The Ten Commandments

Lesson March 9th K-2nd
The Ten Commandments
Scripture Reference: Deuteronomy 5:6-21, Proverbs 3:1-2,
Concepts: Rules are important; they keep us safe. God's rules are important; they show
us how to live a good and long life.
Activities and Games:
1. 7. Rules at home list - (Kindergarten or older children) Ask the children what are
some of the rules they have at home and write them on the board. When you are
finished discuss why they have each rule. 2. 8. Talk about class rules and make a list - talk to the children about the
importance of rules in the classroom so that everyone will have fun and stay safe.
Let the children make suggestions and write them down as they suggest them.
When you are all done, take out 3 to 5 of the most important rules and write them
down on a big piece of paper or on the board. Have the children draw pictures to
illustrate them or have them make their own book of rules.
God also speaks to children about their part in the family. God says, “Children, obey your
parents in the Lord for this is right.” He also says “Honor your father and mother.” This
means that children are to do what their parents say as their parents try to help them learn
and follow God’s will.
They should never say ugly things to their parents. They won’t say bad things about them
to others either. They will try not to do anything that would make their mother and father
God’s reward for honoring our parents is a long life upon this earth. Sometimes children
may not understand why parents tell them to do something. They should still obey them,
unless they go against the Bible. Parents who are Christians will always try to tell their
children the right things to do.
Children need to share the work at home. As they grow older, perhaps they can get a job
to help out with money for clothes and school. They should also give some of their
money back to God, just as their parents should.
Most families do not have a lot of money. Children should be satisfied with whatever
their parents get for them. Whining and complaining because other children have more
keeps the home from being a happy place.
When there is unhappiness in the family, it is because somebody is not doing God’s will.
Parents may argue so much that they stop loving each other. Sometimes one of them may
decide to leave the family. There may even be a divorce. This is always a bad situation.
Children are very sad when either the father or mother decides to leave the family.
Learning God’s plan for families is important for young people. It will help them have a
happy home of their own when they grow up. God wants our homes to be one of our
greatest blessings in this life.
Commandment: a rule, law, or order
Discussion point: Law is given to us to help us please God. We only know what makes
Him happy when He tells us. Laws help us know that we are doing what is right.
Sing: God is so good.
Activity: Toward God or man?: Post a sign with the word God on one
wall, Man on another. Have students stand between them. List the
commandments at random. If the commandment addresses how we
should treat God, have the students stand near that sign. If it is how
we should treat man, have them go to that sign.
6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother”
(this is the first commandment with a promise), 3 that it may go well with you and that you
may live long in the land.”
Children does not only apply to little kids. It applies to youth and young adults as well.
o Children = “offspring”…..up to “leaving and cleaving”
Verbs for “children”
o Obey
 How far? Col 3:20 – obey in everything?
o Honor
 the character of obedience.
Because it’s right. Christian or not…’s the right thing to do. Proof that the
law is written on man’s hearts….name the culture and you’ll find that childhood
obedience is the expectation…for it is right.
o Because it made the top 10. (Ex. 20:12) This is one of the Ten Commandments.
Please know that the 10 commandments are no longer null and void. Paul
proves it here by importing it into the discussion of house rules. In fact, not
only did it make the top 10, it made the top 5!! (It’s in the vertical list…the
God/man list)
 When you obey your parents, you obey God!! When you mock your
parents and thumb your nose at them…. you’re thumbing your nose at
the Living God.
 Prvbs 13:1 – no room for hecklers. The Shepherd doesn’t need a
heckler…he needs a cheerleader.
 Youth, you’ll realize your parents are smart someday. I promise. You’ll
also realize how proud and foolish you were to think that as a teenager
you know it all.
o Because it’s about the gospel. “in the Lord.”
 He’s the model - Luke 2:51
 He’s the means – “through” Christ
 Col 3:20…the parent/child relationship that is “in the Lord” pleases the
What’s in it for me?
o Heartache
 Proverbs 20:20
 Proverbs 30:17 – you’ll be blind going through life – fumbling along
without the loving counsel of your parents
o Blessings – “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land”
 Promise to a whole people!!!! To inhabit the land God gave them!!!
So it’s not just individual promise but a community promise….the people of God will benefit
from a community that places a premium on obedience and honor toward parents.