Protista Fungi WebQuest

Kingdoms Protista & Fungi Web Quest
Protist Website #1:
Scroll way down to Phylum Ciliophora
1. List and describe the 2 types of defense mechanisms of the Phylum Ciliophora.
2. Define “red tide” according to figure 16.(scroll down)
3. What species causes one type of malaria and is the most widespread human parasite?(scroll down to Phylum
4. The Phylum Sarcodina (amoebas) contains how many species?
5. What are 2 other names for amoebic dysentery?
6. Phylum Oomycota-The Irish potato famine was a terrible disaster caused by a slime OR water mold (circle one).
7. Phylum Rhodophyta--What chemical is extracted from red alga that is added to pudding and ice creams?
Protist Website #2:
Click on Ciliates
8. What two things are cilia used for?
9. What two vacuoles are found in ciliates? What are their functions?
Click on Sun animalcules and amoebas
10. How does an amoeba move?
11. How does an amoeba multiply (reproduce)?
12. What is another name for sun animalcule?
Click on Desmids
13. What are desmids?
14. What is the only kind of water they can be found in?
15. List 2 functions of the mucilage some desmids secrete.
Click on Diatoms
16. Diatoms have cell walls made of
17. Describe the two different groups of diatoms.
which are like houses of
Click on Flagellated Protozoa
18. What scientific name is given to the flagella?
19. The eyespot enables the protozoa to do what?
20. Why do flagellated protist live in the guts of termites?
Fungi Website 1:
21. Name two ecological roles of fungi.
22. List three fungi that we eat as food.
23. List 3 plant fungal diseases.
Click on Life History & Ecology
24. What two organisms make up mycorrhizae? Explain how each benefit from this relationship.
Fungi Website 2:
25. The types of
types of
in the soil determine the types of
that live in a biological community.
are scientists that specialize in the study of fungi.
27. Scientists believe they have only identified about
and therefore the
of all fungi.
is the sugar found in the cell wall of fungi while
cell wall of plants.
is found in the
29. List the four groups of fungi:
Fungi Website #3:
30. a) The Devil’s Cigar is the world’s
b) The Octopus stinkhorn smells like
c) Fungi in the genus Mycena have 33 members that are known to be
d) The fungus that bleeds red liquid is known as the
e) The popular name for the weird-looking mushrooms that resemble a human brain are
Analysis Questions:
Directions: You will answer the following questions on your answer document.
1. Which of the following correctly defines “red tide”
A. a population explosion of dinoflagellates
B. a population explosion of red algae
C. blood from dead sea life
D. a population explosion of fungi.
2. The Irish potato famine was a terrible disaster caused by a slime mold.
A. True
B. False
3. What chemical is extracted from red alga that is added to pudding and ice creams?
A. sugar
B. soylecthin
C. agar
D. cream
4. What is the purpose of the contractile vacuoles found in paramecium (ciliates).
A. to allow the paramecium to move
B. to prevent the paramecium from lysing due to osmosis
C. to allow the paramecium to move towards light
D. to store food.
5. How does and amoeba move?
A. flagella
B. cilia
C. pseudopod
D. contractile vacuole
6. What kind of water would you find desmids in?
A. fresh
B. salt
C. brackish
D. distilled
7. Diatoms have cell walls made of…
A. silica
B. chitin
C. peptidoglycan
D. phospholipids
8. The eyespot enables the euglena (protozoa) to move towards a light source.
A. True
B. False
9. Flagellated protists live in the guts of termites to help termites digest food.
A. True
B. False
10. Which of the following correctly describes the ecological role of fungi?
A. fungi are producers and serve as the base of the food chain.
B. fungi are primary consumers
C. fungi break down dead and decaying organisms recycling nutrients through the ecosystem.
D. fungi are autotrophs that convert sunlight to chemical energy.
11. All of the following are examples of fungi that humans consume except….
A. mushrooms
B. truffles
C. morels
D. lettuce
12. What two organisms make up mycorrhizae?
A. plants and fungi
B. fungi and protists
C. animals and fungi
D. fungi and bacteria
13. Mychorrhizae is an example of mutalism because the fungi receive food from the plants and the plants receive
water and soil nutrients from the fungi.
A. True
B. False
14. Which of the following scientists primarily study fungi?
A. Ecologists
B. virologists
C. microbiologists
D. mycologists
15. What is the name of the weird-looking mushroom that resembles a human brain?
A. false morel
B. truffle
C. shitake
D. chanterelle