Action Verbs • Diagramming the Simple Subject and Simple Predicate

Grammar and Writing 8
Action Verbs • Diagramming the
Simple Subject and Simple
Dictation or Joumal Entry
Vocabulary: The Latin root
means '1 war," as in the familiar word
Belllco e ineans warlike, aggressive, and quarrelsome. The bellicose
colonists demanded a stronger central government after the Articles of
Confederation failed.
A\11tebellum refers to times before a war, especially the American Civil War.
Some Sou ern plantation owners pined for the antebellum society of the
Action Verbs We remember that a complete sentence contains a subject and
a verb. The verb tells what the subject is or does. An action
verb describes what the subject does, did, or will do. In the
sentence below, ratified is the action verb telling what the
states did.
Every state ratified the Constitution by 1790.
Sometimes a sentence contains more than one action verb. In
the sentence below, discussed and accepted are two action
verbs telling what the states did.
Each· state discussed and accepted the terms of the
Example 1 Identify each action verb in these sentences.
(a) The Preamble proclaims the purpose of the Constitution.
(b) The people desire a better form of government.
Solution (a) The action verb, proclaims, tells what the Preamble does.
(b) The action verb, desire, tells what the people do.
Improving Our We can make our writing more vivid and accurate by using
Writing descriptive and precise action verbs. Consider these two
Voters went to the polls.
Voters hurried to the polls.
We notice that the verb hurried gives a clearer picture of how
the voters went to the polls. Walked, drove, sauntered,
Lesson 3
I!l.USt be
e. Members of the House of Representatives must be at least
twenty-five years of age.
For f-h, replace each blank with the correct vocabulary word.
f. The Latin root meaning "war" is _be_l_l ___
g. The
monarch viewed
and rebellious.
h. The word antebellum
means "before the war."
More Write each action verb in sentences 1-5.
Practice 1. Members of the House of Representatives must have
resided in the United States as citizens for at least seven
2. Each state discusses and determines the residential
requirements of its representatives.
3. Vote today for your representative.
4. Voters replace the entire House of Representatives every
two years.
5. Members of the House serve two-year terms.
Diagram the simple subject and simple predicate of sentences
6. The population of the state determines the number of
7. Have you ever run for a political office?
8. Run
9. Did
for office, please.
James Wu win his election?
10. George Washington was nominated as the country's first
11. Now, each member of the House of Representatives
represents approximately 620,000 people.
12. G' 1ve t h e P res1'd ent your support.
Review set 3 Choose the correct word to complete sentences 1-5.
1. Representatives speak and act for others in a(n) (direct,
r11 indirect) democracy. indirect
Grammar and Writing 8
2. (Avert, Alert, Advert) means "to turn away."
3. (Antebellum, Bellicose,
r3J aggressive. Bellicose
4. An action verb tells what the subject (does, is, wants).
5. The simple predicate is the (subject, verb).
Write each action verb in sentences 6-9.
6. Loryn prepared for a quiz on Johnny Tremain.
7. John Hancock inherited his wealth from his
8. Did John Hancock give the apprentices any money?
9. From the kitchen came rye bread, dried apples, and cold r31
meat pie.
For 10-12, replace the action verb in each sentence with one
that might be more accurate or descriptive. There are many
10. Cilla and Johnny &Q to the end of the wharf.
11. They talk along the way.
12. An artist made a picture of the wharf.
For 13-15, make a complete sentence from each sentence
fragment. Answers will vary.
13. Matthew Cheng describing Johnny's mother.
14. Contributed by Lauren Chumen.
15. When Estee entered the classroom.
For 16-18, correct each run-on sentence. Answers may vary.
Johnny's mother gave
him a Ly�e cup.. This. 16.
proved his relat1onsh1p 2
to Merchant.
The cup had the Lyt
motto, which was
"Let tlrnrn he Lyte." 12117.
Johnny's mother gave him a Lyte cup this proved his
relat10nsh'1p to Merchant.
The cup had the Lyte motto this was "Let there be Lyte."
Lesson 3
Johnny lets Mr. Lapham18.
sleep, but he wakes him (2)
after an hour.
Johnny lets Mr. Lapham sleep he wakes him after an
For 19-21, write whether the expression is a sentence
fragment, a run-on sentence, or a complete sentence.
19. Completing the chapter titled "The Pride of Your Power."
20. Mr. Lapham fashions a beautiful sugar basin for John
r21 Hancoc k.
Johnny dislikes his own work he visits the silversmith
r21 Paul Revere for advice.
For 22-25, write whether each sentence is declarative,
interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.
22. Does Johnny accept Paul Revere's offer?
23. Johnny owes much to the Lytes.
You want me to work for you!
Please fetch more coal for the furnace.
Diagram the simple subject and simple predicate of sentences
26. Can we avert this disaster?
27. Mr. Lapham warns Johnny about pride.
28. From heaven would come punishment.
30. Must we rest on Sundays?