WordTalk assists students with reading and

1. Description
It is a free text-to-speech plugin that works with all versions of Microsoft Word (from Word 97
upwards). WordTalk coverts MS Word into spoken speech.
Word Talk sits on your toolbar.
Figure 1 - WordTalk Toolbar
You can convert text to speech and save as a .wav or .mp3 file so that it can be played back on
an iPod or mp3 player. You can locate your saved .wav or .mp3 by going to Program files.
Locate the Word Talk folder and locate the .wav or .mp3 file that has been saved. Load them
on an iPod or mp3 player.
2. Download
http://www.wordtalk.org.uk/Download/ - Word Talk Plug-in download – developed by Rod
Macaulay of TASSC in Aberdeen, Scotland
http://www.wordtalk.co.uk/Quick-Guide/ - Word Talk Quick Guide download
WordTalk assists students with reading and writing difficulties. Text to
be read is selected and the text is highlighted as WordTalk reads the
text aloud. Text can be saved as .wav or .mp3 file and listened to on an
iPod or mp3 player. Listening to a text on an mp3 can be very
motivating for some students.
Maureen LaFleche
April 2010
Natural Reader
1. Description
Natural Reader is a free text-to-speech software. It can convert text in MS Word, PDF files,
Emails (Outlook) and web pages into spoken words.
Figure 2 - Natural Reader Floating Mini Toolbar
With the mini board opened Natural Reader can be moved anywhere on the screen. You can
change from the miniboard view to full screen view by clicking on the Switch to Main Menu on
the tool bar.
2. Download
http://www.naturalreaders.com/download.htm - Natural Reader Download – Free Natural
Reader 9.0 for PC and Free Natural Reader for Mac 2.0 can be downloaded from this site
Natural Reader assists students with reading and writing
difficulties. Text to be read is selected and Natural Reader reads
the text aloud. Students will be able to listen to the digital text
and participate in class discussions and activities.
Maureen LaFleche
April 2010
1. Description
CLiCk’Speak is an Open Source extension for the Firefox web browser. It was created by
Charles L. Chen. It has a tool bar that sits nicely on Firefox toolbar. It reads web pages.
Figure 3 - CLiCk'Speak Toolbar
You can make a few adjustments to Click’Speak by clicking on Tools and selecting the
CLiCk’Speak Options. The CLiCk’Speak Preferences window opens. You can make changes to
the Speech Engine, Speech Rate and Pitch. When the appropriate changes have been made
select OK.
2. Download
http://clickspeak.clcworld.net/ - Download Click, Speak for your Firefox browser from this site.
You can also learn more about the product and how to use it here.
CLiCk’Speak assists students with reading difficulties. It allows readers to connect to
the web and listen to information and engage in activities and conversations about
what they have read.
Maureen LaFleche
April 2010
1. Description
Power Talk is a free program that automatically speaks any presentation or slide show running
in Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows.
You just download and install PowerTalk on your computer. Click on the Power Talk icon on
your Desktop. You will be asked to select the PowerPoint that you wish Power Talk to speak.
The presentation runs as usual but the text on your slides is spoken. It can also speak hidden
text that is attached to images.
2. Download
http://www.oatsoft.org/ - Download PowerTalk for Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows from
this site. You can also learn more about the product and how to use it here.
PowerTalk is a great program for those students who have
speech or vision impairments, those who find presenting in front
of an audience intimidating and for engaging ALL students in a
class reading activity.
Maureen LaFleche
April 2010
Adobe Reader
1. Description
Adobe Reader reads PDF documents. It has built-in text to speech capability for reading PDFs.
It uses Read Out Loud to read the text. To activate Read Out Loud go to View – Read Out Loud
– Activate Read Out Loud. If you select Activate Read Out Loud it will only read a block of text.
If you want to read the full page select Read This Page Only. Stop reading by selecting
Deactivate Read Out Loud or Stop from the view menu.
Figure 4: How to Activate Read Outloud
2. Download
http://www.adobe.com/products/reader/ - Download Adobe Reader for Windows from this
site. You can also learn more about the product and how to use it here.
Adobe Reader supports students with reading difficulties. It helps
to engage and provide students access to text in PDF format.
Maureen LaFleche
April 2010
1. Description
ReadPlease will read any text you see on your screen. You can copy and paste or drag and drop
text from your Browser, Email, Word processor, Spreadsheet or any program into ReadPlease
and ReadPlease will read it. You can also write in the ReadPlease Window and have ReadPlease
read back what you have written.
ReadPlease will read to you in many languages - these include UK English, French, German,
Portuguese, Dutch, and Italian. In order for this to occur you need to download more languages
from: http://readplease.com/languages
Figure 5: ReadPlease 2003 Window
2. Download
http://www.readplease.com/english/downloads/#rb2 - Download ReadPlease from this site.
You can also learn more about the product and how to use it here.
ReadPlease assists students with reading and writing difficulties. It provides students with access to
text from a variety of formats. Digital text helps to engage students. Ask students to type a couple of
sentences in the ReadPlease window. Get them to listen to what they have typed and determine if
there are errors in their sentences.
Maureen LaFleche
April 2010
What file types will these programs read?
File Type
MS Word
Remember: Text-to-Speech readers are only as good as the voices on the
computers. In order to make these programs work schools should buy voices to
add to their computers.
Check out www.nextup.com. They sell voices and will negotiate school district
Maureen LaFleche
April 2010