How to bounce back in life!

How to
in life!
Proverbs 24:15-16 (AMP) Don’t interfere
with good people’s lives; don’t try to get the
best of them. No matter how many times
you trip them up, God-loyal people don’t
stay down long; Soon they’re up on their
feet, while the wicked end up flat on their
God loyal people are
righteous people and
righteous people
always bounce back!
Wicked people are
unrighteous right
people and always fall
flat on their faces!
What is resilience?
Ability to see past your problems
Ability to adapt well in the face of adversity & stress
Bouncing back from a difficult experience without being
permanently negatively affected by the experience.
Ability to deal with loss or setback and come back
Ability to learn from mistakes and failures
How to bounce back in life!
1.) Avoid self-pity
2.) Don’t allow unanswered questions to stop you fro
bouncing back
3.) Maintain strong connections
4.) Keep situations in perspective and remember the
big picture
5.) Get Closure
How to bounce back in life!
6.) Make peace with your past
7.) Take ownership for your part in the loss
8.) You have to Love to win more than you desire to
9.) Separate the event from your Identity
10.) Know that Gods plans for your life are not
altered by what happened in your life