Onaway Elementary School PTO Giraffe Notes

Onaway Elementary School PTO
Giraffe Notes - May 20, 2016
This Week @ Onaway
View Lunch Menus
Monday 5/23
Tuesday 5/24
6 pm - IB Night/Exhibition
Wednesday 5/25
Onaway principal candidate forums in the gym (see
below), Time TBA
Thursday 5/26
Onaway principal candidate forums in the gym (see
below) Time TBA
Friday 5/27
For calendar information over the summer,
visit shaker.org/calendar
A Note From Mrs. Davis...
Dear Onaway Families,
We are pleased that the following teachers will be caring for our children next year.
Kindergarten: Sarah Kelley, Nicole Smith, Marcie Denton
First Grade: Ruth Mardell, Cissy Burns, Karie Murphy
Second Grade: Jennie DiLeo, Penny Flynn, Kenya Gest
Third Grade: Jim Sweeney, Brad Gillette, Connie Scott, Katie Porta
Fourth Grade: Martin McGuan, Susanne Peterjohn, Anne Ouellette
These teachers create strong relationships with students and families as well as a level of instructional
expertise that is exceptional.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend and looking forward to seeing you at Carnival!
All my best,
Mrs. Davis
Onaway Carnival is TONIGHT!
We'll see you all tonight at Onaway for Carnival from 5:30-8 pm. If you missed our ticket presale, we’ll have
tickets for games, food, baskets and 50/50 raffle available for purchase. Please bring cash or check! Also,
there are still spots available for volunteers. Sign up here.
Onaway 4th Grade IB PYP Exhibition
The Onaway 4th Grade IB PYP Exhibition night is at 6 pm Tuesday, May 24. A dessert reception follows.
Please review the attached flyer.
4th Grade Exhibition Reception Volunteers Needed - Tuesday, May 24
Help us host a celebration for all the hard work Onaway’s 4th Grade has done for their Exhibition. We need
parents of kindergarten thru 3rd grade volunteers to help set up, serve cake and clean up at the Exhibition
Reception. Sign up: Onaway Elementary PTO: 4th Grade Exhibition Reception. If you have a 4th grade
student please do not register to volunteer. We want you to enjoy the evening with your child. If you have any
questions please contact Heather Weingart.
Principal Recruitment and Transition
From a field of over 50 applicants, 5 candidates were interviewed on Wednesday, May 18. Interviewing
panelists narrowed the search to 2 finalists, who will participate in day-long interviews, tours and meet-andgreets next Wednesday and Thursday, May 25 and 26. Please mark your calendars and watch email and
backpack mail for more information. We hope you can attend both candidate's presentation/Q&A in the
Onaway gym both evenings. Childcare will be provided and the presentations will be recorded. Families will
have the chance to give feedback electronically. Email [email protected] with questions.
2016-2017 Class Placements
Amy Davis and Onaway teachers will create class lists in the coming weeks. Children's academic, emotional
and social needs are always considered during the class placement process, along with parent input. Please
visit the Onaway web page and scroll to the bottom for a placement information letter and form that can be
returned to the Onaway office by May 27. We ask your support in not requesting specific teachers and/or
International Field Day
Onaway International Field Day is Tuesday, May 31. We need your help for a successful event! Please sign
up here to help!
Mark Your Calendars
May 31, 9:15-11 am International Field Day, Onaway track and field
May 31, 1:00 pm 4th grade Beach Party
June 1, 2:00 pm Clap Out (Please note time change!)
Final PTO E-Newsletters For The School Year on May 27
The final PTO e-newsletters of the school year will be published on Friday, May 27. Submissions are due
to [email protected] or individual newsletter editors by Wednesday, May 25, at noon.
Summer Program Registration Closes May 31
Registration closes on May 31 for the Shaker Heights City School District's Summer, Exploration, Learning
and Fun (SELF) program. The program provides a wide array of summer options for all students in our
District. All programs will be housed within Shaker's school buildings with transportation, breakfast and lunch
included. Due to limited class size, registration is first come, first serve. Click here for program descriptions
by grade, and to register.
Join Us on May 21 for Maifest, a Celebration of German and American Culture
Join us on Saturday, May 21, on the front lawn of Onaway School from 11 am to 3 pm for a celebration of
German and American culture. There will be a raffle, food, and activities. All proceeds go to the new ShakerGoslar Scholarship Fund. The scholarship is created as part of a senior project by Maisie Hanley, Hannah
Barrett, and Saeesha Pimplikar, to open the doors for more students to be able to participate in the annual
Goslar German exchange program. Every year, students in German at the Shaker Heights High School have
the opportunity to travel to Germany for three weeks and learn about German life and culture. The scholarship
will help fund the trip for students who are unable to fund the trip themselves. If you would like to make a
monetary donation to the fund, checks can be made out to The Shaker Schools Foundation and sent to 15600
Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. Please specify that the donation is for the Goslar scholarship
fund. Thank you!
Student Art Show at Shaker Main Library, May 6-26
The Shaker Heights High School Art Department in partnership with Shaker Heights Public Library, invites
you to an exhibition of outstanding student artwork in a gallery setting. Artwork representing the depth and
breadth of the curriculum, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, graphics, drawing, photography, jewelry and
mixed media will be on display until May 26 at Shaker Main Library (16500 Van Aken Blvd.).
Senior Project Volunteers Needed on May 26!
Parents, teachers, administrators, and community members are needed to evaluate Senior Project
presentations on Thursday, May 26, in the High School's North Gym from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. No expertise
required! Volunteers need to commit to only one hour, and will also have the chance to see what hundreds of
students in the Class of 2016 have learned outside of the classroom through Shaker's unique Senior Project
Program! To sign up or for more information, please contact Lisa Hamilton at [email protected] or
Joanie Berger at [email protected].
Woodbury Creating Change Thank You
Thank you to all who came out to support our Woodbury Creating Change event! We sold over 1,000
beautiful handmade tapas plates, enjoyed the delicious tapas donated by our wonderful local restaurants and
together made a difference for our charities! We raised over $7,900 for EDWINS, UNICEF, and the Animal
Protective League. Special thanks to the Shaker Schools Foundation and the Woodbury PTO.
Please patronize our fantastic local establishments and thank them for donating:
Academy Tavern, Aladdin’s, AVI, Batuqui on Larchmere, Choolah, Cleveland Tiffin, Dewey’s Coffee and
Popcorn, EDWINS, The Fairmount, Felice Urban Café, Fresh Market, Gigi's on Fairmount, Gimme Java,
Heinen’s Downtown, J.Pistone Marketplace, Jack’s Deli and Restaurant, Katz Club Diner, Lucy's Sweet
Surrender, Luna Bakery & Café, Marsha’s Catering, Melt, Mister Brisket, Murray Hill Market, Olivia Rose
Confections, On the Rise, Pizzazz, Pope’s Kitchen llc, Rising Star Coffee, Sasa, Simply Delicious Pies, Stone
Over, Swerve, TOLI, WOW Cookies, Yours Truly, Zack Bruell's restaurants, Zanzibar and Zoss.
How wonderful to see that together, we can use our art to make positive change!
Volunteers Wanted for the SMS Learning Garden This Summer!
The SMS Learning Garden is starting to grow! Thus far we have planted radishes, mesclun, arugula, and
carrots. This week we are planting our potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and basil. The eight garden beds will
require regular maintenance this summer, and that's where you come in. We are looking for people to commit
to coming in this summer, a minimum of once a week, for as many weeks as you are willing to give us. Duties
would include weeding, harvesting, weighing the harvest, watering, etc. All the tools and equipment that you
will need will be provided for you. The best part? You get to keep whatever you harvest. A Sign Up Genius
has been created if you are ready to sign up and help. Please click here to sign up. For consistency
purposes, we are looking to have people come only on Thursdays and Fridays. We will have a meeting
on Tuesday, May 24 at 5 pm in room 312 at the Middle School for those that sign-up. If you want to help this
summer, but cannot attend the meeting, please contact Mr. Bishko. Thank you, and we hope you choose to
support our SMS garden. Questions? Please contact Mr. Bishko at [email protected] or Maria Pelletier
at [email protected].
End-of-Year Gift Idea
Do you want to thank and/or bid a fond farewell to a teacher or staff member before the school year ends?
The Shaker Schools Foundation invites you to make a donation to honor those amazing people. Unless you
request otherwise, we will share your name (but not the amount of your gift) with your honoree(s), and use
your contribution to make an immediate impact on your student’s education. In recent years, the Foundation
has provided funds to purchase instruments for the concert and marching bands, upgrade the Planetarium,
and create the Innovative Center for Personalized Learning and Parent Engagement! Please mail your check
to the Foundation or visit www.shaker.org/foundation.aspx to make a credit card gift. Thanks in advance for
your demonstration of appreciation to Shaker’s faculty and staff.
Shaker Orchestra’s First Annual Summer Camp
Attention, all string players! The Shaker Orchestras will be hosting a one-week summer camp for string
players in grades 4-8 with at least one year of playing experience. Students will experience large group
rehearsals, small group instruction, chamber groups, and music theory. Camp will meet from 8:30 am -12:00
pm the week of June 13th, with a culminating concert on Friday the 17th to show off what we've learned! High
School orchestra director Donna Jelen will direct the camp along with a team of Shaker staff, high school
students, and alumni. Busing will be provided, and financial aid is available to families who qualify for free or
reduced lunch.
Prior approval is needed to attend this camp, so contact Donna Jelen for more information.
Raider Volleyball Camps
Shaker High School Volleyball Head Coach Kelly Fieseler invites girls in grades 4-6 and 7-8 to participate in
Volleyball Camp from June 6-9 at the High School Gym. The Youth Camp for grades 4-6 will be 8 to 11 am,
and the Junior Raiders Camp for grades 7-8 will be noon to 3:30 pm. Click here for registration form.
Questions? Contact [email protected].
Raider Basketball Camp
Coach Young and the High School basketball program will hold a Raider Roundball Camp from June 13-17 at
the High School for boys entering grades 4 through 9. The camp runs from 9 to 11:30 am for boys in grades
4-6 and from 1 to 3:30 pm for boys in grades 7-9. Click here for registration form. Questions?
Contact [email protected].
Raider Baseball Summer Camp
Coach Babinec and the High School baseball program will hold their 11th annual "Raider Baseball Summer
Camp" from June 6-10 at the High School. The camp runs from 9 am to noon each day and is open to rising
1st-8th grade boys and girls interested in improving their individual and team baseball skills. For more
information or to register your son or daughter please contact Coach Babinec or call 216-295-4703.
Raider Baseball at Akron Rubber Ducks Game
The Shaker Heights High School baseball program is selling tickets to the Akron Rubber Ducks game
on Sunday, May 22. The Varsity baseball team will be recognized on the field prior to the game. This will be a
great day to support the Raider baseball program and enjoy a game of baseball with family, friends, and
neighbors. Tickets are being sold at a discounted price of $5 each with all proceeds benefiting the high school
baseball program. For more information, contact Coach Babinec or call 216-295-4703.
Each week the Onaway PTO publishes Giraffe Notes highlighting school, district and community events for
our families. Submit proofread, unformatted items to Giraffe
Notes, [email protected], by noon on Wednesday. Have a submission for all eight Shaker
PTO newsletters? [email protected] by noon on Wednesday