21
Fe(PO 4 )
AlPO 4 (HT)
P6 4 22
Fe(PO 4 )
FePO 4
Fe(PO 4 )
Fe(PO 4 )
Fe(PO 4 )
P2 1 /c
Ti(PO 4 )
P2 1 /c
Fe(PO 4 )
CrPO 4
M 4 (PO 4 ) 2 O
Cu 4 (PO 4 ) 2 O
M 5 O 2 (PO 4 ) 2
M(P O 3 ) 3
CrVO 4
Table 1.4 Cr yst al structures extracted from the ICSD
Structure t yp e
Space group
Protot ype
M 3 (PO 4 )O 3
Fe 3 PO 4 O 3
Fe 3 (PO 4 )O 3
LiM 2 P 3 O 1 0
LiCo 2 P 3 O 1 0
P2 1 /c
LiCo 2 (P 3 O 1 0 )
LiMP 3 O 9
CuLiP 3 O 9
P2 1 2 1 2 1
Li FeP 3 O 9
Cu 2 Li 2 P 6 O 1 8
P2 1 /c
Li 2 Ni 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 2
Mg 2 SiO 4
Li Fe(PO 4 )
Na 2 CrO 4
Li Fe(PO 4 )
Pna2 1
Li Zn(PO 4 )
Li Zn(PO 4 )
P2 1 /c
Li 2 Mn(P 2 O 7 )
Li 2 Cu(P 2 O 7 )
P2 1 /c
Li 4 Zn(PO 4 ) 2
Li 2 M 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 2
LiGaSiO 4
Li 2 MP 2 O 7
Na 2 PdP 2 O 7
Li 4 M(PO 4 ) 2
Li 9 M 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 3 (P
Li 9 Al 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 3 (PO 4 ) 2
Li 9 Fe 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 3 (P
LiMP 2 O 7
Li InP 2 O 7
P2 1
Li Fe(P 2 O 7 )
Li 3 M 2 (PO 4 ) 3
Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3
P2 1 /c
Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3
Li 3 In 2 (PO 4 ) 3
Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3
Results and Discussion
phas e
pseudo-ternar y
s ystems
1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 were examined b y
first principl e calcul ations. The number of compounds calculated b y first
principle cal culations was 796. The num ber of compounds contained in
the ICSD was 164. The numbers of compositions in pseudo-ternar y
s ystem of 1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 were 18
and 15, respectivel y.
2-3-1 1/2Li 2 O-TiO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Ti 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 s yst ems
Fi gure 1.1 (a) shows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-Ti O-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes b elonging to “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive formation energy” were 9, 4 and 5, respectivel y. On the other
hand, the ICSD did not contain lithium titanium(II) oxides, titanium(II)
phosphates and lithium titanium(II) phos phates.
Fi gure 1.1 (b ) shows the phas e relations hip in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Ti 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes b elonging to
“negative form ation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and
“highl y positive formation energy” were 8, 5 and 2, respectivel y. On the
other hand, the calculated compounds given in the ICSD were 6.
Compositions of these compounds were Li TiO 2 , Ti(PO 3 ) 3 , TiPO 4 and
Li TiP 2 O 7 . These compounds belonged t o “negative formation energy” or
“slightl y positive formation energy”. Li TiO 2 , TiPO 4 and Li TiP 2 O 7 had
form ation
Li 3 Ti 2 (PO 4 ) 3 was not contained in the ICSD but nonstoichiometric
compound with a Nasicon-t yp e structure is obtained b y the chemical
lithiation of Li Ti 2 (PO 4 ) 3 [41]. This compound also belongs to “negative
formation energy”.
1/2Li 2 O-VO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2V 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 s ystems
Fi gure 1.2 (a) shows the phase rel ationship in pseudo-ternar y s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-VO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes belonging t o “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive form ation energy” were 10, 5 and 3, respectivel y. On the other
cont ain
vanadium( II) phosp hates and lithium vanadium(II) phosphat es.
Fi gure 1.2 (b) s hows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s yst em
of 1/2Li 2 O-1/2V 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of ap exes bel onging to
“negative form ation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and
“highl y positive formation energy” were 8, 6 and 1, respectivel y. On the
other hand, the calculated compounds given in the ICSD were 8.
Compositions of these compounds were Li VO 2 , V(PO 3 ) 3 , V 4 (P 2 O 7 ) 3 ,
VPO 4 , Li 5 (VO)(PO 4 ) 2 , LiVP 2 O 7 and Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 . These compounds
belonged to “negative form ation energy” or “sli ghtl y positive formation
energy”. Li VO 2 , Li VP 2 O 7 and Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 had negative formation
energi es.
1/2Li 2 O-CrO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Cr 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 s ystems
Fi gure 1.3 (a) shows the phase rel ationship in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-CrO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes belonging to “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive formation energy” were 9, 7 and 2, respectivel y. On the other
hand, the calculated compounds given in the ICSD were 2. Compositions
of these compounds were Cr 2 P 2 O 7 and Cr 3 (PO 4 ) 2 . These compounds
belonged to “sli ghtl y positive formation energy”. The formation energies
of Cr 2 P 2 O 7 and Cr 3 (PO 4 ) 2 were between 0 to 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 1.3 (b ) shows the phas e relationship in pseudo-ternar y s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Cr 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of ap exes belonging to
“negative form ation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and
“highl y positive formation energy” were 9, 2 and 4, respectivel y. On the
other hand, the calculated compounds given in the ICSD were 9.
Compositions of these compounds were LiCrO 2 , Cr(PO 3 ) 3 , Cr 2 P 4 O 1 3 ,
CrPO 4 , Li 9 Cr 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , and LiCrP 2 O 7 . These compounds belonged
to “negative form ation energy” or “sli ghtl y positive formation energy”.
Cr(PO 3 ) 3 , CrPO 4 , Li 9 Cr 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , and LiCrP 2 O 7 had negative
formation energi es.
1/2Li 2 O-MnO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Mn 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 s ystems
Fi gure 1.4 (a) shows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-MnO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes belonging to “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive form ation energy” were 10, 5 and 3, respectivel y. On the other
calcul ated
Compositions of these compounds were Li 2 MnO 2 , MnP 4 O 1 1 , Mn(PO 3 ) 2 ,
Mn 2 P 2 O 7 , Mn 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , LiMnP 3 O 9 , Li MnPO 4 and Li 2 MnP 2 O 7 . These
compounds belonged to “negative formation energy” or “slightl y
positive formation energy”. MnP 4 O 11 , Mn(PO 3 ) 2 and Li MnPO 4 had
negative formation energies.
Fi gure 1.4 (b ) shows the phas e relationship in pseudo-ternar y s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Mn 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of ap exes b elonging to
“negative form ation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and
“highl y positive formation energy” were 7, 7 and 1, respectivel y. On the
other hand, the calculated compounds given in the ICSD were 5.
Compositions of these compounds were LiMnO 2 , Mn(PO 3 ) 3 , MnPO 4 and
LiMnP 2 O 7 . These compounds belonged t o “negative formati on energy”
or “sli ghtl y positive formation energy”. MnPO 4 and LiM nP 2 O 7 had
negative formation energies.
1/2Li 2 O-FeO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Fe 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 s ystems
Fi gure 1.5 (a) shows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-FeO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes belonging to “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive formation energy” were 11, 7 and 0, respectivel y. On the other
calcul ated
Compositions of these compounds were FeP 4 O 1 1 , Fe(PO 3 ) 2 , Fe 2 P 2 O 7 ,
Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , Fe 4 (PO 4 ) 2 , Li FeP 3 O 9 , Li 2 Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and Li FePO 4 . These
compounds belonged to “negative formation energy” or “slightl y
Fe(PO 3 ) 2 ,
Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ,
Fe 4 (PO 4 ) 2 ,
Li FePO 4 had negative form ation energies .
Fi gure 1.5 (b ) shows the phas e relationship in pseudo-ternar y s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Fe 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of ap exes belonging to
“negative form ation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and
“highl y positive formation energy” were 9, 6 and 0, respectivel y. On the
other hand, the cal culated compounds given in the ICS D were 17.
Compositions of these compounds were Li 5 FeO 4 , Li FeO 2 , Li Fe 5 O 8 ,
Fe(PO 3 ) 3 ,
Fe 4 (P 2 O 7 ) 3 ,
FePO 4 ,
Fe 3 (PO 4 )O 3 ,
Li 9 Fe 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ,
Li FeP 2 O 7 and Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3 . These com pounds belonged to “negative
formation energy” or “slightl y positive formation energy”. Li 5 FeO 4 ,
Li FeO 2 , FePO 4 , Li FeP 2 O 7 and Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3 had negative formation
energi es.
1/2Li 2 O-CoO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Co 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 s yst ems
Fi gure 1.6 (a) shows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-CoO-1/2P 2 O. The numbers of apexes belonging to “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive form ation energy” were 10, 7 and 1, respectivel y. On the other
calculat ed
Compositions of these compounds were Li 6 CoO 4 , CoP 4 O 1 1 , Co(PO 3 ) 2 ,
Co 2 P 2 O 7 ,
Co 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ,
LiCo 2 P 3 O 1 0 ,
Li CoP 3 O 9
LiCoPO 4 .
compounds belonged to “negative formation energy” or “slightl y
Li 6 CoO 4 ,
Co(PO 3 ) 2 ,
Co 3 (PO 4 ) 2
LiCoP 3 O 9 had negati ve form ation energies.
Fi gure 1.6 (b) shows the phase rel ationship in pseudo-ternar y s ystem of
1/2Li 2 O-1/2Co 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 .
ap exes
bel onging
“negative form ation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and
“highl y positive formation energy” were 9, 5 and 1, respectivel y. On the
other hand, the calculated compounds given in the ICSD were 3.
Compositions of these compounds were LiCoO 2 and CoP O 4 . These
compounds belonged to “negative form ation energy”, “sli ghtl y p ositive
formation energy” or “hi ghl y p ositive formation energy”. LiCoO 2 had
negative formation energies.
1/2Li 2 O-NiO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Ni 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 s ystems
Fi gure 1.7 (a) shows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-NiO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes belonging to “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive form ation energy” were 12, 3 and 3, respectivel y. On the other
calcul ated
Compositions of these compounds were Li 2 NiO 2 , NiP 4 O 1 1 , Ni(PO 3 ) 2 ,
Ni 2 P 2 O 7 , Ni 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , LiNi 2 P 3 O 1 0 , Li 2 Ni 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 2 and LiNiP O 4 . These
compounds belonged to “negative formation energy” or “slightl y
positive form ation energy”. Li 2 NiO 2 , NiP 4 O 1 1 , Ni(PO 3 ) 2 , Ni 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ,
LiNi 2 P 3 O 1 0 , Li 2 Ni 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 2 and LiNiPO 4 had negative form ation energies.
Fi gure 1.7 (b) s hows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s yst em
of 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Ni 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 The numbers of ap exes belonging to
“negative form ation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and
“highl y p ositive formation energy” were 7, 7 and 1, respecti vel y.
On the other hand, the cal culated compound given in the ICS D was 1.
The composition of this compound was Li NiO 2 . This compound belonged
to “slightl y positive formation energy”.
1/2Li 2 O-CuO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Cu 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 s ystems
Fi gure 1.8 (a) shows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-CuO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of ap exes belonging t o “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive formation energy” were 11, 6 and 1, respectivel y. On the other
calcul ated
Compositions of these compounds were Li 2 CuO 2 , CuP 4 O 1 1 , Cu(PO 3 ) 2 ,
Cu 2 P 2 O 7 ,
Cu 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ,
LiCuP 3 O 9
Li 2 CuP 2 O 7 .
belonged to “negative form ation energy” or “sli ghtl y positive formation
Li 2 CuO 2 ,
CuP 4 O 1 1 ,
Cu(PO 3 ) 2 ,
Cu 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ,
Li CuP 3 O 9
Li 2 CuP 2 O 7 had negative formation energi es.
Fi gure 1.8 (b) s hows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s yst em
of 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Cu 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes b elonging to
“negative form ation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and
“highl y positive formation energy” were 7, 3 and 5, respectivel y. On the
other hand, the calculated compounds given in the ICSD were 2.
Compositions of these compounds were LiCuO 2 and Li 3 CuO 3 . These
compounds belonged to “negative form ation energy”.
1/2Li 2 O-ZnO-1/2P 2 O 5 s ystem
Fi gure 1.9 (a) shows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-ZnO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes b elonging t o “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive formation energy” were 10, 7 and 1, resp ectivel y.
On the other hand, the cal culated compounds given in the IC SD were
13. Compositions of these compounds were Li 6 ZnO 4 , Li 1 0 Zn 4 O 9 , ZnP 4 O 11 ,
Zn(PO 3 ) 2 , Zn 2 P 2 O 7 , Zn 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and Li ZnPO 4 . These compounds belonged
to “negative form ation energy” or “sli ghtl y positive formation energy”.
Li 6 ZnO 4 , Li 1 0 Zn 4 O 9 , Zn(PO 3 ) 2 , Zn 2 P 2 O 7 , Zn 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , and Li ZnPO 4 had
negative formation energies.
1/2Li 2 O-M gO-1/2P 2 O 5 s ystem
Fi gure 1.9 (b) s hows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s yst em
of 1/2Li 2 O-M gO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes belonging to “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive formation energy” were 10, 7 and 1, resp ectivel y.
Fi gure 1.9 (a) shows the phase relations hip in pseudo-ternary s ystem
of 1/2Li 2 O-ZnO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The numbers of apexes b elonging t o “negative
formation energy”, “slightl y positive formation energy” and “hi ghl y
positive form ation energy” were 10, 7 and 1, respectivel y. On the other
hand, the calculated compounds given in the ICSD were 9. Compositions
of thes e compounds were M gP 4 O 1 1 , Mg(PO 3 ) 2 , Mg 2 P 2 O 7 , Mg 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and
LiM gPO 4 . These compounds belonged t o “negative form ation energy” or
“slightl y positive formation energy”. MgP 4 O 1 1 , Mg(PO 3 ) 2 , Mg 3 (PO 4 ) 2
and LiM gPO 4 had negative formation energies.
Fi gure 1.1 Phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y s yst ems of (a)
1/2Li 2 O-TiO-1/2P 2 O 5 and (b) 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Ti 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . Orange
closed circles corresponded to the formation energies < 0eV/cation.
Li ght-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energi es
between 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue cl osed circles corresp onded to
the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 1.2 Phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y s yst ems of (a)
1/2Li 2 O-VO-1/2P 2 O 5 and (b) 1/2Li 2 O-1/2V 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . Orange clos ed
circles corresponded to the formati on energies < 0eV/cation.
Li ght-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energi es
between 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue cl osed circles corresp onded to
the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 1.3 Phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y s yst ems of (a)
1/2Li 2 O-CrO-1/2P 2 O 5 and (b) 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Cr 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . Orange
closed circles corresponded to the formation energies < 0eV/cation.
Li ght-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energi es
between 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue cl osed circles corresp onded to
the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 1.4 Phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y s yst ems of (a)
1/2Li 2 O-MnO-1/2P 2 O 5 and (b) 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Mn 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . Orange
closed circles corresponded to the formation energies < 0eV/cation.
Li ght-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energi es
between 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue cl osed circles corresp onded to
the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 1.5 Phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y s yst ems of (a)
1/2Li 2 O-FeO-1/2P 2 O 5 and (b) 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Fe 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . Orange
closed circles corresponded to the formation energies < 0eV/cation.
Li ght-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energi es
between 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue cl osed circles corresp onded to
the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 1.6 Phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y s yst ems of (a)
1/2Li 2 O-CoO-1/2P 2 O 5 and (b) 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Co 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . Orange
closed circles corresponded to the formation energies < 0eV/cation.
Li ght-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energi es
between 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue cl osed circles corresp onded to
the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 1.7 Phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y s yst ems of (a)
1/2Li 2 O-NiO-1/2P 2 O 5 and (b) 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Ni 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . Orange
closed circles corresponded to the formation energies < 0eV/cation.
Li ght-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energi es
between 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue cl osed circles corresp onded to
the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 1.8 Phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y s yst ems of (a)
1/2Li 2 O-CuO-1/2P 2 O 5 and (b) 1/2Li 2 O-1/2Cu 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . Orange
closed circles corresponded to the formation energies < 0eV/cation.
Li ght-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energi es
between 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue cl osed circles corresp onded to
the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 1.9 Phase relationships in pseudo-ternar y s yst ems of (a)
1/2Li 2 O-ZnO-1/2P 2 O 5 and (b) 1/2Li 2 O-MgO-1/2P 2 O 5 . Orange closed
circles corresponded to the formati on energies < 0eV/cation.
Li ght-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energi es
between 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue cl osed circles corresp onded to
the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 2 shows frequenc y distribution of a number of compounds on
formation energies. The blue bar shows frequenc y distribution the
number of all compounds calculated b y first principle calcul ations. The
red line shows frequenc y distribution the number of compounds given in
the ICSD. The tot al number of all compounds cal culat ed b y first
cal culations
cal culated
compounds given in the ICSD was 164.
The number of compounds with negat ive formation energy was 63 in
calcul ated compounds given in the ICS D. This result indicates that 62%
of cal culated comp ounds given in the ICSD were thermodynamicall y
unstable. Nevertheless, these m ateri als were s ynthesized. Much of the
phosphate mat erials formed thermod ynamicall y unst able structures.
The number of comp ounds with negative formation energy was 132 in
all calculated compounds. The majorit y of compounds were distributed
the formation energy with 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. If some comp ounds have
not been attempted s ynthesis, these compounds might contain a new
Fi gure 2
Frequenc y distribut ion of a numb er of compounds on
formation energies. The blue bar shows frequenc y distribution the
number of all compounds calculated b y first principle calcul ations. The
red line shows frequenc y distribution the number of compounds given in
the ICSD.
1. The
rel at ionships
pseudo-ternar y
s ystems
1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5 and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 were examined
b y first principl e cal culations (Fi gure 1.1 to Fi gure 1.9).
2. The form ation energy was cal culated at each compound. All apexes
were classifi ed into three groups, namel y “negative formation
energy”, “sli ghtl y p ositive form ation energy” and “hi ghl y positive
formation energy”.
3. The total number of all compounds calcul ated b y first principle
calcul ations was 796. The total numb er of calculat ed compounds
given in the ICSD was 164.
4. The numb er of comp ounds with negative form ation energy was 63 in
calcul ated compounds given in the ICS D. This result indicates that
calculat ed
thermod ynamicall y unstable. Much of the phosphate mat erials formed
thermod ynamicall y unstable structures.
5. The number of compounds with negative formation energy was onl y
132 in all calcul ated compounds. The majorit y of compounds were
distributed the formation energy with 0 to 0.1eV/cation. If some
compounds have not been attempted s ynthesis, thes e compounds
might cont ain a new material.
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Chapter 3
Comparative study of crystal structures of
lithium metal phosphates
Recentl y lithium-ion batteries have been used for not onl y portabl e
devices but also large-scale electricit y storages. Lithium-ion batteries
have hi gh-energy densit y, hi gh-power densit y, low sel f-di scharge and
high effici enc y b etween charge and discharge. The disadvantage of
lithium-ion batteries is safet y risk. Hence the component of l ithium-ion
batteries has been i nvestigated. For example, Li FePO 4 is known to a
stable cathode mat erial [1-4] and Li Ti 2 (PO 4 ) 3 [5] is known to a solid
state electrol yte. In this way, a phosphate materi al [6-8] is promising
material for lithium-ion batteries.
Some of lithium metal phosphates were also studied b y fi rst principle
calcul ations. The research group of C eder calcul ated the m aterials for
lithium-ion batteries b y first principle calculations [9-24]. Furthermore
some phase diagram s are now available on the open website of “Material
Project”. Thes e previous works attempt ed to shed light on a chemical
reaction and to explore a new mat erial. Unfortunatel y, thes e calcul ations
do not alwa ys guarantee that calcul ation results are cons istent with
experimental results. Therefore it was di fficult to us e for exploring new
Materials informatics has been much attention in recent years [25-29].
The concept of materials informatics is to appl y the principle of
informatics to the material sci ence. Materials informatics is the
promising approach to discover a new material. Mat erials informatics
needs a massive dat abase and data mini ng t echnique. It b el ieved that
first principl e calcul ations are contributed to make a massive datab ase.
However the adequac y of cr ystal structure dat a cal culat ed b y first
principle calculation remains unclear.
In the present study, we performed the comparative study of cr ystal
structures of lithium metal phosphates. This comparative study used not
onl y thermod ynamicall y stabl e structures but also thermodynami call y
unstable structures. The purpos e of this study is to attempt the
s ystem atic surve y in thermod ynamicall y stable and unst able compounds.
In this work, the basic data of cr ystal structure was investigated at
pseudo-ternar y
s ystems.
1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5
Thes e
pseudo-ternar y
1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 .
s ys tems
elements were select ed from M g, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn.
The trivalent elements were sel ected from Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and
Cu. These metals excluding Mg were chosen from period 4 elements.
Crystal st ructures used for examination of phas e relationships were
extracted from the i norgani c cr ystal structure datab ase (IC SD). Initial
structures for first p rinciple calcul ations were made from the extract ed
cr ystal st ructures. The extracted cr ystal structures were subs tituted the
original metal el ement with each selected element. The extracted
structures and subst ituted structures were calculated b y fi rst principle
calcul ations. Thes e cal culated structures show Tables 1.1 to 1.4 in
chapte2. Each phase rel ationship was examined b y first principle
calcul ations. Thes e results show Fi gures 1.1 to 1.9 in chapt er 2.
Formation energi es of all compounds within the corresponding
pseudo-ternar y s yst ems were plotted with reference to the energy of
three end-m ember compounds in the diagram. Orange clos ed circles
corresponded to the formation energi es < 0eV/cation, whi ch will be
called “negative formation energy”. When the formation energy of a
compound was higher than the convex hull, the compound was regarded
as “thermod ynamicall y unstable”. The y will be shown either b y
light-blue or dark-blue closed circles depending upon the magnitude of
the formation energy. Li ght-blue clos ed circles corresponded to the
formation energies between 0 to 0.1eV/cation, whi ch wil l be called
“slightl y
circl es
correspond to the formation energies > 0.1eV/ cation, which will be
called “hi ghl y positive form ation energy”.
All internal energy were calcul ated b y densit y functi onal theor y
(DFT) using a generalized gradient approximation (GGA) functional
param eterized b y Perdew,
Burke and Ernzerhof (P BE)
[30]. All
calcul ations were p erformed b y Vi enna ab initio simulation package
(VASP) [31] with the projector augm ent ed-wave (PAW) [32] potentials.
The plane wave cutoff energy was s et at 500eV. Almost all calculations
were used with spin polarization and Hubbard U p aram eters for some
transition metals. The calculations cont ained m agnesium and zinc were
not used with Hubbard U paramet ers. All magnetic moments of transition
metals were set initi al state to hi gh spin. We used two U parameters. One
U paramet er for Ti, V and Cr was 2eV and the other U p arameter for Mn,
Fe, Co, Ni and Cu was 4eV [33-36]. The k mesh was sampl ed according
to a Monkhorst-Pack scheme [37] with a spacing of 0.5 /Å.
The coordination number of a central atom was counted as the number
of ox ygen atom. Each cation was used as the central atom and
coordination numb er at each cation was counted. The numb er of ox ygen
atom was counted if the distance between cation and ox ygen was l ess
than 2.5Å. In cr yst al structure the bonds are not clearl y defi ned. Hence
the bonds were defined that distance b etween cation and ox ygen was less
than 2.5Å. According to Shannon cr ystal radii [38], ox ygen i onic radius
is about 1.26Å, so coordination number was count ed if cation’s radius
was less than 1.24Å.
Results and Discussion
Phase rel ationships in pseudo-ternar y s ystems of 1/2Li 2 O-M O-1/2P 2 O 5
and 1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 were shown in chapter 2. The compounds
calcul ated b y fi rst principle calcul ations were classi fied into three
nam el y
formation energy” and “hi ghl y positive formation energy”.
Fi gure 3.1 shows a number of divalent compounds with coordination
numbers 4 and 6. Fi gure 3.2 shows a num ber of trival ent comp ounds with
coordination numbers 4 and 6. The b lue bar shows the number of
compounds with coordination number 4 in compounds wi th negative
formation energy. The red bar shows t he number of comp ounds with
coordination number 6 in compounds with negative formation energy.
The blue line shows the number of comp ounds with coordination number
4 in all calcul ated compounds. The red line shows the number of
compounds with coordination number 6 in all calculated com pounds.
A number of dival ent compounds were 50 and a number of trivalent
compounds were 37. The initial structures had coordination numbers 3 to
8. The coordination number 3 was onl y one structure at each element and
the coordination number 8 was also onl y one structure. The structures
with coordination number 3 and 8 were t hermod ynami call y unstable.
Fi gure 3.1 shows a number of divalent compounds with coordination
numbers 4 and 6. All elements had compounds with coordinati on number
4 and 6. However s ome elements had onl y coordination number 6 in
compounds and copp er( II) compounds wi th coordination num ber 4 were
larger than coordination number 6 in all calculat ed comp ounds. The
copp er(II)
mainl y
coordination numb er 4 in compounds with negative formation energy. On
t he
magnesium( II),
t itanium(II),
vanadium( II) and manganes e(II) had onl y coordination number 6 in
compounds with negative formation energy. In the periodic table,
elements of lower number group had coordination number 6 and elements
of higher numb er group had coordination number 4.
Fi gure 3.2 shows a number of t rivalent compounds with coordination
numbers 4 and 6. All elements had compounds with coordinati on number
4 and 6. However s ome elements had onl y coordination number 6 in
manganes e(III)
nickel(III) had onl y coordination numb er 6 in compounds with negative
formation energy.
Fi gure 3.1
A number of divalent compounds with coordination
numbers 4 and 6. The blue bar shows t he number of comp ounds with
coordination number 4 in compounds with negative formation energy.
The red b ar shows the number of compounds with coordination number 6
in compounds with negative formation energy. The blue line shows the
number of compounds with coordinati on number 4 in all calculat ed
compounds. The red line shows the number of comp ounds with
coordination numb er 6 in all calculated compounds.
Fi gure 3.2
A number of trivalent compounds with coordination
numbers 4 and 6. The blue bar shows t he number of comp ounds with
coordination number 4 in compounds with negative formation energy.
The red b ar shows the number of compounds with coordination number 6
in compounds with negative formation energy. The blue line shows the
number of compounds with coordinati on number 4 in all calculat ed
compounds. The red line shows the number of comp ounds with
coordination numb er 6 in all calculated compounds.
Fi gures 4.1 and 4.2 s how bond length dist ribution at each coordination
number. Orange clos ed circles corresponded to the formation energies <
0eV/cation. Li ght-b lue clos ed ci rcles corresponded to the formation
energi es
0.1eV/cati on.
circl es
corresponded to the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 4.1 shows bond length distrib ution of each coordination
phas e
pseudo-ternar y
s ystems
1/2Li 2 O-MO-1/2P 2 O 5 . The each graph shows titanium (a), vanadium (b),
chromium (c), manganese (d), iron (e), cobalt (f), ni ckel (g), copper (h),
zinc (i) and m agnes ium (j). The b ond l ength tended to increas e with
Dis persion
distribution in compounds with negative formation energy was smaller
than dispersion of the bond length in com pounds with positive form ation
This study used a value of 1.26 Å for the O 2 - ion. This value is
referred to as Shannon cr ystal radii. A bond length was rep resent ed as
the sum of Shannon cr yst al radius of cation and ox ygen. In the
coordination number 4, the bond lengt h of Mn 2 + -O, Fe 2 + -O, Co 2 + -O,
Ni 2 + -O, Cu 2 + -O and Zn 2 + -O were 2.06 Å , 2.03 Å , 1.98 Å , 1.95 Å , 1.97 Å and
2 Å r espect i vel y. In the coordination numb er 5, the bond length of Mn 2 + -O,
Co 2 + -O, Ni 2 + -O, Cu 2 + -O and Zn 2 + -O were 2.15Å, 2.07Å, 2.05Å, 2.05Å
and 2.08Å respectivel y. In the coordination number 6, the bond length of
Ti 2 + -O, V 2 + -O ,Cr 2 + -O, Mn 2 + -O, Fe 2 + -O, Co 2 + -O, Ni 2 + -O, Cu 2 + -O and
Zn 2 + -O were 2.26Å, 2.19Å, 2.2Å, 2.23Å, 2.18Å, 2.15Å, 2. 09Å, 2.14Å
and 2.13Å respectivel y. The M-O bond lengths calcul at ed b y first
principle calculations did not contradi ct an experiment al data. Thes e
bond lengths were i ncluded in bond l engths with calculat ed compounds.
Especiall y bond l engths with negative formation energy were good
agreement with Shannon cr ystal radii.
Fi gure 4.2 shows bond length distrib ution of each coordination
phas e
pseudo-ternar y
s ystems
1/2Li 2 O-1/2M 2 O 3 -1/2P 2 O 5 . The each graph shows titanium (a), vanadium
(b), chromium (c), manganes e (d), iron (e), cobalt (f), ni ckel (g), and
copper (h). Dispersion of the b ond lengt h distribution in com pounds with
negative formation energy was sm aller than dispersion of the bond
length in compounds with positive formation energy.
In the coordination number 4, the bond length of Fe 3 + -O was 1.89Å. In
the coordination number 5, the b ond l ength of Mn 3 + -O, Fe 3 + -O were
1.98Å and 1.98Å respectivel y. In the coordination numb er 6, the bond
length of Ti 2 + -O, V 2 + -O ,Cr 2 + -O, Mn 2 + -O, Fe 2 + -O, Co 2 + -O, Ni 2 + -O, and
Cu 2 + -O were 2.07Å, 2.04Å, 2.02Å, 2.05Å, 2.05Å, 2.01Å, 2.00Å and
1.94Å respectivel y. The M-O bond lengt hs cal culated b y firs t principle
calcul ations did not contradi ct an experi mental data. These b ond lengths
were included in bond lengths with cal culated compounds. Especi all y
bond lengths with negative formation energy were good agreement with
Shannon cr yst al radi i.
Fi gure 4.1 M-O bond l ength vs. coordination number of divalent
cations in all divalent compounds, M = (a)Ti 2 + , (b)V 2 + , (c)Cr 2 + ,
(d)Mn 2 + , (e)Fe 2 + , (f)Co 2 + , (g)Ni 2 + , (h)Cu 2 + , (i)Zn 2 + and (j)M g 2 + .
Orange closed circles corresponded t o the formation energies <
0eV/cation. Li ght -blue closed circles corresponded to the formation
energi es b etween 0 to 0.1eV/ cation. Dark-blue closed circl es
corresponded to the formation energi es > 0.1eV/cation.
Fi gure 4.2
M-O bond l ength vs. coordination number of trival ent
cations in all trivalent compounds, M = (a)Ti 3 + , (b)V 3 + , (c)Cr 3 + , (d)Mn 3 + ,
(e)Fe 3 + , (f)Co 3 + , (g)Ni 3 + and (h)Cu 3 + . Orange clos ed circles
corresponded to the formation energi es < 0eV/ cation. Li ght-blue closed
circles corresponded to the formation energies b etween 0 to 0.1eV/cation.
Dark-blue clos ed circles corresponded to the form ation energi es >
Fi gure 5.1 and Fi gure 5.2 show bond length b etween lithium and
ox ygen. These bond lengths had wide distribution at each coordination
number and bond length distributions did not depend on the formation
energy. According to Shannon cr ystal radii, the ionic radius of lithium
with coordination number 4 is 0.73Å and the ionic radius of ox ygen is
1.26Å. Hence bond length between lithium and ox ygen is 1.99Å.
However some of calcul ated bond lengths were 2.1Å or more. The
calcul ated bond l ength was not good agreem ent with Shannon cr ystal
radii. The coordinat ion number of the ox ygen bonded to lithium had
some variation and bond length bet ween lithium and ox ygen did not
depend on the coordi nation number.
Fi gure 6.1 and Fi gure 6.2 indicate that a phosphorus had an ox ygen
coordination number 4 (i.e. PO4 unit). This bond length was const ant
cal culated
Neverthel ess,
cal culated
compounds included the thermod ynamicall y unstable compounds. Thes e
bond lengths were from 1.46Å to 1.67Å. In Shannon cr ystal radii, ionic
radius of phosphorous is 0.31Å and ionic radius of ox ygen is 1.26Å.
Hence bond length b etween phosphorous and ox ygen b ecame 1.57Å. The
calcul ated bond l ength was good agreem ent with Shannon crys tal radii.
This calcul ation res ults are 6% or more and 7% or less of t he Shannon
cr ystal radii.
Fi gure 5.1
Li-O bond length vs. coordination number of dival ent
cations in all divalent compounds, M = (a)Ti 2 + , (b)V 2 + , (c)Cr 2 + , (d)Mn 2 + ,
(e)Fe 2 + , (f)Co 2 + , (g)Ni 2 + , (h)Cu 2 + , (i)Zn 2 + and (j)Mg 2 + . Orange closed
circles corresponded to the formation energies < 0eV/cation. Li ght-blue
closed ci rcles corresponded to the formation energies b etween 0 to
0.1eV/cation. Dark-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation
energi es > 0.1eV/ cat ion.
Figure 5.2
Li-O bond length vs. coordination number of trivalent cations in all
trivalent compounds, M = (a)Ti3+, (b)V3+, (c)Cr3+, (d)Mn3+, (e)Fe3+, (f)Co3+, (g)Ni3+
and (h)Cu3+. Orange closed circles corresponded to the formation energies <
0eV/cation. Light-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energies between
0 to 0.1eV/cation. Dark-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energies >
Figure 6.1
P-O bond length vs. coordination number of divalent cations in all
divalent compounds, M = (a)Ti2+, (b)V2+, (c)Cr2+, (d)Mn2+, (e)Fe2+, (f)Co2+, (g)Ni2+,
(h)Cu2+, (i)Zn2+ and (j)Mg2+. Orange closed circles corresponded to the formation
energies < 0eV/cation. Light-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation
energies between 0 to 0.1eV/cation. Dark-blue closed circles corresponded to the
formation energies > 0.1eV/cation.
Figure 6.2
P-O bond length vs. coordination number of trivalent cations in all
trivalent compounds, M = (a)Ti3+, (b)V3+, (c)Cr3+, (d)Mn3+, (e)Fe3+, (f)Co3+, (g)Ni3+
and (h)Cu3+. Orange closed circles corresponded to the formation energies <
0eV/cation. Light-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energies between
0 to 0.1eV/cation. Dark-blue closed circles corresponded to the formation energies >
Figure 7.1 shows relationship between Li/Cation ratio and cell volume in all
calculated compounds. Figure 7.2 shows relationship between P/Cation ratio and cell
volume in all calculated compounds. As can be seen from figures 7.1 and 7.2, cell
volume was related to Li/cation ratio and P/cation ratio. The cell volume tended to
decrease with decreasing Li/Cation ratio. On the other hand, the cell volume tended to
increase with increasing P/Cation ratio.
At Li=0, P=0 and P=0.5, dispersion of cell volume is wide. This results were linked
to coordination number and bond length of transition metal. Figure 8 shows the
relationship among coordination number, bond length and volume at transition metal
oxides. These plots contained not only thermodynamically stable structures but also
thermodynamically unstable structures. One structure had some atoms and a number of
atoms were different at each structure. Bond lengths were used the average value and
volumes were used volume per cation. Figure 8 (a) shows the relationship among bond
lengths, coordination numbers and volumes in the simple metal oxides of divalent
compounds. Figure 8 (b) shows the relationship among bond lengths, coordination
numbers and volumes in the simple metal oxides of trivalent compounds. The structure
of divalent elements had the coordination number 4, 6 and 8. The structure of trivalent
elements had the coordination number only 6. The coordination number increased
when the bond length increased.
At the coordination number 4, maximum bond length was 2.10Å and minimum bond
length was 1.94Å. At the coordination number 6, maximum bond length was 2.27Å
and minimum bond length was 2.11Å. At the coordination number 8, maximum bond
length was 2.41Å and minimum bond length was 2.26Å. This result indicates that
maximum bond length of coordination number 4 was nearly equal to minimum bond
length of coordination number 6 and maximum bond length of coordination number 6
was nearly equal to minimum bond length of coordination number 8. It seems that
each coordination number had a threshold bond length. The threshold value changed
from coordination number 4 to coordination number 6 was 2.11Å and the threshold
value changed from coordination number 6 to coordination number 8 was 2.27Å.
At same coordination number, the volume was proportional to bond length.
Compared with Figure 8 (a) and Figure 8 (b), the structures of trivalent element had
lower distance and higher volume. This result caused by a number of oxygen atoms.
These volumes were used per cation. Hence a number of oxygen atoms per cation were
different so a number of oxygen at trivalent oxides was 1.5 times than a number of
oxygen at divalent oxides. If volume standardize at a number of atoms, volume was
proportional to bond length.
At same bond length, the volume was high if the coordination number was low. The
volume of each structure was linked to a kind of transition metals. The elements of
higher volume were chromium and manganese. The structure of manganese had
highest volume at all coordination numbers. On the other hand, the elements of lower
volume were nickel and copper. The structure of Nickel had lowest volume at all
coordination number.
Second we focused on the lithium transition metal oxides. Figure 11 shows the
relationship among coordination numbers, bond lengths and volumes at lithium
transition metal oxides. Figure 9 (a) shows the relationship among bond lengths,
coordination numbers and volumes in the lithium transition metal oxides of divalent
compounds and Figure 9 (b) shows the relationship among bond lengths, coordination
numbers and volumes in the lithium transition metal oxides of trivalent compounds..
The closed circle was coordination number 4 and the closed square is coordination
number 6. At lithium transition metal oxides, coordination number 8 did not exist. At
the coordination number 4, higher lithium ratio was orange closed circle and pink
closed circle. The middle lithium ratio was light-blue closed circle and light-green
closed circle, and the lower lithium ratio was blue closed circle and green closed
The lithium per cation ratio of orange closed circle was 0.909, that of light-blue
closed circle was 0.857 and that of blue closed circle was 0.667. The highest volume
structure was the lowest lithium per cation ratio, but the lowest volume structure was
not highest lithium per cation ratio. The lithium per cation ratio of pink closed circle
was 0.833, that of light-green closed circle was 0.75 and that of green closed circle
was 0.5. The highest volume structure was the lowest lithium ratio, but the lowest
volume structure was highest lithium ratio. Lithium ratio was related to volume. It
seems that lithium is closed the unoccupied site, so volume per cation was decrease at
high lithium ratio. The coordination number increased when the bond length increased.
This trend was similar to the simple oxide.
Therefore it is apparent that coordination number and bond length of transition
metal was linked to cell volume but was not dominant factor.
Figure 7.1 Relationship between Li/Cation ratio and cell volume in all calculated
Figure 7.2 Relationship between P/Cation ratio and cell volume in all calculated
Figure 8 Relationship among bond lengths, coordination numbers and volumes in
the simple metal oxides of (a) divalent compounds and (b) trivalent metal
compounds.. Closed circles, closed squares and closed triangles denote coordination
number 4, 6 and 8 respectively.
Figure 9 Relationship among bond lengths, coordination numbers and volumes in the
lithium transition metal oxides of (a) divalent compounds and (b) trivalent compounds.
The closed square is coordination number 6 and the closed circle is coordination
number 4. Orange closed circles were Li/cation ratio = 0.909, light-blue closed circles
were Li/cation ratio =0.857 and blue closed circles were Li/cation ratio 0.667. Pink
closed circles were Li/cation ratio 0.833, light-green closed circles were Li/cation ratio
= 0.75 and green closed circles were Li/cation ratio = 0.5.
Figure 10 shows relationship between O/cation and cell volume. This result indicates
that cell volume was proportional to O/Cation. The cell volume tended to decrease
with decreasing O/Cation ratio. On the other hand, the cell volume tended to increase
with increasing O/Cation ratio. O/Cation ratio was link to Li/Cation ratio and P/Cation
ration. Li/Cation ratio tended to decrease with decreasing O/Cation ratio. On the other
hand, P/Cation ration tended to increase with increasing O/Cation ratio.
Therefore O/Cation ratio is the useful parameter in phosphate materials. This
parameter predicts the cell volume.
Figure 10 Relationship between Li/Cation ratio and cell volume in all calculated
This work performed the comparative study of crystal structures of lithium
metal phosphates. This comparative study used not only thermodynamically
stable structures but also thermodynamically unstable structures.
Dispersion of the M-O bond length distribution in compounds with negative
formation energy was smaller than dispersion of the M-O bond length in
compounds with positive formation energy.
The M-O bond lengths calculated by first principle calculations did not
contradict an experimental data.
These Li-O bond lengths had wide distribution at each coordination number
and Li-O bond length distributions did not depend on the formation energy.
This P-O bond length was constant value at all calculated compounds.
Nevertheless, all calculated compounds included the thermodynamically
unstable compounds.
At the phosphates, cell volume was proportional to O/cation ratio.
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Chapter 4
Factors determining redox potential of lithium
metal phosphates
Lithium-ion batteries play important roles in modern technology. The advantages of
lithium-ion battery as compared to other batteries are high-energy density, high-power
density, low self-discharge and high efficiency between charge and discharge. Thanks
to such properties, lithium-ion batteries have been used for not only portable devices
but also large-scale electricity storages. The disadvantage of lithium-ion battery is
safety. Lithium-ion batteries may explode when exposed to high temperatures [1-4].
Oxygen release by thermal decomposition of cathode oxides is the major source of the
explosion [5-8]. Hence the search of better cathodes materials with improved safety is
an important issue for future development of lithium ion batteries. At the present, only
a few oxides with three structures are practically used as the cathode material. They
are layered structure, spinel structure and olivine structure. The cathode material with
layered structure such as LiCoO2 [9] is most popular. The spinel structure includes
LiMn2O4 [10] [11]. LiFePO4 has the olivine structure [12], which is also widely used
Lithium iron phosphate for cathode material have received much attention in recent
year due to their high safety and high cycling stability. Lithium-ion batteries can
explode when exposed to high temperature. Oxygen release by thermal decomposition
of cathode is a potential source of that explosion. Phosphates have strong P-O covalent
bonds, so lithium metal phosphates are expected to avoid the oxygen release.
Some of the lithium metal phosphates were also investigated by first principle
calculations. Ceder and his coworkers reported many cathode materials for lithium-ion
batteries[13-28]. Furthermore some computed phase diagrams are available on the
open website of “Material Project”. These results indicate that redox potential of
cathodes materials are strongly related to species of transition element and their
valence. High-throughput screening has been attempted based upon such theoretical
database to explore new cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries [29] [30]. However,
an alternative cathode material for currently available ones with improved properties
has not been discovered.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between redox potential
and fundamental structural data in lithium transition metal phosphates. This
comparative study aims to lead us to discover new cathode materials based upon the
information by first principle calculations.
In this work, the relationship between electronic property and fundamental structural
data was investigated by first principle calculations. Pseudo-ternary systems of
1/2Li2O-MO-1/2P2O5 and 1/2Li2O-1/2M2O3-1/2P2O5 were focused on this study. The
divalent element is selected from Mg, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn. The
trivalent element is selected from Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu. These metals
excluding Mg were chosen from period 4 elements. Crystal structures in diagrams
were extracted from the inorganic crystal structure database (ICSD). First a phase
relationships were constructed by first principle calculations. All compounds were
classified into three groups, namely “negative formation energy”, “slightly positive
formation energy” and “highly positive formation energy”. Second the fundamental
structural data were analyzed at all calculated structures. Finally a redox potential was
All internal energy were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) using a
generalized gradient approximation (GGA) functional parameterized by Perdew, Burke
and Ernzerhof (PBE) [31]. All calculations were performed by Vienna ab initio
simulation package (VASP) [32] with the projector augmented-wave (PAW) [33]
potentials. The plane wave cutoff energy was set at 500eV. Almost all calculations
were used with spin polarization and Hubbard U parameters for some transition metals.
The calculations contained magnesium and zinc were not used with Hubbard U
parameters. All magnetic moments of transition metals were set initial state to high
spin. We used two U parameters. One U parameter for Ti, V and Cr was 2eV and the
other U parameter for Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu was 4eV [34-37]. The k mesh was
sampled according to a Monkhorst-Pack scheme [38] with a spacing of 0.5 /Å.
The voltage was calculated by the chemical potential difference between cathode
and anode. The voltage E was calculated from the following formula (1) [39] [40].
µ Licathode − µ Lianode
F is the Faraday constant and z is the charge transported. In this study the chemical
potential of lithium metal was used as the anode.
The theoretical capacity of these cathode materials is calculated the following
equation (2).
Q =
M × 3600
Q is theoretical capacity typically given in the unit of Ah/g. F is the Faraday constant,
n is the charge transported and M is molecular weight.
Table 2 Calculated structures for lithium extraction
Results and Discussion
Redox potentials were obtained by first principle calculations. Figure 11 shows
relationship between gravimetric capacity and redox potential. Figure 12 shows
relationship between volumetric capacity and redox potential. Red closed squares are
LiMO2.Pink closed squares are Li2MO2. Light green squares are Li2MP2O7. Light blue
squares are LiMPO4. Green squares are LiMP2O7. Blue squares are LiMP3O9. The line
shows gravimetric energy density of LiFePO4. These results indicate that LiMPO4 and
Li2MP2O7 capable of exceeding the energy density of LiFePO4. However these
compounds are difficult to exceed the energy density of LiFePO4. Therefore this study
attempts to survey the new compositions.
Figure 13 shows the relationship between volume and voltage. This volume was
normalized at a number of cation. The closed square is phosphate whose valence
changed from +2 or +3 to +4 during charging, the closed triangle is phosphate whose
valence changed from +2 to +3 during charging, and the closed circle is oxide whose
valence changed from +3 to +4 during charging.
The structures of lithium metal phosphate had a higher volume than those of lithium
metal oxides. At a same volume, the redox potential depended on the transition metal
element. The structures with titanium and vanadium had lower redox potential. On the
other hand, the structures with manganese, cobalt, nickel and copper had higher redox
potential. It compared the closed square to the closed triangle at Figure 13. At each
transition metal, closed square is higher redox potential than closed triangle. These
results were similar to those of earlier experimental and simulation studies.
Figure 13 indicate the redox potential was proportional to volume at each transition
metal. This result shows that the redox potential depends on not only a kind of
transition metals but also cell volume. Hence the lithium metal phosphates had higher
cell volume and higher redox potential than the lithium metal oxides. Recently some
new cathode materials were used nickel as a redox element. Hence redox potential was
too high and electrolytes were decomposed. Therefore it is useful to control the redox
potential by volume.
Figure 14 (a) shows that the relationship between O/Cation ratio and gravimetric
capacity. This figure indicates that the lithium metal phosphate had lower capacity than
lithium metal oxide. At the lithium oxides, the higher capacity compound was Li2MO2.
This compound can transfer the two lithium ions at one molecular. When this
compound extracted the lithium, the valence of this compound changed from 2+ to 4+.
Figure 14 (b) shows that the relationship between O/Cation ratio and volumetric
capacity. When O/Cation ratio is high, P/Cation ratio is high. The chapter 3 shows that
the cell volume was related to P/Cation ratio. Therefore volumetric capacity tended to
decrease with increasing O/Cation ratio.
Figure 15 shows that the relationship between O/Cation ratio and redox potential.
The redox potential tended to increase with increasing the atomic number. At each
transition metal, the redox potential tended to increase with increasing O/cation ratio.
This result indicates that O/cation is linked to not only volume but also redox potential.
The energy density of cathode material was obtained by redox potential and capacity.
Figure 16 shows relationship between O/Cation ratio and gravimetric energy density in
all calculated compounds, M = (a)Ti, (b)V, (c)Cr, (d)Mn, (e)Fe, (f)Co, (g)Ni and (h)Cu.
Figure 17 shows relationship between O/Cation ratio and volmetric energy density in
all calculated compounds, M = (a)Ti, (b)V, (c)Cr, (d)Mn, (e)Fe, (f)Co, (g)Ni and (h)Cu.
These results show that O/cation is linked to energy density. The gravimetric and
volumetric energy density tended to decrease with increasing O/Cation ratio.
These results indicate that redox potential and energy density can predict when
O/Cation and transition metal are chosen. Our results are encouraging and should be
validated in another case.
Figure 11 Relationship between gravimetric capacity and redox potential. Red closed
squares are LiMO2.Pink closed squares are Li2MO2. Light green squares are
Li2MP2O7. Light blue squares are LiMPO4. Green squares are LiMP2O7. Blue squares
are LiMP3O9. The line shows gravimetric energy density of LiFePO4.
Figure 12 Relationship between volumetric capacity and redox potential. Red closed
squares are LiMO2.Pink closed squares are Li2MO2. Light green squares are
Li2MP2O7. Light blue squares are LiMPO4. Green squares are LiMP2O7. Blue squares
are LiMP3O9. The line shows volmetric energy density of LiFePO4.
Figure 13 Relationship between volume and voltage on the lithium transition metal
phosphates. The closed square is phosphate whose valence changed from +2 to +4
during charging, the closed triangle is phosphate whose valence changed from +2 to +3
during charging, and the closed circle is oxide.
Figure 14 Relationship between O/Cation ratio and (a) gravimetric capacity and (b)
volumetric capacity on the lithium transition metal phosphates and lithium transition
metal oxides. These capacities are theoretical capacities.
Figure 15
O/Cation ratio vs. redox potential in all calculated compounds, M =
(a)Ti, (b)V, (c)Cr, (d)Mn, (e)Fe, (f)Co, (g)Ni and (h)Cu.
Figure 16
O/Cation ratio vs. gravimetric energy density in all calculated
compounds, M = (a)Ti, (b)V, (c)Cr, (d)Mn, (e)Fe, (f)Co, (g)Ni and (h)Cu.
Figure 17
O/Cation ratio vs. volmetric energy density in all calculated
compounds, M = (a)Ti, (b)V, (c)Cr, (d)Mn, (e)Fe, (f)Co, (g)Ni and (h)Cu.
We obtain some relationships between redox potential and structure
parameters by a series of first principles calculations.
In addition to the species of transition metal elements, O/cation is found to
show correlation to the redox potential. The finding would lead to the
discovery of new cathode materials in the future considering other factors
important for practical applications.
A large database can be constructed not only for materials with ground state
structures but also for some unstable structures using first principles methods.
Such database is hardly constructed merely by experiments. It is therefore very
useful for screening of materials.
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Chapter 5
In this study, we performed a systematic survey of phosphate materials for
lithium-ion batteries by first principles calculations. We discussed the phase
relationships, crystal structures and redox potentials.
In chapter 2, the phase relationships in pseudo-ternary systems were constructed by
the first principle calculations. All compounds were classified into three groups,
namely “negative formation energy”, “slightly positive formation energy” and “highly
positive formation energy”. The number of compounds with negative formation energy
was 63 in calculated compounds given in the ICSD. This result indicates that 62% of
calculated compounds given in the ICSD were thermodynamically unstable. Much of
the phosphate materials formed thermodynamically unstable structures.
In chapter 3, this work performed the comparative study of crystal structures of
lithium metal phosphates. This comparative study used not only thermodynamically
stable structures but also thermodynamically unstable structures. Dispersion of the
M-O bond length distribution in compounds with negative formation energy was
smaller than dispersion of the M-O bond length in compounds with positive formation
energy. The M-O bond lengths calculated by first principle calculations did not
contradict an experimental data. Li-O bond lengths had wide distribution at each
coordination number and Li-O bond length distributions did not depend on the
formation energy. P-O bond length was constant value at all calculated compounds.
Nevertheless, all calculated compounds included the thermodynamically unstable
compounds. At the phosphates, cell volume was proportional to the phosphorous per
cation ratio. If phosphorous per cation ratio is same, the cell volume was proportional
to the coordination number of transition metal.
In chapter 4, the redox potential is found to depend not only on species and valence
of transition metal but also on cell volume in the lithium transition metal phosphate.
The finding would lead to the discovery of new cathode materials in the future
considering other factors important for practical applications.
A large database can be constructed not only for materials with ground state
structures but also for some unstable structures using first principles methods. Such
database is hardly constructed merely by experiments. Combining experimental
information, first principles database and data-science techniques would therefore be
essential for exploring materials in general. We can expect the daybreak of “materials
informatics” very soon.
I would like to express m y deepest appreciation to Professor Isao
Tanaka of Kyoto Universit y for his valuable and constructive suggestions.
He gave me an opportunit y to take and continue the doctor ’s course. I
also owe a very important debt to Professor Yukinori Koyama of Kyoto
Universit y
encouragement. I gratefull y acknowledge Professor Fumi yas u Oba and
Professor Atsuto Seko of Kyoto University for their technical help. And I
would like to thank to all other members in Professor Tanaka’s research
I am deepl y grateful to Dr. Manabu Yamada and Mr. Hiroshi Ueshima
of Denso Corporation. They supported to continue the study in the
doctor ’s course. And I would like to thank m y colleagues for warm
encouragements. I would also like to express m y sincere thanks to Dr.
Motoaki Nishijima of Sharp Corporation. He gave me an opportunit y to
take the doctor ’s course.
Finall y I would also like to express m y gratitude to m y famil y for their
moral support and warm encouragements.