608 Body Composition Project

By Allie Lawrence
FCS 608
Dr. Lisagor
November 23, 2009
“Weight in the absence of knowledge of its components, is a poor measure for predicting athletic success and should not be used by itself for
this purpose.” - Benardot
•  Body composition is the elements of the body which
include: fat-free mass, fat mass, and water.
• Just as there are many sports, there are many body
compositions; there is not ONE body type which is
associated with every sport.
• Understanding an athlete’s body composition is
imperative to understanding performance and health.
• An athlete’s body composition should be the focus, not
the number on the scale.
1 11/22/09 Setting the Stage
Factors affecting body composition:
1.  Genetic predisposition
2.  Age
3.  Gender
4.  Amount of activity
5.  Nutrition
Genetic Predisposition
  Endomorph = large trunk, short fingers, and shorter legs
  Ectomorph = long legs, long fingers, and shorter trunk
  Mesomorph = natural muscularity, trim waist
2 11/22/09 Age
  As people age, they develop lower lean mass and
higher fat mass.
  After the age of 30, metabolism drops 2 percent
every decade.
  Body changes can be avoided with balanced diet
and regular exercise
  Women have a higher body fat than men because of necessary
biological functions (reproduction).
  Women’s essential body fat should be between 12-15% to
support healthy reproductive functions. Men’s can be much
Amount of Activity
  Regular activity or exercise provides much needed
support in achieving a desirable body composition.
  Balancing energy in vs. energy out is key in achieving
and maintaining a preferred body composition
•  “Eating too much or too little”
can cause a negative outcome for
one’s body composition.
•  Balance is key
3 11/22/09 Main Components of Body Composition
Fat Mass
  Essential fat vs. Storage fat
  Too much or too little can be detrimental and counterproductive to the
athletes performance and health.
Fat-Free Mass
  Mainly water and protein
  Most athletes strive for the higher fat-free mass to lower fat mass
ratio, because they believe this equates to a higher strength-to-weight
  For aesthetic sports, this can be true; but for endurance sports, fat is
required to provide energy, therefore the focus should not be on fat mass
to fat-free mass as much as energy in vs. energy out.
Water Mass
  Water makes up greater than 65% of total body mass
  Hydration is KEY
Bone Mass
  Recent technological advances have
made it possible to measure bone
  Knowing an athlete’s bone density can
be a good predictor of future injury
and bone health
4 11/22/09 Measuring Body Composition
1.  Skinfold
  Using skin calipers take measurements in key place on the body.
  Assess the measurements using standardized equations to determine
body fat.
2.  Hydrostatic Weighing (Hydrodensitometry)
  Take land weight and water weight
  Compare the two to determine fat mass vs. fat-free mass
3.  Air Displacement Plethysmography
  BOD POD. Uses air like water to measure weight and volume of
4.  Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
  Most accurate and expensive method
  Takes x-rays and measures the energy that passes through the body at
different points.
  Provides fat mass, fat-free mass and bone density measurements of
total body as well as in key areas of the body (legs, arms, trunk).
Body Composition for
Different Sports
1. High Intensity, Short Duration Sports
Sprinting, short-distance cycling, swim sprinters
2. Intermitted, High Intensity Sports
Soccer, Basketball, Football, Volleyball
3. Endurance Sports
Marathon runners, long-distance cycling and swimming
4. Weight and Body Focused Sports
Gymnastics, wrestling, figure skating
5. Low-endurance, Precision Skilled Sports
Golf, Baseball
5 11/22/09 High Intensity, Short Duration
  Required to move more quickly over short distance.
  Require little drag or resistance
  Goal = low body fat %, high muscle mass %
Intermitted, High Intensity
  Requires different levels of intensity throughout
  Different positions require different body
  Focus put on energy intake and aerobic capabilities
  Competes for 4 or more hours
  Lower body mass desired to reduce negative effects on
  Focus on energy intake over time to maintain energy level
throughout competition
Low-endurance, Precision, Skilled
  Requires fine motor control, coordination,
quick reaction time
  Focus more on weight maintenance and energy
  Many different sizes of athletes competing in
the same athletic position
6 11/22/09 Weight and Body Focused
  High lean mass, low fat mass and sometimes low overall body
  Aesthetics major component
  Weight requirements in some of these sports
  High risk for eating disorders and harmful exercise practices in
attempt to lose or “make” weight.
Research Article #1
Hind, K., Truscott, J.G., Evans, J.A. (2006). Low lumbar spine bone mineral density
in both male and female endurance runners. Centre for Bone and Body Composition
Research, 39. Retrieved November 11, 2009 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
  Purpose – Compare the low bone mineral density (BMD) of female and
male endurance runners, causes, long term affect, and prevalence within
each gender.
  Hypothesis – Because few studies have been made comparing the BMD of
male and female runners, the hypothesis is that low BMD may or may not
be sex-specific.
  Method – 109 runners (65 female, 44 males), ages 19-50 with 3 years of
training in events 3 km to marathon. Questionnaire to assess training,
menses, and osteoporosis risks. Anteroposterior lumbar spine, total hip and
femoral neck BMD were measured using DEXA.
7 11/22/09   Results - Overall both sexes reported lower than zero BMD of
the lumbar spine and total hip. The prevalence of low BMD
was similar for both the males and females. BMD was lower in
oligoamenorrhoeic runners and oral contraceptive users than
that of eumenorrheoeic and male runners.
  Conclusion – Male endurance runners face the same threats to
BMD that female runners do. It was concluded that more
studies are necessary to determine preventative measures.
Research Article #2
Mudd, L., Fornetti, W., Pivarnik, J. (2007). Bone mineral density in collegiate
female athletes: comparisons among sports. Journal of Athletic Training,
43. Retrieved November 10, 2009 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/
  Purpose: Study conducted to compare site specific BMD among
NCAA Division 1 varsity female athletes and establish predictors of
BMD measurements.
  Hypothesis: “Some female athletes may have decreased bone mineral
density, which puts them at higher risk for stress fractures and future
  Methods: Female athletes in 12 sports were examined. Participants
were asked about menstrual cycle. Total-body BMD was measured
using DEXA. Controlling for menstruation and mass, a stepwise
regression was uses to analyze the predictors of BMD.
8 11/22/09   Results: Of 99 women, 23 were oligomenorrheic or amenorrheic.
The runners had the lowest total body and BMD values, except in
the leg score. The BMD in the legs of swimmers and divers were
significantly lower than the other athletes except runners and rowers.
The regression analysis showed that mass and sport alone act as
significant predictors of total body BMD.
  Conclusion: This study showed that even though different training
methods are employed for the different sports the BMD did not
differ significantly based on sport with the exception of running,
swimming and diving. Therefore, trainers should be aware of their
female athletes BMD and of overtraining and their affect on future
bone health.
Research Article #3
Warner, E., Fornetti, W., Jallot, J., Pivarnk, J. (2004). A skinfold model to
predict fat-free mass in female athletes. Journal of Athletic Taining, 39.
Retrieved November 1, 2009 from
  Purpose: The skinfold method is often used to determine the body’s
fatness, but few tests are able to measure the fat-free mass (FFM) of
the body. The aim of this study is to develop a skinfold method,
which can measure the FFM.
  Methods: Both varsity and club athletes from NCAA Division 1
universities were invited to participate. The subject’s standing mass
and height were measured with a beam balance and stadiometer.
Using calipers the abdominal, suprailiac, thigh and triceps were
measured. Next, DEXA used for further measurements.
9 11/22/09   Results: A regression model including height, weight, and
skinfold measurement was conducted. There was little
difference between the DEXA and skinfold results (FFM and
body fat %) for the sports that were presented in this study.
  Conclusion: The results indicate that a model using only
weight, abdominal and thigh skinfolds was satisfactory for
determining accurate FFM in female collegiate athletes.
Research Article #4
Vardar, S., Tezel, S., Ozturk, L., Kaya, O. (2007). The relationship between
body composition and anaerobic performance of elite young
wrestlers. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 6. Retrieved November 7,
2009 from http://www.jssm.org/combat/2/7/v6combat2-7.pdf
  Purpose: Determine the relationship between body composition and
anaerobic power in elite wrestlers. In this study wrestling is categorized as a
short-duration, high intensity sport which combines strength and anaerobic
capabilities, because of the short rest periods and need for quick bursts of
power. Much of the focus in this sport is on total body weight and less on
understanding if there is a connection between percentage fat mass (%FM)
and wrestling success.
  Hypothesis: There is a possible relationship between anaerobic performance
and fat-free mass and body fat percentage in both elite female and male
10 11/22/09   Methods: Eight female and eight male wrestlers, between 15 and 19
years old all of whom qualified for the Turkish junior national team.
Study was conducted through the competitive season. Body fat was
measured using body impedance analysis (BIA). The anaerobic state
was measured using Wingate test.
  Results: BMI results did not differ appreciably between male and
female wrestlers. There was a positive correlation between peak
performance and FFM in the males, with no correlation for females.
In both females and males the mean power was significantly
connected to FFM.
  Conclusion: The study suggestions, despite popular opinion in the
sport of wrestling, there is a greater relationship between FFM and
anaerobic performance than %FM. Focusing on %FM leads
wrestlers to practice counterproductive nutrient intake, which
reduces the FFM, which has a strong connection to successful
anaerobic performance.
Research Article #5
Gorostiaga, E., Llodio, I., Ibanez, J., Granados, C., Navarro, I., Ruesta, M., Bonnabau, H., Mikel, I.,
(2009). Differences in physical fitness among indoor and outdoor elite male soccer
players. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 106. Retrieved November 14, 2009 from
  Purpose: Compare the anthropometric, strength, muscle power, and aerobic capabilities of
indoor soccer players (IS) and outdoor soccer players (OS). Examine the relationship between
leg extension power production and endurance, and percent body fat of both IS and OS
  Hypothesis: This study presented two separate hypotheses. First, compared to OS players, IS
players should have lower endurance capacity with higher strength and muscle power. Second,
it stated that in both IS and OS low levels of body fat should be linked with higher physical
fitness values.
  Method: Two teams, one IS and one OS, were used. The following anthropometric measures
were taken: body height, body mass, skinfold, and fat free body mass. Each player had to
perform a jump test, a sprint test, endurance running test, and a muscle power test. The jump
test consisted of four maximal jumps from standing position. The sprint test was 15 m with
ninety seconds rest in between three trials. The endurance test consisted of four stages of 12,
13, 14, and 15 km, with three minutes between each test. Finally, the muscle test was conducted
using a half-squat extension. Using customized software to measure output. Verbal
encouragement was used to promote maximum output as rapidly as possible.
11 11/22/09   Results: The height of IS players was 15% lower than OS players. IS players
had a 2% higher sprint running time than IS players in both 5 m and 15 m
distances. Due to exhaustion eight OS and nine IS players did not perform
the endurance test. Little difference was observed between IS and OS
players during the endurance test. The lower extremity test showed IS
players having lower power output compared to OS players. There was a
negative relationship recorded between leg power and sprint running in
both groups. Body fat correlated positively with sprint times, but negatively
with jumping power.
  Conclusion: OS and IS players have similar body height, body mass, fat-free
mass and endurance output. IS players had higher percent body fat, lower
vertical jump height, sprint performance, and half-squat power. IS players
are at a clear disadvantage compared to OS when measuring “forceful
muscle contraction needed during certain game action.” It was concluded
that players with higher sprint running and vertical jump height tend to have
lower endurance performance. In addition, it is more advantageous for the
players to have a lower body fat percentage for performance success.
•  Goal becomes more important than health.
•  Female Athlete Triad
•  Lack of knowledge of the athletes, coaches, trainers, peers can lead
to harmful means to obtain unrealistic ideals.
•  Studies have shown that athletic trainers rate body weight as very or
moderately important to performance and viewed body composition
as less important. (pg. 256-257).
•  Addressing weight issues correctly is extremely important, if it is
done so correctly it can have a positive effect on athletic
performance. If it is done incorrectly it can lead athlete to take
extreme measures to obtain their goal.
12 11/22/09 Human Ecological Model
•  It’s not just about the number on the scale…
•  Sport, coaches, trainers, family, friends, peers and fans
can often put undue pressure on an athlete to achieve
success at any cost, even at the cost of one’s health.
•  Education for the athlete and their support unit is
important when addressing weight and body
•  “Second place is the first loser” can be motivational
but can also push athletes and their support to try
unhealthy methods to reach an ideal body weight/
In conclusion, body composition can be used as a tool in achieving
success in sports. It can help prevent injury and maximize the body’s
potential during competition. Athletes in most sports need to keep their
focus on body composition and less on weight, with the exception of the
weight and body conscious sports which rely on aesthetics and weight to
perform. With all sports an appropriate body composition should be
achieve using healthy and safe methods, not extreme methods that can be
counterproductive and put the athlete at risk for later health problems. It is
extremely important to teach not only the athletes, but also the coaches,
trainers, and family how to address body composition and weight to ensure
that the athlete’s physical and mental health are not compromised. New
technologies in body composition measurement have made it easier to get
accurate composition measurements of various components of the body.
Utilizing these measurements can enhance an athlete’s output and help an
athlete reach their goals and have the success they strive to achieve.
13 11/22/09 References
Benardot, D. (2006). Body Composition. Advanced Sports Nutrition (chapter 12). Retrieved November 10, 2009 from
Dunford, M. (Ed). (2006). Sports Nutrition: A Practice Manual for Professionals (4th ed.). Chicago: American Dietetic Association.
Gorostiaga, E., Llodio, I., Ibanez, J., Granados, C., Navarro, I., Ruesta, M., Bonnabau, H., Mikel, I., (2009). Differences in physical
fitness among indoor and outdoor elite male soccer players. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 106. Retrieved November 14,
2009 from http://www.springerlink.com.libproxy.csun.edu:2048/content/658226681q270743/fulltext.pdf
Hind, K., Truscott, J.G., Evans, J.A. (2006). Low lumbar spine bone mineral density in both male and female endurance runners.
Centre for Bone and Body Composition Research, 39. Retrieved November 11, 2009 from
Mudd, L., Fornetti, W., Pivarnik, J. (2007). Bone mineral density in collegiate female athletes: comparisons among sports. Journal of
Athletic Training, 43. Retrieved November 10, 2009 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1978462/?tool=pubmed
Ortansa, I., Ileana, G. (2006). The importance of body composition measurement at athletes and non-athletes. Sports Medicine Journal,
6. Retrieved November 9, 2009 from http://www.medicinasportiva.ro/SRoMS/english/Journal/No.6/The%20importance
Vardar, S., Tezel, S., Ozturk, L., Kaya, O. (2007). The relationship between body composition and anaerobic performance of elite
young wrestlers. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 6. Retrieved November 7, 2009 from
Warner, E., Fornetti, W., Jallot, J., Pivarnk, J. (2004). A skinfold model to predict fat-free mass in female athletes. Journal of Athletic
Taining, 39. Retrieved November 1, 2009 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC522149/?tool=pubmed