WW1 Visit Claverham Community College

Claverham Community
October 2015
WW1 Visit
Sunday the 20th September
Tom Conte, Richard Penney
and myself, Miss Lytton set
off for Ashford to begin the
‘Legacy 110’ project, in
which each school in the
country sent two pupils and
a teacher to commemorate
the centenary of the First
World War. We began with
team building exercises and
the major challenge of
finding our rooms.
In the evening we began
our local research project,
looking at local soldiers who
died in WWI. We also
attended an artefacts
session and got to examine
a Lee Enfield rifle, bullets
and shrapnel, as well as
other equipment.
‘Legacy 110’ is a project
aimed at inspiring each
participating pupil to create
an enduring legacy to
commemorate the sacrifices
made a century ago; by
impacting upon at least 110
people within their local
community. If this is
achieved then the total
number of people reached
by 2019 will equal 888,246,
which is the equivalent to
the number of British and
Commonwealth soldiers
who fell during the First
World War.
On the Monday we visited
several significant
memorials including the
Ulster Tower. We had an
expert guide called Paddy
who showed us around a
trench network. The
weather was very authentic
and helped us to imagine
the reality of WWI trench
We were fortunate enough
to be escorted on our trip
by a number of soldiers
who are currently serving in
the British Army including a
Major and Sergeant Major.
It was an honour to gain an
insight from the soldiers
own experiences of modern
warfare, and hear what
remembrance meant to
each of them. The soldiers
participated in the
ceremony at The Menin
Gate which was a poignant
moment for everyone on
the trip. The Menin Gate
to the Missing, is a
memorial to British and
Commonwealth soldiers
who were killed in the
Ypres Salient of WWI,
Our visit included a number
of memorial sights
including Thiepval and
Langemark German
On our final evening we
participated in an
equipment comparison. As
it was Tom’s birthday he
was invited to try some
vegetarian emergency rations
which he bravely swallowed.
We were all able to try on both
the WWI and current army
uniform and kit (including face
paint). The Major kindly put
extra camouflage paint on
Miss Lytton’s face.
Tom and Richard will be taking
a number of school
assemblies over the next few
weeks to explain the project
they have planned for ‘Legacy
110’. We are looking forward
to the other pupils supporting
them in this project.
Miss Lytton
Dates for your
22nd October—Iceland trip
23rd October—Sussex Coast
Taster Day & Last Day of Term
26th October—Iceland trip
2nd November—College
11th November —PTA Meeting
12th November—Year 11
Parents’ Evening
13h November —Year 11 Triple
Science Trip to London
16th November—Inter House
Cross County Week
18th - 20th November—Back to
the ‘80’s Production
26th November —Ex-Year 11
Presentation Evening
2nd December—Dry Ski Trip
10th December—Years 8 & 7
16th December—Carol Concert
17th December - Horse of the
Year Show Trip
18th December - Last Day of
Inside this issue:
MFL KS4 support,
Drama Club, Google Trip
Medical Appointments,
Hair Styles, Scholastic
Book Fair, Flu Advice,
Pétanque Juniors, Horse
Riding, New Details,
Football Trialists
Presentation Evenings,
Lake District Trip, Maths
Forest School, Hallowe’en 6
Disco, Adult Education
Autumn PE Clubs, Silent
Study, Fireworks Code
Careers, Dance like
Diversity , 3i-D card
Equipment. Absences,
Vivo Scheme, Sports
Prefects, 1066 Charity
Personal Information
School Council, Sports
Battle Sports Centre, De
La Warr, Exam Practice
Page 2
Modern Foreign Languages
KS4 Controlled Assessment Support
From November our programme
of after school MFL Controlled
Assessment support will resume
for both Years 10 and 11.
These sessions are designed to
provide support for pupils who
are struggling with their
Controlled Assessments and feel
that they could benefit from
revision with a specialist
language teacher.
Each session runs from 3.30 to
Drama Club
4.30pm on the following days:
French with Mr Barnes
on Tuesday, Wednesday and
German with Mrs Atherall on
Wednesday and Thursday
Spanish with Mrs Finlay on
Tuesday and Wednesday
Could you please encourage
your child to attend at least one
session per week.
After half term, Drama Club
will be taking place Friday
lunch times, from 1pm in
room 59.
H. Finlay
ICT/Computing Trip to Google Headquarters
Year 10 ICT/Computing
pupils were delighted when
Mr. Cymer, our Network
Manager, was able to
arrange a visit to Google in
London on 20th July. Such
was the popularity of the trip
(over 50 pupils applied for
the 14 spaces available) that
pupils competed for places
by submitting questions for
the Google engineers. The
14 successful students,
accompanied by Ms. Adie
and Mr. Cymer, visited the
Google headquarters in
Pupils enjoyed a presentation
about the Google product
range, followed by a series of
sessions with Google
engineers. The engineers
provided an insight into their
individual career paths and
their roles within the
organisation, before
answering pupils’ questions.
A tour of the offices followed,
during which pupils saw
some unique working
environments and
experienced the Google
Earth simulator.
When asked about their
experience, pupils’
comments were positive and
‘A real eye-opener into the tech
industry.’ - Will
‘A great experience and a great
start to a possible future career
at Google.’ - Harrison E
‘A truly mind-opening
experience. I have now been
further motivated to work harder.
’ - Harvey
‘It was a quality learning
experience.’ - Harrison W
‘The layout of the offices and
what is there to offer is very
unique and different. I would
like to go again.’ - Ellie
‘An interesting insight into the
life of a Google engineer.’ - Sam
Ms. Adie
Page 3
Book Fair
Thank you
If your child has a medical appointment, please
can you make sure they come in with a note so
that this can be given to their form tutor.
The form tutor will then sign the note and return it
to your child so that they can hand it
to reception.
Thank you to everyone who
supported the Scholastic
Book Fair.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Due to your generosity, the
College Library will receive
free library books to the
value of £315.84.
Hair Styles
We would like to thank parents for all their
support with the College uniform. It is fantastic to
see the pupils attending the College in full
uniform, looking extremely smart and acting as
proud members of our community.
Could we please take this opportunity to remind
parents and pupils of the College rules with
regard to hair styles?
The College rules state that pupils’ hair must be
clean, tidy, well groomed, free of all styling
agents, off the face and of a conventional style
and colour. Undercutting, steps, and patterns cut
into the hair, or excessively long or short hair, are
not allowed.
The following is advice taken from NHS choices:
We have had a couple of occasions where male
pupils have come into College with haircuts
which seem to be following a current fashion
trend to have hair which is very short at the back
and sides but long on top. This style of hair does
not conform to the College rules with regard to a
marked difference in hair length between the top
and sides. If you are unsure about any aspect of
the College rules or uniform guidelines please
contact your child’s Head of House.
Cold and flu viruses are spread by droplets that are
coughed or sneezed out by an infected person. Other
people can breathe in these droplets or transfer the
droplets to their eyes or nose, via their fingers.
I know that parents and pupils are proud of the
excellent reputation that the College has locally.
Could I therefore please ask that parents support
the staff at the College by ensuring that haircuts
conform to the College rules? I am sure that by
all working together we can ensure that the
excellent reputation of the College continues to
be upheld.
If you are buying any items of school uniform
over the half term break, please consult the
uniform list in your child’s homework diary. If you
are in doubt about whether an item meets the
criteria for uniform, please consult your child’s
Head of House.
Please note some shops and online outlets are
selling trainers which they say are acceptable as
shoes. This is not the case. May I also remind
you that black plimsolls are not acceptable as
school shoes. Shoes must be black and of a
conventional style.
Protect yourself and others against colds and flu by:
Catch it - coughing or sneezing into a tissue
Bin it - throwing a used tissue away as soon as
Kill it - washing your hands as soon as possible
having a flu jab every year if you're in an at-risk
Colds and flu viruses can also be passed on via infected
droplets on objects or surfaces, such as door handles. You
can help to prevent passing on or getting colds and flu by
washing your hands regularly, and avoiding touching your
eyes and nose.
How can you treat someone with influenza?
It is caused by a virus so antibiotics do not help unless
there is a complication. Occasionally a special 'antiviral'
medicine is given to people in the at risk groups or whose
illness is getting worse.
Someone who is ill with flu should keep warm, rest and
drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration.
Paracetamol can be given to reduce the fever; aspirin
must NOT be given to children under 16 years of age as it has
been associated with the development of a severe
neurological disorder called Reye's syndrome.
Pétanque Juniors
Page 4
Congratulations to Callum Slade
(9T12) and Morgan Pry (10S1), who
were once again selected to
represent Sussex as part of the
junior triples team at the National
Petanque Championship Finals at
Hayling Island last September.
This was the second year Callum
and Morgan had participated in the
finals and they were up against
some of the best juniors from all
over the country. They were still
quite a young team, with most of
their rivals being more experienced,
but despite this they proved to be a
great combination, with their third
player Kira, and finished a fantastic
second overall!
Both boys were a real credit to
Team Sussex, contributing vital
points and showing maturity and
good sportsmanship at all times.
Their next goal is to participate in
further coaching with the aim of
being selected to represent their
The boys have also helped their
local 1066 League team to win
Division One this year !
Horse Riding
During the summer break, Morgan
Ham went to France to compete in
the European IMGA Championship,
which England won and are now
Champions d’ Europe or European
Morgan also took part in the Mounted
Games Association Home
International competition from Friday
4th September to Monday 7th
September. She had to compete
against Scotland, Wales and Ireland
for the Home International title.
Well done Morgan!
New Phone?
Have you moved house or changed
your mobile phone?
Please remember to let us know your
new contact details!
Thank you.
Claverham Football Trialists
Congratulations to the following
pupils who were selected for the
District Representative Football
Squad following trials over the
weekend of 10th & 11th October
run by South East Sussex
Schools’ Association.
Year 7
Ethan Ward
Year 9
Josh Stockdale
Kyle Parslow
Oliver Weekes
Year 10
Ben Seal
Alfie Hornby
Year 11
Tom Crathern
Oliver Candlin
What a fantastic achievement.
Mr Cunningham.
Page 5
Presentation Evenings
The Presentation Evenings for the
current Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 pupils
took place at the College on 13th and
15th October.
My congratulations go to all of the
pupils who received prizes from
across all areas of the College
As well as the awards we were
treated to musical performances by
some of our current pupils. The pupils
performed very different but equally
entertaining pieces of music, well
done to them.
As a part of the proceedings we were
also delighted to hear a presentation
on each of the evenings from our Year
11 pupils. Our Seniors Public
Speaking Team spoke to the prize
winners and guests about their
experiences in the recent Rotary Club
Youth Speaks competition and a team
of pupils who have been practising for
their GCSE English speaking
Controlled Assessment spoke on
three different topics of their choice.
My thanks to the two groups of pupils
for taking the time to share their
Lake District Trip
thoughts and experiences with the
gathered members of the College
community, and of course to Mrs
Hardy for helping to prepare them.
I would also give my thanks to all the
staff involved in the organisation of
these events, and especially to Miss
Wright, Mrs Voss, Miss Evenden and
Mr Wilson for organising the
evenings, and of course to Mrs
Whitehead for opening each evening
with the Chair of Governors address.
Mr Swatton
Maths Competition
24 of our pupils had a great
trip at the end of September
walking in the Lake District
National Park. The pupils
climbed England’s highest
peak, Scafell Pike before
exploring two different
peaks on day two.
Poster Competition
The weather was very kind
to us over the weekend
which helped provide the
pupils with some great
views and a tremendous
experience overall.
In order to help pupils
remember this important
concept, we would like you to
create an A4 poster featuring a
mnemonic. For example,
“Billy Is Drawing Minions And
Well done to all the pupils
and staff involved for all the
efforts and energy
spent climbing the
mountains of the Lake
Mr Harrold
BIDMAS stands for Brackets,
Indices, Division, Multiplication,
Addition and Subtraction and is
used to remind us of the order
to perform calculations in
Please hand your complete
poster to Mr Pitman in room 18
by Friday 6th November.
The winning design or designs
will be displayed within the
Maths classrooms and there
will be a Maths-related prize for
the outright winner.
Mr Pitman
Page 6
I am not sure who has had more
fun this term – the staff running
Claverham’s first ever Forest
School Programme (FSP) or the
Year 8 and 9 pupils who have
taken part?
It seems like a long time ago
that I approached Mr Swatton in
my first year here, with the idea
of setting up our own FSP on
our school site. However with
his support, we now have some
wonderful equipment supplied
via a generous donation from
the PTA, we have a permanent
site in our beautiful woodland
and most importantly, we have
already had just under 40 pupils
take up the challenge of this
unique experience.
A well-earned hot chocolate made on our camp
In November we have 140 tree
saplings being donated by the
Year & & 8 Hallowe’en Disco
The pupils enjoyed the first
disco of the academic year
on Thursday 8th October at
the College.
Nearly 300 pupils packed
into the arena (hall) for two
hours of energetic dance
moves, throwing shapes
and general excitement
and controlled chaos!
The pupils enjoyed the
latest addition to the disco a Hallowe’en themed photo
booth with props and
scenery provided by Miss
Pictures will be available to
purchase soon.
Thank you to all the Year
11 prefect helpers, parents
and staff. The money
raised will go into the PTA
coffers for the end of year
department wish list
Mr Harrold
Woodland Trust. Many of the
pupils who have been involved
in the FSP already this term
have expressed an interest in
helping to plant these, leaving a
legacy to be enjoyed for years to
Opportunities to be part of the
FSP will start again in early
Spring. I look forward to seeing
you there!
If any parents or members of our
community would like to donate
or help with resources please
contact me by email at
[email protected]
Thanking you in anticipation,
Mr Twilley
The Adult Education
Department has had a
very encouraging start to
the new academic year
with record numbers of
students, aged 19 or
above, enrolling on
Maths and English
After the half term break
we have a number of
short courses starting
with a few vacancies
remaining on Saturday
Workshops running on
7th or 28 November.
We are currently
recruiting students for
French for Beginners
which we hope to start
in the near future.
The easiest way to get
hold of a copy of our
prospectus is to
download it from our
Adult and Community
Learning web-site:
www.claverhameducation.co.uk. Should
you require any further
help or advice in
choosing a course
please do not hesitate
to contact us on 01424
775375 or send an
e-mail to:
Page 7
The Firework Code
3:30PM ‘TIL 5PM
Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves.
Never give sparklers to a child under 5.
Buy fireworks marked BS 7114
Keep fireworks in a closed box.
Follow the instructions on each firework.
Light them at arm’s length using a taper.
Stand well back.
Never go back to a lit firework.
Never put fireworks in your pocket.
Never throw fireworks.
Keep pets indoors.
Before they explode read
the code!
Page 8
Year 11 pupils should now be
making decisions as to their post 16
education. Can we remind all
parents that it is now a legal
requirement that all pupils should be
in full time education or employment
that offer a recognised training
qualification until the age of 18.
To help pupils with their choices the
Careers department organised a
Moving On event where pupils
received presentations from the four
main local providers: Heathfield 6th
form, Sussex Coast College, Sussex
Downs College, and Bexhill College.
These colleges were joined by many
smaller or more specialist providers,
including grammar and independent
schools, for an education fair during
lunchtime. This proved to be very
popular with the pupils, many of
them leaving with armfuls of
prospectuses and freebies.
Careers advice was provided by
Miss Bentley and student
ambassadors from the University of
Sussex. Please remember that
Miss Bentley is available for more
detailed advice and guidance, as are
the university team for those on the
widening participation programme.
The Year 11’s are currently looking
Dance like
A new after-school dance club for
years 7 & 8 boys, on Wednesday
afternoons, will start in the first
week after half-term, in the dance
studio. Led by Mr Wheeler the
boys will learn the tips, tricks and
skills to dance like Diversity. This
club is for enthusiastic male
dancers of all abilities and various
previous dance experiences.
All interested boys should ask
their form tutor to pass their name
to Mr Wheeler.
at the application process and the
necessary supporting information
in their Careers lessons.
In a change from previous years
we are encouraging pupils to apply
on line through UCAS
Progress. Individual login details
for UCAS Progress have been
provided by the County and the
majority of local providers now
prefer this online application
process. We are able to closely
monitor the application process
and give support as required.
Miss Bentley is now starting a
programme of careers interviews
based on identified need and this
will be assisted by careers
advisors from the YMCA. If you
wish for additional advice or
support please contact Miss
Bentley or the careers department.
Sussex Coast and Bexhill College
will both be coming in to
Claverham to give applying pupils
an interview in January and
February respectively before
making a firm offer of a place. It is
recommended that applications
are made before Christmas to aid
this process and ensure a place is
3i-D Card
The 3i-D card was created by
young people (the Youth
Cabinet) to meet a need
identified by the young people in
East Sussex.
During the summer holidays the
company contracted by
CitizenCard to provide
‘discounts’ ceased trading. The
card’s main benefits of providing
a recognised proof of age for all
the main bus operators to
access correct fares, plus some
further bus discounts are
CitizenCard will be launching
‘CitizenCard Rewards’ by next
Spring. 3i-D cardholders will be
kept informed of details.
Leaflets, application forms,
still available.
Year 10 pupils should now be
actively seeking a work experience
placement for the Community
Week, 11th to 15th July. All the
forms have been distributed and
are also downloadable from our
Please remember that
all placements must be approved
by the County Council for legal,
safety and insurance reasons or
they cannot go ahead, even those
with close family members. We
should receive the completed
forms by 31st January 2016 to
allow sufficient time for the
approval process.
The College is starting the process
of being reassessed for Investors
in Careers status and we are
actively seeking feedback and
suggestions for improvements
from parents and pupils. If you
would like to comment on our
careers support please email us
[email protected] and put feedback in
the title.
D H Page
posters and communication will be
updated as soon as possible.
If any parent or pupil has any
queries - either as an existing card
holder or as a potential card holder
- then please contact ESCC
Information for Families by
For website information and to
download an application go to
Page 9
Just a quick reminder of our Absence Text Number:
Pupils can obviously not take a full part in
lessons if they do not have the correct
equipment, and could miss out on vital
marks in their exams. A full equipment list is
provided below for your information, this can
also be found in pupil’s homework diaries:
07860 002593
Please leave a message first thing in the morning, this
saves us calling you during the day in order to ensure that
your child is safe.
Reporting an absence by text or email will be sufficient in
explaining a day's absence or continual absence for up to 3
days in a calendar week. Please contact the College again
on the fourth day if your child's absence continues beyond
3 days. Please be aware any absence of 4 days or more
requires medical evidence to be provided to the College.
Thank you.
Pair of
Compasses Diary
Pocket size English Dictionary
Vivo Rewards
Vivo is an online rewards system
which aims to motivate pupils to
work hard at school. The
teachers award pupils Vivos for a
range of categories including:
attendance, assessment / grades,
courtesy, equipment, excellent
contribution in class, excellent
effort in class, excellent
homework, good work
orbehaviour, Head of House
awards—gold, silver or bronze,
helping out at Parents’ Evenings,
Principal’s award, reading award,
representing the College &
Uniform. Vivo’s are a key factor
in our reward system here at the
Well done to our new Sports Prefect who
will be helping the PE department this year.
Pupils can save and spend
their Vivos on the rewards
they want from an online
catalogue in the Vivo shop.
They can also donate their
Vivos to charity. Pupils are
able to check their balance
by logging on to their
Since the start of the
academic year the league
table below illustrates how
each House is doing, with
Caldbec House currently in
the lead. At the moment the
top ten pupils with the most
Vivos are:
1066 Charity Walk
4th—Camryn Germain
On Sunday 27th September several
Telleham pupils, supported by staff, took
part in the 1066 Charity Walk in aid of St
Michael's Hospice and Battle Rotary Club.
The walk started at Boreham Street and
ended 9 miles later at Battle Abbey. A big
thank you to Emelia Ashley, Ameya Talyor,
Molly Dowling, Nathanial Mitchell and Ellie
Tottman who helped raise £350 in
5th—Bethan Lewis
Mr Whitaker
1st—Louise Chan
2nd—Christopher Clayton
Sports Prefects
3rd—Harvey Hill
6th—Sabrina Chan
7th—Hermione Burton
8th—Emilia Ashley
9th—Ameya Taylor
10th—Jack Charnley
Well done indeed.
Page 10
Year 10 & 11 Pupils
How We Use Your Personal
The information the College
collects from you during Year 10
and Year 11 may be shared with
other organisations in order to
provide you with career and other
guidance and for administrative,
statistical and research purposes
relating to education and training.
We will not give information about
you to anyone outside the school
without your consent unless the law
allows us to.
Information we have to pass on
by law
We are required by law to pass
some of your information to East
Sussex County Council (ESCC) as
part of the Intended Destination,
September Guarantee and Annual
Activity processes. ESCC has
legal obligations under the
Education and Skills Act 2008 and
the Apprenticeship, Skills, Children
and Learning Act 2009 to assist,
encourage and enable young
people aged 13-19 (and young
adults with learning difficulties or
disabilities up to the age of 25) to
participate in education or training.
ESCC may pass on the information
we share with them to the
Department of Education.
We share the following
information about you:
What you are intending to do
after Year 11 in terms of
education, training or
employment (your Intended
 Which post-16 provider made
you an offer of a place on a
course at the end of Year 11
and whether you took up the
offer and started a course in
Year 12 (referred to as the
September Guarantee), and
 What your destination is after
you leave Year 11 if we are
aware of this (as part of the
Annual Activity Survey).
Information we share in order
to support your education and
Some of the information we
collect from you during Year 10
and 11 is also shared by ESCC
with ESCC commissioned
providers delivering support
services and/or EFA/SFA funded
post-16 providers (hereafter
referred to as ‘post-16 providers’)
who deliver in East Sussex and
could offer you a progression
route and support your transition
into post-16 education and
Some of providers include:
Bexhill College
Sussex Coast College,
Sussex Downs College
Plumpton College
City College Brighton
YES East Sussex
DV8 Training
Skills Training UK
Tomorrow’s People
JACE Training
Albion In The Community
Hastings & Rother YMCA
(our Careers Advisor)
East Sussex School 6th
Rye Studio School
What information do we share
about you with post-16
To support your transition to post16 education we, or ESCC, may
also need to share further
information about you directly with
post-16 providers, this includes:
 Your attendance record
 Whether you have been
excluded from school
 If you have any special
educational needs
 Whether you are looked after
 Whether you are a carer
 Whether English is an
additional language for you
 Whether you are a traveller
 Whether you receive free
school meals, and
 Whether you are currently
supervised by the Youth
Offending Team.
You have a choice about what
information is shared with post-16
providers. Please contact Mrs Pry
to let her know if you do not want
your information to be shared.
How we keep your information
Both the College and ESCC keep
information about you on computer
systems and also sometimes on
paper. There are strict controls on
who can see your information.
People working for the school and
ESCC must have security checks
before they are allowed to handle
your information. We always
remove personal details such as
names and addresses when we
publish any information for
research, monitoring or planning
Need to know more about how
we process your information?
If you would like to get a copy of
the information about you that
ESCC shares with the Department
for Education or post-16 providers
or how they use your information,
please contact:
Data Protection Officer
Governance and Community
Room C6F
County Hall
St Anne’s Crescent
East Sussex
Email: [email protected]
You can also visit the ESCC
website if you need more
information about how they use and
store your information. Please go
Need more information abut
Young People’s Services?
For more information about young
peoples’ services, please go to the
National Careers Service:
Service or ,
Connexions 360 website
School Council
Congratulations to the following
pupils who were successful in the
School Council Elections.
Year 8:
Charlie Murphy S42 &
Gracie Paterson C43
I look forward to working with you
this coming year.
Year 9:
Ellie Johnson T40 &
Violet Hallett T40
Could I also thank all the candidates
who put their names forward and
special thanks to Mrs Georgiou who
seamlessly organised all the
paperwork and the elections day
along with the current members of
the School Council.
The new elected members are:
Year 7:
Warren Hargreaves T3 &
Mia Hazeltine M45
Sports Prefects
Well done to our new Sports
Prefects who will be helping the PE
department this year.
Year 10:
Hannah Crook T10 &
Ella Andrew C32
Year 11:
Courtney O’Keefe C36 &
Gabriella Hanna M23
They join the existing members,
who are:
Year 8:
Olivia Porter 8T3 &
have now qualified for the Hastings
and Rother Sports Partnership
final in November. Thank-you to
the Sports Leaders for assisting in
the running of this event.
Avinash Anant 8M50
Year 9:
Leah Goodman 9S9 &
Indigo Sams 9O25
Year 10:
Harvey Hill 10S59 &
Laura Williams 10S1
Year 11:
Lauren Ramsden 11C47
Issy Corby 11C47
Bailey Dowler 11O37
Emilia Ashley 11T55
Well done.
Mr Beard
Girls Rugby
A new club started this term Girls’ Rugby, led by Miss Arthur.
So far the girls have got to grips
with tackling.
All years are welcome so please
come along and give it a go.
U16 Table Tennis
Primary cross-country
This event finally went ahead after
being already cancelled once due to
the weather. All of the cluster
schools took part: Battle and
Langton, Catsfield, Crowhurst,
Ninfield, Netherfield, Sedlescombe
and Westfield. The competition was
very tough as there were some
exceptional runners. The top 15
runners in year 3/4 and year 5/6
Sunny James, Dean Brooks, Jack
Seal and Emmanuel Batchelor
went to St Leonards Academy to
play in a tournament. The
competition was tough and the
final result for Claverham was 6th
Miss Garland
Page 12
To book a place on
any of the junior
clubs or for further
information, please
contact the Sports
Centre on :
01424 774772
or e-mail :
Exam Practice
26 September – 29 November 2015: In the Realm
of Others - Gallery 1
This exhibition is a collaboration between DLWP and
Hastings based Project Art Works – an artist-led
organization committed to using creative projects to
promote positive social inclusion for people with
complex needs. In the Realm of Others intends to
question perceptions about the process of making art
through exhibiting over forty-five large and small-scale
paintings, drawings and sculptures produced by
fourteen makers with profound intellectual impairment.
These will be presented in a living, evolving installation
that offers a rare glimpse into unknowable, creative
states of being.