View PDF Portfolio - Alexandra Huddleston

Alexandra Huddleston
September 2016, portfolio
pages 2 :
Artist statement
pages 3 - 10 :Photographs from the series “Tapestry and Tangent”
pages 11 - 22 :Photographs from the series “Vertigo”
pages 23 - 30 :Photographs from the series “East or West”
pages 31 - 36 :Photographs from the series “333 Saints”
pages 37 - 40 :
[Social Media]
blogging with a particular emphasis on photography and book reviews
Twitter : @alexhuddle
Instagram : adh2103
Contact : Alexandra Huddleston
42 Bluestem Dr.; Santa Fe, NM; 87506 USA
[email protected]
+ 1 202 841 0458
Artist Statement
My current photographic practice explores the narrative, symbolic and expressive potential of landscape photography. By approaching
landscape in conjunction with investigations in the narrative arts, anthropology, history, art history and religious studies, I aim to move
beyond the decorative and descriptive, making photographs full of conceptual and emotional weight.
In the course of my career, I have lived for ten months in one of the manuscripts libraries of Timbuktu, and walked three of the world’s
most important pilgrimages—in Spain, France, and Japan—travelling over 2500 kilometers by foot. I spent my childhood in Washington DC, Mali and Sierra Leone, where I was born. As a young adult, I spent a significant amount of time in Haiti, Madagascar, Japan,
and Cuba. From an early age, photography became the way I observed, analyzed, and understood the cultures in which I lived.
Documentary photography heavily influenced my early practice. In 2007, I received a Fulbright Grant to live for ten months in
Timbuktu, photographing and researching the city’s ancient Islamic scholarly culture. This work resulted in 333 Saints, a project that
has been published as a bi-lingual book (French/English), exhibited internationally, notably during the landmark exhibition “West
Africa: Word, Symbol, Song” at the British Library, and collected by the US Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Museum of African Art,
and the British Library.
After my work in Timbuktu, I made the most important decision of my career: I became a pilgrim. These walking journeys led to my
transformation as a photographer. My recent work focuses on the interior and emotional meaning of voyage and landscape: Tapestry
and Tangent, Vertigo, and East or West.
In union with my work as a photographer, I am also a book artist and publisher. My love of books led me to found my own imprint,
the Kyoudai Press. I have published photography books and poetry chapbooks, including 333 Saints: A Life of Scholarship in Timbuktu
(2013), Lost Things (2012), and East or West: A Walking Journey Along Shikoku’s 88 Temple Pilgrimage (2014).
My current artistic approach is influenced by Romanticism’s emphasis on a personal and emotional resonance with nature. When
making photographs I work as would a documentary photographer, respecting the integrity of appearances and the root lived experience. My straightforward style embraces the dirt and humor, as well as the marvelous enchantment, of an imperfect reality. As a
photographer, book artist, publisher and pilgrim, I work to renew our understanding of contemporary faith and culture and to restore
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Alexandra Huddleston,
artist statement
the relevance of the past to a rapidly evolving future.
Tapestry and Tangent
“Nature must not win the game, but she cannot lose.”
- C. G. Jung (1875-1961, founder of analytical psychology)
These photographs of the Irish landscape are about a journey of psychic rediscovery. In Ireland, as in most of Western Europe, the land
is a tapestry shaped by the traces of human activity; need and desire, faith and superstition, prejudice and community, they have all
left their mark. Therefore, re-examining this environment is central to a nuanced understanding of ourselves, as well as to a balanced
appreciation of our position in the cosmos. My photographs pinpoint the visible trace of human activity on the landscape, as well as
the insertion of biotic elements into our built environments. In so doing, they restore the relevance of the past and renew our understanding of contemporary faith and culture.
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Alexandra Huddleston,
project statement
Title : “I Would Sink If I
Were Not Captive, part 1”
location : Ireland,
County Wexford
Year : Photographed 2016,
Completed 2016
Size : 29.5 in by 19.5 in (75
cm by 50 cm)
Medium : digital photography, ink-jet print
Series : From the series
“Tapestry and Tangent”
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “I Would Sink If I
Were Not Captive, part 2”
location : Ireland,
County Wexford
Year : Photographed 2016,
Completed 2016
Size : 29.5 in by 19.5 in (75
cm by 50 cm)
Medium : digital photography, ink-jet print
Series : From the series
“Tapestry and Tangent”
Page 5
Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Nothing, Catches
my Attention, part 1”
location : Ireland,
County Wexford
Year : Photographed 2016,
Completed 2016
Size : 29.5 in by 19.5 in (75
cm by 50 cm)
Medium : digital photography, ink-jet print
Series : From the series
“Tapestry and Tangent”
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Nothing, Catches
my Attention, part 2”
location : Ireland,
County Wexford
Year : Photographed 2016,
Completed 2016
Size : 29.5 in by 19.5 in (75
cm by 50 cm)
Medium : digital photography, ink-jet print
Series : From the series
“Tapestry and Tangent”
Page 7
Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “All Form Inhabits
Change, part 2”
location : Ireland,
County Wexford
Year : Photographed 2016,
Completed 2016
Size : 29.5 in by 19.5 in (75
cm by 50 cm)
Medium : digital photography, ink-jet print
Series : From the series
“Tapestry and Tangent”
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Yes This and no
That, part 1”
location : Ireland,
County Wexford
Year : Photographed 2016,
Completed 2016
Size : 29.5 in by 19.5 in (75
cm by 50 cm)
Medium : digital photography, ink-jet print
Series : From the series
“Tapestry and Tangent”
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Wearing Down and
Pushing up, part 1”
location : Ireland,
County Wexford
Year : Photographed 2016,
Completed 2016
Size : 29.5 in by 19.5 in (75
cm by 50 cm)
Medium : digital photography, ink-jet print
Series : From the series
“Tapestry and Tangent”
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Iceland’s mercurial geography inspires this series of photographs about the impact of a landscape that is constantly shifting. On my first
trip to Iceland in 2013, I came to understand the profound instability of our earth. On this island in the North Atlantic, in minutes, a
mountain can disappear or a valley can become a river of lava. The rapid flux in the weather, the midnight sun and the polar night, all
provoke a feeling of disorientation. The firmament collects in puddles. The marks of human habitation are pervasive and at the same
time little more than a mirage, on the verge of disappearing. From small changes in light, weather, season, and the actions of beast and
man, to enormous tectonic cataclysm, past and future upheaval waits within the stability and stillness of each photograph.
Nonetheless, disorientation can lead to transformation. Nature and human presence, creation and destruction, sun and rain, duality
gradually gives way to a more fluid and protean understanding of the cosmos. In the Norse creation myth, the blood, skin, muscles, hair
and brains of the murdered giant Ymir form the oceans, clouds, plants and soil of the earth. Destiny is cyclical, not finite, and in the
next cycle perhaps our brains will create clouds.
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Alexandra Huddleston,
project statement
Title : “Long After the
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “A Compression of
Space and Time”
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “A Void May
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Crescendo and
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “A Chance of
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Till the field. Plant
the seed.”
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Towards a Descent”
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Complementary
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Sign and Signified”
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Aegis”
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2014,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : “Sometimes the
Earth Moves Like Water”
location : Iceland
Year : Photographed 2013,
Completed 2016
Size : 23 in by 18.4 in
(58.5 cm by 46.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series
Page 22
Alexandra Huddleston,
East or West: A Walking Journey Along Shikoku’s 88 Temple Pilgrimage
The following photographs recount a mystical journey as a photographic poem in the form of a book. The images
are studies in luminous detail, reflecting the loneliness, quiet intensity and grace that all true spiritual seekers
come to know.
In September 2010, I set out on an 800-mile walk around the island of Shikoku, Japan. To complete the Shikoku
Ohenro trail pilgrims worship at 88 temples on the island, following a route that loosely traces the life and legends
Published : October 2014
Author : Alexandra Huddleston
Imprint : Kyoudai Press
Photographs : 18
Other text : quotes, foreword, journal entries
Language : English
Medium : Softcover, offset press
Size : 7.75” by 8.25” / 48 pages
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Alexandra Huddleston,
project statement
of the Buddhist saint Kōbō Daishi. During the journey, from time to time, the material world unexpectedly gave
way to an experience of mystical transformation. Shot on film using a Mamiya VII camera, these photographs are
studies in luminous detail that magnify the beauty, humor and grief of life in its inseparable relationship to death.
Title : Untitled
location : Japan
Year : Photographed 2010,
Completed 2014
Size : 12 in by 9.5 in (30.5 cm
by 24 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : from the series East
or West
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Untitled
location : Japan
Year : Photographed 2010,
Completed 2014
Size : 29 in by 23 in
(73.5 cm by 58.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : from the series East
or West
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Untitled
location : Japan
Year : Photographed 2010,
Completed 2014
Size : 12 in by 9.5 in (30.5 cm
by 24 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : from the series East
or West
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Untitled
location : Japan
Year : Photographed 2010,
Completed 2014
Size : 29 in by 23 in
(73.5 cm by 58.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : from the series East
or West
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Untitled
location : Japan
Year : Photographed 2010,
Completed 2014
Size : 29 in by 23 in
(73.5 cm by 58.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : from the series East
or West
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Untitled
location : Japan
Year : Photographed 2010,
Completed 2014
Size : 12 in by 9.5 in (30.5 cm
by 24 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : from the series East
or West
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Untitled
location : Japan
Year : Photographed 2010,
Completed 2014
Size : 29 in by 23 in
(73.5 cm by 58.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : from the series East
or West
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Alexandra Huddleston,
333 Saints: A Life of Scholarship in Timbuktu
This series of photographs tells a story of discovery: exploring a rich and beautiful African intellectual culture,
that of the ancient manuscript libraries of Timbuktu and the culture of scholarship that created them.
Timbuktu, at the edge of the vast Sahara Desert, was little known in the West—except as a byword for the remote
and exotic—until militant Islamist groups destroyed many of its religious shrines and ancient manuscripts in
2012. This project captures a way of life and learning as it was shortly before the militants overran the city. The
Published : September 2013
Author : Alexandra Huddleston
Imprint : Kyoudai Press
Photographs : 37 (including cover)
Other text : quotes, captions, postscript
Language : English and French
Medium : Hardcover, offset press
Size : 6” by 9” / 96 pages
photographs depict a moment in time now almost gone, fading into history. They show a culture of moderate
Islam that is under threat—a deeply rooted, ancient Islamic tradition of tolerance, erudition and faith—and a city
that has built its very identity around scholarship and a love of books and learning.
Project Background:
In 2007, I received a Fulbright Grant to live for ten months in Timbuktu, photographing and researching the city’s
ancient Islamic scholarly culture. This work resulted in the project 333 Saints: A Life of Scholarship in Timbuktu.
Among other honors, photographic prints from this series have been acquired by the US Library of Congress, the
Smithsonian Museum of African Art and the British Library. The work has been exhibited in solo shows in Mali
and the US, as well as in numerous group exhibitions, most notably “West Africa: Word, Symbol, Song” at the
British Library (2015) and “Timbuktu Renaissance” at BOZAR (2014).
Special Thanks:
SAVAMA-DCI, Fondo Kati and the Fulbright Foundation
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Alexandra Huddleston,
project statement
Title : Timbuktu, Mali;
March 9, 2007
location : Mali
Year : Photographed 2007,
Completed 2013
Size : 30 in by 23.5 in (76 cm
by 59.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series 333
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Timbuktu, Mali; July
28, 2007
location : Mali
Year : Photographed 2007,
Completed 2013
Size : 23.5 in by 30 in (59.5
cm by 76 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series 333
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Timbuktu, Mali; July
11, 2007
location : Mali
Year : Photographed 2007,
Completed 2013
Size : 23.5 in by 30 in (59.5
cm by 76 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series 333
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Timbuktu, Mali;
March 6, 2007
location : Mali
Year : Photographed 2007,
Completed 2013
Size : 23.5 in by 30 in (59.5
cm by 76 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series 333
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Title : Timbuktu, Mali; July
15, 2007
location : Mali
Year : Photographed 2007,
Completed 2013
Size : 30 in by 23.5 in (76 cm
by 59.5 cm)
Medium : film photography,
ink-jet print
Series : From the series 333
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Alexandra Huddleston,
2001-2003 1996-2001
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism MS 5/2004
International Center of Photography Part-time courses
Stanford University BA in East Asian studies and studio art 4/2001
Photographic Prints:
British Library, London, United Kingdom
Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington DC
Michigan State University, Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, East Lansing, MI
New York University, New York, NY
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of African Art, Eliot Elisofon Photo Archives, Washington DC
United States Embassy, Bamako, Mali
British Library, Brooklyn Museum, Harvard University, Hutchins Center Library, Michigan State University, New York University Bobst
Library, University of Capetown Oppenheimer Library, University of Pennsylvania
Publications as Author
Photo Books:
East or West: A Walking Journey Along Shikoku’s 88 Temple Pilgrimage, The Kyoudai Press
333 Saints: A Life of Scholarship in Timbuktu (English/ French), The Kyoudai Press
Searching for Lost Time: Night Photographs from Timbuktu, The Kyoudai Press
Amor Fati, with poetry by Robert Huddleston, The Kyoudai Press
Lost Things, with poetry by Robert Huddleston, The Kyoudai Press
Selected Residencies, Grants and Awards
How to Flatten a Mountain residency, Cow House Studios, Ireland
Guest Artist, Michigan State University, Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, MI
UCROSS Foundation residency, Clearmont, WY
Vermont Studio Center residency, NEA fellowship, Johnson, VT
Exhibition Grant, US Embassy, Bamako, Mali
Fulbright Student Islamic Civilizations Grant for research in Timbuktu, Mali
URO Humanities and Creative Arts Major Grant, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
12/1998Stanford University Overseas Studies Research Grant, Kyoto, Japan
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Finalist, 2016 Critical Mass photography competition
The Daniel M. & Mildred H. Mendelowitz Memorial Scholarship, Stanford, CA
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Elected Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford Chapter, CA
Faculty Prize for outstanding scholarship during the senior year, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA
Selected Exhibitions
Solo Exhibitions of The Scholarship of Islam: Timbuktu, Mali:
Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM
French Cultural Center, Bamako, Mali
Multimedia Conservatory of the Arts at Balla Fasseké Kouyaté, Bamako, Mali
National Forum on Koranic Education at the Bamako International Conference Center, Mali
RCAH LookOut! Gallery, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Group Exhibitions:
How to Flatten a Mountain, PhotoIreland Festival, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin, Ireland [curated by Ángel luis González and Kate Strain]
07/2016-09/2016 THE FENCE 2016: New Mexico Photographer Showcase, Santa Fe, NM [Juried Exhibition]
Premise, Process, Product, CWA and the Rembrandt Yard Art Gallery, Boulder, CO
10/2015-02/2016 West Africa: Word, Symbol, Song, British Library, London, UK [catalogue]
06/2015-09/2015 Immigration, Migration, and Evolving Boundaries, CENTER, Santa Fe, NM [Juried Exhibition]
12/2014-03/2015 Timbuktu Renaissance, BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
Photography Open Salon, Office Sessions III, London, UK [curated by Vanja Karas]
An Eye for An Ear, ChinaHouse, Penang, Malaysia [curated by Vanja Karas]
10/2012-03/2013 ANTHOLOGY 2012, Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona, FL
An Eye for An Ear, Gallery Huit, Arles, France [Juried Exhibition]
5th Annual Plastic Camera Show, RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA [Juried Exhibition]
FotoGrafia Rome, Futurspectives, Rome, Italy [curated by Marc Prust]
3rd Annual Plastic Camera Show, RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA [Juried Exhibition]
Selected Press
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Alexandra Huddleston,
(online press:
Aidan Kelly Murphy, “Picture This – Your National Visual Arts Guide: PhotoIreland Special.” The Thin Air. TheThinAir.Net, (22 July 2016)
David E. Skinner, ‘Book Review: 333 Saints: A Life of Scholarship in Timbuktu.’ JW: Journal of West African History 1.1 (2015): 195-98. Print.
/ Jonathan Blaustein, ‘This Week In Photography Books: Alexandra Huddleston.’ aPhotoEditor. (3 April 2015) Web. / Charles O. Cecil,
‘Suggestions for Reading: 333 Saints: A Life of Scholarship in Timbuktu.’ Aramco World 66.2 (2015): 45. Print.
Elizabeth Avedon, ‘Best Photography Books of 2014....and Some Honorable Mentions.’ Elizabeth Avedon: Photographs + Books + Art +
Vintage + Contemporary. (21 December 2014) Web. / Melanie McWhorter, ‘Interview: Alexandra Huddleston on East or West and SelfPublishing.’ Photo-Eye | BLOG. (21 November 2014) Web. / Frank T. Kryza, ‘Gifted American Photographer Documents Grandeur, Plight
of Mali’s Fabled Timbuktu.’ Ezine Articles. (17 January 2014) Web.
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Christopher Calderhead, ‘Conversation: Alexandra Huddleston on the Threatened Heritage of Timbuktu.’ Letter Arts Review 27.3 (2013):
4-9. Print. / Larry Luxner, ‘Risk-Taking Photographer Documents Timbuktu’s Endangered Islamic Culture.’ Washington Diplomat. (3
November 2013) Web and Print. / Alexa Schirtzinger, ‘Out of Africa: Local Photog’s Crowdfunded Book Explores Islamic Tradition in
Mali.’ SFReporter. (28 May 2013) Web.
Rudolph Ware, ‘Timbuktu: The Ink of the Scholars and the Blood of Martyrs.’ Huffington Post The Blog. (31 August 2012) Web. / Gregory
Mann, ‘Timbuktu: whatever happened to the African Renaissance?’ Africa Is A Country. / ‘Troubling Times in Timbuktu.’ Picture Dept: A
Tumblr By Newsweek and Daily Beast Photo Editors. (16 July 2012) Web.
Gallery Affiliation
Booklyn Artists Alliance, Brooklyn, NY
Related Professional Experience
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Exhibition Catalogues:
Photograph contributed to PhotoIreland Festival catalogue, PhotoIreland Festival 2016
Photographs contributed to West Africa. Word, Symbol, Song catalogue, British Library
Photograph contributed to African Cosmos: Stellar Arts catalogue, Smithsonian Museum
Media Clients:
Mental_Floss (2016); KulturAustausch III (2013); Zenith (2012); Bundesverband Kinderhospiz e.V. (2012); Zeit Magazine (2011); The New York
Times (2011); National Geographic Explorer and Extreme Explorer (2009)
Photo Book Reviews for Photo-eye | BLOG:
11/2014Review of Christina Capetillo’s An Everchanging Monument in Photo-eye | BLOG
04/2014Review of William Henry Fox Talbot: Beyond Photography in Photo-eye | BLOG
Review of Walker Evans’ American Photographs in Photo-eye | BLOG
Review of Viviane Sassen’s Parasomnia in Photo-eye | BLOG
Review of Graciela Iturbide’s Mexico Roma in Photo-eye | BLOG
Review of Takashi Homma’s New Documentary in Photo-eye | BLOG
Review of Anthony Hamboussi’s Newtown Creek in Photo-eye | BLOG
Selected Publications as Author, Articles and Videos:
Summer 2015
‘Land of Saints and Scholars,’ in Doorways: Holton-Arms School Magazine
‘A Short Story from the (Self-Publishing) Trenches’ in Photo-eye | BLOG
‘Der Verlorene Glanz Der 333 Heiligen,’ in Zenith Mediathek, ZenithOnline
‘333 Saints: A Life of Scholarship Under Threat,’ video and website launch
self published:
Fall 2011
‘Signs In Nature,’ in Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction
Fall 2009
‘Divine Learning,’ in Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction
Photographs contributed to Lightfoot Guide to the Via Podiensis book, by Angelynn Meya
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Photograph contributed to fossils of light + time, by Elizabeth Avedon [juried]
Cover photograph contributed to States of Marriage, by Emily S. Burrill
Photograph contributed to To Timbuktu for a Haircut, by Rick Antonson
Photograph contributed to Tales From Timbuktu, National Geographic Explorer Collection
Selected Speaking Engagements (over 20 presentations since 2008):
04/2016Speaker at The 68th Annual Conference on World Affairs, Boulder, CO
World Affairs Council of the Mid-Hudson Valley, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
11/2015Poster Presenter at the 38th Annual Fulbright Association Conference, Atlanta, GA
10/2015SOAS, University of London, London, UK
Library of Congress, Washington DC
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Global Education Center, Chapel Hill, NC
World Affairs Council, Washington DC
Selected Work Experience
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Alexandra Huddleston,
Owner, Blind Cat Valentine LLC, Santa Fe, NM
Cofounder and Editor, Kyoudai Press, Santa Fe, NM
Adjunct Photography Professor Online, Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online
Adjunct Photography Professor, Santa Fe Community College, NM
Photographer for Global Encounters, Carnegie Hall, Segu and Bamako, Mali
Assistant Photojournalism Teacher, SUNY Purchase, Purchase, NY
Teaching Assistant, International Center of Photography, NYC
Public Relations Photography and Writing, USAID, Mali
Assistant Photography Editor, Corbis, NYC
Administrative Assistant, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, NYC