Oak Crest Connect

You can stop here if you are using a paid
version of Norton and want to continue using
the paid version or will continue paying for
Comcast email service.
ZoneAlarm Must Not Be Used With
“Oak Crest Connect”
If you installed Panda prior to
your conversion to Oak Crest
Connect your wireless connection
will not work correctly.
Please ask the Oak Crest Connect
technician to uninstall Panda
before he begins.
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- - - Document Sequence #1 - - For Windows XP
COF Norton Removal Instructions
& Firewall Replacement
Print these instructions before you begin:
Read both documents before proceeding:
You must uninstall the free version of Norton after switching to Oak Crest
Connect wireless service (© copyright violation).
There are two sections in the removal process of Norton and installation
of Windows Firewall software. Once you start uninstalling Norton, do not
stop. Allow yourself at least 2 to 3 hours to perform both steps below.
You may not need that much time but allow extra time in case you run into
(Document #1) Uninstall Norton.
(Document #2) Install Windows Firewall software and restart PC.
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COF Norton Removal Instructions
1. From this point forward, do not run anything on the Internet or PC
until told to do so. Do not access email or run any applications.
2. Close all open applications. Once you start the Norton uninstall
process do not access Microsoft Word or read a pdf file with Adobe.
All instructions in the two main documents (including this one)
should be printed before the uninstall process begins.
The two printed documents required:
#1: COF-1-W-XP-Norton-Removal-Instructions.pdf (this document)
#2: COF-2-W-XP-Windows-Firewall-Install-Instructions.pdf
3. Click on the “Start” button.
4. Click “Control Panel”.
5. For Windows XP Norton removal:
i. Double click on “Add or Remove Programs”.
ii. In the top right corner of the screen make sure the window
selection is “Sort By: Name”. Use the drop-down arrow
to change the selection.
iii. Page down the list until you come to Norton.
iv. Single left click on Norton.
v. Left click on the “Remove” button on that line.
the pop-up screen and click “Yes”.
vi. Restart your computer.
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vii. Repeat steps #3 to #5(ii).
Search the entire list for:
“Constant Guard” software. If you find a line for it,
“Uninstall” that software too. “Constant Guard” is a
nuisance-ware software package installed at the same
time as Norton.
viii. Restart your computer again if you removed
“Constant Guard”.
6. After the restart, your computer is vulnerable to viruses from the
Internet. DO NOT RUN any programs prior to installing Windows
Proceed to the top of Document #2:
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