young company project 2017 - Cambridge Theatre Company

 YOUNG COMPANY PROJECT 2017 Thank you for your interest in Cambridge Theatre Company’s Young Company Project 2017. Even if you have been in our shows before, we politely request that you read this document very carefully. Following the success in December 2016 of Goodnight Mister Tom, which featured 16 young people, we believe that there is the appetite and desire to produce a full-­‐length musical for young people in Cambridge. We are now looking for a cast of enthusiastic, talented and committed young people to take part in our all-­‐singing production of Les Misérables, School Edition. Participants must be at least 10, and no older than 19 years of age on Monday 28 August 2017. Proof of ID may be requested. Unfortunately, we are unable to make any exceptions to these age restrictions. The Audition Pack This audition pack is made up of the following documents: Information Pack Contact Form The participant must read through the pack and, if they are under the age of 18, share the information with their parents/guardians. @camtheatreco #LesMis2017 Official Overview Les Misérables: School Edition is based on Victor Hugo’s epic historical novel of 1862 that covers the twists, turns and tales of the Paris Uprising of 1832 and the events running up to this. Despite its inherent theme of adversity and misfortune, and the weight of the title, Les Mis is far more than a sombre retelling of a period in history. Rather it beautifully brings to the stage the profound realities of a political uprising told through a complex series of relationships and involving romance and dark humour. Set in early 19th-­‐century France, cloaked in an air of rebellion and revolt, the musical is a strong and intelligent depiction of the transition of a society going through the several stringent stages of revolution. As with the book, the musical ponders on themes of justice, emancipation, vengeance and righteousness. The plot follows the characters’ struggles for redemption and revolution to attain Liberté, Égalité and Fraternité. The hard hitting narrative, strong book, glorious composition, compelling characters, magnificent sets and soulful score make this musical the longest running musical on the West End stage. Featuring heart-­‐touching songs such ‘I Dreamed A Dream’ and ‘Castle on a Cloud’, Les Mis is a legendary phenomenon that has been witnessed by more than 60 million people. Young Company Project The Young Company Project aims to bring over 60 young people together to create a fantastic show. The friendships, experiences and memories that are formed during projects like these are wonderfully unique and last a lifetime. The project is the product of a lot of hard work and time, and it is only through the commitment of everyone involved that the final result is so spectacular. Creative Team Director: Chris Cuming Musical Director: Gaz Brown Youth Project Co-­‐ordinator: Emily Starr Produced by Louis Ling for Cambridge Theatre Company Director’s Vision – Chris Cuming, Director I’m directing this wonderful historic piece of theatre. I have directed four productions at the Cambridge Arts Theatre, work for the National Youth Music Theatre, as well as other companies across London and the country. Les Mis is one of the greatest classics of Musical Theatre with a stunning story and phenomenal score that is timeless and watched by millions yearly across the globe and it’s now our chance to get to do it in Cambridge with young people. I’m really interested in acting and story, so am excited to explore the characters and journey of Jean Valjean through this rough time in Paris. I’m looking to build a strong company of young actors who want to work and create this iconic piece together. As a sung through show we need people who can act through song as well as have a strong presence on stage. It’ll be an intense rehearsal period and we’ll be looking for focused performers who want to have fun as well as produce a top quality production. We will be auditioning everyone and I’m looking for people to come and join which will be done on a workshop audition format. @camtheatreco #LesMis2017 The Audition Process The auditions will be on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 April 2017 at Mayfield Primary School, Warwick Road, Cambridge CB4 3HN. All participants should arrive promptly in order to register and sign in. The doors will be locked at the start of the workshop when all participants have signed in, for security. Anyone wishing to audition after this time will not be admitted. Saturday 29 April 9.30-­‐10am -­‐ Registration for Principal and Ensemble Workshop 1 10-­‐11am – Workshop 1 10.30-­‐11am -­‐ Registration for Principal and Ensemble Workshop 2 11-­‐12pm – Workshop 2 11.30-­‐12pm -­‐ Registration for Principal and Ensemble session 12-­‐1pm – Workshop 3 2-­‐5pm – Recalls for Principal and featured Ensemble* Sunday 30 April 9.30-­‐10am -­‐ Registration for Principal and Ensemble Workshop 1 10-­‐11am – Workshop 1 10.30-­‐11am -­‐ Registration for Principal and Ensemble Workshop 2 11-­‐12pm – Workshop 2 11.30-­‐12pm -­‐ Registration for Principal and Ensemble session 12-­‐1pm – Workshop 3 2-­‐5pm – Recalls for Principal and featured Ensemble* *If we request to see you for recalls on the day you have auditioned, please ensure you are available between 2-­‐5pm. Please note, we are asking for contact information to be completed prior to attending the audition day. The contact form must be completed in full at the end of this pack. Please bring along to your audition with passport-­‐sized photo of yourself attached. You must book your slot for the audition workshop you would like to attend by emailing Emily Starr: [email protected] @camtheatreco #LesMis2017 How the Audition Day Works Once everyone is signed in we will introduce the members of the Production Team and explain how the day will be run. Participants do not need to prepare anything for the audition workshop. Participants will be taught a verse and chorus of a Les Mis song, and they will be taught a short dance piece on the day. It’s important to highlight that we don’t just expect the ‘best’ singers, dancers and actors; we like to recognise potential and work with individuals throughout the process. We cannot predict a finishing time, but our aim is to have seen everyone by the end of each session. After that we will ask selected individuals to come for Principals and Featured Ensemble recalls on the day of their audition from 2-­‐5pm, so please ensure you will be available for this. If you are asked to stay on you can wait in the waiting room until you have been seen or leave the site but it’s your responsibility to be back on time, so please bring plenty to eat and drink. We would recommend bringing a mobile phone so that you can contact your parents for lifts at the end of the audition. Expect a lot of waiting around, as we have to audition over 180 people over 2 days. Bring quiet things to do to keep you occupied; CTC will not take any responsibility for personal belongings that may get lost. Parents/guardians wishing to stay and wait for their children may wait in the waiting room. Once everyone is signed into the building and the auditions are underway the main doors will be locked. This is to enable us to keep the building secure whilst the auditions are going on. Any parents/guardians wishing to wait in the waiting room are more than welcome to purchase hot/cold drinks. Parents/guardians will not be allowed into the main hall to watch the auditions. Please remember to bring your completed contact form with attached passport style photo to the auditions. Clothing Participants will be required to wear sensible clothing and footwear (soft-­‐soled, no heels). All participants will take part in a physical warm up so please come in comfortable, loose clothing. Please do not wear jewellery or anything that might prohibit your movement or cause an injury whilst dancing. You will not be allowed to audition barefoot or in socks. Principal and Ensemble Breakdown Male Principal (aged 16-­‐19) JEAN VALJEAN JAVERT THENARDIER
MARIUS Female Principal (aged 16-­‐19) FANTINE COSETTE @camtheatreco #LesMis2017 EPONINE MADAME THENARDIER Male Ensemble (aged 10-­‐19) There are lots for the Ensemble to do in the show and this is brief breakdown of what is available:
GAVROCHE COMBEFERRE COURFEYRAC JOLY PROUVAIRE LESEGLES GRANTAIRE FAUCHELEVANT JUDGE MISTAKEN VALJEAN FOREMAN CHAIN GANG CONSTABLES STREET URCHINS / GAVROCHE GANG Female Ensemble (aged 10-­‐19) There are lots for the Ensemble to do in the show and this is brief breakdown of what is available:
FACTORY WORKERS Rehearsals and Performances All rehearsals will be held in Cambridge and the performances at the, Great Hall at The Leys School through out October half term week. Rehearsals can go from 10am -­‐ 6pm (with breaks for lunch and dinner) so we ask parents to ensure their children are prepared for the time commitment and bring suitable provisions. Production week the times vary and are subject to change so do check below for rough timing outline. If performers are required to stay late for technical rehearsals or dress runs then their day will begin later to ensure that we adhere to child performance regulations. @camtheatreco #LesMis2017 Rehearsals Dates Monday 28 August -­‐ Saturday 2 September 2017 – 10-­‐6pm Friday 8 September, 7-­‐10pm Sunday 10 September, 12-­‐6pm Friday 15 September, 7-­‐10pm Sunday 17 September, 12-­‐6pm Friday 22 September, 7-­‐10pm Sunday 24 September, 12-­‐6pm Friday 29 September, 7-­‐10pm Sunday 1 October, 12-­‐6pm Friday 6 October, 7-­‐10pm Sunday 8 October, 12-­‐6pm – Costume Rehearsal Friday 13 October, 7-­‐10pm Sunday 15 October, 12-­‐6pm –Sitzprobe from 3pm (Time provisional) Friday 20 October, 7-­‐10.30pm – Run through with full band (Provisional) The breakdown of the rehearsal schedule will be available to the chosen cast before the project begins. Production Dates Saturday 21 October 6pm-­‐ Sign In 9pm – End of call Sunday 22 October 12.00pm – Sign In 10pm – End of call Monday 23 October Not required – Rest Day Tuesday 24 October 1pm – Sign In 2.30pm –Dress Rehearsal 5.30pm -­‐ Dinner 7.30pm -­‐ Performance Wednesday 25 October 5.30pm – Sign In 7.30pm Performance Thursday 26 October 12.30pm – Sign In 2.30pm Performance 7.30pm Performance Friday 27 October 5.30pm – Sign In 7.30pm Performance @camtheatreco #LesMis2017 Saturday 28 October 12.30pm –Sign In 2.30pm Performance 7.30pm Performance Costume Measurement Day You must be available on either Saturday 20 or Sunday 21 May from 10-­‐4pm to be measured by the costume team. The location for this day and the allocated timings will be in announced in the acceptance emails. Fees £165.00 per participant If a family has more than one member in Project, each additional sibling will be charged at £140.00 per participant. The fee does not include meals or transportation, which remain the responsibility of the parent/guardian. All fees must be paid by: Sunday 9 July 2017 Failure to pay by the deadline above will result in the participant being excluded from the project. The full amount can be paid using the online link (Bank Transfer) sent to you in your acceptance email. Payment can also be made in person by (Costume measurement day); cash and cheque payments are accepted. Cheques should be made payable to Cambridge Theatre Company and need to have the participants name on the back. Costumes and Props Although we are providing costumes and props, participants will be asked to provide some basic elements of costume that hopefully can be found easily at home or from a charity shop etc. We will also create a props list and ask participants to ask family and friends to look in attics and garages for items that we can use in the production. Note to parents We rely on good communication with parents to ensure the project runs smoothly, therefore please check all the forms are filled out correctly. We will endeavour to email any information to you as well as your child to keep you informed of rehearsal times and schedules. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you need to discuss further any information regarding your child and their involvement in Les Mis. Decisions You will be notified of the result of your audition by email no later than Sunday 7 May 2017. The full cast list will be posted on the CTC website, once all the emails have gone out and the roles have been accepted. The decision of the production team is final and correspondence regarding casting will not be entered into. Enquiries We look forward to seeing you at auditions and please tell your friends about this fantastic opportunity. It’s going to be wonderful experience that we love to share with you all. If you have any questions concerning Young Company Project please email: Emily Starr, Young Company Co-­‐ordinator -­‐ [email protected] @camtheatreco #LesMis2017 CAST MEMBER CONTACT FORM Attach passport style photo here Name of Participant: Date of Birth: Your age on 28 August 2017: Email Address of Participant: Home Address of Participant: Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Email Address of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Contact Number(s) for Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Area of Interest (please circle) Ensemble (aged 10-­‐19) Principal (aged 16-­‐19) Please sign below to confirm that the details you have entered here and online are correct. Signed Relationship to the participant Date @camtheatreco #LesMis2017