Unifier Newsletter - United Protestant Church of Grayslake

The Unifier
54 South Whitney Street, Grayslake, Illinois 60030 |
(847) 223-8131 | [email protected] | www.upcgl.org
June, 2017
Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing
that some have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:1-2
As you have already heard. I am stepping away from congregational ministry starting on June 1, 2017. I am taking a position outside of ministry and
then focusing on two areas of interest I have had for some time, writing
and leading retreats focused on practicing spiritual disciplines.
I have valued doing ministry with you. I will miss United Protestant Church
in ways too numerous to count. There are so many good and faithful servants who have built this church and sustained it and have blessed the
community with service inside the church and outside in the world.
One piece of what I hope my legacy will be is that this church is a place of
grace and welcome. If you want to bless me or give me a parting gift – welcome your next pastor with your whole heart. Bring your interim pastor
and then your long-term pastor into your lives and bless them. Make them
feel at home. Show them the love that you have received from Christ. Do
not compare them to me or to the long list of other pastors who have
served this church faithfully. Accept their unique gifts and come along
side of them to work with them in their new ministry. They will lead you
with integrity and passion.
Hospitality is a ministry. We are in the business of welcoming people into
the presence of Christ. That means that we establish an atmosphere of
gracious welcome. In the church building, the kingdom outpost, our conversations tend toward affirmation, thanksgiving, adoration and praise.
Our spirit is to help, assist and guide. Showing people around the building
is only a half measure. Our ultimate aim is to direct people to the powerful
person of Jesus Christ. You will have new partners in this work.
Hospitality is one step in the process of becoming a disciple of Jesus
Christ. The second step is invitation. Jesus not only made people feel at
home when he was with him, he also constantly invited people who were
not with him to join him.
As George Barna, a Christian author and pollster, writes, “Disciples undergo a changed lifestyle that is manifested through Christ-oriented values,
goals, perspectives, activities, and relationships.” As we are disciplined
by the teaching and example of Jesus, our lives are transformed. We begin
to look and act more like Christ.
That means that it is time to invite people into the presence of God, just as
Jesus did. At UPC, you can certainly meet God in our midst. Now all we
need to do is to keep extending the invitation.
In the peace of Christ,
Gary Waters
In This Issue:
Class Notes
Vacation Bible School
PADS Update
WCF Update
Prayers and
Greeter Schedule
Senior Pastor Transition – Updates from Staff Parish Relations
With Pastor Gary’s recent decision to leave ministry, several activities are occurring. Administrative Council has given approval
to activate an “Interim Pastor” and a permanent “Senior Pastor”
search. The searches will be led by a “Search Committee” which
is a direct report to Administrative Council. Additionally, we are
active in covering Sunday services for the time being. More information will be forth coming as plans are finalized.
Jim Fisher and Sharon Bullmer have graciously agreed to cover
Pastoral Care during the month of June. Here is their contacts
and schedule – effective June 1st, 2017:
Jim Fisher:
Sharon Bullmer: 815-382-0796
UPC – Pastoral Care – June,
June 1st thru June 7th
June 8 thru June 14th
June 15th thru June 21st
June 22nd thru June 30th
Jim Fisher – 224-456-2371
Jim Fisher
Sharon Bullmer
Jim Fisher
Sharon Bullmer
Sharon Bullmer – 815-382-0796
Blessings to all,
Joe Hobson, Staff Parish Chair
Steve Rarick, Ad Council Chair
“Class Notes”
Happy summer to all!
Christian education classes are on hiatus all summer until September 10th
when we return with our Fall OPEN HOUSE and Back-to-Church-School CELEBRATION. Stay tuned for the details. We are already planning many terrific educational opportunities for ALL ages for the 2017-2018 school
The Nursery will be open all summer during the 10:30am worship service. Stop in
and say Hi! to our Nursery Coordinator, Jasmine Walker.
Vacation Bible School 2017, Passport to Peru, is scheduled for July 10th
through 13th, 9:30am to noon. Register your preschooler-6th grader online TODAY at:
I am truly saddened to lose Pastor Gary as our pastor and ministry partner. FANTASTIC is the best word I can use to sum up these last three
years working with him. I wish Gary, Amy and the kids all life’s best
as they begin their next adventure.
Rest assured that during this transition time quality Christian education
will continue to be the standard at United Protestant.
In God’s Service,
A very special thank you to everyone who helped make
the Home Team Senior Spring Luncheon such a wonderful occasion. Thank you to Candi Becker and Rosanne
Taylor for the delicious lunch you made for every
one. Thank you to Maia and Sophia Becker, Candi and
Ted Becker’s granddaughters, for all the help they gave
us in the kitchen and serving our guests. And thank you
to Rosanne Taylor’s granddaughters, Olivia, Sofia and
Ava Henne, for all the help they gave us in the kitchen
and serving our guests. Thank you to Ted Becker and
Lloyd Lowe for setting up tables and chairs and helping
in many other ways. Thank you to all the members of the
Home Team who assisted in so many ways to make the day so special. Most of all we thank
all of our seniors for joining us for such a nice afternoon of fun, food and fellowship. We tried
something new this luncheon, and let off a dozen helium balloons in the north parking lot of
the church. Attached to each balloon was a slip of paper telling anyone who might have
found a balloon where it came from and to let us know where they found it. We’re waiting to
see if we hear back from anyone! We’ll keep you posted!
The Joy Sharing offering on June 18 will benefit INK 180, which transforms the painful reminders of destructive situations into beautiful art by covering the tattoos left from a former
life in a gang or enslaved by human trafficking.
The not-for-profit arm of INK 180 was founded by Christian, Chris Baker in 2011 to offer the
opportunity for a real second chance to the least of these, the invisible, the forgotten, the discarded. Chris provides his time, supplies and artwork, entirely free of charge to former gang
members trying to get their lives back on track as well as the victims of Human Trafficking.
INK 180 is entirely funded by donations, no charge is ever asked of the people receiving
Chris’ ministry.
The goal of the INK 180 Ministry is to join forces with other tattoo artists and dermatology
groups from across the country to provide these free tattoo cover-ups or removals.
You may remember that Chris, himself, spoke to us at UPC last year. The problem of Human
Trafficking is more in the public eye, and I heard several comments from UPC members last
year that they wanted to help these victims that were freed from this deplorable situation but
didn't know how - Chris' ministry provided that opportunity. I hope UPC will be able to give
generously, once again, to support INK 180. Thank you.
Mary Ann McDowell
Mission Committee
2016- 2017 PADS SEASON ENDS:
Thanks to you and others like you, our UPC PADS Site served 209 separate individuals, hosting
a total of almost 1,000 nights of shelter from the beginning of October, 2016, through April 27, 2017.
Of the 209 separate individuals, 174 of them received a total of 1,199 items of clothing, ranging in
sizes from small to 6XL. We provided each guest 3 meals a day which is approximately 3,000 meals
plus an evening snack each night during the 30 days we were open.
Can you help to prevent this?
JUST ONE Thursday a month from Oct. thru Apr.!
Several of our very dedicated PADS volunteers have
moved, or will be moving, out of the area and will not be able
to volunteer next season…SO WE NEED YOU!
We could also use volunteers to substitute for all of our
shifts, starting with 1st shift which is from 5:30 to 11 P.M.
each Thursday from October thru April.
Please consider volunteering for once a month for one of the shifts listed below, or to substitute for any shift when a regular volunteer can’t work. Training will be offered at our “Back to
PADS” Soup & Salad on Thursday, Sept. 28 in UPC Fellowship Hall, or a separate training session can be arranged if that date/time isn’t convenient. For information, contact Rose Pech at
847-356-3577 or [email protected] .
June Greeter Schedule
June 4
Chuck and Phyllis Martin
Barb and Craig Fischel
June 11
Warren Bell
John and Judi Plotner
June 18
Cynthia Lee
Dot and Bill Betke
June 25
Orrell Ruth
Need 2 volunteers
Beginning in July, the Greeter schedule will be posted in the bulletin, the Unifier, the
Tuesday Notes and a postcard will also be sent. If you cannot Greet on your designated
day, please call Joann in the office (847-223-8131)
July Greeter Schedule
July 2
Jeff Ziegler
Donna Obrecht, Pat Barker
July 9
Rick Burg
Sue and Joe Hobson
July 16
Cynthia Lee
Cathy Vick, Susan Green
July 23
Darwin Schwaderer
Linda Markham, Sharon Michalsen
July 30
Linda Rambo
Doris Craig, Marie Frandsen
United Protestant Church
Women’s Christian
6:30 PM
Triangle Restaurant
Catherine Vick
11:30 AM
On Wed., Sept 6 at
12:30 in
Church Parlor
Whitney St. Restaurant
Sue Schmidt
Tuesday 6/6
July & Aug no
No meeting in
June, July, August
Thurs June 8
To help
Hillside Restaurant
Church Parlor
Marie Frandsen
Diana Thompson
Carol Roselli-Rasmussen
Jasmine Walker
Rose Pech
**Watch the church bulletin, Tuesday Newsday emails,& the UNIFIER for July & August notifications.
WCF Brochures are on the rack by the Mission Table.
WCF is asking you to help collect items to send to UMCOR (United
Methodist Committee on Relief). School Kits are very much needed, so a container will be on the Mission Table from June 11 through
Sept. 2 for everyone to donate items described in detail on a list
from UMCOR. Copies of the list with descriptions of the items that
are acceptable will be next to the container for you to take with you.
The list, which be taped on the side of the container, is also in a
more extensive article in this UNIFIER.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW!! SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 at 1 P.M. Gather with ladies of the church in
Fellowship Hall for fellowship and service as we enjoy each others’ company, snack on finger foods, and
assemble the school kits which will be taken to UMCOR to help in areas of need! Contact Rose Pech if
yoDear UPC Members,
Good news – we’ve been working diligently with Life Touch and are in the final stages of
completing our Photo Directory.
Stay tuned for more information on the delivery dates.
Celebrating Birthdays in June
Vares, Betty
Hinkley, Neil
Celebrating Anniversaries in June
Phyllis and Chuck Martin
Jody and Dennis Gerzel
Janet and Craig James
Halvorsen, Sherry
David and Katie Stetz
Richardson, John
Amy and Gary Waters
Gretchen and Jerome Jagla
Ann Marie and Michael Fries
Sherry and Jonatan Halvorsen
Monique and Jeff Taylor
Hayes, Cally
Gregory, Brandon
Harris, Cody
DiVita, Michael
Fischel, Barb
Love, Susan
Adams, Cami
Runyon, Shane
Waddelow, Annette
Hill, Norean
Taylor, Rosanne
Schmidt, Eric
Full, Denise
Richardson, Roger
Trowitch, Diane
Craig, Spencer
Powers, Dan
Garbutt, Wesley
Barker, Patricia
Carroll, Bryn
Richard, Sandra
Vick, Cathy
Continued prayers for UPC members and friends/relatives
of members: Jerry Beck (son of Ruth and Al Beck), David
Boccaleoni (brother of Rose Pech), Mary Brase (sister of
Rose Pech), Harry Carnes, Desiree Craig (friend of Karen
Caviness), Scott Friberg (brother of Judy Ruhnke), Steve
Gates (friend of Cyndi Ryckman), June Gahris (mother of Patti
Amy) and Patti Amy, Suzanne Havlicek (mother of Heather
DelGrosso), Judy Hendrickson (mother of Laura Hendrickson), Carolyn Korell, Charles Madsen (brother of Karen Caviness), Mary Mason (sister of Loretta Dodson), Gloria Meier
(sister-in-law of Ann Thompson), Marjorie Miller, David Nygaard (hospice – father of Sue Schmidt), Jodi Pech, John
Reinhart (final stage of heart failure, friend of Darlene George
Craig), Karen Runyon (stroke), Orrell Ruth, Kim Schwaderer,
Joyce Smith (hospice – aunt of Laurie Bethmann), and Laurie
Wade-Higdon and her children.
Long term prayers Marno Benande, Julie Brown (hospice –
grandmother of Brad Walker), Karen Caviness, Barry Craig,
Pat Curnow, Joshua Duran (cousin of Jasmine Walker), Carla
Flok, Elaine Francis, Brad Fuller (brother of Jamie Fuller –
stroke), Charles Fuller (father of Jamie Fuller), Susan Green,
Vivian Gwaltney, Carl Heiler, Tucker Hupp (grandson of the
Lockhart’s), Jae, Rick Juern (cousin of Judy Ziegler), Jean
Korell, Dorothy Kuckla, Vivian Kuzelka, Howard and Edna
Munsinger, Tom Nellessen (hospice – brother of Margie
Scheibler), Pat Nowak, (sister-in-law of Joann Baraksa), Eda
Nye (aunt of Lil Eldridge – vascular disease), Don Piester
(brother-in-law of Darwin Schwaderer), Chester Pinkowski
(relative of Maureen Daly), Belkis Plancon (mother of Denise
Fuller), Susan Reed (sister of Rick Burg), Sandra Richard,
Charlene Rockenbach, Marcia Ruth, Rosie Schick & family
(friend of Linda Batteiger), Elsie Shaheen (cancer, cousin of
Judy Ziegler), Robert Stewart, Bobbie Weichman, and Betty
Please keep in your prayers the following individuals who are
currently serving their country: Andrew Vick (son of Cathy
and Don Vick), Derek Robb, Abraham Lam Yuen, Justin
Krumes (brother of Melissa Becker), Bob Sisco (brother of
Lexie Craig), Dennis Jackson (friend of Lexie Craig), Philip
Norton (grandson of Joyce and Terry Norton), and Duneley
Contact Us
To Access UPC’s On Line Calendar, click below:
United Protestant Church
54 S. Whitney Street
Grayslake, IL 60030 Phone:
E-mail: [email protected]
Interim Pastor
Church Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Address Service
Grounded | Empowered | Transformed
United Protestant Church of Grayslake
54 S. Whitney Street
Grayslake, IL 60030