CALL IT COURAGE - Dedicated Teacher

based on the book by
Armstrong Sperry
Written by
Barbara M. Linde, MA Ed.
© 2006 Teacher’s Pet Publications, Inc.
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About the Author
Unit Objectives
Reading Assignment Sheet
Unit Outline
Study Questions
Quiz/Study Questions (Multiple Choice)
Pre-Reading Vocabulary Worksheets
Lesson One (Introductory Lesson)
Nonfiction Assignment Sheet
Oral Reading Evaluation Form
Writing Assignment 1
Writing Evaluation Form
Writing Assignment 2
Extra Writing Assignments/ Discussion Questions
Writing Assignment 3
Vocabulary Review Activities
Unit Review Activities
Unit Tests
Unit Resource Materials
Vocabulary Resource Materials
3 Copyright 2006 Teacher's Pet Publications, Inc.
Call It Courage
Chapter 1
1. What is the setting of the story? Include the time, the place, and the name of the
group of people.
2. Who is the main character of the story? Include the character’s age and his christened
name. Include the character’s new name, what the name means, and the character’s
relationship to the leader of the group.
3. What does the main character fear and why?
4. Why is the character’s fear such a problem?
5. How do the older people treat the main character? What do they believe was at fault
for the character’s problem?
6. Who are the main character’s two most constant companions?
7. One night the main character overhears Kana, one of the other boys, make a
comment. What is the comment, how does the main character feel about it, and what
does the main character do in response?
Chapter 2
1. What are the Ara Moana?
2. What happens to Mafatu and his canoe during the storm?
3. Describe the land that Mafatu sees in the distance.
4. How does Mafatu reach land?
5. What does Mafatu hear when he reaches the sand?
6. What does Mafatu do when he reaches land?
7. What happens to Uri?
Chapter 3
1. Describe Mafatu’s physical condition when he wakes up on the island.
2. Which god does Mafatu think has carried him safely across the water?
3. What island did Mafatu originally think he was headed to? What does he realize
when he looks around?
4. How does Mafatu tend to the wound on his leg?
5. What vow does Mafatu make, and to whom does he make it?
6. What does Mafatu discover when he looks at the banana trees? What does this
discovery mean to him?
7. What does Mafatu discover at the end of the trail? What does he do when he arrives
at the end of the trail?
8. How does Mafatu feel about his actions? Why does he feel that way?
9. What survival-related actions does Mafatu take next?
10. What thoughts does Mafatu have as he prepares to go to sleep?
17 Copyright 2006 Teacher's Pet Publications, Inc.
Call It Courage
Chapter 1
1. What is the setting of the story? Include the time, the place, and the name of the group
of people.
The story is set many years ago in the South Sea Islands. The people are
Polynesians who live on the island/atoll of Hikueru.
2. Who is the main character of the story? Include the character’s age and his christened
name. Include the character’s new name, what the name means, and the character’s
relationship to the leader of the group.
The main character is a 15-year-old boy named Mafatu. He was originally
christened “Stout Heart.” His newer name means “The Boy Who Was Afraid.”
He is the son of Tavana Nui, the Great Chief of Hikueru.
3. What does the main character fear and why?
Mafatu is afraid of the sea. When he was three, there was a great hurricane.
Mafatu was out in a reef pool in a canoe with his mother. The canoe was carried
out to sea. The canoe capsized and the two were carried to a small island. The
mother saved the boy but she died.
4. Why is the character’s fear such a problem?
Mafatu belongs to a group of fishermen and is also the son of the leader. The
others think Mafatu is useless and brings bad luck. They worry that Mafatu will
not be able to provide food for himself or others. He may also not be able to lead
the men in battle against the men of the other islands.
5. How do the older people treat the main character? What do they believe was at fault
for the character’s problem?
The older people treat Mafatu well. They think the tupapau, or ghost-spirit that is
in every child at birth is at fault for his fear.
6. Who are the main character’s two most constant companions?
They are Uri, a yellow dog and Kivi, an albatross with a deformed foot.
7. One night the main character overhears Kana, one of the other boys, make a comment.
What is the comment, how does the main character feel about it, and what does the
main character do in response?
Kana is talking with the other boys. He says that they will all go out the next day
to look for food—all except Mafatu, who is a coward. Mafatu feels resentment
and decides he must prove his courage to himself and the group. He must go out
and face Moana, the Sea God.
19 Copyright 2006 Teacher's Pet Publications, Inc.
Answer Key Short Answer Study Guide Questions Call It Courage
Chapter 2
1. What are the Ara Moana?
That is the ancient Polynesian name for the Paths of the Sea, or the ocean currents
the Polynesian navigators used to travel the Pacific Ocean.
2. What happens to Mafatu and his canoe during the storm?
A huge wave lifts the canoe and washes away all of Mafatu’s possessions,
including his clothing or pareu. The wave also destroys the canoe’s sail and
3. Describe the land that Mafatu sees in the distance.
The land has a high mountain with trees growing from the shoreline.
4. How does Mafatu reach land?
An ocean current carried the canoe over a barrier reef into the water near an
5. What does Mafatu hear when he reaches the sand?
He hears the sound of fresh, running water.
6. What does Mafatu do when he reaches land?
He drags himself to the edge of the jungle and collapses on the bank of the stream.
7. What happens to Uri?
Uri survives and goes to the island with Mafatu.
Chapter 3
1. Describe Mafatu’s physical condition when he wakes up on the island.
He is thirsty and weak. His right leg is swollen and has a gash on the calf where
he had cut it on some coral.
2. Which god does Mafatu think has carried him safely across the water?
He thinks it was Maui, the God of the Fishermen.
3. What island did Mafatu originally think he was headed to? What does he realize when
he looks around?
He thought he was headed for Tahiti. When he looks around he realizes he is not
on Tahiti.
4. How does Mafatu tend to the wound on his leg?
He squeezes lime juice into the cut and wraps a bandage of purau leaves on it.
20 Copyright 2006 Teacher's Pet Publications, Inc.