June… Winter has arrived. Time to rug up and enjoy

Ph 3839 4700
June… Winter has arrived. Time
to rug up and enjoy the cooler
weather 
In this issue
Kids Academy Spring Hill Skoolbag App
Articles from Michael Gross
Goodbye Lela – Red Room
Paediatric information
Class Photo Orders
World Environment Day
Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday
Onesie/Pyjama Day
Out of the Box Festival
If you haven’t got it yet, jump on and do it
today! The Kids Academy Spring Hill Skoolbag
app is now available and being used to send
out important information and reminders
about the centre and our special occasions!
To make this worthwhile for everyone all you
need to do is:
Go to your app store (on your phone)
Search for Kids Academy Spring Hill skoolbag
Download the app (it’s free)
From here you can play with the settings to
your liking!
Articles from Michael Gross
Check out the link below for the most recent
posts by Michael Gross.
You can subscribe to his articles and they are
emailed straight to you.
Goodbye Lela – Red Room
It’s been almost two years since Lela started
with us here at Kids Academy, and the whole
time we knew she would have to say goodbye
at some stage. Lela has recently completed her
Master’s in Education and is going to venture
into the world of school teachers this year. Lela
has been a casual in the centre and has worked
in the Red Room with Christie to provide a
great working partnership.
Lela, we all wish you the best of luck and thank
you for all your efforts while working here at
Kids Academy.
Here’s a pic
of Linda and
Lela from our
Australia Day
this year:
Ph 3839 4700
Paediatric Information
Class Photo Orders
For those who live within the catchment area
of the Prince Charles hospital there is some
interesting information below in the case they
you may require their services.
The class photo order envelopes arrived last
week and were placed in the hall pockets. If
you haven’t collected yours yet, please do so as
soon as possible as all orders are to be placed
no later than Friday 30th May. Please place
your order envelopes in the fees and feedback
box at the front desk.
To access the Prince Charles Paediatric Outpatient Clinic
parents will need the following:
Must be in the North Region Catchment Area
Child must be under 16 years of age
Must get a referral from child’s GP and address to
one of the following Drs
o Dr Sue Hobbins
o Dr Suzanne Royle
o Dr Gillian Adsett
o Dr Lisa Gotley
o Dr Ben Beckwigh
On the referral from your GP you need to add as
much information regarding your child’s history as
possible i.e.
o Behavioural
o Medical
o Developmental
o Health Issues
o Concerns
Once this referral is handed in, the Doctors will
determine what category your child is, hence why
they need as much information on the referral.
o Category 1 & 2 - will get a appointment
within 2-3 weeks
o Category 3 – will get an appointment within
5-6 months
o Questionnaires are sometimes asked to be
filled in and if you get them back ASAP and
a cancellation comes up, they will fill these
spots with people that have completed their
questionnaires first. Type of Questionnaires
is behavioural, developmental, parent and
The Paediatric Outpatient Clinic bulk bills
Contact Number is: 3139 6612
Fax Number is: 3139 6614
World Environment Day
Thursday 5th June is World Environment Day.
We will be participating here at the centre by
having experiences focused around
Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday
The centre will be CLOSED on Monday 9th June
for the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday. Enjoy
your long weekend!
Onesie/Pyjama Day
Tuesday 24th June is onesie and pyjama day
here at the centre. Come in your favourite
onesie or pyjamas for a fun filled day of games,
activities and delicious food!
Ph 3839 4700
Out of the Box Festival
Mother’s Day
Thank you to all of our Mums who came along
to our Mother’s Day celebration on Friday 9th
May. It was a fantastic afternoon and a lot of
fun was had by all. Some wonderful
experiences took place with a Day Spa in Green
room, a song performance in the Blue Room, a
high tea in the Red room with some yummy
treats made by the children, a song circle in the
Yellow room with Miki’s keyboard and sensory
The annual Out of the Box Festival is happening play in the Pink room. What a day!!!
in Brisbane from 25 June through to 2 July. The
event is being held at the Cultural Precinct in
South Bank and is for children 8 years and
under. There is a massive program on offer,
ranging from theatrical performances,
concerts, free activities, workshops, exhibitions
and more! The festival is aimed at nurturing
children’s creativity and imagination, while
also exploring other areas of children’s
development, such as literacy and numeracy.
For more information on the festival and to
book tickets, please go to:
(Above: Photos from Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea, Friday 9th
May, 2014)