Review for Test on SSUSH15 WWI

Review for Test on Friday
World War I
• What group of people moved
from the South in large numbers
to other portions of the U.S.(
Known as the
“______________”), a for a
“better life” in the years during
and after WWI?
• African Americans
• Great Migration
• What country had to make
reparations (____________) to
the victorious countries after
• German
• (Payments)
• What are some of the reasons the
group (from #1) moved to other areas
of the U.S. in the Great Migration?
• Escape Racism
• Jobs
• Education
• Better Opportunities
• Who was the radical socialist
that ran for president during
WWI, who was also the
leader of the International
Workers of the World?
• Eugene V. Debs
• Who were the main members of the Allies
at the beginning of WWI? Who joins later?
Why do they join this group?
• Great Britain
• France
• Russia
• U.S.
• They are more “like” our country
• Who were the main members of the
Central Powers during WWI?
Austria Hungry
• What action caused WWI to start?
What do some historians liken it to
• Assassination of the Archduke of
Austria Hungry (and his wife)
• A powder keg of Europe, waiting for
the spark (event) to set it off.
• What was the name of the British
luxury liner that was sunk during
WWI? (Know the movie from
• Lusitania
• What was the U.S. President’s
campaign slogan for his
second term (1916) in office?
• “He kept us out of war”
• What was the name of the
“proposal” made by the U.S.
President (at the end of the war)
that was made to avoid another
World War?
• Fourteen Points
• What portion of Wilson’s
“proposal” becomes reality
after WWI?
• League of Nations
• Why did Russia withdraw
(leave) from WWI? Which
front was theirs?
• They had a Revolution
• Eastern Front
• What were the main issues that caused
the U.S. to become involved in WWI?
• Repeat
Sussex Pledge
U-boats (unrestricted Sub Warfare)
Telegram to Zimmerman
• What was the U.S. policy
on the start of WWI?
• Neutrality (stay out of the
• Who was the Archduke of
Austria Hungary in 1914?
Where was he killed?
• Franz Ferdinand
• Bosnia
• What are the causes of World
War I (1914)? (4)
• What newly evolved tactic
caused WWI to be longer than
previously fought wars?
• Trench Warfare
• What was the name of the
treaty that ended WWI?
When was this passed
• Treaty of Versailles (1919)
• What is the name of the peace
keeping body that was formed
after WWI? Why did the “peace
keeping body” not succeed?
• League of Nations
• The U.S. was not involved (world
• What date was the cease fire? What
was this cease known as in 1918?
What is this date known as now?
• November 11, 1918 (at 11 O’clock)
• Armistice Day
• Veteran’s Day
• What year did the U.S. enter
World War I? What year did
WWI end?
• April 6, 1917
• November 11, 1918
• What is the amendment that
gave women the right to vote?
What year?
• 1920
• What is propaganda?
• Why were countries trying to use it
on the U.S.?
• Persuasive Ads that tried to
influence opinions about a country.
• Because the U.S. was neutral and
each side wanted U.S. to stay our or
be on their side.
• What country was the U.S.
secretly supporting?
(financially and militarily)
• Great Britain
• What established penalties and
prison time for aiding the enemy
(disloyalty or interference with the war
effort was barred under this)?
Expanded in 1918 to include what?
• Espionage Act
• Made it illegal for any public
opposition to the war
• What was the case where a man
wrote pamphlets against the draft in
WWI? Was he found guilty or
• Schenck v. U.S.
• Guilty (the Espionage Act was upheld)
• Which amendment is pulled
into question for #25?
• First Amendment (Speech)
• Which amendment was created
to stop the sale, manufacture or
distribution of alcohol? What was
this time period known as?
• 18th
• Prohibition
• What is a socialist?
• A person who believes that the
government should own industries
(railroads, utilities)
• A nation’s wealth should be more
evenly distributed in order to alleviate
• Why were all the other points of
Wilson’s proposal not agreed
upon by other Allied Countries?
• Many countries viewed the
Fourteen Points as being too
lenient on Germany
• What amendment repealed the
prohibition laws? What year
was this?
• 21st
• 1933
• What cause was tied to the
women’s suffrage that gave
them credibility to get the
• to that of African-American
• What happened in individual states
that caused a need for a
constitutional amendment on
women’s suffrage?
• They began giving women the right to
vote, gaining support for a
Constitutional Amendment
• What are some of the reasons that
people wanted to end the distribution,
sale, and manufacture of alcohol?
What group was supported this?
• it would reduce unemployment,
domestic violence, and poverty.
• Women
• What peace keeping
organization of TODAY is
similar to the League of
• United Nations (UN)
• Who is the only man to run
for president from jail?
• Eugene V. Debs
• Under the final peace treaty, what
were the three things that were
placed on Germany to do?
• Treaty of Versailles (1919)
– dismantle their army and navy– pay war reparations of $33 billion (which
they did not have) – Admit guilt for causing the war
• Why did Congress vote down
the League of Nations?
• worried that it made the U.S.
too involved in European
• Who was the leader of the
Suffragettes for the women’s
right to vote when it was
• Carrie Chapman Catt
• What happened to Russia during
• They became Communist
(Bolsheviks took over and
assassinated the monarchy)
• Soviet Union (USSR) was formed.