The Odyssey

An long narrative poem describing action,
travel, adventures, and heroic episodes.
▪It is written in a somewhat lyric
▪It may have as many as twenty four
books (chapters).
Typical in epics -poem begins with a
statement of the theme.
The deeds of the hero are
presented without favoritism,
revealing his failings as well as his
 The action, often in battle, reveals
the more-than-human strength of
the heroes as they engage in acts
of heroism and courage.
Attraction to the muse or other idol/god
Histories and descriptions of significant
items (Trojan Horse)
Use of patronymics calling son by father's
name “Laertes‟ son" = Odysseus
Long, formal speeches by important
Journey to the underworld
The setting covers several nations, the
whole world, or even the universe.
The episodes, even though they may be
fictional, provide an explanation for
some of the circumstances or events in
the history of a nation or people .
The gods and lesser divinities play
an active role in the outcome of
All of the various
adventures relates in some
way to the central theme
 Homer Homer-
Supernatural abilities or
On a quest/journey
Hero is tested often to prove he
is worthy
Help from mythical people or
Travels to the supernatural world that
most humans cannot get to
The hero must get to a very LOW point
where he is about to give up the quest.
Goes through a “resurrection” & gets the
strength to continue with renewed spirit
Regains his rightful place ( as KING etc.)
Thought to be blind, but
describes events as a seeing
He lived around 1200 B.C. and
wrote The Illiad and
The Odyssey - stories about
the war between the Trojans
and the Greeks which happened
between 900 and 700 B.C.
The Iliad tells the story of
The Trojan War
▪ The most famous story from The Iliad
is that of The Trojan Horse, built by
Odysseus and his men.
It is a prelude toThe Odyssey
War began when Paris, Prince of
Troy, kidnapped Helen from her
husband Menelaus , King of Sparta.
Odysseus built a giant wooden horse
and left it outside of Troy as
“a peace offering”.
Troy was defeated when Odysseus
and his men were able to get inside
the walls of Troy concealed within
the body of the Trojan horse.
An epic poem made up of 24 books
The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus‟
adventures on his way home from the war,
and the events that happen in Ithaca before
he returns.
The hero is long-suffering Odysseus, king of
Ithaca and its surrounding islands. He is also
the hero of the Trojan War. He has been
gone 20 years from his homeland, his wife,
Penelope, and his son, Telemachus .
The Odyssey takes place in the ten
years following the Trojan War.
The epic begins in medias res
(“in the middle of things”)
The setting changes throughout the
 Incorporates
gods & goddesses
and supernatural forces
 Each of the gods and/or goddesses
has something to do with Odysseus
& his journey.
 Includes
strange lands &
Odysseus is guilty of excessive
pride when he gives his name to
Polyphemus (Book 9).
Telemachus needs to gain pride so
that he can stand up to the suitors
who have dishonored his house.
Odysseus cannot resist temptation, he
stays on Circe„s and Calypso‟s islands.
His men are tempted by the Lotus Eaters
as well as Circe; and by greed several
times –
 causing them to stay too long at the land
of the Cicones
 to open Aeolus' gift
 and finally to eat the cattle of the
sun god
Penelope waits faithfully for twenty
years for her husband‟s return.
Another example is Telemachus, who
stands by his father against the
Penelope and Odysseus are both
 Penelope has kept hope that
Odysseus was alive and did not
 Odysseus has been absent for
twenty years, ten at the Trojan War
and ten more in his journey home.
Poseidon and Odysseus are the most
noticeable representatives of the
theme of vengeance.
 In order to escape from the cave of
Polyphemus, Odysseus blinds the
one-eyed giant (Book 9).
 Unfortunately, the Cyclops is the sea
god Poseidon‟s son; Odysseus now has
a fearsome enemy.
OdysseusThe protagonist of The Odyssey. He is a
strong and courageous warrior but is mostly
known for his wisdom and quick thinking.
 He is a favorite of the goddess Athena,
who often sends him divine aid.
 He is the bitter enemy of Poseidon
(antagonist), who dislikes Odysseus
because Odysseus blinds Poseidon's son
Calypso- The beautiful nymph who falls
in love with Odysseus when he lands on
her island. She holds him prisoner
for seven years.
Alcinous- King of the Phaeacians,
he welcomes Odysseus on his island
and hears the story of Odysseus‟
wanderings and provides him with safe
passage back to Ithaca.
Laertes-(mentioned) Odysseus‟ father
Circe- a goddess and enchantress who
lives on the island of Aeaea. She
changes Odysseus‟ men into pigs
because of their rude behavior.
Zeus- King of gods and men, he
sometimes helps Odysseus or permits
Athena to help him.
Athena- Daughter of Zeus and goddess of
wisdom & war
 She assists Odysseus and Telemachus
with divine powers throughout the epic.
 She often appears in disguise as
Mentor, an old friend of Odysseus
 Apollo- Son of Zeus and god of the sun,
music, poetry, prophecy & medicine
Poseidon- the god of the sea,
earthquakes & horses. Brother of
Zeus, father of Polyphemus
Polyphemus -the cyclops that battles
Aeolus- the guardian of the winds
Eurylochus-a trusted officer of
Persephone- wife of the ruler of the
underworld- Hades
Hermes, the messenger god, persuades
Calypso to let Odysseus leave her
Tiresias of Thebes- a blind prophet
whose spirit visits Odysseus in the
Sirens- creatures, part woman and part
bird whose songs lure sailors to their
Scylla- 6-headed
sea monster who eats sailors
Charybdis- a dangerous whirlpool
personified as a female sea monster
Helios- the sun god
Laestrygonescannibals on a distant
Antinous- a suitor of Penelope
Eyrymachus- a suitor of Penelope
Telemachus- Odysseus and Penelope‟s son
Eumaeus- A servant in Odysseus‟ house
Philoetius- A servant in Odysseus‟ house
Eurycleai- an old female servant, loyal to