“Meet Me in St. Louie” An Index of Early Latter

Nauvoo Journal
The St. Louis Luminary was a weekly newspaper
published at St. Louis from
22 November 1854 to 15 December 1855.
Image is from Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol. 5, p. 452.
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
“Meet Me in St. Louie”
An Index of Early Latter-day Saints
Associated with St. Louis, Missouri
Sheri Eardley Slaughter
On a cold February 1846 morning in Nauvoo, eleven-year-old Ellen
Partington bid a tearful farewell to her mother while preparing to cross the
frozen Mississippi River with her surrogate family. Little did Ellen know that it
would be nearly eight years before she saw her family again in the Salt Lake
Valley. She would be married with her own son when next she saw the people
she loved. Ellen’s mother, Ann, who had been so terribly ill while in Nauvoo,
probably believed she was saying her last earthly goodbye to her young daughter.
Ann Taylor Partington was one of the first English women to embrace the
Mormon faith in Preston, England, where she was baptized in 1837 in the River
Ribble. With her husband Ralph and their four children, they emigrated from
Liverpool aboard the ship Swanton in January 1843 to join the growing number
of Saints in Nauvoo. Shortly after the ship sailed, Ann gave birth to a son they
named Joseph Hyrum. Because both Ralph and Ann suffered severely from ague
after landing in Nauvoo, they were unable to work to support their family.
Willard and Jeanetta Richards, seeing the family’s plight, decided to adopt eightyear-old Ellen. She reluctantly went to live with the Richards family where she
hid food to take to her mother who was near death’s door. Another neighbor
took care of the Partington’s baby, Joseph Hyrum, who soon died.
Although the Richards were kind and loving, Ellen missed her parents, her
sisters Catherine and Sarah, and her brother William. Jeanetta Richards’
untimely death caused Ellen to long for her family even more. Mother Ann gave
birth to another son, James Taylor Partington, on 3 May 1845 in Nauvoo.
Eventually, Ralph regained his health and worked as a carpenter on the temple
SHERI EARDLEY SLAUGHTER is a professional researcher and genealogist. She was
the photo researcher for the PBS documentary Trail of Hope.
Nauvoo Journal
where Ellen Partington was sealed to Willard Richards as his daughter.
As the Saints prepared to leave their beloved city on the Mississippi, Ellen
anxiously watched as her father Ralph built a wagon to take his family on their
long journey. However, they could not afford provisions and were unable to
leave with the Richards family that frigid February of 1846. Along the cold,
snowy trail in Iowa, Ellen watched and hoped for her family to join the pioneer
company, but the Partingtons never arrived.
Ralph and Ann Partington were among the poor Saints forced from their
Nauvoo homes during the summer of 1846. They crossed the river to Montrose,
Iowa, knowing they lacked the provisions to continue. Like many Nauvoo
Saints, instead of crossing Iowa, they ventured 190 miles down the river to St.
Louis in search of jobs.
In 1848 at Winter Quarters, Ellen Partington once again prepared for a long
journey with the Richards family. For two years, she had vainly waited for her
family to arrive. She occasionally received letters or presents from her family in
St. Louis, which she cherished, but they also caused her to yearn even more for
them. In Dr. Richards’ home, Ellen felt she “had too many bosses” and longed
“to run away to St. Louis, if I had known how to do it. . . . I did want to see mother so bad, that I could hardly stand it.”1 During the spring of 1848, Ellen scouted the banks of the Missouri River for each steamboat from St. Louis to arrive.
She would run on board and peer into every face, but “the faces I looked for were
not there . . . [and] I gave vent to my feelings in a good crying spell.” Her folks
did send her some good clothing and shoes, which helped immeasurably in the
journey west.
Ralph Partington found work as a carpenter in St. Louis from 1846 to 1853,
and Ann Partington gave birth to another son, Heber George Partington, on 14
March 1850. Ellen never saw this brother, as he died in St. Louis on 3 September
1850. The Partingtons remained at St. Louis until 1853 when they had sufficient
means to cross the prairie and plains with Captain Moses Clawson’s St. Louis
Ellen Partington (Richards)2 married James Moburn Kay on 19 June 1851
in Salt Lake. Finally, in September 1853, Ellen Partington Kay had the “blessed
privilege of meeting my father, mother, brothers and sisters, after a separation of
almost eight years.” Her mother “held up her hands and thanked God, that He
had spared her life to see that day.” Baby Willard Kay was eleven months old
when he met his grandparents for the first time. Ellen’s brother “Jimmy” had
been a nine-month-old baby when she last saw him in Nauvoo. He was now an
eight-year-old whose “black eyes . . . were sparkling with fun.”
The poignant story of the Partington family is just one of the many dramas
carried out during the Church exodus. Not all Nauvoo families were able to
make the 1846 pilgrimage across Iowa. Many families “went south” to St. Louis,
where they found employment to pay their passage to Zion. This was just one
way in which St. Louis played a vital role during the early “gathering” years of
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
the Church. There were an estimated fifteen hundred Latter-day Saints in St.
Louis during the winter of 1846–47.3 According to the federal census, in 1840,
St. Louis had a population of 16,469 (History of the Church, 4:xxiv). During this
important period of Church history, Latter-day Saints comprised nearly 10 percent of the population of St. Louis.
The Significance of St. Louis to the Mormons
St. Louis, Missouri, became known to the Latter-day Saints in the late
1830s when Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, and three other missionaries passed
through on their way to Independence in Jackson County; and since that time,
St. Louis has been prominently connected with the history of the Church.
Thousands of LDS emigrants landed in America at New Orleans and than traveled up the Mississippi by river boat and located temporarily at St. Louis until
they earned means to take them to the Salt Lake Valley.4
Following Governor Lilburn Boggs’ 1838 anti-Mormon “extermination
order,” many St. Louis residents sided with the Mormons and sympathized with
their plight. Several leading St. Louis newspapers condemned the actions of
Governor Boggs.
When the St. Louis Stake of Zion was organized in 1855, the LDS membership there was numbered at about three thousand. Thousands of missionaries
bound for the eastern states and Europe made their way through St. Louis, where
the members gave them food, lodging, supplies, and financial aid to continue
their journeys.
“Throughout the Missouri and Illinois periods of the Church, up to the
coming of the railroad to Utah in 1869 and beyond, St. Louis was the most
important non-Mormon city in Church history. . . . St. Louis has played two
important roles in Mormon history—as a city of refuge and as an emigrant center.”5
Almost every major Church leader of the period was connected with the
Church in St. Louis, including Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Heber C.
Kimball, John Taylor, Parley P. Pratt, Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Crowdery, Martin
Harris, Frederick G. Williams, Willard Richards, Charles C. Rich, Franklin E.
Richards, Ezra Taft Benson, George A. Smith, Orson Pratt, Jedediah M. Grant,
Orson Hyde, Amasa Lyman, and others.6 These names are not included in the
index that follows.
In 1855, the Church encouraged European emigrants to sail to the East
Coast; and by 1856, the emigrants no longer went through St. Louis on their
route to Utah. St. Louis gradually lost its importance to the Church.
The St. Louis Luminary
In the interest of the Church, the St. Louis Luminary was a weekly newspaper published at St. Louis from 22 November 1854 to 15 December 1855. It consisted of a four-page folio, each page containing five wide columns. The paper
Nauvoo Journal
was edited by Apostle Erastus Snow and was filled with details of important
Church events and emigration news. The subscription price was $2 per annum.
Its motto was “Light Shineth in Darkness, and the Darkness Comprehendeth it
Rationale for an Index of St. Louis Saints
To date, there has never been a compiled inventory of Latter-day Saints
who were born, lived, worked, or died in St. Louis, Missouri, during the early history of the Church. Mormons are noted for keeping good records, but such was
not the case in early St. Louis. The clerks, as well as the general membership,
were constantly coming and going, so the written records, if kept at all, were
brief and incomplete. The purpose of the “St. Louis” index that follows is to
compile as many names as possible of early LDS members who spent time in St.
Louis. This list does not include the thousands of LDS immigrants who simply
passed through St. Louis on their way to Nauvoo or Utah.
The most important records used in this compilation are the St. Louis
Branch membership records for the years 1847–62, which consist of three separate lists of names. First, there is a list of members who attended the conference
in St. Louis on 31 January 1847. Second is a record of members’ deaths from
1849–62. Third is the record of blessings of children 1857–62.
St. Louis Branch Members at the 31 January 1847 St. Louis Conference
At this conference, the clerks calculated the LDS membership population
at 1,478. The list of members present at this conference is a good indication of
which members went from Nauvoo to St. Louis in the 1846 exodus. An actual
count of the names written by the clerk at the conference is about 599 (including unnamed children), so obviously many names were not recorded or many are
members who did not attend the conference.
St. Louis Branch Death Records 1849–62 (StLD)
This record contains approximately 350 deaths. The years “1849–1862” on
the book heading are deceiving, as there are only two deaths listed for the year
1849 when the huge cholera epidemic began. From 1 January to 30 July 1849,
4,547 people in the city died of the dreaded disease.8 Certainly hundreds of
Latter-day Saints must have died during the year 1849, and those deaths were
not recorded. Likewise, only a few deaths were recorded in the years 1850 and
1851, as deaths from cholera continued to plague the city. It appears that the
record was kept more consistently starting in the summer of 1852. However,
even during that period, not all members’ deaths were recorded. Included in this
record were twenty-one deaths at sea aboard the ship Clara Wheeler, sailing from
Liverpool to New Orleans, occurring during December 1854 and January 1855.
The deaths were recorded on pages eight and nine of the St. Louis Branch death
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
records. Because many of the families may have settled in St. Louis for awhile,
they are included in the index that follows.
Sadly, the parents’ names were very seldom included in the children’s death
records and were never included in the adult death records.
St. Louis Branch Blessing Records 1857–62 (StLB)
From 1847–57, hundreds, maybe thousands, of LDS babies were born in St.
Louis. The record of “blessings given to children” did not begin until 1857 when
St. Louis was no longer on the emigration route of the Church. By then, most
of the members had immigrated to Utah, so only 113 blessings are included.
These records are sketchy and incomplete. Many times the names of the parents
were left from the record, or a birthday or blessing date was not included.
As incomplete as the branch records are, they are the only written documentation of members in St. Louis at the time of the actual events. Most references to time spent in St. Louis come from reminiscences or biographies, rather
than from documents.
Finding references to St. Louis from thousands of biographies, autobiographies, and reminiscences would be an inconceivable task without computer aids.
However, with the help of LDS Family History Suite by Infobases, Inc. on CDROM (1996 edition), it was easy to extract references to St. Louis from Pioneers
and Prominent Men of Utah,9 LDS Biographical Encyclopedia,10 Church Chronology,
Susan Easton Black’s compilation of Early Membership of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints,11 and the DUP compilations Our Pioneer Heritage and
Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and Their Mothers.13 With this computer program,
the key word St. Louis was used to highlight all persons or events associated with
the city.
Is such an index of St. Louis names necessary? For anyone doing research on
early Mormon families, such an index may be significant. Many children were
born to these early Mormon families in St. Louis, and probably just as many children died there. Many early members never made it to Utah. They may have
died on the ocean, on the river, or in St. Louis. Some may have left the Church
and simply remained in St. Louis. These “lost” St. Louis Saints may help complete someone’s family picture. The index that follows will also give a more complete view of how important St. Louis was in the early history of the Church.
Is this index complete? Of course not. Hundreds of St. Louis Saints never
had their names recorded in any record and were never mentioned in anyone’s
biography or reminiscence. This index is only a beginning.
Whenever possible, enough information about a person has been included
to distinguish him or her from someone else with the same name. Errors may
have occurred in the transcription of records; and, of course, there may be errors
in the sources used to collect this information. Errors are not the fault of the
Nauvoo Journal
Nauvoo Journal. None of the biographical data listed with the names should be
taken as fact, since this information was taken from secondary sources. Each person mentioned in the index was at one time a member of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints. Not all of the people in this index stayed with the
The St. Louis Index
Reference codes:
Church Chronology by Andrew Jenson
DUP Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and Their Mothers by James T. Jakeman
LDSBE LDS Biographical Encyclopedia by Andrew Jenson
MCWpr Personal research of Maurine Carr Ward
OPH Our Pioneer Heritage compiled by DUP
PPMU Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah
Early Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints compiled by Susan Easton Black
SESpr Personal research of Sheri Eardley Slaughter
StLB St. Louis Branch records, blessings 1857–62 (FHL film 0001945 item 3)
StLD St. Louis Branch records, deaths recorded 1849–62 (FHL film 0001945
item 3)
StLM St. Louis Branch records, members listed at conference 31 Jan 1847
(FHL film 0001945 item 2) name spellings kept as in record
CKER, Nancy (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
ACKER, William (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; High
Priest; with wife Elizabeth
ADDISON, Emily (StLD, p. 3, #64); died at St. Louis, 14 Aug 1853, age 29 years;
native of England
AIRTON, Alice (StLD, p. 7, #176); died at St. Louis, 17 Sep 1854, age 51 years;
native of England
AITKEN, James (OPH, v. 9, p.63); born 1830 Glasgow, Scotland, to John AITKEN
and Jane GLEN; married Mary FERGUSON 1852 Scotland; emigrated 1855 and settled
at St. Louis; daughter Barbara Orther AITKEN died at St. Louis 21 Oct 1857
ALEXANDER, Robert (PPMU, p. 712); born 1826 County Tyrone, Ireland, son of
John ALEXANDER and Mary MCFARLAND; lived in St. Louis before coming to Utah
in 1852 in Capt. McGaw Company
ALDER, Alfred (PPMU, p.377); born 3 May 1824 Wiltshire, England; came to
Utah in1853 from St. Louis
ALDER, Alfred W. (PPMU, pp.377, 771); born 13 Mar 1851 St. Louis to Alfred
ALDER and Susan FIELD; came to Utah in 1853 with father
ALLEN, Alice (StLD, p. 8, #232); died at sea, 31 Dec 1854, age 11 months; family
native of England, parents not listed
ALLEN, Emma (SEB); born 1837 England, baptized into LDS Church 1848 in
Chesterfield, England; immigrated to U.S., was in St. Louis
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
ALLEN, Disey C. (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847 with
three children
ALLEN, George Isaac (StLD, p. 6, #169); died at St. Louis, 13 Sep 1854, age 40
years; Elder; native of Wales
ALLEN, Joseph (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
of Church; with wife Zella
ALLEN, Maria (SEB); born 1824 England, baptized into LDS Church 1848 in
Chesterfield, England; immigrated to U.S., was in St. Louis
ALLEN, Sarah (StLD, p. 4, #91); died at St. Louis, 8 May 1854, age 26 years; native
of America
AMY, Dustin (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
11th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Leonora, daughters Leonora and Rhoda E., and son
Royal AMY
ANDRUS, Milo (PPMU, p. 721; OPH, v. 5, p. 442); born 1814 Hartford,
Connecticut; President Stake of Zion in St. Louis 1854–55; baptized and confirmed 800
Saints while president of stake
APPLETON, Henry (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Elder; with wife Mary and Anna APPLETON
ARMSTRONG, James (PPMU, p. 723); born 1844 Carlisle, Cumberland, England,
to William ARMSTRONG and Agnes Smith PARKER; in St. Louis by 1849 where his
father died; came to Utah 1854 with his mother in the Eldredge-Pratt Company
ARMSTRONG, John Christopher (SEB); born 1813 Carlisle, Cumberland,
England; died 7 September 1857 St. Louis
ARMSTRONG, Joseph (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
with wife Elizabeth, two children and Alice Jane ARMSTRONG
ARMSTRONG, Joseph Hyrum (SEB); born 14 Oct 1849 St. Louis to John
Christopher ARMSTRONG and Mary KIRKBRIDE
ARMSTRONG, William (PPMU, p. 723); died Sep 1849 St. Louis
ARNOLD, Henry (SEB; LDSBE, v. 3, p. 589); born 1822 Herefordshire, England,
to Henry ARNOLD and Elizabeth MONK; resided in St. Louis 1848 where he presided
over St. Louis conference for four years; came to Utah 1852 in John Parker Company
ASHTON, Edward (OPH, v. 13, p. 418); born 1821 Montgomeryshire, Wales, to
Richard ASHTON and Elizabeth SAVAGE; immigrated to St. Louis 1850 where he
worked until 1851
ASHTON, Sarah (StLD, p. 1, #14); died at St. Louis, 1 Jul 1852, age 25 years;
native of England
ASHWORTH, Benjamin (StLD, p. 3, #83); native of England; wife Eliza; in St.
Louis 1852–53 where three children died: Deseret, Emanual, and Joseph Hyrum
ASHWORTH, Deseret (StLD, p. 3, #83); died at St. Louis, 17 Oct 1853, age 5
months; native of America, son of Benjamin and Eliza ASHWORTH
ASHWORTH, Emanual E. (StLD, p. 2, #57); died at St. Louis, 28 Apr 1853, age 5
years; native of England, parents not listed
ASHWORTH, Joseph Hyrum (StLD, p. 1, #23); died at St. Louis, 30 Aug 1852, age
1 year, 8 months; native of England, son of Benjamin and E. ASHWORTH
ATCHMAN, Joan (StLD, p. 7, #187); died at St. Louis, 12 Aug 1854, age 65 years;
nativity not listed
ATKINSON, John (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
ATKINSON, Thomas (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 13th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Margaret Ann and daughter Martha Ann
AYERS, Caleb (SEB and StLM, p. 65); born 1806 Sussex, New Jersey to Levi
AYERS and Phebe RUSSELL; two children born in Nauvoo (1844, 1845); at Conference
Nauvoo Journal
in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847 with wife Lucinda; son Heber Caleb Ayers born 23 Apr 1848
St. Louis; Caleb died 1852 at Council Bluffs, Iowa
ALDWIN, Richard (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
with Sarah and Richard BALDWIN Jr.
BALLANTYNE, Richard (CC, 17 January 1855; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 703); born 1817
Whitridgebog, Roxburgshire, Scotland, to David BALLANTYNE and Ann BANNERMAN; “The ship Charles Buck sailed from Liverpool, England, with 403 Saints under the
direction of Richard BALLANTYNE. The company arrived at St. Louis March 27”;
remained in St. Louis until summer 1855
BALSER, John (PPMU, p. 734); born 1823 in Liverpool, England; married Emma
EVANS 16 Mar 1846 St. Louis; came to Utah 1852 Abraham O. Smoot Company
BALSON, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 7, #188); died at St. Louis, 18 Sep 1854, age 4 years;
native of England, parents not listed
BANKS, William F. Broomhead (PPMU, p. 419 and 734); born 14 Jun 1851 St.
Louis; came to Utah in 1854
BARKER, John (StLM, p. 68; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); at Conference in St. Louis on 31
Jan 1847; Elder; with two children; appointed supervision of 4th Ward in St. Louis 1847
BARKER, Thomas (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 30th Quorum of Seventies; with Catharine and Elizabeth BARKER
BARNES, Sarah (SEB); born 1826 Bedfordshire, England, to William BARNES
and Elizabeth JEFFRIED; resided in St. Louis 1850–52
BARNEY, Harriet (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
BARRETT, Mary (StLD, p. 7, #191); died at St. Louis, 5 Jan 1855, age 33 years;
native of England
BARRINGTON, Charles (StLM, p. 62; StLD, p. 3, #77); at Conference in St.
Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder; with wife Elizabeth; Sarah BARRINGTON; died at St.
Louis, 27 Sep 1853, age 43 years; native of England
BARSON, Ellen Sheffield (OPH, v. 16, p. 441); of Wellingborough, England;
daughter of Peter SHEFFIELD, wife of Samuel BARSON; emigrated with father and husband 1854; died at St. Louis of cholera
BARSON, Peter (OPH, v. 14, p. 514); of Wellingborough, England; mother and sisters died of cholera at St. Louis en route to Utah 1854
BARTON, William (SEB); born 1828 Lancashire, England, to Thomas BARTON
and Elizabeth KILSHAW; son William George Hewit BARTON born 1 Nov 1848 at St.
Louis; resided St. Louis 1847–49
BASTON, Andrew (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 30th Quorum of Seventies; with Emma T., Andrew G., and Harriet J. BASTON
BATES, Lorenzo (StLB, p. 32); born 15 Feb 1858 London, England, (parents not
listed); blessed 30 Sep 1860 St. Louis
BAUGH or BOUGH, Mary Matilda (SEB); born 1825 Shropshire, England, to
John BAUGH (who died at St. Louis in 1849) and Rachael BAILEY; married James Holt
HASLAM 10 Apr 1846 at St. Louis; two children born to the Haslams in St. Louis:
Martha Ann HASLAM 19 Aug 1849 and Sarah Jane HASLAM 17 Dec 1850; resided
St. Louis 1846–50
BAUNS, George (StLM, p. 72); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member of Dry Hill Branch
BAWDEN, Henry (SEB; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 463); born 1820 Devonshire, England, to
William BAWDEN and Rebecca WATTS; married Ann IRELAND in 1845; resided in
St. Louis 1851–52 before coming to Utah
BAXTER, Mary Tyndale (OPH, v. 6, p. 500); born 1826 Glasgow, Scotland, to Dr.
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
John TYNDALE and Magdalene ANDERSON; married _____ BAXTER 1849 in
Scotland; immigrated to St. Louis 1851 where they stayed two years; immigrated to Utah
BEATMAN, Joseph (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 34th Quorum of Seventies; member of Dry Hill Branch
BEATMAN, William (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 34th Quorum of Seventies; member of Dry Hill Branch
BECK, James (StLM, p. 61; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); member of St. Louis Lyceum, which
met to study principles of the gospel 1846; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 21st Quorum of Seventies; wife Elizabeth and three children; appointed supervision of 5th Ward in St. Louis 1847
BECK, John (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
BEGGS, Elizabeth Ivy (StLD, p. 7, #194); died at St. Louis, 24 Jan 1855, age 9
months; native of England, daughter of J. and P. BEGGS
BELCHER, Joseph (PPMU, p. 747); of St. Louis; son Edward Everett BELCHER
came to Utah 1852
BENNETT, Charlotte (StLD, p. 7, #195); died at St. Louis, 24 Jan 1855, age 49
years; native of England
BENNETT, Charlotte Ann (StLB, p. 31; StLD, p. 12, n.n.); born 1 Jan 1857 St.
Louis to David and Mary BENNETT; blessed 22 Mar 1857; died at St. Louis, 22 Jul 1857,
age 7 months, 19 days
BENNETT, David (StLB, p. 33); born 10 Jan 1861 St. Louis to David and Mary
BENNETT; blessed 13 Jan 1861
BENNETT, Mary or May (StLB, p. 32; StLD, p. 12, n.n.); born 25 Jan 1858 St.
Louis to David and Mary BENNETT; blessed 4 Jul 1858; died 22 Jun 1860 St. Louis, age
2 years
BENNION, Samuel Roberts (PPMU, p. 750); born 1842 Nauvoo; missionary to St.
Louis and Illinois 1866–67
BENSON, James (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with wife Ann Eliza and two children
BENSON, Joseph (SEB); born 19 December 1846 St. Louis to Richard BENSON
and Phoebe FORRESTER; died 3 July 1847 St. Louis
BENSON, Richard (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 23rd Quorum of Seventies; with wife Phebe and one child
BENZON, Andrew Beck (PPMU, p. 751); born 1835 Copenhagen, Denmark; married Catherine WICKEL 11 Feb 1862 in St. Louis
BERRY, Agnes (SEB); born 1785 Campsie, Stirling, Scotland; wife of John
COWAN; died 1850 St. Louis
BETTS, Frances Ruth (StLB, p. 31); born 22 Nov 1856 St. Louis to William M. and
Sarah BETTS; no blessing date given
BETTS, Sir Peter (SEB); born 1801 London, England; died 1853 St. Louis; knighted by king of England for springs invented for queen’s coach
BETTS, Walter (StLB, p. 32); born 27 Nov 1860 St. Louis, parents not listed;
blessed 27 Nov 1860
BINNS, Sarah (SEB); born 15 November 1844 St. Louis to John BINNS and Mary
BIRCH, Ellen (SEB); born 26 May 1852 St. Louis to Richard BIRCH and Ellen
BIRCH, Henry George (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 12 Jun 1856, age 3
days; native of America, parents not listed
BIRTLES, Edward John (StLD, p. 6, #149); died at St. Louis, 14 Jul 1854, age 4
Nauvoo Journal
days; native of America, son of G. and C. BIRTLES
BLACK, George (SEB); born 6 May 1823 Lisburn, Antrim, Ireland; married
Susannah JACAWAY 6 April 1850 St. Louis
BLACKHURST, Jonathan (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; with Hannah BLACKHURST
BLOWS, Ann (OPH, v. 2, p. 327); born 1818 Bigglesward, Bedfordshire, England,
to Oliver BLOWS and Hannah NORMAN; married Matthew GILBY 1838 in England
where six children were born; immigrated to America in 1850; settled on farm six miles
north of St. Louis where husband Matthew and all but one of children died of cholera in
1851; crossed to Utah in 1852 with son Matthew GILBY Jr.
BOND, Amelia (StLD, p. 3, #62); died at St. Louis, 2 Aug 1853, age 10 months, 8
days; native of America, daughter of Ed. and Ann BOND
BOND, Edward (StLD, p. 2, #45); died at St. Louis, 2 Feb 1853, age 4 years, 8
months; native of England, son of E. and A. BOND
BOND, John (StLD, p. 2, #50); died at St. Louis, 28 Feb 1853, age 39 years; Elder;
native of Preston, England
BOND, Mariah (StLD, p. 1, #10); died at St. Louis, 19 Jun 1852, age 39 years; native
of Preston, England
BOOK, Edward James (StLB, p. 34); born 4 May 1862 St. Louis to John and Eliza
BOOK; blessed 18 May 1862
BOOK, Mary Jane (StLB, p. 34); born 4 May 1862 St. Louis to John and Eliza
BOOK; blessed 18 May 1862
BOON, John (StLD, p. 9, #253); died at Ft. Riley, Kansas Territory, 7 Aug 1855, age
36 years; Elder; native of England
BOOTH, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 5, #132); died at St. Louis, Jul 1854, age 64 years;
native of England
BOOTH, Esther Jane (OPH, v. 4, p. 466); born 1834 London, England, to John
BOOTH and Elizabeth DAVIS; immigrated to America with family 1848; settled in St.
Louis at home of brother Elijah BOOTH; mother Elizabeth BOOTH died of cholera 4 Jul
1849 at St. Louis; brother Elijah BOOTH died of cholera 7 Jul 1849 at St. Louis; brother
Richard BOOTH died of cholera 10 Jul 1849 at St. Louis; father John BOOTH, widower, married Catherine HUNT in St. Louis; crossed to Utah 1850
BOOTH, Hannah (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; widow;
with daughter Hannah
BOOTH, Sarah Ann (SEB); born 1826 Blakely, Lancashire, England; married John
NEEDHAM 1843 in Nauvoo; resided St. Louis 1846
BOOTH, Thomas (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
BOOTHMAN, John Thomas (StLD, p. 9, #258); died at St. Louis, 2 Sep 1855, age
5 months, 3 days; native of America, parents not listed
BOURNE, John (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 6th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Elizabeth
BOURNE, Samuel (SEB); born 16 may 1849 St. Louis to John BOURNE and
Elizabeth JOHNSON
BOWRON, Sarah (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
BOX, William (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
Seventies; with wife Olive and Ann BOX
BRADBURY, William (OPH, v. 5, p. 463); immigrated to America 1849 with wife
Margaret, daughter Margaret, son William, and mother Maria BRADBURY; before
reaching St. Louis his wife and son died of cholera; buried at St. Louis
BRADSHAW, Ann (SEB); baptized 27 July 1840 at Manchester, Lancashire,
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
England; immigrated to St. Louis 1854
BRADSHAW, Charles (SEB); born 1820 Manchester, Eng; married Ann NUTTALL; baptized 7 June 1840 Manchester, England; immigrated to St. Louis 1854
BREWESTER, John E. (Kimball, Stanley B., p. 491); baptized into the LDS
Church; settled with a colony of “Brewesterites” at St. Louis for a season
BRICKER, William (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 451); born 1832 Trowbridge, Wiltshire,
England, to Job BRICKER and Jane LUCUS; emigrated in 1851; moved in 1853 to St.
Louis; ordained an Elder at St. Louis 1854; called to two missions while in St. Louis
BRIDGES, Ann (StLD, p. 1, #19); died at St. Louis, 19 Aug 1852, age 50 years
BRIGHTON, Mary (StLD, p. 8, #230); died at sea, 30 Dec 1854, age 11 months;
family native of England, parents not listed
BRIGHTWELL, Zadea Emma (StLD, p. 3, #70); died at St. Louis, 20 Aug 1853,
age 1 month, 4 days; native of America, parents not listed
BRIGGS, Thomas (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 79); born 1832 Newark, Nottinghamshire,
England, to James BRIGGS and Ann ORDOYNO; emigrated with parents in 1851; parents died at St. Louis; married Ann KIRKHAM at St. Louis
BRILL, Emma Alfina (StLB, p. 31); born 8 Feb 1857 St. Louis to Thomas and
Caroline BRILL; blessed 22 Mar 1857
BRINKERHOFF, James (SEB); born 1816 Niles, Cayuga, New York; resided in
Nauvoo 1843–46; pioneer to Utah 1847; resided St. Louis
BRITT, Emily N. K. (StLD, p. 11, #295); died at St. Louis, 3 Jan 1856, age 5
months; native of America, parents not listed
BROADBENT, Reuben (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 129); born 1817 Kexby, Lincolnshire,
England; married Harriet OTTER in England; immigrated to St. Louis where he stayed 3
years; wife died at St. Louis
BROMLEY, Julia (StLD, p. 5, #124); died at St. Louis, 6 Jul 1854, age 15 years;
native of England, parents not listed (mother probably Mary BROMLEY)
BROMLEY, Mary (StLD, p. 5, #119); died at St. Louis, 2 Jul 1854, age 50 years;
native of England
BROMLEY, Mary (StLD, p. 5, #123); died at St. Louis, 5 Jul 1854, age 10 years;
native of England, parents not listed (mother probably Mary BROMLEY)
BROMLEY, William Michael (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 24); born 1839 Worcester, England,
to John BROMLEY and Mary OXENBOLD; immigrated to America in 1851 with family; parents and all but three in his family died at St. Louis
BROOKS, Annie (OPH, v. 8, p. 155); purchased piano in St. Louis 1854, which she
brought across plains in 1855
BROOKS, James Simpkins (CC, 4 November 1854; OPH, v. 5, p. 193); member of
High Council in St. Louis Stake of Zion 1854; wife Rebecca Franklin CRUMP died at St.
Louis 19 Jul 1849; married Lydia WEBSTER10 Mar 1850 at St. Louis
BROOKS, John Lorenzo (StLB, p. 33); born 5 Sep 1857 St. Louis to Henry and
Harriet BROOKS; blessed 25 Oct 1857
BROOM, John (PPMU, p. 772); married Hester DUNSDON 1850 in St. Louis; his
first wife Elizabeth HEYWOOD died in St. Louis in 1849; came to Utah in 1851, Alfred
Cardon Company
BROOMHEAD, Benjamin (StLD, p. 242; OPH, v. 5, p. 171); died at St. Louis, 18
Jun 1855, age 29 years; Elder; native of England; lived at St. Louis for six years
BROOMHEAD, Sarah Jarvis (OPH, v. 6, p. 484); born 1826 England to William
F. JARVIS and Sarah PARRY; married William S. BROOMHEAD; immigrated 1851 to
St. Louis where husband and daughter died of cholera; immigrated to Utah 1855 with son
BROWN, Amanda Louisa (StLB, p. 31); born 16 Jan 1857 St. Louis to William
Henry and Amanda BROWN; blessed 22 Mar 1857
Nauvoo Journal
BROWN, Enoch (PPMU, p. 776); born 21 Feb 1862 in St. Louis to William Parker
BROWN, Henry Erastus (StLD, p. 11, #323); died at St. Louis, 22 Jun 1856, age 5
months, 5 days; native of America, parents not listed
BROWN, James (PPMU, p. 773; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 283); born 1801 Roan County,
North Carolina to James BROWN and Polly WILLIAMS; immigration agent in St. Louis
1852–54; married Cecilia ROBELLA in St. Louis in 1854
BROWN, Joseph (StLD, p. 5, #131); died at St. Louis, 28 Jun 1854, age 11 days;
family native of England, parents not listed
BROWN, Isaac L. (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 31st Quorum of Seventies; with wife Lydia and four children
BROWN, Kiziah (SEB); born 1808 Franklin, Simpson, Kentucky; married Jesse
Divined HUNTER December 1827 St. Louis
BROWN, Louisa (StLD, p. 10, #287); died at Belfontaine, Missouri, 20 Jan 1856,
age 24 years, 7 months; native of England
BROWN, Orson A. (StLD, p. 1, #13); died at St. Louis, 1 Aug 1852, age 7 months
(parents not listed)
BROWN, Samuel (StLD, p. 6, #148); died at St. Louis, 29 Jun 1854, age 31 years;
native of England
BROWN, Thomas (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 11th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Mary
BROWN, William Parker (PPMU, p. 776 and StLB, p. 33); born 1816
Nottinghamshire, England; his wife Charlotte PARKER died 1854 in St. Louis; he married Mary Ann BLANCHARD 24 Dec 1854 in St. Louis; son George BROWN born 15
Aug 1857 St. Louis, blessed 27 Sep 1857
BROWNE, Charlotte (StLD, p. 5, #129); died at St. Louis, 4 Jul 1854, age 36 years;
native of England
BROWNE, Emma (StLD, p. 5, #130); died at St. Louis, 24 Jun 1854, age 12 years;
native of England, parents not listed
BUCKLEY, Sarah (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
BUCKWALTER, Henry Shuler (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 604); born 1831 Chester,
Pennsylvania, to John BUCKWALTER and Sarah SHULER; baptized 1843 in Nauvoo;
resided in St. Louis from 1846–52
BUICE, Vernon H. (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member of Seventies
BULLARD, Abigail B. (StLD, p. 2, #33); died at St. Louis, 23 Oct 1852, age 6 years;
native of America, parents not listed
BULLOCH, Christina (OPH, v. 18, p. 192); born 1839 Barrhead, Scotland, to
James BULLOCH and Isabella DUNN; emigrated with family 1848; farmed near St.
Louis for two years; mother and newborn baby died July 1850 of cholera at St. Louis;
immigrated to Utah 1851
BUNTING, Jacob Edward (StLD, p. 4, #92); died at St. Louis, 4 Apr 1854, age 32
years; native of England
BURCH, Alfred (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 2 Aug 1856, age 31 years, 6
months; native of England
BURGES, Elizabeth (OPH, v. 9, p. 71); born 1842 Tudinfield Marchfield, England,
to Peter BURGES and Ann Margaret ESPLIN; immigrated with father to St. Louis where
father was a merchant; crossed plains to Utah 1853; returned after two years to St. Louis;
married Thomas SLATER 27 Sep 1860 at St. Louis; two children born in St. Louis: Emily
1861, Peter 1863; SLATERs crossed to Utah in 1865
BURGESS, James (SEB); born 1818 Barton, Lancashire, England; resided St. Louis
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
1842–43; Nauvoo 1843–46
BURGESS, Thomas (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member; with wife Mary
BURT, Andrew Patterson (SEB); born 17 March 1850 Gravois, St. Louis County,
Missouri to John Davidson BURT and Elizabeth PATTERSON; parents were baptized in
BURTON, Joseph (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Priest;
with wife Elizabeth
BUXTON, Joseph (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
Elizabeth BUXTON
AFFALL, Annie Leonora (StLB, p. 33); born 24 Aug 1860 St. Louis (parents
and blessing date not given)
CAFFALL, George H. (StLD, p. 10, #289); died at St. Louis, 25 Mar 1856, age 2
years, 8 months; native of America, parents not listed
CAFFALL, Jane Elizabeth (StLD, p. 3, #87); died at St. Louis, 16 Nov 1853, age 1
year; native of England, parents not listed
CAINE, John Thomas (PPMU, p. 789; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 726; OPH, v. 16, p. 519);
born 1829 Kirk Patrick, Isle of Man, son of Thomas CAINE and Elinor CUBBON;
ordained an Elder at St. Louis 1849 by Nathaniel H. FELT; married Margaret NIGHTINGALE 22 Oct 1850 in St. Louis; daughter Agnes born 1 Oct 1851 in St. Louis; appeared
in charity plays in St. Louis; came to Utah 1852 James McGaw Company
CALLISTER, Ned (OPH v. 5, p. 463); born at Isle of Man; married Ann COWLEY 1 Nov 1851 St. Louis; immigrated to Utah 1854
CAMERON, Catherine (OPH, v. 6, p. 526); born 1847 Glasgow, Scotland, to John
Alexander CAMERON and Margaret FAIRGROVE; immigrated to St. Louis with family 1848; mother Margaret (FAIRGROVE) CAMERON died at St. Louis 26 Feb 1855;
father married Mary McFALL THOMPSON at St. Louis; she died 6 Apr 1857 at St.
Louis; immigrated to Utah with father 1861
CAMERON, John (PPMU, p. 792); born 1819 in Scotland; married Mary McFALL
at St. Louis; came to Utah 1861
CAMERON, Mary (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
CAMERON, Mary (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 16 Nov 1857, age 31 years;
native of Scotland ( may be the same as Mary CAMERON above)
CAMPBELL, Agnes (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
CAMPKIN, Isaac (PPMU, p. 1033, see MERRELL, Joseph; StLD, p. 11, #290); died
at St. Louis, 7 May 1856, age 33 years, native of England; wife Martha Webb CAMPKIN
was member of Willie Handcart Company 1856
CANNON, Angus Munn (SEB); born 1834 Liverpool, Lancashire, England, to
George CANNON and Ann QUAYLE; resided in St. Louis 1842
CANNON, George (SEB); born 1794 Peel, Isle of Man, England, to George CANNON and Leonora CALLISTER; made coffins for Joseph and Hyrum Smith and also
plaster face casts of martyrs; died 17 August 1844 of sunstroke at St. Louis
CANDWELL, John (StLD, p. 4, #96); died at St. Louis, 15 May 1854, age 49 years;
native of England
CANTWELL, James Sherlock (PPMU, p. 794; CC, 4 November 1854); born 1813
Dublin, Ireland, son of Simon CANTWELL and Wilhelmina SHERLOCK; married
Elizabeth Cotteral HAMER in England; president of St. Louis branch 1852, member of
High Council St. Louis 1854; came to Utah 1856 (Willie Handcart Company)
CANTWELL, Stephen (StLD, p. 2, #35); died at St. Louis, 17 Jul 1852, age 22 days;
native of St. Louis, son of J. S. and E. CANTWELL
Nauvoo Journal
CARLISLE, Joseph (PPMU, p. 1040, see MILLER, Uriah George); married Isabell
SHARP in 1853 at St. Louis; came to Utah in 1853
CARTER, Simeon (CC, 7 September 1848). The Ship Erin’s Queen sailed from
Liverpool, England, with 232 Saints under the direction of Simeon CARTER bound for
St. Louis, where the emigrants arrived November 6; most of them remained there during
the winter
CASSIDY, Marintha Althera (StLD, p. 8, #231); died at sea, 30 dec 1854, age 9
months; family native of England, parents not listed
CAUDON, Margaret (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
CHADWICK, Abraham (StLM, p. 63; OPH, v. 5, p. 186); born 1821 Blackley,
Lancashire, England, to Samuel and Esther CHADWICK; married Mary BURTON 1840
in England; immigrated in 1842 to America; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Priest; with wife Mary; lived in St. Louis six years
CHAFFIN, Louis (or Lewis) Rice (SEB); born 1808 Princeton, Worcester,
Massachusetts; resided in St. Louis 1849
CHANDLER, Sarah (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
CHARD, Charles (CC, 4 November 1854); member of High Council in St. Louis
Stake of Zion 1854
CHARLESWORTH, Thomas (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; member 21st Quorum of Seventies; with Alice CHARLESWORTH
CHARMAN, George (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 34th Quorum of Seventies; with Caroline CHARMAN
CHATTERLEY, Sarah Ann (SEB); born 1818 Radcliff, Lancashire, England; married John Rushton KAY 1840 Prestwich, Eng; son William Henry KAY born 1851 at St.
CHEETHAM, Elijah (StLD, p. 1, #28); died at St. Louis, 11 Aug 1852, age 60 years;
native of England
CHILDS (or CHILD), William (StLM, p. 64; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); member of St.
Louis Lyceum, which met to study principles of the gospel 1846; at Conference in St.
Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 6th Quorum of Seventies; with Sarah CHILDS
CHURCHILL, Joseph (StLD, p. 9, #243); died at St. Louis, 19 May 1855, age 3
years, 6 months, 10 days; native of England, parents not listed
CLARK, David (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with Margaret CLARK and three children
CLARK, John H. (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 444); born 1831 Lambeth, Surrey, England;
immigrated to America in 1854 and live in St. Louis until 1855; crossed to Utah in
Richard Ballantyne Company
CLARK, Harriet (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
CLARKSON, Ann (OPH, v. 5, p. 459); born 1823 Hull, Yorkshire, England, to
Thomas CLARKSON and Kitty McCOY; baptized in 1847 by John LEETHAM whom
she married the same year; immigrated to America 1848; resided in St. Louis for two years
CLAYTON, Thomas (Kimball, Stanley B., p. 491); father of William CLAYTON;
died at St. Louis June 1849
CLAYTON, William (SEB); born 1814 Penwortham, Lancashire, England, to
Thomas CLAYTON and Ann CRITCHLOW; married Ruth MOON 1836 England (several others Nauvoo); came to St. Louis February 1848 to oversee printing of 5,000 copies
of Latter- day Saints Emigrant’s Guide
CLEGG, Elizabeth Ann (StLB, p. 33); born 29 Jul 1857 St. Louis to William and
Sarah CLEGG; blessed 6 Sep 1857
CLEGG, John (CC, 4 November 1854); member of High Council in St. Louis Stake
of Zion in 1854
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
CLEGG, Sarah (StLD, p. 6, #158); died at St. Louis, 15 Jul 1854, age 48 years;
native of England
CLEMENSON, James F. (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Elder; with wife Margaret
CLEMENT, Joseph (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 11th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Deborah Ann and one child
CLEMENTS, William (StLM, p. 69; OPH, v. 2, p. 291, See Ann WILD); at
Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 27th Quorum of Seventies; with Ann
CLIFF, Thomas (StLD, p. 1, #22); died at St. Louis, 8 Sep 1852, age 46 years; native
of England
CLUCAS, Ann (StLD, p. 3, #67); died at St. Louis, 30 Jul 1853, age 26 years; native
of Isle of Man
CLUCAS, Elizabeth Ann (OPH, v. 12, p. 47); born 1847 Isle of Man to James
CLUCAS and Margaret HENRY; immigrated with family to St. Louis; married Charles
MULLET 8 Jul 1868 at St. Louis; crossed plains 1868
CLUCAS, James (OPH, v. 5, p. 498); married Mary (MEAD) REX in St. Louis
(1852); children born at St. Louis: son Samuel CLUCAS born 6 Jun 1853; died 22 Jul
1853 at St. Louis, daughter Mary Mead CLUCAS; died at St. Louis
CLUCAS, Samuel (StLD, p. 3, #66); died at St. Louis, 22 Jul 1853, age 1 month, 16
days; native of America, son of James and Ann CLUCAS
COLLICE, James (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with Elizabeth and James H. COLLICE
COLLISTER, Ann Jane (StLD, p. 3, #74); died at St. Louis, 3 Sep 1853, age 1 year,
1 month; native of America, daughter of Ed. and Ann COLLISTER
COMISH, Joseph (StLD, p. 1, #16); died at St. Louis, 17 Jul 1852, age 7 years;
native of Isle of Man, son of William and E. COMISH
COMISH, William (OPH, v. 16, p. 524); born 1805 Isle of Man to John COMISH
and Margaret DUGGAN; married Elizabeth KEIG 1831; he and daughter Jane immigrated to St. Louis 1849; rest of family arrived in St. Louis 1851; lived in St. Louis four
years to prepare for journey west arriving in Utah 1855
CONDER, Edward (PPMU, p. 816 and SEB); born 1826 Woden, England, son of
Edward CONDER and Deborah BENTON; married Helen PIERCE 1846 in St. Louis;
two children born at St. Louis: William CONDER born 7 Dec 1847, died 4 May 1848 St.
Louis, John Spencer CONDER born 7 April 1849; came to Utah 1850 Edward Hunter
CONDIE, Ellen (PPMU, p. 783 and SEB); born 27 Apr 1849 in St. Louis to Gibson
CONDIE and Cecelia SHARP (pioneers of 1850)
CONDIE, Janet (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 479); born 1831 Clackmannan, Scotland, to
Thomas CONDIE and Nellie SHARP; married Joseph SHARP 28 Aug 1849 St. Louis;
came to Utah with husband in 1850
COOK, Aaron J. (StLD, p. 6, #154); died at St. Louis, 22 Jul 1854, age 2 years;
native of America, son of W. and E. COOK
COOK, Alice (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; stepdaughter of William GORE
COOK, Charles (StLB, p. 34); born 2 Feb 1861 Dry Hill to John and Jemima
COOK; blessed 9 Mar 1862 St. Louis
COOK, Frederick (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 6th Quorum of Seventies; with Sarah E. COOK
COOK, Nancy (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; stepdaughter of William GORE
Nauvoo Journal
COOK, Seth (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; stepson of
William GORE
COOMBS, Isaiah Moses (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 495); born 1834 Columbia, Monroe,
Illinois, to Mark Anthony COOMBS and Maria MORGAN; ordained an Elder 24 April
1855 at St. Louis where he was appointed clerk of that season’s emigration under direction of Apostle Erastus Snow
COOPER, Mary (StLD, p. 1, #26); died at St. Louis, 20 Jul 1852, age 3 years, 7
months, 7 days; native of St. Louis, parents not listed
COOPER, Susannah (StLD, p. 6, #153); died at St. Louis, 20 Jul 1854, age 45 years;
native of England
CORDINGLY, Sarah Alice (StLB, p. 32); born 24 Jan 1860 Kansas City to William
and Pernelia CORDINGLY; blessed 25 Nov 1860 St. Louis
COREY, Moses (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
32nd Quorum of Seventies
CORMICK, George Thomas (StLB, p. 31); born 9 Apr 1857 St. Louis to Enos and
Christabella CORMICK; blessed 9 May 1857
CORTILL, Wiley B. (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 21st Quorum of Seventies; with wife Marinda
COSSIT, Sarah Maria (SEB); born 1815 Mercer, Pennsylvania; married Lewis Rice
CHAFFIN; son John Rice CHAFFIN born 17 July 1849 at St. Louis
COTTAM, Emma (PPMU, p. 1210, see THOMPSON, William Henry and SEB);
born 1850 at St. Louis to Thomas COTTAM and Caroline SMITH
COTTAM, Mary Ann (SEB); born 11 October 1848 at St. Louis to Thomas COTTAM and Caroline SMITH; died 12 October 1848 at St. Louis
COTTAM, John (StLM, p. 66; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); member of St. Louis Lyceum,
which met to study principles of the gospel 1846; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; member 25th Quorum of Seventies; with Ann COTTAM
COTTAM, Thomas (PPMU, p. 821 and SEB); born 1820 England, son of John
COTTAM and Catherine LIVSEY; married Caroline SMITH in 1849 at St. Louis; came
to Utah in 1853
COTTERELL, George (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member; with wife Catharine E. and one child
COTTERILL, Samuel (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member of Seventies; with Ellen COTTERILL
COTTERILL, William (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Deacon; with Sarah, William Jr. and Ellen COTTERILL
COUZENS, Joseph (OPH, v. 1, p. 226); married Sarah JACQUE in England; immigrated to America in 1851 with five children; remained in St. Louis for one year; crossed
to Utah in 1852
COVINGTON, Mary Ann (SEB); born 1815 Bedford, England; resided St. Louis
COWLEY, Ann (OPH, v. 5, p. 463); born 1825 Isle of Man to Mathias COWLEY
and Ann QUAYLE; married Ned CALLISTER 1 Nov 1851 St. Louis; baby born and died
at St. Louis
COWLEY, Elizabeth Jane (OPH, v. 1, p. 214); born 1829 Isle of Man to Matthias
COWLEY and Anne QUAYLE; married John William DUTSON, 10 Aug 1850 at St.
Louis; four children born at St. Louis: two sons born and died there, Rebecca Deseret
DUTSON, Florence Virginia DUTSON
COWLEY, James (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with wife Isabella
COWLEY, Mathias (SEB; StLM, p. 71; StLD, p. 3, #73); born 1794 Kirk German,
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
Isle of Man, England, to Thomas COWLEY and Ann KILLEY; at Conference in St. Louis
on 31 Jan 1847; member 30th Quorum of Seventies; died 31 August 1853 St. Louis, age
58 years
COX, Eliza (StLD, p. 5, #127); died at St. Louis, 29 Jun 1854, age 55 years; native
of England
CRABB, Marion (StLD, p. 4, #88); died at St. Louis, 9 Jan 1854, age 51 years;
native of Scotland
CRANSHAW, Luke (StLB, p. 31); born 15 Oct 1856 St. Louis to Henry and
Assenith CRANSHAW; no blessing date given
CRAWFORD, Samuel (OPH, v. 13, p. 386); born 1829 Paisley, Scotland; married
Mary Ann FAIRCLOUGH; immigrated to St. Louis 1854; crossed plains in handcart
company 1856
CREER, Edward (PPMU, p. 413 and 827); born 3 Nov 1818 Bolton, England; came
to Utah 1854 Independent St. Louis Company
CREER, Edward Jr. (PPMU, p. 413 and 827); born 7 Oct 1853 St. Louis to Edward
CREER and Ann MORRIS; came to Utah 1854 Independent St. Louis Company
CRUMBIE, Henrietta Elizabeth (SEB); born 1827 Massachusetts; married Dr. Ezra
Granger WILLIAMS; resided 1847 St. Louis where she worked as a seamstress
CRUMP, Rebecca Franklin (OPH, v. 5, p. 193); married James Simpkins
BROOKS; died at St. Louis 19 Jul 1849
CRUSE, Julia (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 385); born 1823 Boxford, Berkshire, England, to
James CRUSE and Mary JOYCE; immigrated to America with sister in 1849; married
Amos HOWE in June 1850 at St. Louis; came to Utah in 1864
ANIELS, Charles F. (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 25 Aug 1861, age 3
years, 1 month, 9 days; native of America, parents not listed
DANIELS, Dinah Ruth (StLB, p. 33); born 18 Aug 1861 St. Louis to Benjamin and
Elizabeth DANIELS; blessed 20 Aug 1861
DANIELS, James Ephraim (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 498); born 1825 Manchester, England,
to James DANIELS and Elizabeth SALTHOUSE; immigrated in 1842 with mother’s family; icebound in St. Louis for the winter on way to Nauvoo
DANIELS, John Henry (StLD, p. 4, #103); died at St. Louis, 28 Jun 1854, age 1
year, 11 months; native of America, son of B. and E. DANIELS
DANIELS, William Edward (StLD, p. 4, #104); died at St. Louis, 2 Jul 1854, age 3
months; native of America, son of B. and E. DANIELS
DANN, Samuel (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with Cynthia and William DANN
DARGER, William Henry (OPH, v. 3, 177); of Germany; married Martha SOPER
in New York City; moved to St. Louis to prepare for westward trek; pioneer of 1862
DAVENPORT, Ann (SEB); born 1813 at Brampton, Derbyshire, England; married
_____ HANCOCK in England; immigrated to St. Louis 1863
DAVID, Ann (SEB); born 1833 Llanelly, Wales; married David HARRIS; daughter Elizabeth Ann HARRIS born 6 January 1852 St. Louis
DAVID, Morgan (PPMU, p. 837); born 1804 at Llanelly, South Wales, to Thomas
and Mary DAVID; married Elizabeth BOWEN who died of cholera at St. Louis; came to
Utah 1852 William Morgan Company
DAVIS, Elizabeth (SEB); born 1793 at Norton d’Moor, Staffordshire, England; married John BOOTH 1810; died 4 July 1849 St. Louis
DAVIS, John (StLD, p. 5, #121); died at St. Louis, 3 Jul 1854, age 10 years; native
of England, parents not listed
DAVIS, John Franklin (StLD, p. 3, #61); died at St. Louis, 27 Jul 1853, age 9
Nauvoo Journal
months, 3 days; native of America, son of Jno. and Martha DAVIS
DAVIS, Lucy Hancock (StLD, p. 10, #262); died at St. Louis, 18 Sep 1855, age 1
year, 3 months; native of America, parents not listed
DAVIS, Pheobe (StLD, p. 5, #120); died at St. Louis, 4 Jul 1854, age 28 years; native
of England
DAVIS, Pheobe (StLD, p. 5, #122); died at St. Louis, 1 Jul 1854, age 1 year, 6
months; native of England, parents not listed (mother probably Pheobe DAVIS)
DELAHAY, Esther (StLD, p. 10, #272); died at St. Louis, 27 Sep 1855, age 3 years,
2 months; native of England, parents not listed
DAYBALL, Alice (StLD, p. 6, #167); died at St. Louis, 5 Aug 1854, age 40 years;
native of England
DAYBALL, John Hyrum (StLD, p. 1, #15); died at St. Louis, 9 Jul 1852, infant;
native of St. Louis, son of Joseph DAYBALL
DECKER, Harriet Amelia (SEB); born 1826 Phelps, Ontario, New York; married
(1) Edwin S. LITTLE 1842 (2) Ephraim K. HANKS 1848; resided St. Louis 1844–45
DE LA MARE, Phillip (PPMU, p. 842); born 1823 Jersey, Channel Islands to
Francis DE LA MARE and Jane Esther AHIER; married Mary CHEVALIER 1851 in St.
Louis; came to Utah 1852 as captain of company
DEXTER, George (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
wife Joanna
DICKINSON, Samuel (StLD, p. 11, #299); died at St. Louis, 13 Aug 1856, age 26
years; native of England
DIDRIKSSON, Thordur (OPH, v. 7, p. 484); born 1828 Holm Austur, Iceland to
Didrick JONSSON; emigrated 1855; worked in St. Louis until crossing with handcart
company in 1856
DIXON, Joshua (StLD, p. 9, #250); died at St. Louis, 28 Jul 1855, age 51 years;
Priest, native of Ireland
DIXON, William Henry (StLB, p. 32); born 9 Sep 1860 St. Louis to Henry and
Emma DIXON; blessed 21 Oct 1860
DOBSON, Joseph (SEB); born 1804 Chestershire, England; married Elizabeth
FRAIN; son Joseph DOBSON Jr. born 1842 at St. Louis
DODSWORTH, Horatio Rabey (StLD, p. 9, #236); died at sea, 4 Jan 1855, age 2
years, 6 months; family native of England, parents not listed
DOLERY, Elizabeth (StLB, p. 33); born 12 Mar 1861 St. Louis (parents not listed);
blessed 19 May 1861
DOUGLAS, Richard (StLM, p. 68; MCWpr); son of George DOUGLAS and Ellen
BRIGGS; father died in Nauvoo and mother married John PARKER Jr. in Nauvoo at
Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847 with mother, stepfather, and sisters Isabella, Ann,
and Mary. (See John PARKER Jr.); other younger siblings in St. Louis were George and
Ellen Vilate DOUGLAS; married to Elizabeth WADSWORTH in St. Louis and worked
in John PARKER Jr.’s root beer factory; immigrated to Salt Lake in 1852 John Parker Jr.
independent company
DOUGLASS, Agnes (OPH, v. 13, p. 326); born 1818 Carmony, Antrim, Ireland to
John CROSS and Margaret McCUNE; married William DOUGLASS 1842; emigrated
1844; resided at St. Louis after Nauvoo exodus 1846–48
DOUGLASS, William (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 31st Quorum of Seventies; with wife Agnes
DOW, Jessie (StLD, p. 9, #254); died at St. Louis, 31 Jul 1855, age 35 years; native
of Scotland
DOW, Lorenzo (StLD, p. 2, #52); died at St. Louis, 4 May 1853, age 2 years; native
of Scotland, son of L. and S. DOW
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
DOWD, Lorenzo (StLD, p. 2, #51); died at St. Louis, 18 Feb 1853, age 32 years;
native of America
DUBUQUESS, Elizabeth Ann (StLB, p. 34); born 4 Oct 1861 St. Louis to Getovis
and Susan DUBUQUESS; blessed 18 Mar 1862
DUGDALE, George (StLB, p. 31); born 15 Jan 1857 St. Louis to George and Jane
DUGDALE; blessed 22 Feb 1857
DUKES, William (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Priest;
with wife Mary and six children
DUNFORD, George (SEB); born 1822 Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England; married
Sarah JONES; two children born at St. Louis: Mary Maria DUNFORD born 5 March
1858, Florence Emily DUNFORD born 14 December 1864; branch president at St. Louis
DUNFORD, Isaac (PPMU, pp. 449 and 851); born 24 Jun 1823 Trowbridge,
England, son of John DUNFORD; president St. Louis Branch; came to Utah 1856
DUNFORD, Lavina (StLD, p. 5, #142); died at St. Louis, 29 Jan 1854, age 2 years;
native of England, parents not listed
DUNFORD, Seaborn (StLD, p. 5, #143); died at St. Louis, 1 Jul 1854, age 1 year;
family natives of England, parents not listed
DUTSON, John William (PPMU, p. 957, see JACOBSEN, Ole H.; StLB, p. 31;
StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member of Seventies; married
Elizabeth Jane COWLEY 10 August 1850 at St. Louis; daughter Florence Virginia DUTSON born and blessed in St. Louis (no dates given); pioneers of 1857
AMES, David (PPMU, p. 853 and SEB); born 1826 North Wales to Nathaniel
and Catherine EAMES; married Esther CULLEN 1850 in St. Louis; came to Utah 1850
Jonathan Foote Company
EARDLEY, James (PPMU, p. 853, SEB; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 277; StLD, p. 3, #69); born
1830 Swadlincote, England, to Edward EARDLEY and Elizabeth GROCOTT; married
Zurviah G. FULLER 1852 in St. Louis; son Edward Alonzo EARDLEY born 29 May 1853
and died 19 July 1853 at St. Louis; resided St. Louis 1850–54; came to Utah in 1854 James
Brown Company
EARNSHAW, John Thomas (StLB, p. 31; StLD, p. 12, n.n.); born 2 Jan 1859 St.
Louis to Mark and Grace EARNSHAW; blessed 21 Aug; died at St. Louis, 19 Mar 1859,
age 2 months, 17 days (give a “proxy” blessing)
EASTIN, James (StLM, p. 72); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
of Dry Hill Branch; with wife Agnes and two children
EASTIN, John (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Priest;
member of Dry Hill Branch; with wife Agnes and four children
ECKERSALL, Adam (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
ECKERSALL, James (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
with eight children
ECKERSLEY, Hannah (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
EDDINGTON, Mary Ann (StLD, p. 9, #238); died at sea, 8 Jan 1855, age 2 years,
6 months; family native of England, parents not listed
EDES, Susan (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with Joseph
EDWARDS, Charles (CC, 4 November 1854); counselor in St. Louis Stake of Zion
EDWARDS, Edward William (OPH, v. 5,p. 471); born 1831 Carmarthenshire,
Wales, to John JONES and Johannah EDWARDS; emigrated 1854 and resided in St.
Louis; immigrated to Utah 1856
Nauvoo Journal
EDWARDS, Hyrum (StLB, p. 33); born 5 Jul 1857 St. Louis to Charles and Susan
EDWARDS; blessed 16 Sep 1857
EDWARDS, James Thomas (StLB, p. 34); born 2 Dec 1861 St. Louis to Charles and
Susan EDWARDS; blessed 9 Mar 1862
ELDREDGE, Horace Sunderlin or Sunderland (PPMU, p. 856; SEB; LDSBE, v. 1,
p. 196); born 1816 Cayuga County, New York to Alanson ELDREDGE and Esther SUNDERLIN; immigration agent at St. Louis 1852–54 and again in 1857; presided over St.
Louis conference 1852–54
ELLETT, John James (OPH, v. 5, p. 465); immigrated to America 1851 with wife
Eleanor DAVIDSON and daughter Eleanor; left wife and daughter in St. Louis while he
went to Utah as he didn’t have means to take them; wife and daughter went to Utah in
ELLIS, George Emmett (StLD, p. 9, #245); died at St. Louis, 30 Jun 1854, age 3
months; native of America, parents not listed
ELLIS, James (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with Ann
ELLIS, John (PPMU, p. 858); born 1828 Derby, England, to George ELLIS and
Elizabeth HAGUE; married Mary Ann EMMETT 1853 at St. Louis; came to Utah 1856
in Daniel McArthur Handcart Company
ELLISON, Ephraim P. (PPMU, p. 314 and 859; LDSBE, v. 3, p. 73); born 10 Jun
1850 St. Louis to John ELLISON and Anne PILLING
ELLISON, John (PPMU, p. 314; SEB; StLM, p. 71); born 1818 Yorkshire, England;
married Alice PILLING 1841 Yorkshire; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 14th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Alice; daughter Margaret, three children born
at St. Louis: John Ammon ELLISON born 22 April 1845, died 8 Aug 1847 St. Louis,
David Samuel ELLISON born 4 March 1848, died 26 Jul 1849, St. Louis, and Ephraim
Peter ELLISON born 10 June 1850; came to Utah in Capt. Howell Company 1852
ELLISON, Samuel (StLD, p. 7, #181); died at St. Louis, 11 Oct 1854, age 1 year, 6
month, 5, days; native of America, son of Jno. and Ch. ELLISON
EMMETT, Ann (OPH, v. 2, p. 333); born 1830 Downham, Lancashire, England,
to John EMMETT and Sarah BOOTHMAN; immigrated with mother and siblings to
America in early 1850s; lived in St. Louis with sister and brother-in-law Mary and John
ELLIS; crossed plains to Utah 1856 in Daniel McArthur Handcart Company
EVANS, Elizabeth (SEB); born 1832 Liverpool, England; married Jacob HAYBALL
23 September 1855 at St. Louis; daughter Sarah Ann HAYBALL born 4 July 1856 at St.
EVANS, John (PPMU, p. 863; CC, 4 November 1854); born 1829
Carmarthenshire, Wales, to John EVANS and Hannah WILLIAMS; married Elizabeth
DAVID; two children born at St. Louis: Moroni born 24 Oct 1853, Thomas born 4 Feb
1856; member of High Council in St. Louis Stake of Zion in 1854; came to Utah 1861
Harvey Hullanger Company
EVANS, John (PPMU, p. 863); born 1834 Liverpool, England, to John EVANS and
Ann DINWOODEY; married Mary ELLISON 25 Dec 1854 at St. Louis
EVANS, Richard (SEB); born 1822 Allbrighton, Shropshire, England; married
Sarah YARNELL; died 1855 at St. Louis
EYRING, Henry (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 311); born 1835 Coburg, Germany; emigrated
with sister Bertha in 1853; went to work in St. Louis 1854 where he first heard the gospel;
baptized at St. Louis 11 Mar 1855; called to a mission from St. Louis; immigrated to Utah
ARLEY, Isaac (StLM, p. 64; StLD, p. 10, #271); at Conference in St. Louis on
31 Jan 1847; with Mary FARLEY and three children; died at Sugar Tree Springs,
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
Missouri, 14 Oct 1855, age 62 years; native of England
FARNHAM, Augustus (OPH, v. 5, p. 441); sustained as counselor to Elder
Nathaniel H. FELT, President of St. Louis conference 11 Feb 1849
FARNSWORTH, Squire (StLD, p. 3, #63); died at St. Louis, 12 Aug 1853, age 29
years, Priest; native of England
FARR, Aaron Freeman (SEB); born 1818 Waterford, Caledonia, Vermont; married
Persis ATHERTON 1844 at Nauvoo; presided over St. Louis Conference succeeding
FARR, Ebenezer (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with wife Hannah
FARRER, Thomas (SEB); born 1829 Westmoreland, England; resided St. Louis
FELT, Nathaniel Henry (PPMU, p. 869; SEB; StLM, p. 71; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 380);
born 1816 Salem, Massachusetts to Nathaniel FELT and Hannah REEVES; at
Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; president 29th Quorum of Seventies; with wife
Eliza A. and two children; president of St. Louis conference 1847; St. Louis branch president after Joseph A. STRATTON
FENN, Caleb (StLD, p. 4, #110); died at St. Louis, 4 Jul 1854, age 10 years; native
of England, son of W. and S. FENN
FENN, Emma (StLD, p. 4, #108); died at St. Louis, 2 Jul 1854, age 7 years native of
England, daughter of W. and S. FENN
FENN, Ezra (StLD, p. 4, #109); died at St. Louis, 3 Jul 1854, age 4 years; native of
England, son of C. and A. FENN
FENN, George (OPH, v. 9, p. 300); of Leighton Buzzard, England, son of William
FENN; married widow Eliza Ann (DYER) WARD 1853 in England; sailed to St. Louis
1854 where he was met by 78-year-old grandfather John FENN; son Alfred FENN born
at St. Louis 13 Jul 1856; stayed three years in St. Louis
FENN, John (SEB); born 1776 Herefordshire, England; died 17 Dec 1857 at St.
Louis, age 81 years
FENN, Mariah (StLD, p. 10, #275); died at St. Louis, 14 Dec 1855, age 2 months;
native of America, daughter of C. and A. FENN
FENN, Sarah Reeves (OPH, v. 9, p. 304); died at St. Louis 1854
FENTON, Thomas (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 437); born 1822 Wheatley, Nottinghamshire,
England, to Robert FENTON and Mary ANDERSON; married Emma ALCROFT in
England; emigrated 1848, settling in St. Louis until 1851 when he crossed to Utah
FERGUSON, Ann (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
widow; with daughter Isabella FERGUSON
FIFE, Adam Sharp (OPH, v. 13, p. 395); born 1838 Clackmannan, Scotland, to
Adam FIFE and Ellen SHARP; emigrated with family 1849; lived at St. Louis two years
FIFE, Jannette (PPMU, p. 802); born 1 Mar 1851 St. Louis to Adam FIFE and Ellen
SHARP (pioneers of 1851)
FIFE, Margaret (OPH, v. 5, p. 494); born 1814 Newtonshaw, Clackmannan,
Scotland, to John FIFE and Margaret HUNTER; married Andrew PATTERSON; died at
St. Louis; husband and children immigrated to Utah
FINLAYSON, James (OPH, v. 5, p. 471); worked at St. Louis 1857–59
FLETCHER, Sarah Ann (SEB); born 1828; baptized 1847 Chesterfield,
Derbyshire, England; immigrated to U.S.; resided in St. Louis
FOLLIN, George (StLM, p. 72); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 22nd Quorum of Seventies; member of Dry Hill Branch
FORD, Hannah (StLD, p. 10, #284); died at St. Louis, 7 Feb 1856, age 15 years;
native of England, parents not listed
Nauvoo Journal
FORD, James (StLD, p. 10, #283); died at St. Louis, 17 Jan 1856, age 43 years; Elder;
native of England
FORRESTER, Thomas (StLM, p. 61; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); at Conference in St. Louis
on 31 Jan 1847; member 29th Quorum of Seventies; wife Ann; appointed supervision of
2nd Ward in St. Louis 1847
FORTUNE, Paul (StLD, p. 5, #125); died at St. Louis, 30 Jun 1854, age 11 years;
native of England, parents not listed
FOX, James (OPH, v. 5, p. 440); member of St. Louis Lyceum, which met to study
principles of the gospel 1846
FOXLEY, William (PPMU, p. 877); born 1831 Bedfordshire, England, to James
FOXLEY and Elizabeth MATHEWS; married Ann LARKINS 1852 St. Louis; came to
Utah 1855
FRANKLIN, Rachel (SEB); born 1817 Clanfield, Oxford, England; married
Thomas HADLOND; three children born at E. St. Louis, St. Clair, Illinois: Franklin
Thomas HADLOND born 7 June 1853, Ella HADLOND (twin) born 21 August 1858,
and Alphius John HADLOND (twin) born 21 August 1858; died 29 March 1879 at E.
St. Louis, St. Clair, Illinois
FRESTON, William James (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 21 Jun 1856, age
1 month, 6 days; native of America, parents not listed
FRESTONE, William (StLD, p. 6, #171); died at St. Louis, 2 Aug 1854, age 4 years;
native of England, son of James FRESTONE
FROST, George Richard (StLB, p. 34); born 28 Mar 1862 St. Louis to John and
Elizabeth FROST; blessed 4 Apr 1861
FRYER, William (PPMU, p. 880 and SESpr); died 1849 in St. Louis en route to
Utah; family (wife Ann Colton FRYER and children) came to Utah 1854 in James
Brown Company; Ann FRYER later married Ralph PARTINGTON (also a St. Louis
Saint) in Salt Lake
FULLER, Edmund Burke (SEB; StLD, p. 3, #60; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 334); born 1830
Dover, Kent, England, to John FULLER and Ann KING; joined Church at St. Louis;
married Adelaide JELLEY 1851 at St. Louis; son Edward Nowell FULLER born 16 Dec
1852; died 3 Jul 1853 at St. Louis; crossed plains to Utah 1854 in Aaron F. Farr’s Company
FULLER, Zurviah Gleason (SEB); born 1834 Rowe, Franklin, Massachusetts to
Walter FULLER and Eunice GLEASON; married James EARDLEY 15 March 1852 at St.
ALE, Alice (StLD, p. 8, #206); died at Rock Spring, 6 May 1855, age 39 years;
native of England
GALE, Robert (StLD, p. 8, #204); died at St. Louis, 29 Apr 1855, age 23 years;
native of England
GALLAGHER, John (PPMU, p. 1051, see MURDOCK, John Heber an StLM, p.
68); lived at St. Louis before coming to Utah in 1863; at Conference in St. Louis on 31
Jan 1847; member 21st Quorum of Seventies; with Sarah GALLAGHER
GARDINER, George (CC, 4 November 1854); counselor St. Louis Stake of Zion
GARDINER, Sarah (StLD, p. 10, #288); died at St. Louis, 19 Mar 1856, age 65
years; native of England
GARDNER, Alexander (StLM, p. 72); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 27th Quorum of Seventies; member of Dry Hill Branch; with wife Mary
GARDNER, John (StLD, p. 1, #6); died at Peru, Illinois, 4 Jan 1851, age 65 years;
native of England
GARSTANG, James (StLD, p. 3, #84); died at St. Louis, 11 Oct 1853, age 10
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
months, parents not listed
GASCOYNE, Harriet Jane (StLD, p. 4, #106); died at St. Louis, 30 Jun 1854, age 6
years; native of England, parents not listed (father probably Joseph GASCOYNE)
GASCOYNE, Joseph (StLD, p. 4, #105); died at St. Louis, 30 Jun 1854, age 43
years; native of England
GAUNH, Martin (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
GEE, Amanda (StLM, p. 60); wife of Lysander; at Conference on 31 Jan 1847 in St.
Louis; died 22 Oct 1848 St.. Louis (see Amanda SAGERS)
GEE, Amanda M. (StLM, p. 60); at Conference on 31 Jan 1847 in St. Louis
GEE, Erastus (StLM, p. 60); at Conference on 31 Jan 1847 in St. Louis; 31st
Quorum of Seventies
GEE, Lysander (PPMU, p. 886; SEB; StLM, p. 60); born 1818 at Austinburg, Ohio
to Solomon GEE and Sarah Watson CRANE; married Amanda SAGERS who died 22
Oct 1848 in St. Louis; married Theresa BOWLEY (or ROWLEY) 1846 at Nauvoo; their
daughter Rozelia GEE born 1 June 1848 at St. Louis; president of the Third Quorum of
Seventies in St. Louis; came to Utah 1849 George A. Smith Company
GEE, Sarah E.(StLM, p. 60); at Conference on 31 Jan 1847 in St. Louis
GEE, Susan E. (StLM, p. 60); at Conference on 31 Jan 1847 in St. Louis
GEE, Solomon (StLM, p. 60); at Conference on 31 Jan 1847 in St. Louis
GEESON, Amelia Maria (StLB, p. 33; StLD, p. 12, n.n.); born 15 Apr 1860 St.
Louis to Richard and Eliza GEESON; died 6 Aug 1860 at St. Louis; died at St. Louis, date
and age not shown in death records; death listed in blessing record
GEESON, George William (StLD, p. 7, #179); died at St. Louis, 25 Sep 1854, age
9 months; native of America, son of Richard and Eliza GEESON
GEESON, Mary E. (StLB, p. 34); born St. Louis (n.d.) to Richard and Eliza GEESON; blessed 16 Mar 1862
GEESON, William (StLD, p. 2, #39); died at St. Louis, 2 Feb 1853, age 1 year, 6
months; son of Richard and Eliza GEESON
GELLIES, Anne Sleight (StLB, p. 33); born 23 Jun 1861 St. Louis to John and Mary
GELLIES; blessed 25 Aug 1861
GEORGE, Sylvester (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
GIBSON, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 8, #229); died at sea, 30 Dec 1854, age 11 months;
family native of England, parents not listed
GIBSON, Jacob (SEB); born 1814 Chester, Pennsylvania; baptized 1840; resided St.
Louis 1844
GIBSON, William (SEB; OPH, v. 6, p. 22); born 1809 Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland;
married Janet NICOL in Scotland; daughter Catherine McFarlane GIBSON born June
1851 at St. Louis; lived at St. Louis 1851–53 where he was President of St. Louis
GIDDINGS, Martha (StLD, p. 8, #226); died at sea, 28 Dec 1854, age 10 months;
family native of England, parents not listed
GIDDINGS, Robert (StLD, p. 7, #200); died at St. Louis, 31 Jan 1855, age 26 years;
native of England
GIDDINS, William (StLM, p. 72); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member of Dry Hill Branch; with wife Elizabeth and four children
GILBY, Matthew (OPH, v. 2, p. 327); born circa 1815 England; married Ann
BLOWS 1838 in England; immigrated to America 1850; died near St. Louis in 1851 of
cholera along with several of his children
GILES, John Daniel (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 5 Aug 1857, age 1 month,
Nauvoo Journal
19 days; native of America, parents not listed
GODDARD, George (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 706); born 1815 in Leicester, England; emigrated with wife and eight children in 1852 (2 children died on voyage); arrived in St.
Louis on New Year’s Day 1852; one child died of cholera at St. Louis; crossed plains to
Utah in summer of 1852
GOFORTH, Dr. William (PPMU, p. 1053, see McALLISTER, John D. T.); of St.
Louis where he died; his wife Martha Nelson GOFORTH came to Utah in 1848 with
daughter and son
GOODMAN, William (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 8 Jul 1859, age not
shown; Elder; native of England
GORDON, George William (StLB, p. 31); born 7 Oct 1858 St. Louis to John H.
and Elizabeth GORDON; blessed 2 Mar 1859
GORE, William (StLM, p. 61; CC, 4 November 1854); at Conference in St. Louis
on 31 Jan 1847; member; wife Elizabeth, three stepchildren: Alice, Seth and Nancy
COOK; member of High Council in St. Louis Stake of Zion in 1854
GOTTFREDSON, Peter (OPH, v. 2, p. 43); born 1846 Jutland, Denmark, to Jens
GOTTFREDSON and Karen PEDERSON; immigrated to America with family in 1855;
mother died before reaching St. Louis; family lived at St. Louis for one year; father married Karen Marie NEILBODE 12 Aug 1856 at St. Louis
GOWER, Thomas (PPMU, p. 895); born 1816 Stourbridge, England, to Thomas
GOWER and Catherine CRESSWELL; wife Jane CRESSWELL died at St. Louis; came
to Utah 1854 Joseph Fielding Company
GRAHAM, Alexander Stewart (PPMU, p. 895; SEB; StLB, p. 31, 34; StLD, p. 12,
n.n.); born 1831 Glasgow, Scotland; married Elizabeth Jane NUTTMAN at St. Louis;
two children born at St. Louis: George Thomas GRAHAM born 27 April 1860, blessed
20 May 1860, died at St. Louis, 11 Aug 1861 (age 1 year, 3 months); Jane (Jennie) Smith
GRAHAM born 13 December 1861, blessed 2 Feb 1862
GRANT, Lewis McKeachie (SEB; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 89); born 1839 Elderslie,
Renfrew, Scotland, to William McKEACHIE and Lindsay McDONALD; immigrated to
St. Louis in 1851 where his father died; adopted by Jedediah GRANT and Susan NOBLE
who brought him to Utah in 1852
GRANT, Robert (StLM, p. 72); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Deacon;
member of Dry Hill Branch; with wife Isabell and four children
GRAY, Benjamin B. (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 17th Quorum of Seventies
GRAY, John (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
Abigail, John, Elizabeth, Eliza and Abigail Jr. GRAY
GRAY, Thomas (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with Christina GRAY
GREEN, Ann (OPH, v. 6, p. 429); born 1799 Lugwardine, Herefordshire, England,
to William GREEN; married John DUTSON 1826 England; Ann, children and father
sailed to America 1842; located at St. Louis where her father William GREEN died
GREEN, Philip (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with wife Rhoda
GREEN, William (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 32nd Quorum of Seventies; with wife Hannah and four children
GREENER, James Huthwaite (StLD, p. 7, #203); died at St. Louis, 1 Apr 1855, age
17 days; family native of England, parents not listed
GREENHALGH, William (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; member 14th Quorum of Seventies; wife Mary, son John
GREENWOOD, George Jr. (StLB, p. 32); born 7 May 1860 St. Louis to George and
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
Mary GREENWOOD; blessed 25 Nov 1860
GREENWOOD, Sarah (StLB, p. 32); born 28 Apr 1856 Ogden, Utah to George
and Mary GREENWOOD; blessed 25 Nov 1860 St. Louis
GREASLEY, Charles (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 7 Jul 1856, age 2 years,
6 months; native of America, parents not listed
GREESLEY, Joseph Hyrum Smith (StLD, p. 7, #189); died at St. Louis, 17 Oct
1854, age 6 years; native of England, parents not listed
GREGORY, Albert (OPH, v. 3, p. 179); born 1802 Norwalk, Connecticut to Elijah
GREGORY; when driven from Nauvoo, settled at St. Louis; pioneer of 1848
GROCOTT, James (SESpr); born 1822 Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, England;
married Ann PLAYER 19 Feb 1843 at Nauvoo where he was a potter; son born at Nauvoo
1845; four children born at St. Louis 1846–54: James C. GROCOTT born Dec 1846; died
18 Jul 1847 at St. Louis, Benjamin GROCOTT born Aug 1848, died 10 Jun 1849 at St.
Louis, Willis W. GROCOTT born Oct 1851, Ann Rebecca GROCOTT born 1854, died
at St. Louis about 1854; family did not migrate to Utah
GROOM, Rachael (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 18 Nov 1856, age 4
months, 5 days; native of America, parents not listed
GROOM, Richard (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 18 Jul 1856, 2 years, 3
months; native of America, parents not listed
GUN, Jane (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; widow with
two children
GUY, Celestial Pratine (StLB, p. 32; StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died 1858 St. Louis (no
birth date, parents or blessing date listed)
GUY, James (StLD, p. 1, #1); died at St. Louis, 29 Jul 1849, age 2 months, 25 days;
native of America, son of J. P. and C. GUY
GUY, John Taylor (StLD, p. 8, #207); died at St. Louis, 29 Apr 1855, no age shown;
native of America, son of John and Char. GUY
GUY, Joseph (StLD, p. 1, #2); died at St. Louis, 6 Jul 1851, age 1 year, 14 days;
native of America, son of J. P. and C. GUY
GUY, Joseph P. (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 27 Jun 1858, age not shown;
Elder; native of England
GUY, Matilda (StLD, p. 1, #3); died at St. Louis, 21 Aug 1852, age 9 months, 7 days;
native of America, daughter of J. P. and C. GUY
ACKING, John Sampson (PPMU, p. 905); born 1835 Preston, Lancashire,
England; came to Utah 1851 Capt. Cardon Company; married Jane CLARK 5 May 1856
at St. Louis
HADLOND, Thomas (SEB); born 1814 Churchill, Oxford, England; married
Rachel FRANKLIN; three children born at East St. Louis, Illinois, (see Rachel
HAILES, Cathrine (StLD, p. 10, #267); died at St. Louis, 1 Sep 1855, age 1 year, 3
months; native of America, daughter of Sl. HAILES
HAILSTONE, Henry (StLD, p. 8, #217); died at sea, 10 Dec 1854, age 9 days; family native of England, parents not listed
HAILSTONE, William (StLD, p. 8, #220); died at sea, 15 Dec 1854, age 2 years;
family native of England, parents not listed
HALL, James Roberts(SEB); born 1818 St. Agnes, Cornwall, England; married
Martha RICHARDS; emigrated 1849; worked in coal mines near St. Louis 1849–52
HALL, Jane (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 637); born circa 1829 Staffordshire, England, to John
HALL and Mary BATES; immigrated to America 1849; lived in St. Louis 1849 until 1853
when she immigrated to Utah
Nauvoo Journal
HALL, Joseph William (StLB, p. 32); born Florence, Nebraska (no parents listed in
record); blessed 4 Mar 1860 St. Louis
HALL, Lucy Stokes (StLD, p. 9, #239); died at St. Louis, 6 Mar 1855, age 24 years;
native of England
HALL, Thomas (SEB); born 1816 Liverpool, England; married Ann HUGHES
1840; two children born at St. Louis: Thomas J. HALL born 18 October 1846, James H.
HALL born 8 September 1850
HALLIDAY, Abel (SEB); born 1826 Bristol, Wiltshire, England; married Emily
STEVENS; in Utah 1854–56; three children born in St. Louis: James HALLIDAY born
15 June 1858, Mary Ellen HALLIDAY born 31 January 1860, Stephen Eli HALLIDAY
born 2 November 1862; died 3 October 1867 at St. Louis
HAMER, Martha (SEB); born 1826 Bolton, Lancashire, England; married John
HASLAM 4 March 1845 at St. Louis
HAMLIN, Henry (StLD, p. 7, #198); died at St. Louis, 27 Jan 1855, age 2 years, 8
months; native of England, parents not listed
HANSON, Harriett (StLD, p. 5, #141); died at St. Louis, 7 Jul 1854, age 38 years;
native of England
HARDY, Hannah (SEB); born 1815 Oldham, Lancashire, England; baptized 1841;
married (1) William ECKERSLEY (2) _____ CROMPTON; resided in St. Louis 1845
HARPER, John Nelson (SEB); born 1812 Belfast, Ireland; married Margaret
LEACH; two children born at Nauvoo (1843 and 1845); worked at St. Louis; first wife
died near there 1850; came to Utah 1852
HARRIS, David (SEB); married Ann DAVID 1851 St. Louis; daughter Elizabeth
Ann HARRIS born 6 Jan 1852 at St. Louis
HARRIS, Edmund (StLB, p. 32; StLD, p. 12, n.n.); born 30 Sep 1860 St. Louis to
Henry and Mary HARRIS; blessed 5 Oct 1860; died at St. Louis, 5 Oct 1860, age 5 days
HARRIS, Martin Henderson (SEB; LDSBE, v. 3, p. 105); born 1820 Windham,
Luzerne, Pennsylvania, to Emer HARRIS and Debora LOTT; (Nephew of Martin HARRIS, one of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon); resided St. Louis 1846–50; came
to Utah 1850 William Snow Company
HARRIS, Thomas Jr. (SEB; OPH, v. 5, p. 492); born 1822 Bristol, England, to
Thomas HARRIS and Mary Ann PARSONS; married Elizabeth MORRIS 1844 in
Ireland; immigrated to St. Louis in 1845 where he owned a furniture factory; sustained as
counselor to presiding bishop in St. Louis 1855; children born at St. Louis: Alfred, Emma
Louisa HARRIS born 22 Nov 1852, William Erastus HARRIS born 19 Sep 1854, and
Frances Elmira HARRIS born 8 Nov 1860; came to Utah 1855 but returned to St. Louis
because he didn’t want to practice polygamy; returned to Utah 1870
HARRISON, Joseph (StLB, p. 34); born 4 Mar 1858 St. Louis to David and Sarah
HARRISON; blessed 4 May 1862
HART, James Henry (SEB; StLB, p. 31; CC, 4 November 1854; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 27);
born 1825 Hemingford, Huntingdonshire, England, to Thomas HART and Elizabeth
MERRITT; married Emily ELLINGHAM in London; member of High Council in St.
Louis Stake of Zion 1854; St. Louis stake president 1855–57; appointed by Apostle Snow
to edit St. Louis Luminary; son James Ellingham HART born 17 Jan 1857 at St. Louis; no
blessing date given
HARVEY, James (StLD, p. 10, #265); died at St. Louis, 19 Jun 1855, age 7 months,
7 days; native of England, son of Js. and Ags. HARVEY
HARVEY, Sarah Godfrey (StLD, p. 5, #128); died at St. Louis, 30 Jun 1854, age 25
years; native of Australia
HASLAM, James Holt (PPMU, p. 923 and SEB); born 1825 Bolton, Lancashire,
England, to John HASLAM and Alice YOUNG; married Mary Matilda BAUGH 10
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
April 1846 at St. Louis; two children born at St. Louis: Martha Ann HASLAM born 19
August 1849, Sarah Jane HASLAM born 17 December 1850; came to Utah 1851 Philip
Morgan Company
HASLEM or HASLAM, John S. (SEB); born 1823 Bolton, Lancashire, England;
married Martha HAMER 4 March 1845 at St. Louis
HAWKES, Eliza (StLD, p. 5, #134); died at St. Louis, June 1854, age 32 years; native
of England
HAWKES, Eliza (StLD, p. 5, #138); died at St. Louis, June 1854, age 2 years; native
of England, parents not listed
HAWKES, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 5, #136); died at St. Louis, June 1854, age 9 years;
native of England, parents not listed
HAWKES, Henry (StLD, p. 5, #137); died at St. Louis, June 1854, age 4 years;
native of England, parents not listed
HAWKES, Moses (StLD, p. 5, #135); died at St. Louis, June 1854, age 2 days; native
of America, parents not listed
HAWKINS, James (StLD, p. 2, #40); died at St. Louis, 5 Feb 1853, age 34 years;
Elder; native of England
HAWKS, Hannah (StLD, p. 5, #126); died at St. Louis, 29 Jun 1854, age 6 years;
native of England, parents not listed
HAYAS, Thomas (StLM, p. 72); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member Dry Hill Branch; with wife Mary and one child
HAYBALL, Jacob (SEB); born 1826 Somerset, England; married Elizabeth EVANS
23 Sep 1855 at St. Louis; daughter Sarah Ann HAYBALL born 4 July 1856 at St. Louis
HAYNES, John (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder
HAYNES, Nancy A. (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
HEAP, Sarah Elizabeth (StLB, p. 31); born 4 Aug 1857 St. Louis to Smith and Alice
HEAP; blessed 18 Oct 1857
HEAP, Smith (StLB, p. 31 and StLD, p. 1); of Burnley, Lancashire, England; wife
Alice; in St. Louis from 1849–57
HEAP, Thomas (StLD, p. 1); died at St. Louis, 11 Nov 1849, age 1 year, 8 months,
16 days; native of Burnley, Lancashire, England, son of Smith and Alice HEAP
HEATON, John (PPMU, p. 928 and 945, see HOWELL, Thomas J.); born 1828
Thorn Hill, England, to Jonas HEATON; married Janet SINCLAIR 1859 at St. Louis;
came to Utah in 1863
HEATON, Jonas (PPMU, p. 928); of Thorn Hill, England; died at St. Louis 1851
HENDERSON, John (StLD, p. 3, #59); died at St. Louis, 21 Jun 1853, age 27 years;
native of Scotland
HENRY, Andrew (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; president 26th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Margaret and two children
HERBERT, Thomas John (StLB, p. 32); born 19 Apr 1860 St. Louis to William and
Hannah HERBERT; blessed 6 May 1860
HEWITT, James (PPMU, p. 1149, see SCHOFIELD, John); of Clitheroe,
Yorkshire, England; wife Amelia SAVAGE; died at St. Louis en route to Utah
HEWITT, Richard (SESpr); born 1820 Hanley, Staffordshire, England, to Charles
and Hannah HEWITT; married Margaret MIDDLETON 1845 Nauvoo; three children
born near Kanesville, Iowa 1847–50; immigrated to Utah 1850; potter at original Deseret
Pottery; returned with family to St. Louis about 1857 to join “Josephites”
HICKMAN, Jane (StLD, p. 5, #140); died at St. Louis, 23 Jun 1854, age 24 years;
native of England
HIGGINSON, Mary (StLD, p. 5, #144); died at St. Louis, 3 Jul 1854, age 29 years;
native of England
Nauvoo Journal
HILL, Frances (StLD, p. 7, #178); died at St. Louis, 30 Sep 1854, age not shown;
native of England
HILL, George (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 15 Jul 1856, age 5 years, 11
months, 15 days; native of England, parents not listed
HILL, Thomas (PPMU, p. 935; SEB; StLM, p. 61); born 1820 Oldham, Lancashire,
England; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 28th Quorum of Seventies;
married Alice MELLOR (WOOLSTENHULME) 5 November 1850 at St. Louis; daughter Sarah HILL born 26 May 1853 at St. Louis; came to Utah 1853
HILL, William (StLD, p. 6, #146); died at St. Louis, 17 May 1854, age 45 years;
Elder; native of England
HILL, William (StLD, p. 7, #184); died at St. Louis, 12 Oct 1854, age 40 years;
native of England
HILTON, Hugh (PPMU, p. 935); born 1819 Bolton, Lancashire, England; married
Isabella PILKINGTON 1852 at St. Louis; came to Utah 1852
HIRSH, Jane (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
HIRSH, Samuel (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; High
HOAGLEY, Thomas (StLD, p. 2, #36); died at St. Louis, 11 Dec 1852, age 60 years;
native of America
HODDER, Walter (StLD, p. 7, #180); died at St. Louis, 17 Sep 1854, age 26 years;
native of England
HODGE, Samuel (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Teacher; with wife Hannah
HOLDEN, John (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 32nd Quorum of Seventies; with wife Ellen and three children
HOLDSWORTH, Hannah (StLD, p. 4, #102); died at St. Louis, 7 Jul 1854, age 30
years; native of England
HOLDSWORTH, Joshua (StLD, p. 2, #38); died at St. Louis, 18 Jan 1853, age 1
year, 4 months, 2 days; native of America, son of E. and H[annah] HOLDSWORTH
HOLDSWORTH, Joshua (StLD, p. 7 #182); died at St. Louis, 2 Aug 1854, age 61
years; native of England
HOLDSWORTH, Sarah (StLD, p. 6, #157); died at St. Louis, 16 Jul 1854, age 5
months; family natives of England, daughter of E. and H[annah] HOLDSWORTH
HOLDSWORTH, Sarah (StLD, p. 7, #183); died at sea, 23 May 1854, age 57 years;
native of England
HOLLEY, Henry (OPH, v. 5,p. 471); born 1828 England to John and Cecil HOLLEY; married Lucy MEADOWS in 1854; emigrated 1855; child born May 1855 St. Louis;
died 9 Jan 1856 St. Louis; immigrated to Utah 1856 John A. Hunt Company
HOLMES, Jane (SEB); born 1827; baptized 1847 at Chesterfield, England; immigrated to St. Louis
HOMES, James (StLD, p. 9, #257); died at St. Louis, 4 Sep 1855, age 30 years; Elder;
native of England
HOTH, Anna (StLD, p. 4, #93); died at St. Louis, 29 Apr 1854, age 8 years; native
of Schleswig, Germany, parents not listed
HOUGH, Jemima Rushby (SEB; StLM, p. 69; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 491); born 1834
Wooden Box, Leicestershire, England, to William HOUGH and Jemima DRABWELL;
immigrated 1845 to Nauvoo; moved to St. Louis 1846 with mother Jemima (Drabwell)
HOUGH; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847 with mother Jemima; crossed plains
in 1852 in James Jepson Company
HOUGHTON, Nephi Joseph (StLD, p. 9, #247); died at St. Louis, 9 Aug 1855, age
1 year, 3 months; native of America, parents not listed
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
HOUSTON, James (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 5th Quorum of Seventies; member Dry Hill Branch; with wife Margaret and one child
HOWARD, Samuel Lane (OPH, v. 17, p. 200; StLD, p. 3, #72); married Ellen
CLAYTON (daughter of Thomas CLAYTON) 1844 in Nauvoo; moved to St. Louis 1846;
died at St. Louis, 14 Sep 1853, age 40 years; Elder; native of England; wife and daughter
went to Utah 1858
HOWARD, Sarah Freelove (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 464); born 1838 Bedfordshire,
England; emigrated with parents 1844; stayed at St. Louis; mother died at St. Louis 1849;
father died there in 1854 (prob. Samuel L HOWARD above); immigrated to Utah 1856
in Capt. John Hunter’s Company
HOWE, Amos (PPMU, p. 661 and 945; LDSBE, v. 2,p. 384); born 1830 New York
to Eli HOWE and Hannah COOK; moved to St. Louis as a boy; married Julia CRUSE 9
June 1850 at St. Louis; five children born at St. Louis (2 died in infancy): Edgar, George,
and Charles; came to Utah 1864
HOWE, Charles Ross (PPMU, p. 945; StLB, p. 34); born 28 August 1860 St. Louis
to Amos HOWE and Julia CRUSE; blessing date not listed
HOWE, George Edward (PPMU, pp. 661 and 945; StLB, p. 34); born 14 Jul 1858
St. Louis to Amos HOWE and Julia CRUSE; blessing date not listed
HUGHES, Ann (SEB); born 1817 Howarden, Flintshire, Wales; married Thomas
HALL (two children born in St. Louis); resided in St. Louis 1846–50
HUGHES, James (SEB); born 1808 in Wales; married Ann PICTON 1833 in
Wales; died November 1855 at St. Louis
HUISH, John Edward (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 155); born 7 May 1852 in St. Louis to
Walter H. and Ann S. HUISH; came to Utah 1859 with parents
HUISH, Lille Annette (StLB, p. 31); born 24 Feb 1857 St. Louis to W. H. and Ann
HUISH; no blessing date given
HUISH, Walter Henry (OPH, v. 5, p. 463); immigrated to America with wife Ann
and one child in 1849; lived in St. Louis until 1859
HULSE, Anne (SEB); born October 1848 at St. Louis to Benjamin Robinson
HULSE, Benjamin Robinson (SEB); born 1815 Brook Haven, Suffolk, New York;
two children born at Nauvoo (1842, 1844); daughter Anna HULSE born October 1848
at St. Louis
HUMPHRYS, Rosetta (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 26 May 1860, age 15
years, 3 months; native of England, parents not listed
HUNT, Charles (StLD, p. 4, #100); died at St. Louis, 21 Jun 1854, age 13 years;
native of England, parents not listed
HUNTER, Jesse Divined (SEB); born 1806 Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky;
married Keziah BROWN December 1827 at St. Louis
HUNTER, Margaret (SEB); born 1835 Clackmannon, Scotland; married David
Love 3 July 1851 at St. Louis
HUNTINGTON, John (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 28th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Mary HUNTINGTON
HUNTINGTON, William (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; member 2nd Quorum of Seventies; with wife Caroline HUNTINGTON
HURBERT, Hannah (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, no date or age shown
(probably 1857 or1858); native of England
HURD, William Baker (PPMU, p. 950 and StLB, p. 32); born 1835 Devonshire,
England; married Frances TAYLOR 1 January 1858 at St. Louis; son John William HURD
born 20 Feb 1860 St. Louis; blessed 11 Mar 1860; came to Utah 1861 Milo Andrus
Nauvoo Journal
HURDSMAN, Ann Elizabeth (StLB, p. 32); born 15 Dec 1858 St. Louis to John
and Lettice HURDSMAN; died 4 Mar 1860 St. Louis
HURDSMAN, William Thompson (StLB, p. 32); born 16 Dec 1856 St. Louis to
John and Lettice HURDSMAN; died 22 Apr 1860 St. Louis
HURST, William (OPH, v. 5, p. 462); born 1812 Peckenham, Worcester, England,
to John HURST and Susannah LONG; married Susannah WEBLEY 1830 England
where seven children were born; immigrated to America in 1849 with wife and children;
lived at St. Louis until 1852 when the crossed to Utah; one child born at St. Louis and
one died of cholera there
HUTCHINS, Edward (StLD, p. 6, #159); died at St. Louis, 31 Jul 1854, age 26
years; native of England
HUTCHINS, John (StLD, p. 2, #49); died at St. Louis, 2 Mar 1853, age 60 years;
Elder; native of England
HUTCHINS, William (PPMU, p. 939, see HOLLEY, Henry); died at St. Louis; wife
Ann (PUTNAM) HUTCHINS and daughter Ann HUTCHINS came to Utah in 1853
HUTCHINSON, James (PPMU, p. 952); born 1838 Woodhouse, England; married
Ellen REDMAN 29 March 1862 at St. Louis; came to Utah 1862 Kimball and Lawrence
Merchandise Company
NKEL, Armand (StLD, p. 4, #95); died at St. Louis, 25 Apr 1854, age 14 days;
native of America, parents not listed
INKEL, Wilhelmina (StLD, p. 4, #94); died at St. Louis, 25 Apr 1854, age 9 years;
native of Mecklenburg, Germany, parents not listed
IRELAND, Ann (SEB); born 1822 St. Mary, Devonshire, England; married Henry
BAWDEN 1844; baptized 1848 in England; emigrated 1851; resided in St. Louis until
1852 when she came to Utah
ITCHMAN, Hannah (StLD, p. 4, #101); died at St. Louis, 29 Jun 1854, age 25
years; native of England
IVORY, Matthew (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Priest
ACAMARY, F. B. (OPH, v. 5, p. 440); chairman of St. Louis Lyceum, which met
to study principles of the gospel 1846
JACKSON, Henry Clark (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 766); born 1819 Gainsborough,
Lincolnshire, England, to Robert JACKSON and Hannah CLARK; married Ann
OADES in 1843; immigrated to St. Louis in 1848 where he worked until 1850; crossed to
Utah in 1852
JARVIS, Frederick (StLD, p. 10, #266); died at St. Louis, 14 May 1855, age 3 years,
10 months; native of England, parents not listed
JELLEY, Adelaide (SEB; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 334); born 1831 Bedford, Bedfordshire,
England; married Edmund Burke FULLER 1851 at St. Louis; son Edward Nowell FULLER
was born 16 December 1852 at St. Louis; came to Utah in 1854
JENKINS, Emarine (PPMU, p. 1086, see PARKER, Joseph H.); born 1843 at St.
Louis (or Nauvoo) to William JENKINS and Mary ROWBERRY; came to Utah in 1850
in Edward Hunter Company
JENKINS, Joshua (StLB, p. 32); born 1 Jul 1860 St. Louis to Nathaniel J. and Sarah
JENKINS; blessed 29 Aug 1960
JENKINS, Mary (StLB, p. 34); born 22 Mar 1862 St. Louis to Nathaniel and Sarah
JENKINS; blessed 6 Apr 1862
JENKINS, Nathaniel J. (OPH, v. 2, p. 175); born 1801 London, England, to George
JENKINS and Frances LATTIMER; married Sarah HOLT; immigrated to America 1844
with wife and eight children; joined the Church at St. Louis; Sarah (HOLT) JENKINS
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
died at St. Louis 22 Apr 1856; married second wife Sarah MATTHEWS about 1858 at St.
Louis; crossed to Utah about 1863; returned to St. Louis to sell properties, lost eyesight
and died at St. Louis
JENKINS, Sarah Emeline (SEB) born 12 February 1847 at St. Louis to William
JENKINS, Susan Sophia (SEB); born 13 October 1848 at St. Louis to William
Jenkins and Mary ROWBERRY
JENKINS, William (SEB); born 1818 Mathon, Worcestershire, England; married
Mary ROWBERRY in England; three children born in Nauvoo (1841, 1843, 1845); two
daughters born at St. Louis 1847 and 1848 (see Susan and Sarah JENKINS)
JENNINGS, Henry (SEB); born 1812 Waynesville, Warren, Ohio; received
endowment 6 February 1846 at the Nauvoo Temple; married Ann MORGAN 14 May
1848 at St. Louis
JENSEN, Ingeborg Maria (OPH, v. 2, p. 284); born 1825 Risor, Norway to Jens
THORSEN and Johanna Marie OLSEN; immigrated to America in 1856; found employment with Saints in St. Louis where she contracted smallpox; crossed to Utah 1857
JEPSON, James (SEB and StLM, p. 62); born 1816 Bolton, Lancashire, England;
married Eleanor NIGHTINGALE 1838 in England; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847 with wife Elinor; resided 1847–51 at St. Louis where three children were born: Miles
JEPSON 1847, Alice JEPSON 1849, Mary Ellen JEPSON 1 Nov 1851; James served a
mission to St. Louis
JEPSON, Mary Ellen (PPMU, p. 1183, see STEELE, Mahonri M.); born 1851 at St.
Louis to James JEPSON and Eleanore NIGHTINGALE
JOHNSON, George (StLD, p. 9, #259); died at St. Louis, 16 Aug 1855, age “not
known”; native of England
JOHNSON, Henry (StLD, p. 1, #8); died at St. Louis, 8 Jun 1852, age 10 months;
native of St. Louis, no parents listed
JOHNSON, James (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member of 15th Quorum of Seventies
JOHNSON, Joseph Ellis (SEB; OPH, v. 15, p. 228); born 1817 Pomfret,
Chautaugua, New York; married Harriet Ellen SNYDER 1840 at Nauvoo; married Eliza
PERKINS; son Charles Ellis JOHNSON born 21 March 1857 at St. Louis
JOHNSON, Matthew (StLD, p. 8, #215); died at St. Louis, 6 Mar 1855, age 23
years; native of England
JOHNSON, Richard (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Priest; with Benjamin and Harrisilla JOHNSON
JOINER, Margaret Elizabeth (DUP, p. 60); born 1837 Oxfordshire, England, to
Henry JOINER and Elizabeth WHITINGHAM; immigrated to America with family in
1850; father died on Mississippi River of cholera; lived in St. Louis with mother and sister Martha for six years
JONES, Benjamin (StLD, p. 3, #76); died at Lexington, Missouri, 5 Sep 1853, age
58 years; native of Wales
JONES, Caswell Samuel (StLB, p. 31; StLD, p. 11, n.n.); born 10 Jun 1857 St. Louis
to Benjamin and Hannah JONES; blessed 16 Jun 1857; died at St. Louis, 17 Jun 1857 (age
7 days)
JONES, Hannah (StLD, p. 7, #175); died at St. Louis, 10 Sep 1854, age 19 years;
native of England
JONES, Harriett (StLD, p. 4, #115); died at St. Louis, 27 June 1854, age 44 years;
native of England
JONES, James Collins (StLB, p. 33); (name listed in blessing records, no information)
Nauvoo Journal
JONES, John Pidding (SEB); born 1819 Craven, Yorkshire, England; married
Margaret LEE in 1839 in England; two children were born at St. Louis: Sylvester Frazer
JONES 5 December 1848, Frederick Isaac JONES 6 February 1851
JORDAN, Susan (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
Caroline JORDAN
ATZ, Michael (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
Catharine and four children
KAY, James (OPH, v. 5, p. 440); member of St. Louis Lyceum, which met to study
principles of the gospel 1846
KAY, John Rushton (SEB); born 1820 Radcliffe, Lancashire, England; married
Sarah Ann CHATTERLEY in 1840 in England; son William Henry KAY was born 14
April 1851 at St. Louis
KEELER, Daniel (SEB) born 1 January 1848 at St. Louis to Daniel Hutchinson
KEELER and Philinda Clark ELDREDGE
KEELER, Daniel Hutchinson (SEB and StLM, p. 70); born 1811 Pemberton,
Burlington, New Jersey to John B. KEELER and Amy HUTCHINSON; married (widow)
Philinda Clark ELDREDGE (MERRICK) 1843 at Nauvoo; son Daniel KEELER born 1
January 1848 at St. Louis; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 15th
Quorum of Seventies; with wife Philinda and one child; immigrated to Utah 1852
KEITH, William Stanley (StLB, p. 32); born St. Louis (no parents listed in record);
blessed 4 Mar 1860
KERSHAW, Emma Jane (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 6 Aug 1858, age 10
months; native of America, parents not listed
KEYTE, Frederick Aug. (StLB, p. 32); born 22 Jul 1860 St. Louis to Alfred and
Emma KEYTE; blessed 5 Aug 1860
KILGORE, Jessie (StLB, p. 32); born 17 Jan 1859 St. Louis (no parents listed);
blessed 28 Nov 1859
KILGOUR, Emily (StLD, p. 6, #162); died at St. Louis, 22 Jul 1854, age 1 year, 2
months; native of America, daughter of James and Catherine KILGOUR
KILGOUR, George M. (StLB, p. 34); born 14 Feb 1862 St. Louis to James and
Catherine KILGOUR; blessed 21 Apr 1862
KILGOUR, Jemima (StLB, p. 33); born 25 Feb 1858 St. Louis (no parents listed);
blessed 2 May 1861
KILGOUR, Jessie (StLB, p. 33); born 28 Nov 1860 St. Louis (no parents listed);
blessed 2 May 1861
KIRK, Catharine Ellen (StLB, p. 31); born 1 Feb 1857 St. Louis to George and
Hannah KIRK; blessed 22 Mar 1857
KIRK, Henry; baptized and ordained Priest 1848 at Nottingham, England; cut off at
St. Louis
KIRK, Hugh (StLD, p. 6, #172); died at St. Louis, 16 Oct 1853, age 83 years; native
of England
KNIGHT, Charles (StLB, p. 31); born 21 Feb 1857 St. Louis to William and Harriet
KNIGHT; blessed 9 May 1857
KNIGHT, William John (StLD, p. 9, #251); died at St. Louis, 22 Jul 1855, age 3
months, 2 days; native of America, son of William and J. K. KNIGHT
KNIGHTON, Richard (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 34th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Mary
KNIGHTON, William (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
with wife Margaret and two children
KNOX, Emma Josephine (StLD, p. 6, #174); died at St. Louis, 22 Aug 1854, age 1
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
month, 8 days; family native of England, daughter of William and Dn. KNOX
AMB, Mary Ann (StLD, p. 9, #233); died at sea, 31 Dec 1854, age 1 year, 2
months; family native of England, parents not listed
LAMBSON, Ruth (StLD, p. 1, #12); died at St. Louis, 1 Aug 1852, age 60 years;
native of Vermont, USA
LAMOREAUX, Andrew Losey (SEB; CC, 13 June 1855; LDSBE, v. 3, p. 666);
born 1812 Pickering, Ontario, Canada to John McCord LAMOREAUX and Ann
LOSLEY; presided over French mission 1853–55; died 13 June 1855 St. Louis while
returning from French mission
LARKINS, Martha (Pack) (PPMU, p. 877, see FOXLEY, William); wife of James
LARKINS who died in Bedfordshire, England; died St. Louis 1851
LARTER, Marintha Althera (StLD, p. 1, #25); died at St. Louis, 25 Aug 1852, age
8 months, 15 days; native of St. Louis, daughter of H. and H. LARTER
LAYCOCK, Peter (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 28th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Susannah
LAYTON, Christopher (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 363); born 1822 Thorncote,
Bedfordshire, England, to Samuel and Isabel LAYTON; married Mary MATTHEWS
1842 in England (she died 1845 Nauvoo); their daughter Elizabeth LAYTON was born
17 Aug 1844 at Nauvoo; member of the Mormon Battalion Company C; returned to
England at death of mother 1848; married Sarah MARTIN 3 May 1850 in England;
returned to America 1850 and spent two years in St. Louis; son William LAYTON born
11 May 1851 at St. Louis; crossed plains in 1852 in Abraham O. Smoot Company
LEACH, Mary (PPMU, p. 789, see CAINE, John T.; StLM, p. 65); second woman
in Europe to be baptized into the LDS Church; lived Nauvoo and St. Louis; at
Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
LEE, Abraham (StLD, p. 2, #43); died at St. Louis, 22 Aug 1852, age 4 years; son of
Joseph and A. LEE
LEE, Joseph (StLD, p. 2, #42); died at St. Louis, 22 Aug 1852, age 34 years; native
of England
LEE, Mary (StLD, p. 2, #31); died at St. Louis, 3 Aug 1852, age 55 years; native of
LEE, William (SEB); born 1820 Stourport, Worcestershire, England; married
Elizabeth JASPER 1844 in England; son John Jasper LEE born 8 Sept 1849 at St. Louis;
crossed plains to Utah 1850
LEES, Mary Nightingale (StLD, p. 6, #170); died at St. Louis, 22 Aug 1854, age 10
months, 23 days; native of America, daughter of Samuel and A. LEES
LEES, Samuel J. (CC, 4 November 1854); member of High Council in St. Louis
Stake of Zion in 1854
LEESON, Edward (StLD, p. 6, #147); died at St. Louis, July 1854, age 30 years;
native of England
LEETHAM, John (SEB); born 1828 Hull, Yorkshire, England; married Ann
CLARKSON 1848 England; son John Thomas born c. 1850 at St. Louis; resided in St.
Louis for two years
LEFEVRE, William (SEB; OPH, v. 5, p. 460); born 1833 Crowland, Lincolnshire,
England, to John LEFEVRE and Ann DALTON; immigrated to America with family in
1849; resided in St. Louis until crossing plains in 1850
LEWIS, Edmund D. (OPH, v. 13, p. 194); born 1805 Gellygaer, Glamorganshire,
Wales; married Mary THOMAS; emigrated 1854; son George (age 7) buried near St.
LEWIS, James (SEB; StLM, p. 68; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); born 1814 Gorham,
Nauvoo Journal
Cumberland, Maine; member of St. Louis Lyceum, which met to study principles of the
gospel 1846; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 29th Quorum of
Seventies; married Emily Jennison HOLMAN 9 May 1847 at St. Louis; daughter Anne
Elizabeth LEWIS was born at St. Louis 13 January 1848; crossed plains to Utah 1849
LEWIS, John (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; elder; with
Eliza and Louisa LEWIS
LEWIS, Theodore Belden (LDSBE, v. 3, p. 148); born 1843 in St. Louis to Thomas
Anderson LEWIS and Martha BYRD; lived in St. Louis until 1855
LINDSAY, Joseph Shanks (LDSBE, v. 3, p. 150); born 1849 Liverpool, England, to
John LINDSAY and Elizabeth SHANKS; emigrated with family in 1849; lived at St.
Louis until 1859 where father presided over branch
LITTLE, Feramorz (SEB); born 1820 Auriesville, Montgomery, New York; married
Fannie Maria DECKER 12 February 1846 at Nauvoo; son James Tyler LITTLE born 13
Sept 1847 at St. Louis
LITTLE, James Tyler (PPMU, p. 1008); born 13 Sep 1848 at St. Louis to Feramorz
LITTLE and Fannie M. DECKER; came to Utah with father in 1851
LITTLEWOOD, Frances Ann (StLD, p. 2, #32); died at St. Louis, 26 Sep 1852,
infant; native of St. Louis, parents not listed
LIVESEY, John (PPMU, p. 746); accidentally killed at St. Louis; his wife Mary
Elizabeth GILL came to Utah 1862
LOCKETT, James (StLD, p. 4, #99); died at St. Louis, 21 Jun 1854, age 45 years;
Elder; native of England
LOCKETT, John Sargent (StLB, p. 33); born 17 Jan 1860 St. Louis to John and
Sarah Ann LOCKETT; blessing date not given
LOCKETT, Mary Ellen (StLB, p. 34); born 10 Mar 1862 St. Louis to John and
Sarah Ann LOCKETT; blessed 4 May 1862
LONGSTROTH, Stephen (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; High Priest; with Ann, Nancy, and George LONGSTROTH
LOVE, David (PPMU, p. 1011; SEB; OPH, v. 4, p. 225); born 1 Jan 1822 at
Blackbraes, Sterling, Scotland; emigrated in 1849; worked at St. Louis to pay for passage
of wife and children to America; first wife Ann McLUCKIE died 1850 on Mississippi
River; buried St. Louis; married Margaret HUNTER 1852 in St. Louis; came to Utah 1852
LOWE, Mary Ann (StLD, p. 2, #48); died at St. Louis, 13 Feb 1853, age 29 years;
native of England
LOWE, William (CC, 4 November 1854); member of High Council in St. Louis
Stake of Zion 1854
LUBLIN, Samuel (OPH, v. 1, p. 47); born 1816 Middleford, Denmark; married
Johannah LARSEN; immigrated to America 1853 with wife and three children; stayed
at St. Louis until 1856; Samuel was a blacksmith for railroad there
LUNT, Moroni (StLD, p. 11, #298); died at St. Louis, 11 Jul 1856, age 1 month, 2
days; native of America, parents not listed
AIDEN, John (SEB); born 1825; baptized 1842 at Brampton. England; immigrated to St. Louis
MALIN, Elijah Jr. (PPMU, p. 1021, SEB, CC, 5 May 1849); born 11 Mar 1808 in
Chester County, Pennsylvania; baptized 1839 in Pennsylvania; died of cholera 5 May
1849 at St. Louis while returning home from mission in Pennsylvania; his family crossed
plains to Utah 1851
MANDER, Alfred (StLB, p. 34); born 7 May 1858 St. Louis to Maria MANDER;
blessed 5 Oct 1861
MANDER, John Thomas (StLB, p. 34); born 23 Dec 1855 St. Louis to Maria
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
MANDER; blessed 5 Oct 1861
MANDER, Sarah Ann (StLB, p. 34); born 23 Dec 1860 St. Louis to Maria MANDER; blessed 5 Oct 1861
MARCROFT, John (SEB); born 1812 Middleton, Lancashire, England; married
Charlotte TAYLOR 1834 in England; immigrated to US 1854; resided in St. Louis
1854–59; twins Benjamin and Mary Ellen MARCROFT were born May 1855 at St. Louis;
crossed plains to Utah 1859
MARGETTS, Richard Bishop (SEB); born 1823 Woodstock, Oxford, England;
married Catherine SUMNER 1849; daughter Rosa Josephine MARGETTS was born 18
Feb 1851 at St. Louis
MARROTT, Ann (StLD, p. 10, #279); died at St. Louis, 15 May 1855, age 23 years;
native of England
MARSDEN, Ann (StLD, p. 4, #107); died at St. Louis, 3 Jul 1854, age 19 years;
native of England
MARSDEN, Samuel (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Priest; with wife Sarah
MARSDEN, William (OPH, v. 5, p. 440); member of St. Louis Lyceum, which met
to study principles of the gospel 1846
MARTIN, Ellen (LDSBE, v. 3, p. 13); born 1843 Bedfordshire, England, to Samuel
MARTIN and Priscilla LAYTON; emigrated with family 1850; located at St. Louis for
five years; mother died at St. Louis; immigrated to Utah 1855 in Richard Ballantyne
MARTIN, John (OPH, v. 15, p. 201); born 1829 England; immigrated to St. Louis
1849 where he worked one year to pay his way to Utah
MARTIN, Priscilla (Layton) (PPMU, p. 738); died St. Louis; husband Samuel
MARTIN came to Utah 1855 in Richard Ballantyne Company
MASON, George (OPH, v. 5, p. 460); son of William (Sr.) and Sarah MASON;
immigrated to America aboard Henry Ware with parents and brothers William and
George; married Mary Ann BEARD aboard ship 1849; worked in St. Louis until 1852
when they came to Utah
MATLEY, Thomas (SEB; StLD, p. 10, #269); born 1823 Oldham, Lancashire,
England; married Sarah ALLEN 1848 England; daughter Jane MATLEY born 11
February 1855 at St. Louis; Jane died at St. Louis, 10 Mar 1855, age 27 days
MATTHEWS, Samuel (LDSBE, v. 3, p. 159); born 1843 North Hill, Bedfordshire,
England, to William MATTHEWS and Elizabeth FLINDERS; emigrated with family
1850; resided in St. Louis five years
MATTHEWS, William (PPMU, p. 1027 and SEB); born 1817 North Hill,
Bedfordshire, England; married Sara _____ at St. Louis; she died in 1852; married his
third wife Charlotte SWIFT 8 July 1853 at St. Louis; their son Walter William
MATTHEWS was born 22 Feb 1854 at St. Louis; came to Utah in 1855 John Wardle
MAYCOCK, James (PPMU, p. 1028); born 1778 in Warwickshire, England; resided
in St. Louis before coming to Utah in 1852
McALISTER, John (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
McALISTER, Margaret (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
McALISTER, Walter (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member of 29th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Isabella
McALISTER, William (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
McALLISTER, John Daniel Thompson (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 337; OPH, v. 6, p. 21);
born 1827 Lewis, Sussex, Delaware, son of William J. F. McALLISTER and Eliza
THOMPSON; married Ellen HANDLEY 1848 in Philadelphia where he joined the
Nauvoo Journal
Church; immigrated to St. Louis in 1848; worked as a blacksmith and remained there
until summer of 1849; immigrated to Utah in 1851 in Alfred Cordon Company
McALLUM, Malcolm (StLD, p. 9, #249); died at St. Louis, 17 Aug 1855, age 36
years; Elder; native of Scotland
McCALL, John M. (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; elder;
with Elizabeth, Mary C. and Brutus E. McCALL
McCALL, Margaret (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
McCAUGHIE, Emma (StLB, p. 32); born 6 Aug 1859 St. Louis (parents not listed); blessed 2 Dec 1860
McCOWAN, Robert (StLD, p. 2, #46); died at St. Louis, 17 Feb 1853, age 35 years,
Priest; native of England
McCUE, Peter (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; High
Priest; with Mary McCUE and two children
McFALL, Mary Cunnachy (OPH, v. 13, p. 350); born County Antrim, Ireland;
married Robert McFALL who died 1839 Scotland; Mary emigrated with children 1850;
resided at St. Louis until 1855
McFARLIN, Peter (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 12th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Elizabeth Ann, children Elmira, John
McGREGOR, Ann (StLD, p. 5, #118); died at St. Louis, 3 Jul 1854, age 60 years;
native of Wales
McGREGOR, William (SEB); born 1816 Thornebank, Lanark, Scotland; married
Ann HOSSACK 1841 Scotland; son James Davis McGREGOR was born 10 mar 1850
at St. Louis; in Utah by 1853
McINTOSH, Daniel (StLM, p. 65; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); member of St. Louis Lyceum,
which met to study principles of the gospel 1846; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; member 27th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Elizabeth
McINTOSH, William (SEB); born 1819 Bridgeton, Lanark, Scotland; married
Maria CALDWELL 1841 Canada; two sons were born at St. Louis: David Hirum
McINTOSH born 5 Sep 1847, William Henry McINTOSH born 18 Apr 1849; came to
Utah in 1852
McLEAN, _____ (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, Mar 1862, age and nativity
not shown
McLEAN, Fanny (OPH, v. 1, p. 323); born 1842 Sunderland, England, to Francis
McLEAN and Sarah PORTER; emigrated with mother and siblings in 1850; lived in St.
Louis until 1857
McLEAN, Margaret (StLB, p. 31); born 28 Jun 1859 St. Louis to Margaret
McLEAN; no blessing date given
McLELLAND, Thomas (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 431; StLM, p. 71); born 1819 Calmore,
Londonderry, Ireland to Edward McLELLAND and Mary LOCKHART; immigrated to
America in 1844 with wife Elizabeth; resided in St. Louis 1846–48; at Conference in St.
Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 9th Quorum of Seventies; member of Dry Hill Branch;
with wife Elizabeth
McLUCKIE, Ann (SEB); born 1824 Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland; married
David LOVE 1842 Scotland; died 1 November 1850 on Mississippi River; buried St. Louis
McMASTER, Grace (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
McNEIL, John (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 504); born 1827 near Edinburgh, Scotland; married
Janet BOWMAN in 1850 in Scotland; immigrated to America in 1851; wife and child
died of cholera on river near St. Louis; worked in coal mines near St. Louis; crossed plains
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
to Utah in 1852 in John S. Higbee’s Hundred
McNEIL, Margaret (StLD, p. 4, #114); died at St. Louis, 27 Jun 1854, age 27 year;
native of Isle of Man
McNEIL, Margaret (OPH, v. 3, p. 199); born near Edinburgh, Scotland, to Thomas
McNEIL and Janet REID; emigrated with family in 1856; went to St. Louis to spend winter where father was called on mission to open an LDS settlement at Genoa, Nebraska
McTAGGART, Thomas (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 7th Quorum of Seventies; with Phyllis McTAGGART
MECHAM, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 10, #263); died at St. Louis, 14 Sep 1855, age 8
months, 11 days; native of America, parents not listed
MECHAM, Julia (StLD, p. 10, #264); died at St. Louis, 14 Sep 1855, age 11 years;
native of England, parents not listed
MELLOR, Alice (SEB); born 1815 Holebottom, Lancashire, England; married
Thomas HILL 5 Nov 1850 at St. Louis; daughter Sarah HILL born 26 May 1853 at St.
MERRICK, Fanny (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
George and Masiah MERRICK
METHVAN, Joseph Young (StLD, p. 11, #291); died at St. Louis, 1 Oct 1855, age
1 year; native of America, parents not listed
MIDGLEY, Joshua (SEB; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 490); born 1832 Almondbury, Yorkshire,
England, to Thomas MIDGLEY and Ellen HINCHCLIFFE; immigrated to US in 1850
with father; resided St. Louis 1850–52; ordained a Deacon 8 May 1851 at St. Louis;
crossed plains to Utah 1852
MILES, Nancy (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at Illinois, 27 Oct 1853, age 9 years, 10
months; native of America, parents not listed
MILES, Samuel, Sr. (SEB); born 1779 Branford, Hew Haven, Connecticut; married
(1) Sarah SIMONDS (2) Prudence MARKS; died 22 Dec 1847 St. Louis
MILLER, Martin (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
Mary, Amos, and Benjamin MILLER
MILLER, Mary Thompson (SEB); born 1817 Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts;
married David NELSON 1836; died 9 July 1849 St. Louis
MILLER, William (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member of Seventies; with Martha MILLER
MILLERING, Mary Ellen (StLB, p. 33); born 23 Aug 1856 St. Louis (parents not
listed); blessed 7 May 1861
MILLS, Robert (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
MINNION, Emma J. (StLD, p. 2, #30); died at St. Louis, 15 Jun 1852, age 1 year,
6 months (parents not listed)
MITCHEL, Mary (StLD, p. 1, #21); died at St. Louis, 29 Aug 1852, age 20 years
MITCHELL, Frederick Augustus Herman Frank (SEB; LDSBE, v. 4, p. 340); born
1835 Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, to Hezekiah MITCHELL and Sarah MALLINSON;
family baptized in England, immigrated to St. Louis in 1849; arrived in Utah 1854
MITCHELL, Hezekiah (SEB); born 1810 Simondsley, Derbyshire, England; married Sarah MALLINSON 1832 England; daughter Sarah Ann MITCHELL born 31
March 1851 St. Louis; came to Utah 1854 in James Brown Company
MITTEN, Hannah Rosalie (StLB, p. 34); born 8 Nov 1861 St. Louis to John and
Ann MITTEN; blessed 30 Mar 1862
MITTEN, John William (StLB, p. 32); born 14 Jul 1859 St. Louis to John and
Annie MITTEN; blessed 21 Aug 1859
MONTEIRTH, Alvin Moroni (SEB; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 198); born 1824 Wiscasset,
Lincoln, Maine; married Caroline HARDY 1848 (prob. St. Louis); lived in St. Louis
Nauvoo Journal
1846–48; came to Utah in 1853
MOORE, John Wright (StLB, p. 31); born 7 Apr 1857 St. Louis to John and Sarah
MOORE; blessed 14 Jun 1857
MOORE, William (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 8 Dec 1856, age 30 years, 5
months, 10 days; native of England
MORLEY, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 29 Nov 1861, age 47
years; native of England
MORRIS, James (StLB, p. 35); born 14 May 1862 St. Louis to Robert and Janet
MORRIS; blessed 8 Jun 1862
MORRIS, Jane (StLD, p. 5, #117); died at St. Louis, June 1854, age 30 years; native
of Isle of Man
MORRIS, Joseph (Kimball, Stanley B., p. 491); born 15 December 1824, in
Burwardsley, Cheshire, England; married Mary Thorpe in England; emigrated in 1848;
spent four years in St. Louis where he worked as a fireman aboard a Mississippi river boat;
while in St. Louis had “remarkable visions and spiritual impressions”;15 immigrated to
Utah in 1850; organized his own church, the “Morrisites”
MORRIS, Joseph (StLD, p. 3, #83); died at St. Louis, 26 Dec 1852, age 8 months;
native of America, son of Joseph and Mary MORRIS
MORRIS, Mary (StLD, p. 4, #113); died at St. Louis, 27 Jun 1854, age 41 years;
native of England
MORRISON, Hannah (StLD, p. 10, #274); died at St. Louis, 26 Jul 1855, age 55
years; native of England
MORRISON, Mary Isabella (StLD, p. 6, #156); died at Gravois, Missouri, 23 Jul
1854, age 1 years, 6 months; native of England, daughter of William and M[ary] MORRISON
MORRISON, Sarah Allen (StLD, p. 6, #155); died at St. Louis, 28 Jul 1854, age 3
years, 9 months; native of England, daughter of William and M[ary] MORRISON
MORRISON, William (SEB; CC, 4 November 1854); born 1820 Lavernry,
Aberdeen, Scotland; married Mary Margaret CRUICKSHANK 1843 Scotland; daughter
Mary Margaret MORRISON born 3 Jan 1855 St. Louis; member of High Council in St.
Louis Stake of Zion in 1854
MUNDAY, Jane (OPH, v. 6, p. 441); born 1832 Coventry, Warwickshire, England,
to Thomas MUNDAY and Harriet LANCASTER; immigrated to America 1851 with
mother and stepfather; married Samuel BROWN 1853 St. Louis; son born 2 Aug 1854;
died 4 Aug 1854 St. Louis; husband, mother, and stepfather all died at St. Louis of cholera;
immigrated to Utah 1855
MULLETT, Joseph E. (PPMU, p. 1050); born 1838 Charleton, Somerset, England;
married Rhoda POCOCK 1867 at St. Louis; came to Utah 1868 Chester Loveland
MURRAY, John (SEB and StLM, p. 68); born 1814 Edinburgh, Scot; married Sarah
BATES 1833 Michigan, USA; son Joseph Albert MURRAY born 8 Sep 1846 St. Louis;
at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; elder; with wife Sarah; came to Utah in 1852
MUSIC, David (StLM, p. 72); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Teacher;
member of Dry Hill Branch; with wife Janet and one child
MUSIC (or MUSICK), Samuel (StLM, p. 69; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); at Conference in
St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member of 30th Quorum of Seventies; with Elizabeth, Rebecca
Ann, Elijah, Teancum MUSIC; appointed supervision of 6th Ward in St. Louis 1847
MUTCH, Ann (StLD, p. 5, #145); died at St. Louis, 20 Jul 1854, age 73 years;
native of England
MYRCROFT, Benjamin (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 11 Aug 1856, age 1
year, 3 months; native of America, parents not listed
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
ASH, Ellen Elvira Lane (OPH, v. 8, p. 202); born 17 Feb 1863 in St. Louis to
Charles Alonzo and Virginia LANE; mother died of smallpox at St. Louis 14 Nov 1863;
adopted in St. Louis by Isaac Bartlett NASH and Hester Elvira POOLE
NASH, Isaac Bartlett (LDSBE, v. 3, p. 466); born 1824 Kidwelly, Carmarthanshire,
Wales, to David and Mary NASH; emigrated in 1849, continued on to Utah; in 1859
returned to States with children who survived Mountain Meadows Massacre; stayed at St.
Louis until 1864; adopted three children at St. Louis
NEATH, Jasper (StLD, p. 2, #58); died at St. Louis, 11 Aug 1852, age 23 years;
native of England
NEEDHAM, James (SEB; PPMU, p. 994, see LAMBERT, George C.; LDSBE, v. 2,
p. 419); born 1826 Warrington, England; married Alice WARBURTON 1850; lived in
St. Louis three years; two children born at St. Louis: Sophia and Mary A. NEEDHAM;
came to Utah in 1854
NEEDHAM, James, Sr. (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 414); baptized by son John on arrival in
St. Louis; crossed to Utah in 1851 with son’s family, but returned a couple years later to
St. Louis; died at St. Louis
NEEDHAM, John (StLM, p. 69; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 414); born 1819 Leeds, Yorkshire,
England, to James NEEDHAM and Mary ARMITAGE; married Sarah Ann BOOTH
1843 in Nauvoo; moved to St. Louis in 1846 where he kept a store; sent brother James
back to England to bring parents to America; mother died while sailing up Mississippi
River; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder; with Sarah Ann NEEDHAM;
crossed to Utah 1851
NEER, Rose Ann (StLD, p. 1, #17); died at St. Louis, 20 Jul 1852, age 24 years
NELSON, Daniel Morgan (LDSBE, v. 3, p. 183); born 12 Jan 1854 at St. Louis to
Edward B. NELSON and Agnes MORGAN; came to Utah with parents in 1864
NELSON, David (SEB and StLM, p. 69); born 1801 Shrewsbury, Worcester,
Massachusetts; married Mary Thompson MILLER 1836; daughter Martha Ann NELSON
born 1846 St. Louis; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; High Priest; with wife
Mary; he was a painter in St. Louis 1846–52
NELSON, James Horace (SEB); born 1839 Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois, to David
NELSON and Mary Thompson MILLER; lived in St. Louis 1846–52 where his mother
died in 1849
NELSON, Martha Ann (SEB); born 1846 St. Louis to David NELSON and Mary
Thompson MILLER; died 3 Aug 1849 at St. Louis
NEWMAN, William Jackson (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 377); born 1842 South Witham,
Lincolnshire, England, to William NEWMAN and Mary Ann JACKSON; emigrated
with parents in 1850; stayed at St. Louis where father died 11 Feb 1851 and brother
Thomas died 13 Feb 1851; crossed to Utah 1853
NICOL, Jennette or Janet (SEB); born 1816 Johnstone, Renfrew, Scotland; married
William GIBSON 1831 Scotland; daughter Catherine McFarlane GIBSON 1851 at St.
NICOL, Thomas (OPH, v. 5, p. 464); born 1824 Coleton, Fifeshire, Scotland, to
Thomas NICOL and Elizabeth DRYBER; married Elizabeth WATSON in Scotland;
immigrated to America 1849; daughter died at sea; lived in St. Louis where eight members of his family died; mother Elizabeth died of cholera 17 Jul 1852 at St. Louis; father
Thomas died 17 Aug 1852 at St. Louis; sister Elizabeth (NICOL) McKENZIE; two brothers, James and John, died at St. Louis in 1853; three of Thomas’s children were born and
died at St. Louis: Thomas V born 1 Jan 1852, died 3 Mar 1853, George born 3 Jan 1851,
died 25 Feb 1853, Beth born 18 Dec 1852, died 26 Dec 1853; immigrated to Utah in 1853
NIELSEN, Jens Christian (OPH, v. 5, p. 486); bon 1839 Faaborg, Denmark, to
Niels JENSEN and Maren JEPPESEN; emigrated in 1855; President of Danish Saints in
Nauvoo Journal
St. Louis; immigrated to Utah 1856
NIGHTINGALE, Agnes (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
with Margaret and Ellenor NIGHTINGALE
NILSEN, John (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
NIXON, George (SEB); born 1818 Valenciennes, France; married Frances HART
1839 England; two children born at St. Louis: George William NIXON born 26 Sep 1847,
Fanny NIXON born 19 Jan 1851; came to Utah 1853 in Vincent Shurtliff Company
NIXON, George William (PPMU, p. 377); born 26 Sep 1847 St. Louis to George
NIXON and Frances HART
NOBLE, Harper Waterhouse (StLD, p. 10, #280); died at St. Louis, 22 Jan 1856, age
22 years; Elder; native of England
NORRIS, Robert (StLD, p. 2, #47); died at St. Louis, 17 Nov 1852, age 1 month,
10 days; native of St. Louis, son of R. and E. NORRIS
NORVEL, George (StLM, p. 61; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); at Conference in St. Louis on
31 Jan 1847; member 32nd Quorum of Seventies; with wife Catharine and three children; appointed supervision of 1st Ward in St. Louis 1847
AKLEY, Ann (StLD, p. 8, #224); died at sea, 21 Dec 1854, age 3 years; family
native of England, parents not listed
ODELL, James W. (StLD, p. 9, #240); died at St. Louis, 12 Aug 1854, age 23 years,
11 months; native of England
OGDEN, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 3, #86); died at St. Louis, 30 Dec 1853, age 23 years;
native of England
OKEY, Henry (StLD, p. 9, #234); died at sea, 1 Jan 1855, age 5 years; native of
England, parents not listed
OKEY, Susannah (StLD, p. 9, #235); died at sea, 2 Jan1855, age 11 months; family
native of England, parents not listed
OLD, Alfred Robert (StLB, p. 33) (see OULD also); born 24 Dec 1858 St. Louis to
Robert OLD (no mother or blessing date given)
OLD, Joseph Hyrum (StLB, p. 33; StLD, p. 12, n.n.); born 17 Aug 1860 St. Louis to
Robert OLD (no mother or blessing date given); died at St. Louis, 22 Jul 1861, age 9
OLSEN, Benjamin (StLB, p. 34); born 13 Apr 1862 St. Louis to Benjamin and
Trenia OLSEN; blessed 18 May 1862
OLSEN, Josephine (StLB, p. 32); born 8 Mar 1860 St. Louis (no parents listed);
blessed 21 Apr 1860
OPENSHAW, George (OPH, v. 16, p. 191); of Heywood, Lancashire, England;
married Nancy INGHAM; emigrated 1853; baby girl born and died at St. Louis
ORMOND, Mary (SEB); born England or Wales; baptized 1843; married John
MORRIS 1847; immigrated to St. Louis 1850 where her husband died 1851; married
William GEORGE
ORSER, Martha (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; widow
with two children
OSMOND, George (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 348); born 1836 London, England, to George
OSMOND and Nancy CANHAM; immigrated to America in 1854 aboard the Clara
Wheeler; worked in St. Louis for Capt. James EADS; married Georgina HUCKVALE in
1855 in St. Louis; crossed to Utah in 1855 driving ox team for Hooper and Williams
OULD, William (StLD, p. 11, #297) (see OLD also); died at St. Louis, 4 Jul 1856,
age 14 days; native of America, parents not listed
OULDCOTT, Sarah Ann (StLB, p. 31); born 14 Mar 1857 St. Louis to Robert and
Eliza OULDCOTT; no blessing date given
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
PACKER, Ellen A. (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
PAGE, Ann (StLD, p. 10, #278); died at St. Louis at city hospital, 15 May 1855, age
19 years; native of England
PALMER, Henry (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 10th Quorum of Seventies; with Hannah PALMER
PALMER, James (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 15th Quorum of Seventies; wife Mary Ann
PALMER, John (SEB); born 1824 Chesterfield, England; baptized 1848 in England;
immigrated to St. Louis
PALMER, Sarah (SEB); born 1822 Chesterfield, England; baptized 1848 in
England; immigrated to St. Louis
PARKER, Alice (SEB; OPH, v. 6, p. 512; MCWpr); born 8 June 1848 St. Louis to
John PARKER Jr. and Ellen BRIGGS
PARKER, John (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with Sarah, Thomas, Agnes, Susannah, Jane, and Elizabeth PARKER
PARKER, John, Sr. (StLM, p. 68; MCWpr); born 17 Aug 1775, Chaigley,
Lancashire, England; married Ellen HESKEN, 1799, Yorkshire, England; she died 1845
in Nauvoo; moved to St. Louis in 1846 with son John PARKER Jr. and his family; High
Priest; died 1857 in Salt Lake City.
PARKER, John Jr. (SEB; StLM, p. 68; MCWpr); born 1812 Chaigley, Lancashire,
England; married (1) Alice WHITTAKER 1835, she died 1843; (2) Ellen BRIGGS
(DOUGLAS) 1846 at Nauvoo; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 25th
Quorum of Seventies; with wife Ellen and her children Richard, Isabella, Ann and Mary
DOUGLAS; two children born at St. Louis where he resided six years: Alice PARKER
born 8 Jan 1848, John PARKER born 1 Nov 1851; three children by first wife living with
him in St. Louis: William, Elizabeth, Mary Ann; six children by second wife living with
him in St. Louis: Richard, Ann, Isabella, Mary, George, Ellen Vilate DOUGLAS.
PARKER, John (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
34th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Drusilla
PARKER, Joshua (SEB); born 1809 New York City, New York; married Drusilla
Dixon HARTLEY 1844 in Nauvoo; son Joshua PARKER born 21 May 1847 at St. Louis
PARKER, Mary Ann (SEB; LDSBE, v. 3, p. 214; MCWpr) born 1839 Chaigley,
Lancashire, England, to John PARKER Jr. and Alice WHITTAKER or WOODACRE;
immigrated to Nauvoo in 1845 with father and siblings; baptized 1848 at St. Louis;
resided in St. Louis for six years
PARKINS, Mary (StLD, p. 9, #256); died at St. Louis, 1 Aug 1855, age 1 year, 4
months; native of America, parents not listed
PARKINSON, Samuel Chandler (PPMU, p. 412 and 1088); born 1853 at St. Louis
to Samuel Rose PARKINSON and Arabella CHANDLER; came to Utah in 1854 Capt.
Field Company
PARKINSON, Samuel Rose (PPMU, p. 412; SEB; LDSBE, v. 3, p. 177 ); born 1831
Barrowford, Lancashire, England, to William PARKINSON and Charlotte ROSE;
resided St. Louis 1846–54; married Arabella Ann CHANDLER 1 January 1852 at St.
Louis; son Samuel Chandler PARKINSON born 23 Feb 1853 at St. Louis; came to Utah
in 1854, Capt. Field Company
PARKS, Catherine Sarah (StLB, p. 33); born 12 May 1861 Belleville, Illinois, to
James and Mary Ann PARKS; blessed 17 Sep 1861 St. Louis
PARRY, Joseph (PPMU, p. 1089 and SEB); born 1825 at Newmarket, Flintshire,
Wales; married (1) Jane PAYNE 1848 England; married (2) Eliza TUNKS 1 Apr 1850 at
St. Louis
PARTINGTON, Ralph (SESpr); born 1806 Skippool, Lancashire, England; mar-
Nauvoo Journal
ried Ann TAYLOR in England; immigrated to Nauvoo with family 1843; resided at St.
Louis 1846–53 where one child was born: Heber George PARTINGTON born 14 Mar
1850, died 3 Sep 1850 at St. Louis; came to Utah 1853 in Moses Clawson’s St. Louis
PARTINGTON, Scoles (StLD, p. 5, #139); died at St. Louis, June 1854, age 5
years; native of England, parents not listed (not the child of Ralph and Ann PARTINGTON)
PARTINGTON, William Edward (SESpr); born 1836 Preston, Lancashire
England. to Ralph PARTINGTON and Ann TAYLOR; baptized in Nauvoo 1 Jun 1844;
resided at St. Louis with family 1846–52; came to Utah 1852 James Jepson St. Louis
PATRICK, Rufus (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 2nd Quorum of Seventies; with wife Achvah
PATRICK, Sarah (StLD, p. 3, #85); died at St. Louis, 31 Oct 1853, age 64 years;
native of England
PATTERSON, Elizabeth (SEB); born 1821 Clackmannan, Scot; married John
Davidson BURT 1848 Scot; son Andrew Patterson BURT born 17 Mar 1850 at St. Louis
PATTERSON, Margaret Fife (OPH, v. 16, p. 424); born 1814 Clackmannan,
Scotland, to John FIFE and Margaret HUNTER; married Andrew PATTERSON 1837
Scotland; resided at St. Louis (1848) to earn money for journey to Utah
PEARCE, Lilly (StLB, p. 33); born 29 Oct 1860 Mt. Pleasant, Missouri to Thomas
and Louisa PEARCE; blessed 13 Oct 1861 St. Louis
PEARCE, Rebecca (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
PEARCE, William (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with Sarah, Helen, William Jr., and Joseph PEARCE
PEARSON, Clara Maria (StLB, p. 33); born 21 Jun 1857 St. Louis to John and
Metinah PEARSON; blessed 30 Aug 1857
PEEL, Benjamin (SEB); born 1825 Houghton Tower, Lancashire, England; married
Nancy Agnes TURNBULL 1844 in England; two children born at St. Louis: Ann Jane
PEEL born 15 Feb 1852, Robert PEEL born 6 Jan 1858
PEET, Joseph (StLD, p. 4, #116); died at St. Louis, 24 Jun 1854, age 56 years; native
of England
PEGLAR, George Hiram (StLD, p. 4, #112); died at St. Louis, 3 Jul 1854, age 1 year,
8 months; native of America, parents not listed (probably Peter and Jane PEGLAR)
PEGLAR, James Henry (StLB, p. 31); born 8 Jan 1857 St. Louis to Peter and Jane
PEGLAR; blessed 22 Feb 1857
PERKES, James (PPMU, p. 1095); born 1819 Dudley, Worcestershire, England;
married Mary Ann GIBSON 1854 at St. Louis; came to Utah 1862 Henry W. Miller
PERRY, Ann Elizabeth (PPMU, p. 723); born 1 Dec 1851 St. Louis to George
PERRY and Susannah WARD; came to Utah 1852 Joseph Jepson Company
PETERSON, Caroline (OPH, v. 10, p. 317); born 1843 Falster, Denmark, to Peter
PETERSON and Dorthea THOMPSON; immigrated to America where mother died at
St. Louis; crossed to Utah 1854
PHELPS, Henry E. (CC, 27 November 1854). The ship Clara Wheeler sailed from
Liverpool, England, with 422 Saints under the direction of Henry E. PHELPS. The company arrived at St. Louis 22 January 1855 (21 deaths on board)
PHELPS, Sarah (SEB); born 1825 Homer, New York to William PHELPS and Sally
WATERMAN; married Samuel R. SHAW 1 Oct 1843 St. Louis
PICKETT, George (SEB); born 1821 Chieveley, Berkshire, England; married Maria
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
JARVIS 843 England; died 2 Apr 1857 St. Louis
PICKETT, William (OPH, v. 5,p. 440); member of St. Louis Lyceum, which met to
study principles of the gospel 1846
PICKLES, John (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
15th Quorum of Seventies; with Mary and Lavina PICKLES
PICKNELL, Cathrine (StLD, p. 7, #197); died at St. Louis, 27 Jan 1855, age 11
years; native of England, parents not listed
PICKNELL, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 8, #219); died at sea, 14 Dec 1854, age 40 years;
native of England
PICKNELL, John (StLD, p. 7, #202); died at St. Louis, 3 Apr 1855, age 15 years;
native of England, no parents listed
PICKNELL, Joseph (StLD, p. 8, #227); died at sea, 28 Dec 1854, age 2 years, 6
months; family native of England, parents not listed
PICKNELL, Thomas (StLD, p. 7, #193); died at St. Louis, 24 Jan 1855, age 13
years; native of England, parents not listed
PIEPGRAS, Rosalia Dorothea (StLD, p. 4, #90); died at St. Louis, 7 Apr 1854, age
2 years, 11 months; native of Schleswig, Germany, parents not listed
PIERCE, Helen (SEB); born 1826 Wadden, Cambridge, England; married Edward
CONDER 1846 St. Louis; two children born at St. Louis: William CONDER born 7 Dec
1847, John Spencer CONDER born 7 Apr 1849
PILLING, Richard (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 386); born 133 Waddington, Yorkshire,
England, to John PILLING and Peggy BANKS; immigrated to America in 1850 where
he lived in St. Louis for six months
PINCOCK, John (PPMU, p. 1106; SEB; MCWpr); born 1830 Exton, Lancashire,
England; married Isabella DOUGLAS, daughter of George DOUGLAS, deceased, and
Ellen BRIGGS, 3 Feb 1851 St. Louis; daughter Mary Ellen PINCOCK born 8 Nov 1851
St. Louis; worked in root beer factory of wife’s stepfather, John PARKER Jr.; came to Utah
in 1852 John Parker independent company
PIPER, John (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
27th Quorum of Seventies; member of Dry Hill Branch; with wife Madaline
PIXTON, Elizabeth Cooper (SESpr); born 1820 Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England,
to John and Charlotte COOPER; married Robert PIXTON 1839 in England; husband
joined Mormon Battalion at Mt. Pisgah; resided at Winter Quarters; July 1847 she went
to St. Louis to earn money to pay for emigration to Utah; remained in St. Louis until
spring 1848
PLAYER, Ann (SESpr); born 1823 London, Middlesex, England; married James
GROCOTT 19 Feb 1843 at Nauvoo; four children born at St. Louis 1846–54 where her
first husband died (see GROCOTT); married John KIRBY about 1858 at St. Louis; did
not migrate to Utah
POLLARD, Joseph (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 635); born 1819 Corfe Castle, Dorsetshire,
England; married Mary Ann BAILEY 1845 in England; emigrated in 1854 aboard Clara
Wheeler; resided in St. Louis and worked for Capt. James Eades; ordained High Priest in
St. Louis by Apostle Erastus SNOW; immigrated to Utah in 1857 in Capt. Jacob Hoffines
POPPLETON, George (StLD, p. 2, #44); died at St. Louis, 13 Aug 1852, age 1
month, 6 days; son of William POPPLETON from England
POWELL, John (OPH, v. 5, p. 476); arrived at St. Louis 27 Mar 1851
POWELL, John (StLD, p. 1, #4); died at St. Louis, 10 Apr 1851, age 4 years; native
of England, son of J. and F. POWELL
POWELL, Mercy (StLD, p. 9, #244); died at along the Missouri River, 18 Oct 1853,
age 1 year, 5 months; native of England, daughter of Jno. and Fanny POWELL
Nauvoo Journal
POWELL, Samuel (StLD, p. 9, #248); died at St. Louis, 5 Sep 1855, age 4 months,
16 days; native of America, son of Jno. and Fanny POWELL
PRATT, Isabel (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
PRATT, Phebe H. (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
PRIORS, Hugh (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
PROCTOR, John (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
PULLIN, Ann (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; widow
PULLIN, Jane (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with Alice
PYPER, Alexander Crookshan (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 627); born 1828 Largs, Ayrshire,
Scotland; immigrated to America after joining Church and resided in St. Louis for several years
PYPER, James Munro (PPMU, p. 1118 and SEB); born 14 July 1847 St. Louis to
John PYPER and Madaline GARDNER
PYPER, John (SEB); born 1820 Balnagown, Ross, Scotland; married Madaline
GARDNER 24 Apr 1846 Nauvoo; two children born at St. Louis: James Munro PYPER
born 14 July 1847, Alexander Gardner PYPER born 15 Mar 1849
UICK, George (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
Philitus QUICK
QUICK, Lorenzo A. (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 1st Quorum of Seventies; wife Elizabeth
ADMALL, Henry Bullifent (SEB); born 1814 East Retford, Nottingham,
England; married Caroline SEVERN 1844 in England; two children born in St. Louisa;
Emile Gee RADMALL born 8 Sep 1850, Samuel D. RADMALL born 21 Jul 1852; immigrated to Utah 1853
RADMALL, Samuel Daniel (PPMU, p. 1118); born 1852 at St. Louis, son of Henry
B. RADMALL and Ann BUTLER; came to Utah 1853 with independent company
RALETTE, Elizabeth Ann (StLB, p. 34); born 29 Dec 1861 St. Louis to Elmer and
Sarah Ann RALETTE; blessing date not given
RALETTE, Elmer Thomas (StLB, p. 34); born 29 Oct 1859 St. Louis to Elmer and
Sarah Ann RALETTE; blessing date not given
RAMPTON, Caroline (StLD, p. 6, #168); died at St. Louis, 2 Aug 1854, age 26
years; native of England
RAMPTON, Henry (OPH, v. 5, p. 467; LDSBE, v. 3, p. 493); born 1829 Old
Alresford, Southampton, England, to William and Elizabeth RAMPTON; married
Caroline HARFIELD 1850 in England; emigrated 1854; wife died at St. Louis 2 Aug
1854; married Frances DINWOODY 25 Dec 1854 at St. Louis; son Henry James RAMPTON born 4 Nov 1855 at St. Louis; immigrated to Utah 1856
RAMPTON, William (StLD, p. 7, #199); died at St. Louis, 30 Jan 1855, age 62
years; native of England
RAMSDEN, Jane (StLD, p. 7, #186); died at St. Louis, 16 Oct 1854, age 10 years;
native of England, parents not listed
RANDALL, Alfred Jason (PPMU, p. 1119); born 1845 Nauvoo, son of Alfred
RANDALL and Emerette DAVIS; married Ruth CAMPKINS at St. Louis
RANKS, Michael (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; High
Priest; with Jane, Harriet, Jane, Henry, and Joseph RANKS
RAYMOND, Charles J. (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 22nd Quorum of Seventies; with wife Catherine
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
READ, William Smith (PPMU, p. 1122 and SEB); born 1816 North Crawley,
Buckinghamshire, England; married Elizabeth SIMMONS 20 Apr 1852 at St. Louis; came
to Utah in 1853
REDMAN, Jane (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 4 Jan 1862, age 20 years, 8
months, 3 days; native of England
REED, Ezra (StLD, p. 10, #276); died at St. Louis, 13 May 1855, age 18 years; native
of England
REEDER, Hyrum (StLD, p. 6, #151); died at St. Louis, 6 Jul 1854, age 1 year; native
of England, son of J[ohn] and E[lizabeth] REEDER
REEDER, Robert (StLD, p. 2, #41); died at St. Louis, 3 Dec 1852, age 32 years;
native of England
REEDER, Sarah Jane (StLB, p. 31); born 8 Mar 1857 St. Louis to John and
Elizabeth REEDER; no blessing date given
REECH, Clara Mariah (StLD, p. 7, #192); died at St. Louis, 11 Nov 1854, age 1
month, 21 days; native of America, daughter of A. and E. REECH
REES, Emma Frances (StLD, p. 8, #221); died at sea, 16 Dec 1854, age 2 years, 6
months; family native of England, parents not listed
REES, Matilda (StLD, p. 8, #223); died at sea, 18 Dec 1854, age 3 months; family
native of England, parents not listed
REESE, Mary Ann (StLD, p. 7, #196); died at St. Louis, 25 Jan 1855, age 5 years, 6
months; native of England, parents not listed
REILEY, John (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
4th Quorum of Seventies; wife Margaret
REILEY, Elizabeth (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; children: Elizabeth Jr., Ruth, Susanna, Richard
RENAULT, John F. (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 17th Quorum of Seventies; with Martha Ann RENAULT
REX, Mary (MEAD) (OPH, v. 5, p. 498); born 1813 Charleston, Somerset,
England; first husband William REX died at St. Louis 7 Apr 1852 (see below); she then
married James CLUCAS (1852) in St. Louis; son Samuel CLUCAS born 6 Jun 1853;
died 22 Jul 1853 at St. Louis; daughter Mary Mead CLUCAS was born at St. Louis; husband James CLUCAS died at St. Louis; Mary came to Utah in 1870 after 20 years in St.
REX, Willard (StLD, p. 2, #55); died at St. Louis, 19 Jun 1853, age 11 months;
native of America, son of M[ary] REX
REX, William (OPH, v. 5, p. 498); born 1817 Upton Noble, Somerset, England;
married Mary MEAD; immigrated to America in 1850 with wife and five children;
daughter Florence Celeste died at St. Louis 29 Jul 1851; William died at St. Louis 7 Apr
1852; son Willard born Jul 1852; died 19 Jun 1853 at St. Louis; wife and sons lived in St.
Louis for 20 years and moved to Utah 1870
RHODES, Mary (PPMU, p. 847, see DOXEY, Thomas); born 11 Sep 1850 in St.
Louis to George RHODES and Alice MELLOR
RICHARDSON, Abigail (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
RICHARDSON, Darwin (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member of Seventies; with wife Jane C.
RICHARDSON, Esther Jane (StLB, p. 31); born 12 Apr 1857 St. Louis; parents
names not given in record; blessed 30 May 1857
RICHARDSON, Millicent (StLD, p. 9, #255); died at St. Louis, 26 Jul 1855, age
29 years; native of England
RICHARDSON, Thomas William (StLD, p. 6, #150); died at St. Louis, 9 Jul 1854,
age 2 years, 3 months; native of America, son of T. and A. RICHARDSON
Nauvoo Journal
RICHARDSON, William (StLD, p. 1, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 6 Aug 1851, age 1
year, 3 months; native of England, son of Thomas and Millicent RICHARDSON
RICKERBY, Elizabeth Ann (StLD, p. 2, #37); died at St. Louis, 7 Jan 1853, age 5
months; native of America, daughter of S. and E. RICKERBY
RIDING, Alfred Hall (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 183); born 11 Jul 1848 St. Louis to
Christopher L. RIDING and Mary Ann HALL (six weeks after parents had arrived
from England); came to Utah 1852
RIDING, Christopher Lister (SEB); born 1816 Burnley, Lancashire, England;
married Mary Ann HALL 1839 in England; two children born in St. Louis: Alfred Hall
RIDING born 11 Jul 1848, Mary Eleanor RIDING born 1850; resided St. Louis 1847 to
1852; immigrated to Utah 1852
RIGBY, James (SEB); born 1809 Cheshire, England; married Jane Lavinia LITTLEWOOD 1832 in Stockport, England; daughter Marie RIGBY born 22 Feb 1841 St.
Louis; resided in Nauvoo 1845–46 and Augusta, Iowa 1847–49
RILEY, James (Kimball, Stanley B., p. 501); branch president of St. Louis Branch
at the time of the martyrdom; held conference at St. Louis 29 Sep 1844 to sustain the
Council of the Twelve
RILEY, William W. (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 11th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Charity
RINGRORE, Elizabeth Ann (StLB, p. 33); born 12 Aug 1860 St. Louis to
Elizabeth RINGRORE; blessed 24 Mar 1861
RISBY, George (StLD, p. 7, #190); died at St. Louis, 13 Dec 1854, age 54 years;
native of England
ROBBINS, Alexander (OPH, v. 5, p. 441; Kimball, Stanley B., p. 509); sustained
as counselor to Elder Nathaniel H. FELT, President of St. Louis conference 11 Feb 1849;
succeeded Nathaniel FELT as St. Louis branch president 1850
ROBBINS, Edward (SEB); born 1806 Armagh, Ireland; married Agnes Nancy
McALLISTER ca. 1833 in England; baptized 1847 in England; died 23 Jun 1851 in St.
ROBBINS, Lewis (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; president 20th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Frances
ROBERTS, Selina (StLD, p. 1, #29); died at St. Louis, 12 Jul 1852, age 32 years;
native of England
ROBERTS, Sophia (StLD, p. 1, #24); died at St. Louis, 25 Jul 1852, age 33 years;
native of England
ROBERTS, William (StLD, p. 10, #282); died at St. Louis, 14 Jan 1856, age 43
years; Elder; native of England
ROBEUIF, Edward (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
ROBINS, Edmund (PPMU, p. 1136; MCWpr); born 1828 Cheltenham, England;
married Ann DOUGLAS, daughter of George DOUGLAS, deceased and Ellen BRIGGS, 1848 at St. Louis; worked in root beer factory for wife’s stepfather, John PARKER
Jr.; came to Utah in 1852 John Parker independent company
ROBINS, Frederick (StLD, p. 1, #11); died at St. Louis, 22 Jun 1852, age 1 year, 3
months; born at sea, no parents listed
ROBINSON, George (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Priest; with Sarah, Joseph, Eliza, William, Samuel, and Elizabeth ROBINSON
ROBINSON, John (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 14th Quorum of Seventies
ROBINSON, Joseph (PPMU, p. 1137; SEB; OPH, v. 5, p. 458); born 1827
Middleton, Lancashire, England, to George ROBINSON and Sarah HOLT; member of
Nauvoo 3rd Ward 1840s; president teachers’ quorum in St. Louis 1848; married
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
Elizabeth (Betsy) HOBSON 3 Feb 1850 in St. Louis; resided in St. Louis for four years;
came to Utah 1852 Capt. Burbank Company
ROBINSON, William (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Priest; with wife Milvon and three children
ROCKWELL, O. Porter (CC, 4 March 1843); taken prisoner in St. Louis by the
ROGERS, Telemachus (SEB); born 1816 Elizabeth City, Hampton, Virginia; married Eliza WATTON 5 Feb 1843 in Nauvoo; two children born in St. Louis: Eliza Jane
ROGERS born 27 Nov 1844, James Ephraim ROGERS born 18 Jul 1848; immigrated
to Utah about 1853
ROGERS, Thomas (StLB, p. 32); born 17 Jan (no year given) Iowa (no parents
listed); blessed 24 Jul 1860 St. Louis
ROLFE, Mary Ann (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
ROLLINGS, Abraham (StLD, p. 3, #65); died at St. Louis, 13 Aug 1853, age 5
months, 12 days; native of America, son of James and Elizabeth ROLLINGS
ROLLINGS, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 7, #177); died at St. Louis, 27 Sep 1854, age 31
years; native of Wales
ROLLINGS, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 8, #210a); died at St. Louis,17 Dec 1854, age 2
months, 20 days; native of America, daughter of James and Elizabeth ROLLINGS
ROLLINS, John B. (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 13 May 1861, age 71
years, 5 months, 14 days; native of England
ROMNEY, George (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 678); born 1831 Dalton, Lancashire,
England; son of Miles ROMNEY and Elizabeth GESKELL; married Jane JAMISON 15
Mar 1850 St. Louis; resided in from fall 1846 to spring 1850 when he immigrated to
ROMNEY, Miles (SEB); born ca. 1810 Dalton, Lancashire, England; married
Elizabeth GESKELL (GASKELL) 1830 in England; immigrated to Nauvoo in 1842;
daughter Mary Ann ROMNEY born 20 May 1848 St. Louis; resided 1846–50
ROSTRON, Mary (SEB); baptized 1848 Tottington, Lancashire, England; immigrated to St. Louis in 1850
ROTSFORD, Sarah C. (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
ROUECHE, Thomas Francis (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 464); born 1833 Lincoln County,
North Carolina to John Baptiste ROUECHE and Catharine Cecelia SKELLY; baptized
in St. Louis 1854 by Elder William COMISH; married Margaret COMISH 24 Aug 1854
at St. Louis; immigrated to Utah 1855
ROUND, Sarah Bull (OPH, v. 16, p. 438); born Birmingham, England, to Joseph
BULL and Sarah BULLOCK; married George ROUND; emigrated with husband and
mother 1844; died aboard ship of cholera leaving five children; at St. Louis, baby
George ROUND died; husband George ROUND remained in St. Louis permanently;
mother Sarah Bullock BULL continued on to Utah
ROUSE, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 6, #161); died at St. Louis, 7 Jul 1854, age 45 years;
native of America
ROWBERRY, John (SEB); born 1790 Collington, Herefordshire, England; married Mary PARRY 1817 in England; three children born in St. Louis prior to Nauvoo
period: Sarah ROWBERRY born 1833, William ROWBERRY born 1835, Edward
ROWBERRY born 27 Sep 1838; John was baptized in 1841 and moved to Nauvoo
ROWBERRY, Thomas Joseph (StLB, p. 31); born 9 Mar 1858 St. Louis to
Thomas and Harriet ROWBERRY; blessed 9 Apr 1858
ROWLEY, Theresa (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
plural wife of Lysander GEE
ROYLE, Henry (PPMU, p. 1144); born in England; married Ann CAPSTICK at
Nauvoo Journal
St. Louis; came to Utah in 1848
RUMEL, John H. (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
RUMELL, Louisa Gello (StLB, p. 33); born 28 Dec 1860 St. Louis to Nicholas
and Amanda RUMELL; blessed 3 Mar 1861
RUPILL, Robert (StLM, p. 62); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member of Seventies; with wife Margaret and three children
RUSHTON, Frederick James (SEB; LDSBE, v. 3, p. 171); born 1806 Leek,
Staffordshire, England; married (2) Eliza HUNDY ca. 1852; daughter Melvina RUSHTON born 31 Jul 1853 St. Louis; crossed to Utah in 1855 in Richard Ballantyne
RUSHTON, John (SEB); born 1821 Newton, York, England; married Margaret
HALL 25 Jun 1843 Nauvoo; died (date unknown) St. Louis
RUSTALL, John (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 12 Jul 1856, age 19
months, 24 days; native of America, parents not listed
ABIN, David (SEB and StLM, p. 62); born 1807 Cazenovia, Madison, NY;
married Elizabeth DORWARD 1832 Lancaster, PA; daughter Anna Maria SABIN born
11 Jul 1846 St. Louis; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; High Priest; with wife
Elizabeth and three children: Elizabeth Jr., Ambrose, Henry; immigrated to Utah about
SAGERS, Amanda Melvina (SEB); born 1821 Hanover, Chautaugua, NY; dau. of
John SAGERS and Amy SWEET; married Lysander GEE 1838 Far West, MO; died 22
Oct 1848 St. Louis
SAGERS, Harrison W. (StLM, p. 60); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
High Priest; with wife Olive
SAGERS, Mary Maria (SEB); born 24 Dec 1847 St. Louis to William Henry
Harrison SAGERS and Harriet Emeline BARNEY; died 27 Jun 1849 St. Louis
SALISBURY, David (SEB; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 115); born 1836 Packington,
Leicestershire, England, to Richard SALISBURY and Hannah CASTLE; emigrated
with parents and four siblings in 1849; family lived in St. Louis from 1849–51; immigrated to Utah 1853
SALISBURY, Thomas (StLB, p. 32); born 12 Oct 1859 St. Louis to Thomas and
Eliza SALISBURY; blessed 9 Sep 1860
SANDERSON, James (SEB); born 1804 Chester, Hampden, Massachusetts; married Mary Jane SPARKS 1827; died 13 Sep 1845 St. Louis
SANDERSON, John (OPH, v. 5, p. 33); of Yorkshire, England; married Rebecca
WOOD; immigrated to America 1850; returned to England on mission 1855 and
returned to St. Louis 1859; worked in St. Louis until 1861
SANDS, Andy (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder;
with wife Elizabeth
SANSOM, Charles (SEB); born 1826 Forest Green, Gloucestershire, England;
lived and worked in St. Louis 1852; in Utah by 1853
SARSNITT, G. G. (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
SAUNDERSON, Ann (SEB); baptized 1847 Whittington, England; immigrated
to St. Louis
SAVAGE, Joseph (SEB); born 1810 Nottingham, England; married (1) Eliseman
PALMER 1831 England; (2) Hannah Maria HARTLEY 17 Nov 1851 St. Louis; son
with second wife born at St. Louis, Joseph Albert SAVAGE born 22 Dec 1852
SAWYER, Levi (SEB); born 1825 Burslem, Staffordshire, England; married Rose
Ann BALL 1850 Wisconsin, USA; son Arthur W. SAWYER born 3 Jan 1859 St. Louis
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
County, MO; immigrated to Utah about 1861
SCHOLES, George (SEB); born 1812 Chadderton, Lancashire, England; son of
George SCHOLES and Sarah HYDE; immigrated to Nauvoo 1841; pioneer to Utah in
1847; returned to Winter Quarter with Pres. Young in fall 1847; conducted business for
Church in St. Louis 1848-50; married Mary SPENCER 1850 at Council Bluffs,
Pottawattamie, Iowa
SEDDON, Juliana (StLD, p. 10, #277); died at St. Louis, 29 Jun 1855, age 11
months, 1 day; native of America, parents not listed
SHANKS, James (PPMU, p. 1155); born 1810 Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland;
came to Utah 1855 Charles H. Harper Company; crossed plains sixteen times; died at
St. Louis 22 Jan 1866
SHARP, John (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 677); born 1820 Clackmannanshire,
Scotland; married Jane PATTERSON 1839 Scotland; resided in St. Louis 1848–50
SHARP, Joseph (PPMU, p. 1156; SEB; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 479); born 1817
Clackmannanshire, Scotland, to John SHARP and Mary HUNTER; emigrated 1848
with brother John; married Janet CONDIE 28 Aug 1849 St. Louis; immigrated to Utah
in independent company 1850
SHAW, Samuel R. (SEB); married Sarah PHELPS, daughter of W.W. Phelps, 1
Oct 1843 St. Louis; Engineer on steamer Agatha
SHEFFIELD, John Gardener (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 27 Sep 1856,
age 53 years; native of [not shown]
SHEPHERD, Ann Henderson (DUP, p. 94); died at St. Louis of cholera
SHEPPARD, John (StLD, p. 9, #252); died at Ft. Riley, Kansas Territory, 7 Aug
1855, age 40 years; Elder; native of England
SHILL, Robert Chappel (SEB; StLD, p. 10, #270); born 1789 Colesborne,
Gloucestershire, England; married Prudence GOULDING 1809 England; died at St.
Louis, 6 Oct 1855, age 64 years, 5 months
SIDAWAY, Sarah (StLD, p. 7, #185); died at St. Louis, 14 Oct 1854, age 32 years,
9 months; native of England
SILCOCK, Nicholas Thomas (SESpr; SEB); born 1819 Hanley, Staffordshire,
England; married Jane HEATH in England; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member of 2nd Quorum of Seventies; with wife Jane; resided in St. Louis 1846–50
where two children were born and two died: Elizabeth Jane SILCOCK born 2 Aug
1845 Nauvoo died 17 Aug 1846 St. Louis, Barbara Ann SILCOCK born 6 Sep 1847
died 10 Apr 1849 both at St. Louis, Thomas SILCOCK born 4 Dec 1849 at St. Louis;
came to Utah 1850 in Bishop Edward Hunter’s St. Louis Company
SIMPKINS, Mariah (PPMU, p. 1036, see MERRILL, Orrin P. ); born 1853 at St.
Louis; came to Utah 1863
SIMPKINS, Susan (StLD, p. 8, #205); died at St. Louis, 1 May 1855, age 29 years;
native of England
SIMPSON, Catherine Elizabeth (StLB, p. 32); born 28 Dec 1859 St. Louis to
Joseph W. and Elizabeth SIMPSON; blessed 19 Feb 1860
SIMPSON, George (StLD, p. 10, #268); died at Atchison, Kansas Territory, 28
May 1855, age 42 years; native of England
SINGLETON, John (SEB); born 1824 Preston, Lancashire, England; married
Catherine CREER 1844 England; daughter Ellen SINGLETON born 21 Jan 1849 St.
Louis; in Utah by 1852
SKELDING, Jessie Edward (StLD, p. 3, #79 and p. 8, #208; same death listed
twice); died at St. Louis, 11 Jun 1853, age 1 year, 2 months, 5 days; native of America,
son of E. and L. SKELDING
SMART, Charlotte (PPMU, p. 1087, see PARKINSON, Samuel Rose); born 1848
Nauvoo Journal
at St. Louis to Thomas S. SMART and Ann HATER; they came to Utah in 1852
SMART, Maria (PPMU, p. 1087, see PARKINSON, Samuel Rose); born 1851 at
St. Louis to Thomas S. SMART and Ann HATER; they came to Utah in 1852
SMART, Reuben W. (StLB, p. 31); born 5 Nov 1856 St. Louis to John and Mary
SMART; no blessing date given
SMART, Thomas Sharratt (LDSBE, v. 3, p. 514); born 1823 Stonewall,
Staffordshire, England, to William SMART and Maria SHARRATT; married Ann
HAYTER; settled at St. Louis where he and his wife were baptized into LDS faith;
immigrated to Utah 1852
SMITH, Agnes (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; widow;
with Agnes SMITH Jr.
SMITH, Alfred (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 6th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Ann and two children
SMITH, Ann (SEB); born 1824 Chadburn, Yorkshire, England; married John
COTTAM 1843 England; son Thomas COTTAM born 1850 St. Louis; in Utah by
SMITH, Arthur Sydney (SEB and StLM, p. 65); born 1808 Shropshire, England;
married Elizabeth LOGUE 1840 England; in Nauvoo by 1844; at Conference in St.
Louis on 31 Jan 1847; High Priest; daughter Elizabeth SMITH born 10 Oct 1850 St.
Louis; immigrated to Utah 1854 in James Brown Company
SMITH, Charles (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member; with wife Emma
SMITH, Charles (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 5th Quorum of Seventies
SMITH, Crawford (StLB, p. 32); born 21 May 1860 St. Louis to James and Jane
SMITH; blessed 25 Jun 1860; died 26 Jun 1860 St. Louis
SMITH, Isabella (StLD, p. 8, #225); died at sea, 24 Dec 1854, age 2 years, 6
months; family native of England, parents not listed
SMITH, John (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Deacon
SMITH, Joshua L. (StLD, p. 2, #53); died at St. Louis, 11 May 1853, age 32 years,
Priest; native of England
SMITH, Mariah Sarah (StLD, p. 1, #5); died at St. Louis, 10 Jun 1850, age 4
years, 6 months; native of England, daughter of Eliza SMITH
SMITH, Robert T. (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
SMITH, Samuel T. (SEB); born 1822 Calverton, Nottinghamshire, England; married Jane DEAN 1845 England; two children born in St. Louis: Ann SMITH born 12
Jan 1850, Jane SMITH born 15 Dec 1850; in Utah by 1853
SMITH, William (SEB); born 1824 Macclesfield, Cheshire, England; married (1)
Ann ORMANDY 1845 England; (2) Mary HIBBERT 1852 England; daughter with
second wife born in St. Louis County; Hannah SMITH born 31 May 1858; in Utah by
SMITH, William (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 14th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Latelia
SMOUT, Edwin Ward (SEB); born 1825 Tipton, Staffordshire, England; married
Leah OAKLEY 1847 England; resided in St. Louis 1852–54; immigrated to Utah 1854
in independent company
SNELLIS, Cornelius (StLD, p. 6, #165); died at St. Louis, 2 Aug 1854, age 40
years; native of England
SNELLIS, Mary Ann (StLD, p. 6, #164); died at St. Louis, 6 Jul 1854, age 12
years; native of England, parents not listed (father probably Cornelius SNELLIS)
SNIVELY, Aaron (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
Priest; with wife Mary and five children
SNOW, Erastus (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 103; CC, 8 July 1854; CC, 4 November
1854); born 1818 Caledonia County, Vermont; stopped in St. Louis in 1849 on his way
to mission in Denmark, caught smallpox and nursed back to health at home of
Wilkinson and Matilda STREEPER; presided over Church in Midwest at St. Louis
1854–56; organized a stake of Zion in St. Louis, Missouri, on 4 Nov 1854; published St.
Louis Luminary for a year
SNYDER, John (PPMU, p. 983, see KELSEY, Stephen); died in St. Louis 5 June
1849; wife Jane Noble SNYDER and daughter Lydia came to Utah in 1850 in an independent company
SOFFE, Martha (StLD, p. 6, #168); died at St. Louis, 5 Sep 1854, age 25 years;
native of England
SOIX, John B. (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
Phebe O. SOIX and one child
SORENSON, Jeppe (OPH, v. 4, p. 183); first wife died at St. Louis 15 Feb 1856;
married second wife Anna Catherine Cecelia LARSEN in St. Louis
SOUTHERN, Henry (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 21 Oct 1856, age 9
months; native of America, parents not listed
SOUTHWICK, Ann Golden (PPMU, p. 1023, see MARRIOTT, John); wife of
Joseph SOUTHWICK of Staffordshire, England; died in 1849 at St. Louis
SPENCER, Amelia (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
with Elijah A., George W., Helen, Mary Jane, Eunice A, Julia J. SPENCER and four
SPENCER, Orson (PPMU, p. 1178, SEB, CC, 15 October 1855; LDSBE, v. 1, p.
337); born 1802 West Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts, son of Daniel and Chloe
SPENCER; married Catherine CURTIS 1830; came to Utah 1849 as captain of a company called to mission in states 1854; served as president of St. Louis stake and appointed to edit St. Louis Luminary in July 1855; died 15 Oct 1855 St. Louis
SPILLER, Caroline (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 19 Apr 1859, age and
nativity not shown
SPILLET, Stephen (StLD, p. 10, #285); died at Perryville, Tennessee, 11 Oct
1855, age 23 years, 2 months, 2 days; Deacon, native of England
SPILSBURY, George (SEB); born 1823 Leigh, Worcestershire, England; married
Fanny SMITH 1842 England; daughter Clarinda SPILSBURY born 10 Sep 1847 St.
Louis; immigrated to Utah 1850
SPRAGUE, Alfred James (StLB, p. 33); born 23 Jul 1857 St. Louis to John and
Isabella SPRAGUE; blessed 27 Sep 1857
SPROULE, Andrew (CC, 4 November 1854; LDSBE, v. 4, p. 595); of Paisley,
Renfrew, Scotland; married Mary McSPURRIN; member of High Council in St. Louis
Stake of Zion 1854; came to Utah 1862
STABLER, George (StLD, p. 11, #294); died at St. Louis, 9 Apr 1852, age 16
years; native of England, parents not listed
STABLER, John (StLD, p. 11, #292); died at Bluff City, 14 Sep 1852, age 55
years; native of England
STABLER, Mary (StLD, p. 11, #293); died at Point _____, 4 Dec 1852, age 55
years; native of England
STANDING, Alice (StLM, p. 65); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
with Alice STANDING Jr. and Mary STANDING
STANDING, James (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 713); born 1815 Lancashire, England, to
John STANDING and Nancy VARLEY; immigrated to America with parents in 1816;
went to St. Louis after Nauvoo exodus in 1846; married Mary STANDING (2nd
Nauvoo Journal
cousin) 1847 in St. Louis
STANDING, Thomas (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
STANDING, William (StLM, p. 65; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); at Conference in St.
Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 27th Quorum of Seventies; with Margaret STANDING;
appointed supervision of 3rd Ward in St. Louis 1847
STAY, Joseph (SEB and StLB, p. 35); born 1822 Ashley, Hampshire, England;
married Sarah PEARCE 1846 England; three children born in St. Louis: (twins)
Charles and Clara STAY born 9 Dec 1860, Rebecca STAY born 9 Mar 1862; blessed 1
Jun 1862
STEEL, Harvey (StLD, p. 8, #228); died at sea, 29 Dec 1854, age 11 months; family native of England, parents not listed
STEVENS, Emily (SEB); born 1826 Frome, Somersetshire, England; married Abel
HALLIDAY 1847 England; three children born in St. Louis (see HALLIDAY, Abel)
STEVENSON, Mary Ann (StLD, p. 8, #214); died at St. Louis, 19 Mar 1855, age
35 years; native of America
STEWART, James M. (PPMU, p. 1188); born 1851 at St. Louis to William
STEWART and Elizabeth MURDOCK; came to Utah in 1856
STILL, Mary Elizabeth (StLD, p. 10, #273); died at St. Louis, 25 Jul 1855, age 11
months, 10 days; native of America, parents not listed
STOCK, Edward John (StLD, p. 9, #237); died at sea, 6 Jan 1855, age 3 days; family native of England, parents not listed
STOCK, Rebecca (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
STOCK, Sarah (StLD, p. 7, #201); died at St. Louis, 10 Feb 1855, age 25 years;
native of England
STODDARD, David Kerr (OPH, v. 13, p. 390); born 1830 Iverask, Midlothian,
Scotland, to John STODDARD; emigrated 1848; settled at St. Louis (Dry Hill) until
STOKES, Eliza Jane (StLB, p. 31); born 19 Feb 1857 St. Louis to Robert and Jane
STOKES; blessed 22 Mar 1857
STOLWORTHY, Matilda Jenkerson (OPH, v. 6, p. 514); born 1827 Alton,
England, to Thomas JENKERSON and Christiana LOVOCK; married Thomas STOLWORTHY 1849; emigrated 1854 on ship Clara Wheeler; lived at St. Louis for six
months, then continued to Utah 1855
STONES, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 2, #34); died at St. Louis, 25 Nov 1852, age 53
years; native of England
STONES, William (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Teacher; member of Dry Hill Branch; with wife Sarah and four children
STOTT, Edwin (SEB; LDSBE, v. 3, p. 530); born 1836 Lancashire, England, to
William STOTT and Sarah LEES; immigrated to America with father in 1849; resided
St. Louis and Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 1849–52; immigrated to Utah 1852 with
Isaac Bullock Company
STRATHAM, Mary Elizabeth (StLB, p. 32); blessed 4 Mar 1860 St. Louis (parents and birthday not given in record)
STRATTON, Joseph Albert (SEB; StLM, p. 60); born 1821 Bedford, Tennessee;
pioneer to Utah 1847 in Sheets Company; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
with wife Mary Ann; High Priest; served as branch president in St. Louis 1847
STREEPER, Wilkinson (MCWpr; StLM, p. 63; DUP, p. 90); married Matilda
WELLS in Philadelphia; children Josephine, William Henry, Mary Catherine STREEPER born Nauvoo; son John Wilkinson STREEPER born 5 Apr 1846 in St. Louis; at
Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847 with wife Matilda; superintendent of gas works
in St. Louis; immigrated to Utah in 1851
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
STREET, Ellen Maria (StLB, p. 34); born 15 Sep 1857 St. Louis to George and
Ellen STREET; blessed 4 May 1862
STREET, George Albert (StLB, p. 34); born 27 Mar 1859 St. Louis to George and
Ellen STREET; blessed 4 May 1862
STREET, William (StLB, p. 34); 28 Feb 1861 St. Louis to George and Ellen
STREET; blessed 4 May 1862
STRICKLAND, Frances (StLD, p. 8, #210b); died at St. Louis, 29 Oct 1854, 7
months, 11 days; native of America, daughter of G. and M. STRICKLAND
STRICKLAND, Heber Charles (StLD, p. 2, #56 and p. 8, #209; same death
recorded twice); died at St. Louis, 25 Apr 1853, age 11 months, 4 days; native of
America, son of G. and C. STRICKLAND (or G. and M. STRICKLAND)
STUART, David (StLM, p. 72); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member of Dry Hill Branch
SUTHERLAND, Daniel H. (StLM, p. 66; OPH, v. 5, p. 440, 441); member of St.
Louis Lyceum, which met to study principles of the gospel 1846; at Conference in St.
Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder; president of 6th Ward in St. Louis 1848
AYLOR, Catherine (SEB); born 1798 Tarrytown, New York; married John
MINNERLY 1819; died 30 Jun 1849 St. Louis
TAYLOR, Edward (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
TAYLOR, James (SEB); born 1819 Lancashire, England; married Ann ROGERS
1839 England; two children born in St. Louis: Mary Ann Rogers TAYLOR born 10 May
1849, Esther May Rogers TAYLOR born 11 Apr 1852; worked five years in St. Louis to
earn money to migrate to Utah; came to Utah 1854
TAYLOR, John (StLD, p. 3, #71); died at St. Louis, 30 Aug 1853, age 35 years;
Elder; native of England
TAYLOR, Joseph Edward (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 295); born 1830 Horsham,
Sussex, England, son of George E. G. TAYLOR and Ann HICKS; immigrated to St.
Louis in 1851; remained there until spring of 1852; sick nine of those months
TAYLOR, Sarah Ann (StLD, p. 4, #97); died at St. Louis, 7 May 1854, age 1 year,
6 month; native of America, daughter of J. C. and A. TAYLOR
TAYSON, Charles (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 14th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Maria
TAYSON, Cornelius (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 24th Quorum of Seventies; with Sarah TAYSON
TELLE, Martha (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 524); born 28 May 1846 at St. Louis to Louis
TELLE and Amelia Ann ROGERS
TEMPLETON, Elizabeth Ann (StLD, p. 3, #68); died at St. Louis, 5 Aug 1853,
age 35 years; native of England
TERRY, John (StLD, p. 3, #81); died at St. Louis, 18 Oct 1853, age 1 year, 3
months; native of America, son of John R. and E. TERRY
THOMAS, John (PPMU, p. 1209); born 1851 at St. Louis to William THOMAS
and Elizabeth DAVID
THOMAS, John B. (StLD, p. 9, #260); died at Craters Landing, Missouri River,
buried 25 miles from mouth of river, 6 May 1855; age 25 years, native of England
THOMAS, Robert (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 35th Quorum of Seventies; with Catharine THOMAS and two children
THOMPSON, Belle (SEB); born 1845 St. Louis to Samuel THOMPSON and
THOMPSON, Catherine (OPH, v. 13, p. 376); born 1821 Arbroath, Angus,
Scotland; immigrated to St. Louis 1848; drove team of mules across plains 1851
Nauvoo Journal
THOMPSON, Charles Blanchard (SEB); born 1814 Niskayuna, Schenectady,
New York; married Catherine Ann HOUCK/HANK 1845 in Nauvoo; six children
born in St. Louis: Ida Eliza Amanda THOMPSON born 8 Aug 1847, David Lee
THOMPSON born 28 Aug 1849, Isabelle THOMPSON born 1 Jul 1851, Charles
William THOMPSON born 5 Jul 1853, George W. THOMPSON born 4 Jun 1860,
Benjamin F. THOMPSON born 17 Oct 1862; did not migrate to Utah; started the
church called the “Baneemytes”; died in Philadelphia in 1895
THOMPSON, John (StLD, p. 1, #7); died at St. Louis, 19 May 1852, age 3 years;
native of England, son of Jane THOMPSON
THOMPSON, Margaret (StLD, p. 6, #163); died at St. Louis, 23 Jul 1854, age 2
months; native of America, parents not listed
THOMPSON, Ralph (PPMU, p. 1041, see MITCHELL, Frederick A.. H. F. and
SEB); born 1811 Aycliffe, Durham, England; married Ann Bentley 1837 England; two
children born in Nauvoo in 1840s; daughter Elizabeth THOMPSON born 9 Oct 1848
in St. Louis; lived in St. Louis 1846–52; came to Utah 1852
THOMPSON, Samuel (SEB); born 1813 Pomfret, Chatuaqua, NY; married Mary
ANDERSON ca. 1838; daughter Belle THOMPSON born 1845 at St. Louis; came to
Utah by 1849
THORPE, William Washington (OPH, v. 9, p. 201); born 1823 Washington,
Derbyshire, England, to Thomas THORPE and Ann STORER; emigrated in 1850, living for a time at St. Louis; first wife died at St. Louis; married Charlotte CRUSE at St.
Louis; two children born at St. Louis: Ada and James; crossed to Utah 1853 in Capt.
Forsgren’s Company
THRUTCHLEY, George (StLD, p. 1, #20); died at St. Louis, 24 Aug 1852,
infant; son of R. and A. THRUTCHLEY
TIDCOMB, John (StLM, p. 67); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
Maria, Luke, Naomi and John
TILLOTSON, Ephraim (PPMU, p. 1179, see SQUIRES, David Merrill; SEB;
StLB, p. 33; StLD, p. 12, n.n.); born 1835 Great Horton, Yorkshire, England; married
Ruth COLLINSON 30 Sep 1856 St. Louis; two children born in St. Louis: Charles
TILLOTSON born 30 Aug 1857, John TILLOTSON born 10 Mar 1860, blessed 3 Feb
1861, died at St. Louis, 13 Feb 1861 (age 9 months); family resided in Missouri until
1877 when they came to Utah
TINGEY, John (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 648); born 1821 Colmworth, Bedfordshire,
England, to George TINGEY and Charlotte JUDD; married Phoebe STAFFORD 1847
in England; immigrated to St. Louis in 1850 where he resided about seventeen months;
crossed plains to Utah in 1852
TOLTON, Edward (OPH, v. 5, p. 453); born 1822 Newbold-on-Avon,
Warwickshire, England, to John TOLTON and Ann SMITH; emigrated with family in
1842; found employment in St. Louis; married Mary Ann TOMLINSON at St. Louis;
resided in St. Louis ten years before moving to Utah
TOLTON, Emily (PPMU, p. 737, see BARNEY, James Henry); born 9 Nov 1848
St. Louis to Edward TOLTON and Mary Ann TOMLINSON
TOMLINSON, James (StLM, p. 66); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
TOMLINSON, Mary Ann (OPH, v. 5, p. 454); born 1831 Ayrton, Yorkshire,
England, to James Percy TOMLINSON and Ester WALKER; immigrated to America
with family in 1842; married Edward TOLTON in St. Louis
TOOTH, Thomas (StLD, p. 10, #281); died at St. Louis, 24 Jan 1856, age 24
years; priest, native of England
TOOTH, Thomas George (StLD, p. 3, #78); died at St. Louis, 11 Apr 1853, age 2
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
years, 9 months; native of America, parents not listed
TOOTHANTER, Mary Jane (StLB, p. 33); born 11 Nov 1858 Indiana to
William and Lucy TOOTHANTER; blessed 25 Feb 1860 St. Louis
TRANTER, John (StLM, p. 68); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
TRIBE, Joseph (StLD, p. 6, #160); died at St. Louis, 4 Aug 1854, age 38 years;
native of England
TRINNEL, Eliza (StLB, p. 34); born 14 Jan 1861 St. Louis to John and Ann
TRINNEL; blessed 19 Sep 1861
TUCKER, Sarah (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; with
Mary Jane TUCKER and one child
TURNBULL, Ann Lasley (StLD, p. 1, #9); died at St. Louis, 10 Jun 1852m age 1
month, 21 days; native of St. Louis, no parents listed
TURNBULL, David Jr. (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 25 Aug 1856, age 6
years; native of America, parents not listed (probably David and Nancy TURNBULL)
TURNBULL, Henry (StLD, p. 3, #75); died at St. Louis, 30 Aug 1853, age 11
months; native of America, son of David and Nancy TURNBULL
TURNER, George (StLD, p. 10, #261); died at St. Louis, 6 Dec 1855, age 24
years; native of England
TUTTLE, Norton Ray (SEB); born 1830 North Haven, New Haven,
Connecticut; married Helen Elizabeth UTLEY 1851 Harris Grove, Pottawattamie,
Iowa; baptized 1848 in St. Louis
DALL, David (SEB); born 1829 Goudhurst, Kent, England; married Eliza
KING 1850 England; son David King UDALL born 7 Sep 1851 in St. Louis; worked in
brickyard in St. Louis; ordained an Elder there and presided over First Ward; came to
Utah in 1852
UDALL, David King (PPMU, p. 1220); born 1851 at St. Louis to David UDALL
and Eliza KING; came to Utah 1852 in an independent company
UDY, Mary Ann Trengrove (PPMU, p. 1220); married to James UDY; died 1850
at St. Louis; husband came to Utah in 1852
ULYARD, Augusta (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
with Mary ULYARD
URE, Janet (StLD, p. 10, #286); died at St. Louis, 23 Jan 1856, age 62 years;
native of Scotland
AN DYKE, Joseph L. (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; with Mona, Martha A., Nonamus R. VAN DYKE and five children
VASEY, John (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
VOSE, Ruth D. (SEB); born 1808 Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts; married
Edward SAYERS 23 Jan 1841 in St. Louis
AGSTAFF, William (PPMU, p. 1225); born 1809 Caldicote, Bedfordshire,
England; married Martha PACK 1851 at St. Louis; she died at St. Louis; came to Utah
in 1853 Claudius V. Spencer Company
WAIT, Rebecca (SEB); born 25 Feb 1844 St. Louis to John WAIT and Jane
COLDWELL; died 30 Nov 1847 Winter Quarters, Douglas, Nebraska
WALKER, Mary Godwin (PPMU, p. 1045, see MORRIS, Elias; DUP, p. 132); of
Manchester, England; died at St. Louis; husband William Gibson WALKER came to
Utah in 1853 in Joseph W. Young Company
WALKER, Mary Lois (DUP, p. 132); born 1835 Leek, Staffordshire, England, to
William Gibson WALKER and Mary GOODWIN; immigrated to America with family
Nauvoo Journal
in 1850; resided in St. Louis 1850–53
WALTER, George (StLD, p. 6, #153); died at St. Louis, 25 Jul 1854, age 61 years;
native of England
WANDELL, Charles Wesley (SEB; OPH, v. 1, p. 274); born 1819 Courtland,
Westchester, New York; married Mary BROWN 1846; moved to St. Louis from Nauvoo
in 1846 where he engaged in river trade for several years
WARDLE, Mary (StLD, p. 8, #218); died at sea, 12 Dec 1854, age 40 years; native
of England
WARDROBE/WARDROP, John (SEB; StLM, p. 69); born 1809 Glasgow,
Lanarkshire, Scotland; married Lucy MCINTOSH ca. 1837 Scotland; immigrated to
Nauvoo by 1843 where two children were born; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; member 27th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Lucy; son James WARDROP born
31 Dec 1848 in St. Louis; came to Utah in 1851
WARNER, Elizabeth Jane (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 12 Jul 1856, age 17
days; native of America, parents not listed
WARNER, Mary (StLD, p. 11, #296); died at St. Louis, 2 Jul 1856, age 34 years;
native of England
WATKINS, Mary Jane (PPMU, p. 953, see HYMAS, John A.); born 18 August
1859 at St. Louis to Thomas WATKINS and Ann DERRICOTT
WATSON, Robert (SEB); born 1820 Muirkirk, Ayrshire, Scotland; married Mary
COWAN 1839 Scotland; baptized 1843 Scotland; daughter Euphemia WATSON born
25 Nov 1849 St. Louis; came to Utah in 1851
WEBB, Moses (StLD, p. 4, #89); died at St. Louis, 12 Dec 1853, age 61 years; native
of England
WEBSTER, Lydia (OPH, v. 5, p. 192); born in England to Henry WEBSTER and
Ann RIGBY; immigrated to America 1849 and lived at St. Louis; married James Simpkins
BROOKS 10 Mar 1850 at St. Louis
WEIGHT, Fredrick (OPH, v. 5, p. 465); born 1828 England; married Charlotte
BERGUN; immigrated to America and settled in St. Louis 1850; directed singing at
Church meetings held in Concert Hall on Market Street in St. Louis; immigrated to Utah
in 1852
WEIGHT, John (StLD, p. 3, #80); died at St. Louis, 15 Sep 1853, age 29 years;
native of England
WELLINGTON, Ruth (StLM, p. 70); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
WELSH, Sarah Emma (StLD, p. 2, #54); died at St. Louis, 15 Jun 1853, age 3 years,
9 months; native of England, parents not listed
WENTZ, Peter Mastin (LDSBE, v. 2, p. 734); born 1831 Wayne County,
Pennsylvania, to Peter WENTZ and Mercy GREEN; joined Church at St. Louis 21 Jan
WESTWOOD, Phillip (OPH, v. 5, p. 460); son of Richard and Ann WESTWOOD; arrived in St. Louis in 1848 with wife Matilda BEARD, parents and eight brothers and sisters; organized dramatic company at St. Louis to raise funds for cholera victims;
wife died of cholera in St. Louis as did his parents and one child; crossed to Utah 1853
WHITE, Amy (StLB, p. 33); born 14 Jan 1861 St. Louis to James and Jane WHITE;
blessed 24 Feb 1861
WHITE, James Joseph (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 3 May 1857, age 9
months, 13 days; native of America, parents not listed; buried at H. G. Cemetery, Gravois
WHITELEY, Thomas (SEB); born 1811 Sheffield, York, England; baptized 1845
England; married (3) Harriet Susanna SAYNOR 1848 England; daughter Ann Elizabeth
WHITELEY born 8 Aug 1850 St. Louis; came to Utah by 1854
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
WHITMAN, Alice Emma (StLB, p. 33); born 29 Aug 1857 Leavenworth, KS to
John and Charlotte WHITMAN; blessed 14 Jun 1858 St. Louis
WHITTINGHAM, Amelia Jane (StLD, p. 8, #213); died at St. Louis, 8 Mar 1855,
age 10 months; native of America, parents not listed
WICKEL, Harrison (SEB and StLM, p. 69); born 1815 Earlville, Berks,
Pennsylvania, to Harman WICKEL and Elizabeth RICHARDS; married Sarah Ann
HENRY ca. 1845; child born in Nauvoo; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Elder; with wife Sarah; died 8 Apr 1851 St. Louis
WICKEL, Lemmon (SEB); born 1827 New Holland, Lancaster, PA to Harman
WICKEL and Elizabeth RICHARDS; married Margaret BUCKWALTER ca. 1847; son
Henry Lemmon WICKEL born 21 Aug 1848 St. Louis; died 4 Jun 1850 St. Louis
WICKEL, Richard (SEB; StLB, p. 33); born 1825 New Holland, Lancaster, PA to
Harman WICKEL and Elizabeth RICHARDS; married Louisa WEAVER 22 Jul 1860 St.
Louis; son Richard WICKEL Jr. born 21 Sep 1861 St. Louis; blessed 18 Oct 1861; came
to Utah by 1864
WILCOX, Walter Eli (SEB; MCWpr); born 1821 Dorchester, Suffolk,
Massachusetts; married Maria Wealthy RICHARDS 1844 Nauvoo; she was born 17 Jun
1827, Richmond, Berkshire, Massachusetts to Phinehas RICHARDS and Wealthy
DEWEY; moved from Nauvoo to Winter Quarters in May 1846; after summer 1847
moved between St. Louis, St. Joseph, and Weston, Missouri; daughter Cynthia Maria
WILCOX born 26 Jul 1846, Council Bluffs; daughter Ella Amelia WILCOX born 18 Dec
1850 St. Louis; came to Utah in 1852
WILD, Ann (OPH, v. 2, p. 291); born 1817 Carlton, Yorkshire, England, to James
and Mary WILD; married William CLEMENS (or CLEMENTS); immigrated to America
1844 and settled in St. Louis; she and husband were signers of the Charter of St. Louis;
two sons born in St. Louis: William George CLEMENTS born 26 Dec 1847, James Hyrum
CLEMENTS born 24 Dec 1849; crossed plains in 1850
WILDEN, Henry Clay (StLD, p. 2, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 25 Oct 1852, age 8 days
(parents not listed)
WILLIAMS, David (SEB; LDSBE, v. 2, p. 532); born 1827 Monmouthshire, Wales,
to David and Sarah WILLIAMS; married Sarah THOMAS 1847 Wales; immigrated to
St. Louis 1855 where he was president of the Welsh Saints; remained in St. Louis one year
and then moved to Canton, Illinois, where he remained until coming to Utah in 1877
WILLIAMS, Ezra Granger (PPMU, p. 1250; SEB; StLM, p. 61); born 1823
Warrensville, Cuyahoga, Ohio; baptized in 1832 by Joseph Smith; at Conference in St.
Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member 3rd Quorum of Seventies; married Henrietta Elizabeth
CROMBIE 15 Aug 1847 St. Louis; came to Utah in 1849 in Ezra T. Benson Company
WILLIAMS, Mary (StLD, p. 8, #212); died at St. Louis, August 1854, age 50 years;
native of England
WILLIAMS, Mrs. (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; widow
WILLIAMS, Rebecca (StLM, p. 61); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
WILLIAMS, Robert (SEB; OPH, v. 5, p. 440); born 1815 London, England; immigrated to Nauvoo in 1841; member of St. Louis Lyceum, which met to study principles of
the gospel 1846; worked for several years in St. Louis as tailor between 1846–50
WILLIAMS, Susan (StLD, p. 9, #241); died at St. Louis, 14 Apr 1855, age 58 years;
native of England
WILLIAMS, Thomas (StLD, p. 8, #211); died at St. Louis, August 1854, age 60
years; native of England
WILLIAMSON, Elizabeth (StLD, p. 8, #216); died at St. Louis, 10 Mar 1855, age
48 years; native of England
Nauvoo Journal
WILLSON, John (PPMU, p. 899, see GREEN, John); married Allace SMITH 9 Feb
1859 at St. Louis; daughter Elizabeth Ann WILLSON was born 8 Nov 1859 at St. Louis
WILMOTT, Robert Ray (StLD, p. 6, #173); died at St. Louis, 19 Aug 1854, age 19
days; family native of England, parents not listed
WINKLESS, Joseph (PPMU, p. 1256); born 1847 at St. Louis to Thomas WINKLESS and Mary PALMER; came to Utah 1850 in Bishop Edward Hunter Company
WINKLESS, Thomas (SEB; StLM, p. 69); born 1811 Napton, Warwickshire,
England; married (2) Mary PALMER 1843 Nauvoo; at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan
1847; member of 14th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Mary and Charlotte WINKLASS;
two children born in St. Louis: Joseph Thomas WINKLESS born 30 Jan 1847, Jane WINKLESS born 1849; died 30 Jun 1849 St. Louis
WINTER, Thomas William (SEB; LDSBE, v. 1, p. 606); born 1812 Postsea,
Hampshire, England, to Thomas John WINTER and Mary COLLIER; married Ann
DREDGE 1833 England; emigrated 1849 and spent one year in St. Louis before crossing
plains to Utah in 1850
WINTHER, Arthur Joseph (StLB, p. 34); born 1862 St. Louis to George and Emily
WINTHER; blessed 4 May 1862
WIRITLE, George Alfred (StLB, p. 33); born 10 Feb 1861 St. Louis (parents not
listed); blessed 21 Apr 1861
WISHER, Joseph (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847
WOOD, John (StLM, p. 63); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; member
30th Quorum of Seventies; with wife Rosanah
WOODS, Lavinnia Mary (StLD, p. 4, #111); died at St. Louis, 8 Jul 1854, age 11
months; native of America, daughter of A. and M. WOODS
WOODCOCK, Joseph (StLD, p. 11, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 21 Oct 1856, age 3
years, 5 months; nativity and parents not listed
WOODCOCK, Mary (StLD, p. 1, #18); died at St. Louis, 28 Jul 1852, age 43 years
WOODCOCK, Samuel (StLD, p. 9, #241); died at St. Louis, 14 Apr 1855, age 42
years; native of England
WOODWARD, Joseph (StLM, p. 71); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
member 26th Quorum of Seventies; member of Dry Hill Branch; with wife Margaret and
two children
WOOLER, David (StLD, p. 9, #246); died at St. Louis, 6 May 1853, age 15 years;
native of Scotland, parents not listed
WOOLSTENHULME, James (LDSBE, v. 1, p. 469); born 1837 Oldham,
Lancashire, England, to John W. WOOLSTENHULME and Alice MELLOR; converted
to Church aboard the ship Olympus on the way to America; met his mother (then Mrs.
Thomas HILL) in St. Louis; remained in St. Louis one year
WORKS, James M. (StLM, p. 64); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; Elder
WORSLEY, John (SEB); born 1812 Edgeworth, Lancashire, England; married
Sarah HAMER 1836 England; baptized 1841 England; two children born in St. Louis,
one in Nauvoo: Elizabeth Ann WORSLEY born 6 Dev 1843 St. Louis, John Henry
WORSLEY born 10 Apr 1846 Nauvoo, and Mary Ellen WORSLEY born 10 Sep 1847
St. Louis; died 8 Jul 1849 St. Louis
WORTHEN (WORTHING), Samuel (SEB and StLM, p. 66); born 1825
Northwich, Cheshire, England; married Sarah Ellen HALLAM 1844 Nauvoo; at
Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847; one child born in Nauvoo, two born in St. Louis:
William Hallam WORTHEN born 24 Dec 1847, Sarah Jane WORTHEN born 14 Nov
1849; came to Utah by 1850
WORTHEN, William H. (PPMU, p. 1265); born 1847 at St. Louis to Samuel
WORTHEN and Sarah HALLAM; came to Utah in 1850
Sheri E. Slaughter: Index of Early LDS in St. Louis, Missouri
WRIGHT, Elias (StLD, p. 1, #27); died at St. Louis, 17 Aug 1852, age 19 years;
native of England
WRIGHT, Thomas (SEB); born 1824 Packington, Leicestershire, England; married
Sarah MEE; baptized 1847 England; son (unnamed) born 1849 St. Louis; came to Utah
by 1851
WRIGHTON, William (SEB); born 1828 Tredington, Worcestershire, England;
married Hannah JONES 1850 England; two children born in St. Louis: John
WRIGHTON born 15 Sep 1851, Louisa WRIGHTON born 5 Oct 1852; came to Utah
in 1854
WRIGLEY, Joseph (PPMU, p. 265); born 24 Feb 1841 Manchester, England; came
to Utah 1850 St. Louis Company
WRIGLEY, Thomas (SEB; OPH, v. 5, p. 494); born 1816 Barnby upon Don,
Yorkshire, England, to John WRIGLEY and Hannah MORGAN; married Grace Mary
WILKINSON 1837 England; four children born in St. Louis: Priscilla WRIGLEY born 29
Jan 1845, Thomas Brigham WRIGLEY born 7 Jul 1847, Eliza Hannah WRIGLEY born
6 Oct 1849, and Alonza Lina WRIGLEY born 23 Nov 1851; presided over St. Louis
Conference 1851–52; came to Utah 1853
EOMAN, Thomas (StLM, p. 69); at Conference in St. Louis on 31 Jan 1847;
Priest; with Mary and Martha YEOMAN
YOUD, Samuel (StLD, p. 4, #98); died at St. Louis, 23 Jun 1854, age 47 years,
Priest; native of England
YOUNG, Edna C. (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 17 Apr 1857, age 30 years,
11 months, 11 days; native of America
YOUNG, Felorela Isabel (StLD, p. 12, n.n.); died at St. Louis, 23 Apr 1857, age 1
year, 9 months, 14 days; native of America, parents not listed
1. “Personal Reminiscences of Ellen Partington Kay,” in possession of author.
2. The sealing record listed her as Ellen Partington Richards; sealed in the
President’s office.
3. Stanley B. Kimball, “The Saints and St. Louis, 1831–1857: An Oasis of
Tolerance and Security,” BYU Studies, 13 (Summer 1973): 507.
4. Andrew Jenson, Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints (SaltLake City: Deseret News Pub. Co., 1941), 735
5. Kimball, 489-90.
6. Ibid.
7. Jenson, 735.
8. William G. Hartley, “St. Louis and the Nauvoo Exodus: The Experience of
the John Ellison Family,” see this issue of the Nauvoo Journal, pp. 39-47.
9. Esshom, Frank, ed., Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah Comprising
Photographs, Genealogies, Biographies (Salt Lake City: Utah Pioneers Book Publishing
Company, 1913).
10. Andrew Jenson, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia: A Compilation of
Biographical Sketches of Prominent Men and Women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. 4 vols. (Salt Lake City: Western Epics, 1971).
11. Susan Easton Black, comp., Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, 1830-1848, 50 vols. (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham
Young University, 1989).
Nauvoo Journal
12. Kate B. Carter, comp., Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. (Salt Lake City:
Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1958–77).
13. James T. Jakeman, Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and Their Mothers, (n.p.:
The Western Album Publishing Company, n.d.).
14. Hartley, 42.
15. C. LeRoy Anderson, Joseph Morris and the Saga of the Morrisites (Logan:
Utah State University Press, 1988).