Why did the chicken cross the road? 4th Annual Chicken `N Biscuits

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Circuit Rider
Newsletter of the United Methodist Church
119 E. 2nd Street , Fairmont, Minnesota 56031
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the
4th Annual Chicken ‘N Biscuits Dinner!
Of Course
Famous East Chain Recipe
Sunday, September 18, 2016
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Fellowship Hall
119 East 2nd Street, Fairmont, MN
Adults - $8.00, Children 5-12 $5.00,
Children 4 and Under are FREE!
Includes: 2 Salads, Vegetable, Beverage & Homemade Pie
Take-Outs will be available.
Home Made Pies for Dessert!!!
Proceeds go to UMW Missions - Local and Global
In This Issue
September Lectionary Readings
Pastor’s Message for September
Operation Christmas Child
UMC to Attend Leadership Institute
Communion at Health Care Centers
Wed. Bible Study at Lutz Wing
Summer Mission Trip 2016
Youth Nouz
Sunday School Begins
Upcoming Opportunities for Laity
Celebrations & Concerns
September Thank Yous
September News & Notes
Women’s News
BAM News
Memorials & Special Gifts
Church Kitchen Shower
September Birthdays
September Acolytes & Ushers
Tuesday, September 20th , at 3:30 p.m. is the
DEADLINE for the next Circuit Rider. We
appreciate your contributions. Please submit
your news in the Circuit Rider box in the
Communication Room (Marlene’s), in the
Communication box in the office, or email
me at [email protected]. If you have any
questions please call the church office —
Exodus 3:1-15
Jeremiah 15:1521
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 3, 2017
Romans 12:9-21
Matthew 16:2128
Romans 13:8-14
Matthew 18:1520
1 Corinthians 1:1824
John 3:13-17
Romans 14:1-12
Matthew 18:2135
Philippians 1:21-30
Matthew 20:1-16
Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b
Psalm 26:1-8
Exodus 12:1-14
Ezekiel 33:7-11
September 10, 2017
Psalm 149
Psalm 119:33-40
Holy Cross
September 14, 2017
Numbers 21:4b-9
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 98:1-5
Psalm 78:1-2, 34-38
Exodus 14:19-31
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 17, 2017
Genesis 50:1521
Psalm 114
Exodus 15:1b-11, 20-21
Psalm 103:(1-7),
Exodus 16:2-15
Jonah 3:10-4:11
Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45
Psalm 145:1-8
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 24, 2017
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From Pastor Tony
Even though I am writing this a month and a half before September, I am looking forward to
some special things that will be happening at Fairmont UMC this fall.
Jenny Lewis, our Family Ministries Coordinator, has been busy working on reinvigorating the
small groups of our church. We are using a model that some of us who were at last spring’s
Southern Prairie District Day in Windom were taught. This model is from the book A ctivate,
and has had great success the last couple of years at Hilltop UMC in Mankato.
We will also be learning more about the Healthy Church Initiative (HCI) that Bishop Ough has invited us to be a part
of. Not every local church is ready to embark on this journey; however, the Cabinet and our bishop think the Fairmont
United Methodist Church has great potential and they would like us to use this great tool for us and our church.
The Healthy Church Initiative is an intensive process which involves attending learning sessions for the clergy and key
congregational leaders, completing a self-study, engaging in an outside consultation, and working with a coach to implement the recommendations. We will have our first HCI workshop for clergy and laity on Saturday, September 24th.
Throughout August and September more information about our small group ministry and HCI will be given.
I hope and pray that you are as joyfully expectant as I am when considering the wonderful possibilities that are before
us as a congregation!
I’ll be looking for you in church!
As we praise God together and Resound God’s Grace to all,
May God Bless Us!
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box collections will take place at our
church again this fall. Thank you for your contributions and support
for the past 5 years. You helped put smiles on many children's
It is that time of the year again when there are great sales in the
school supply aisles of most stores. Please keep in mind most of the
countries these boxes go to. Children are not allowed to even start
school without these supplies.
Hygiene items are greatly needed.
Imagine not being able to wash your face or brush your teeth each
day!! Also the summer t-shirts go on sale An item of clothing, age
appropriate for the box you are packing, may be included.
Please prayerfully consider filling a shoebox or bring items to the
church so we can fill the boxes in November. A table will be set up
in the narthex with samples of suggested items along with a box for
placing donated items in. We will be making the individual OCC boxes
Thank you in advance for helping us out again this year and for
If questions please feel free to contact Renee Poppee at 507-236-1582
Page 3
Six from Fairmont UMC to Attend Leadership Institute in Kansas City at the
End of September
Our congregation will be sending several individuals to the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection’s
Leadership Institute in Leawood Kansas in September.
This is one of the largest mainline church training events in the country where more than 25,000 leaders over
the past 18 years have come to be equipped, renewed and inspired in God’s call to ministry in their life. Year
over year, church leaders return bringing a team in order to expand the impact of practical leadership principles and inspirational and visionary teaching with a spirit of renewal. Jenny Lewis and Pastor Tony attended
this training two years ago and highly recommend it to others.
More information about this event is below and at http://li.cor.org/
If you are interest in attending, please call the church office (235-5579), or talk to Jenny Lewis
([email protected]) or Pastor Tony ([email protected]).
Lean in to our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by investing in
your leadership and leaders of your church. Leaders with fresh ideas, renewed focus and rekindled hope for
the future are able to unleash the potential of a church and community.
Bring your ministry leaders to one of the largest mainline church training events in the country where more
than 25,000 leaders over the past 18 years have come to be equipped, renewed and inspired in God’s call to
September 29 - 30 (Pre-Institute September 28)
Page 4
Holy Communion at Goldfinch,
Lakeview, Lutz Wing and Ingleside in
Our church offers a monthly service of Holy
Communion at the Lakeview United Methodist
Heath Care Center and at
the Lutz Wing at Mayo
Clinic Health Systems –
Fairmont. Pastor Tony also
offers Holy Communion at
Goldfinch Estates and
Ingleside residence on a
rotating schedule.
These Eucharist services
are offered for the members of Fairmont United
Methodist Church and all the residents, staff and
friends who attend because the United Methodist
Church practices an open table for communion.
This month these services will be
10:00 Thursday, September 8th
at Goldfinch Estates.
2:00 Tuesday, September 13th
at the Lakeview United Methodist Health
Care Chapel with coffee following the
Wednesday Bible Study
September is a great month to start something
new in your life to grow in your faith! Consider
our Wednesday Bible Study which is open to
all! Because many of the persons attending are
from the Lutz Wing, and this is an interesting
and lively study they look forward to each week,
we will continue to meet each week – including
Come and join us!
Class will be offered on those Wednesdays which
Pastor Tony is in
Fairmont – see the
weekly church calendar
for individual dates.
This Bible study is for
beginners as well as
persons who have lots
of experience in the Bible.
We gather for a time of fellowship as well as to
deepen our faith and understanding of the Christian
New persons join our class each week –
and we invite you to join us, too!
2:00 Thursday, September 15th
at Lutz Wing in the hospital Chapel.
We are now looking at the Acts of the Apostles.
You don’t even need to bring your Bible—Pastor
Tony prints up large print copies of each week’s
lesson for everyone to use.
2:00 Thursday, September 29th
at Ingleside residence (This service may be
Everyone is invited to attend these services and
enjoy the presence of Christ with the residents of
these care centers. This is a special way for
members of our congregation to be radical in our
hospitality and welcome to those who often can’t
make it to a church on Sundays.
We are now reading and learning about the early
days of the Church and the signs and wonders done
by those who followed Jesus, done in the name of
If you can’t make it to church and would like Pastor
Tony to bring Holy Communion to your home,
Page 5
We meet Wednesday
afternoons from 1:00
until 2:00 in the Lutz
Wing Chapel.
Join us and see what
A Report from the 2016 Summer Mission Trip
From July 30 to August 7 our church generously sent 22 people on a Mission Trip to Hancock County Tennessee with
the Appalachian Service Project. While we were in Tennessee we repaired 2 mobile homes for families. Our repair projects included putting up siding and installing outer trailer skirting, replacing ceilings, sheet rocking, finishing and
painting walls, tiling floors, and installing bathroom toilets and sinks.
On our way to Tennessee we spent the night in Indianapolis at a United Methodist Church that definitely knew how to
show extravagant hospitality. We enjoyed the tasty food at a “Steak and Shake” with the help of coupons that members of the congregation saved for us.
While in Tennessee we slept on cots and air mattresses in a local United Methodist community center where we were
fed delicious breakfasts and suppers and also picked up all our building materials for the day’s projects.
It was definitely not a trip for the faint hearted! The weather was hot and humid, but we only got rain on the final day,
so we were blessed to be able to accomplish our jobs with little delay. We returned to the community center each
evening feeling a sense of accomplishment and dog tired from the day’s work! Most evenings included a run into
Sneedville about 20 minutes away for ice cream which was already paid for by the volunteer teams who worked the
week before we came. One evening, after a picnic dinner put on for the homeowners we served, our group visited a
nearby waterfall.
The families we served were very grateful for our help and have touched our hearts forever.
Our return trip brought us through St. Louis Saturday night where we stayed at an historic downtown United Methodist Church. While in St. Louis we had a delicious pizza dinner where participants in our group gave thanks for specific
things we experienced and shared in Holy Communion. After dinner, we were able to take a trip to the top of the St.
Louis Arch and get a wonderful view of the city. We got home Sunday evening feeling tired and blessed!
With our congregation’s wonderful support and blessing we were able to make a $1,000.00 donation to Appalachian
Service Project for future projects in Hancock County. A gift of this size will typically be able to pay for two families to
have their homes repaired next year. Thank you to all of you that supported our efforts and fundraisers. We greatly
appreciate you!
We also received this thank you note:
Dear Joleen and Fairmont UMC,
We as the staff wanted to thank you for your week of service here in Hancock County. Your hard work, love and joy has
truly made a difference in these families lives.
Hart, Collin, Maddie, and Katie
ASP Hancock Staff 2016
Page 6
Fairmont United Methodist Church
The weather is cooling off and the leaves are even starting to change. The school
year is about to begin. It’s time to embark on a new journey, make new friends, reconnect with the old. May God bless and keep the students and staff of Martin County West, Fairmont, Granada-Huntly-East Chain, and all schools around the country
and the world.
Have a great school year and remember to choose kindness!
Church School is back in session for 7th-12th Graders!
Sunday mornings beginning September 11th @ 9am.
Gather in the Fellowship hall and we’ll enjoy a tasty caramel roll together
head up to the Youth Room for a lesson with Jenny & Crystal.
Lock-In for 7th-12th Graders
September 16th @ 9pm-September 17th @ 7am
Games, food, movies and more! Come hang out after the football games!
I am looking for volunteers to help chaperone the lock-in and provide snacks
for the hungry teens that will be hanging out for the evening. If you are interested in helping please call, email, or stop in and see me.
235-5579 or [email protected] (Students: please let me know
if you plan to come)
Youth Pumpkin Pie Fundraiser
Pick-Up October 16th 11 am– 1 pm
Name _______________________________
Email _______________________________
Phone ______________________________
Number of Pies ______
Pies are $10 in advance or $15 day of while supplies last.
If you’d like to order please turn this slip in to Jenny Lewis or the main office OR
there will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex: Sept 25th, Oct 2nd & 9th. Thank you for your support!
Page 7
All Are Welcome!
Enjoy Fruit Kabobs in the Narthex at
September 11, 2016
9:15-10:15 am
Pre-School– 6th Grade: Meet in the Sanctuary for
Music then we will find our Rooms
3rd Grade
The 3rd Grade Bible Class will begin on Wednesdays this fall with Ann Marte as
the teacher. Sessions
will be 6-7pm on September 14,21,28, October 5, 12, 26, November 2, 9, & 16.
The Bible Presentation will be on Sunday, November 13.
All 3rd Graders and anyone who has missed the class or is interested is welcome. Please register so we
Christ Living in Christian Kids
Starting October 5 for 8 weeks!
CLICK is an after school program on
Wednesdays for students in K-6th
Grade. Students may ride a bus to our
downtown location and join in snacks,
games, art, home-work help & Christian lessons from 3:30-5:00.
To register call the Fairmont United
Page 8
Page 9
Returned home from the
hospital: Theresa Smith, Leo
McDonald, Clyde Gilbaugh,
Lenagene Prafke
Our sympathy and prayers to
the family and friends of Dee
Schuster who passed away on
August 12th.
Our sympathy and prayers to Muriel and
Sherm Kumba and family and friends following the passing of Muriel’s brother, Ralph
Perkins, who passed away in Clear Lake, SD.
Our sympathy and prayers to Dorothy
Saxton and Oliver and Joyce Garlick and
family and friends following the death of
Dorothy and Oliver’s brother, George Garlick, who passed on August 4th in Blue Earth,
Our sympathy and prayers to Harold
Goerndt and family and
following the
death of his sister, Bev
Horejsi who passed away
on August 26th.
Our congratulations and
best wishes to Dick and Millie
Adams who celebrated their
53rd wedding anniversary on
August 11th.
Prayers of Concern: Paige Redenius, Oliver
Garlick, Kayla Poetter, Theresa Smith, Leo
McDonald, Karen Meier, Clyde Gilbaugh, Lenagene Prafke,
Ty Kotewa, and Charlie
Gronewald, Ruth Schultz (Chuck Schultz’
The following are deployed relatives and
friends of our church family. They are so
far away and need all the hope and encouragement that comes from contact with
home. We would encourage you to write to
Jon Henrichs—Marines—Bahrain
Cpl. Henrichs, Jonathan
VMFD (AW)-533/Power line
Unit 80113
Fpo Appreciate 96610-1300
Grandson of Pat and Chuck Schultz
Riley and Tonya Jahnke—Army
Stationed in New York
Grandson of Karen Meier
Ethan Doolittle—Army Basic Training
Fort Jackson, South Carolina
Dawn Doolittle’s Nephew
EMFN Lance Brolsma—Navy/San Diego on
Destroyer, USS Wayne e. Meyer ddg-108
Son of Tim Brolsma & Denise Baruth
Grandson of Dick and Bev Fenske
Caleb Witham—National Guard in Bagram,
Friend of Emily O’Connor
I would like to thank
my UMC family and
friends for all the
prayers, visits, gifts, flowers and prayer
shawl while I was in the hospital for hip surgery. Thanks for the food and visits when I
got home as well as phone calls. Thanks to
Jean Potter and Jackie Pendergast for helping errands and rides back and forth to and
from appointments and therapy. I am doing
Page 10
(Continued on next page.)
(Continued from previous page)
Sign Up Sheet – The UMW is in
need of volunteers to bake pies
for the Chicken ‘N Biscuit Dinner
on Sept. 18. They are also in
need of some other dinner items
for that day. Sign up sheets are on the Kiosk
in the Narthex.
Sunday School Teachers/Aides – if you
would like to help and be a part of our Sunday
School program for the 2016-2017 season,
please contact Alma at 236.9010 or call the
church office at 235.5579. We just found
out that we are need of one or more to lead
our 1st & 2nd Grade Sunday School class.
Blood Drive – Fairmont Community Blood
Drive will be held Tues,
Sept. 13 (1:00P-7:00), Wed. Sept. 14 (12:00P6:00), Thurs. Sept. 15 (9:00A-2:00) at the
Holiday Inn.
For appointments call
800.733.2767 or visit www.redcrossblood.org
and enter sponsor code: FAIRMONTMN. All
donors receive a $5.00 food certificate to
Green Mill Fairmont.
Evening Community Bible Study – Join them
for an in depth study of the Gospel of Matthew. Sept. 12 - Dec. 12, 2016 and Jan. 9 –
Apr. 10, 2017. Mondays 7:00-8:15 pm at
Grace Lutheran Church.
To pre-register
email: [email protected]
Lost & Found – outside of the Narthex is a
table set up with unclaimed items brought
back from the Mission Trip. If you are missing items that you took along, please pick
them up while you are here.
Come and join a small group of
persons who gather together, sing
a couple of fresh, new worship
Continued in next column.
Women’s News
NOTICE!!!! Our first UMW meeting of the
fall season will be on Thursday, September
1st at 9:30 AM in Fellowship Hall with the executive meeting prior at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall Parlor. Abigail Circle will provide
the program and Rachel Circle well serve as
Abigail Circle September meeting to be announced. We will be serving cookies at Lakeview on the 4th Monday of September
(September 25th)
Martha Circle will meet Thursday, September 15th, at 9:30 AM. On Tuesday, September 13th we will be providing the birthday
party for Lutz Wing at 2:00 PM.
Naomi Circle will meet at 9:00 AM on Saturday, September 17th at the Lakeview
Healthcare Center.
Rachel Circle will meet at 9:30 AM on
Thursday, September 15th.
As there may be changes, be sure to
check with the church office if you are
unsure of meeting place or time.
Page 11
(Continued on next page.)
BAM News
"marhaba!" means hello in Arabic. We're on the last few chapters of THE WELL
WOMEN by Ladine Housholder. She tosses in a lot of Arabic phrases to teach
and enhance the color of the culture the tour ladies are enjoying. But the most
fascinating detail which binds the first Samaritan woman, Sapha, to the present
day tour group is an almost forgotten notebook preserved through generations in
a metal box. It belonged to the tour guide's grandmother and Najila, tour guide,
is thrilled to translate it for her tour ladies, giving her first job as tour guide, a
very special connection to Jesus. The ladies are staying in Nablus, Israel and are close to this
historic site of Jacob's well. They are emotionally changed through this experience and will-
In Memory of Donna Albert
In Memory of Ruth Miller
Operation Christmas Child
Anonymous Donations
Chancel Choir
Agape Choir
Imagine No Malaria
Total Memorials
Other Income
Interest Income
Dee’s Floral
Help and Hope
Fairmont Fire Department
Midwest Missions
Total Disbursements
Page 12
Sunday, August 14th through Sunday, September 25th
Please bring your items to the church office during
regular office hours, or to the Kitchen on Sunday mornings.
We Need:
All Items Must Be New and Unopened
Nice white napkins
Nice colored luncheon napkins (13” x 13”)
for funerals, and summer and fall napkins
Picnic Napkins (LARGE packages) for Wed. Suppers
ZipLoc food bags (Sandwich, Quart, 2 Gallon Size)
Wax Paper
Small crockpot liners
Large boxes of Kleenex
Dawn dish soap (28 oz. or larger)
Lysol kitchen cleaner
Disposable Gloves
Scotch Brite Heavy Duty Scour Pads, SOS Pads
Butter (1 lb. packages for making Sunday rolls)
Brown sugar (2 lb.)
Cooking pan spray (Pam)
Minced (dehydrated) onion, large containers
Powdered beef base
Powdered chicken base
Lemonade powder (5 pound size)
Coffee (Regular and Decaf) 3 lb. size
Salt, Pepper (for S&P shakers)
Salad dressings (Western and Ranch)
Grape Jelly (32 oz.)
Peanut Butter (28 oz.)
Ketchup, Mustard
Vinegar (White or Cider Vinegar)
Miracle Whip Salad Dressing (Quarts)
Vegetable oil
Cash $$$ contributions are appreciated for the following items that are purchased in large quantity through US Foods (formerly
Hawkeye Foods) for kitchen supplies and Wednesday Night Suppers.
Boxed placemats
Large roaster liners
Large aluminum foil
Large plastic film
Plastic drinking glasses for funerals
Chicken, Fish, Ham, Taco Meat
Mashed potatoes
Scalloped potatoes
Single serve butter packets (Borchardt Dairy)
Single serve milk cartons (Borchardt Dairy)
Single serve package crackers (Lenten suppers)
Single serve sugar & creamer packets
Single serve artificial sweetener
Soups (Lenten Suppers)
Gravy Mixes (Brown/Beef, Chicken, Turkey
Biscuit Dough, Cinnamon Roll Dough
If you have any questions about the above items,
Contact: Muriel Kumba (238-1192) or
Kathy Lloyd (235-6404)
Page 13
Honoring those who have joined “Club
80” & those who are Homebound or in
Health Care Facilities.
Honoring Our Children and Youth
8 Jean Strauss
10 Dorothy Richards
16 Oliver Garlick
Acolytes for September
Ushers for September
8:00 am
4th - 9:30 am Dylan Kennedy
Levi Buhmann
Eli Redenius
Bruce Moore
Brad Musser
10:30 am Ken Tumbleson
Veryl Champine
Ed Schermerhorn
Scott Becker
James Bachenberg
Emily O’Connor
Zachary Birch
Ashton TeveldalEarhart
11th - 8:00 am
Lacey Gatton
McKayla Byers
Zachary Birch
10:30 am Ross Balcom
Ethan Grunewald
18th - 8:00 am Cordell Kain
Samanthya Schwager
Rachel O’Connor
10:30 am Katie Jahnke
Bailey Jahnke
Trent Van Egdom
Page 14
9:00 UMW Exec. Mtg.
9:00 Exercise Gr.
9:30 UMW Mtg.
12:30 Yoga
12:00 AL-ANON-Fireside 2:00 UMC Worship
5:15 Yoga
on Channel 12
6:00 Worship
Holy Communion
Hospitality Coffee
in Narthex
9:30 Worship
Labor Day
Church offices are
Regular hours
return this week
9:00:00 Exercise Gr.
1:00 Quilters
1:30 Caregivers
5:15 Yoga
7:00 Cub Scouts
9:00 Exercise Group
12:30 Yoga
1:00 Adult Bible Study
5:45 Agape Choir
6:00 Confirmation
(10th gr.)
6:30 Trustees Mtg.
10:00 Goldfinch
12:00 AL-ANONFireside
5:15 Yoga
6:00 Worship
9:00 Exercise Gr
12:30 Yoga
2:00 UMC Worship
on Channel 12
Regular Office
Hours Begin
8:30 Staff Mtg
148: 30 Staff Mtg
9:00 Exercise
12:30 Yoga
6:15 DaycareFireside Room
9:00 Exercise
1:00 Quilters
2:00 Lakeview
5:15 Yoga
7:00 Cub Scouts
7:00 Church Council
9:00 Exercise Group
12:30 Yoga
1:00 Adult Bible Study
5:00 Wed Night
5:45 Agape Choir
6:00 3rd gr Bible Cl
6:00 Confirm (10th gr)
6:30 Chancel Choir
9:30 Martha Cir
9:30 Rachel Cir
12:00 AL-ANONFireside
2:00 Lutz Wing
5:15 Yoga
6:00 Worship
9:00 Exercise Gr.
12:30 Yoga
2:00 UMC Worship
on Channel 12
Hospitality Coffee in
8:00 Worship
9:00 Coffee & Rolls in
9:15 Church School.
10:30 Worship
12:00 Brunch Bunch
1:30 Private gathering
in Fireside Room
9:00 Naomi Cir
Lock In
Hospitality Coffee in
8:00 Worship
9:15 Church School.
10:30 Worship
11:00-1:00 UMW
Chicken ‘N Biscuits
9:00 Exercise
12:30 Yoga
9:00 Exercise Group
1:00 Quilters
5:15 Yoga
7:00 pm Cub Scouts
9:00 Exercise Group
12:30 Yoga
1:00 Adult Bible Study
5:00 pm. Wed. Night Supper
5:45 pm. Agape Choir
6:00 pm. 3rd Gr. Bible
6:00 Confirm (10th gr)
6:30 pm. Chancel Choir
12:00 AL-ANON-Fireside
2:00 BAM-Fireside
3:30-8:00 Fmt. Community Concert—front door
5:15 Yoga
6:00 Worship
9:00 Exercise Gr
12:30 Yoga
2:00 UMC Worship on
Channel 12
4:00 Wedding
4:00 Griese/
Haugen Wedding
12:00 Al-ANON-Fireside
2:00 Ingleside?
5:15 Yoga
6:00 No Worship
9:00 Exercise Gr.
12:30 Yoga
2:00 UMC Worship
On Channel 12
Hospitality Cof-
fee in Narthex
8:00 Worship
9:00 Coffee & Rolls in
Fellowship Hall
9:15 Church School
10:30 Worship
Pre-order Pumpkin
Circuit Rider
9:00 Exercise
12:30 Yoga
9:00 Exercise Gr.
1:00 Quilters
5:15 Yoga
7:00 Cub Scouts
8:30 Staff Mtg
8:30 NO Staff Mtg
9:00 Exercise Group
12:30 Yoga
1:00 NO Adult Bible Study
5:00 pm. Wed. Night Sup
5:45 pm. Agape Choir
6:00 pm. 3rd Gr. Bible
6:30 pm. Chancel Choir
7:00 pm. Confirm (9th)
Leadership Institute —Kansas City
Page 15
10-3:00 HCI Mpls
FAIRMONT, MN 56031-2891
Return Service Requested
Fall & Winter Worship Schedule
8:00 a.m. Morning Worship
9:15 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Hospitality Coffee in Narthex 7:30—10:15 a.m.
Homemade Rolls & coffee in Fellowship Hall
8:30-10:15 a.m.
Nursery Care available for 8:00 a.m. &
10:30 a.m. Services
September 5th
Labor Day
Churches Offices Closed
September 6th
Fall & Winter Office Hours Begin
September 7th
Confirmation Class Begins @ 6PM
September 11th
Rally Day
Brunch Bunch
Church Office Hours
8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon and 12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Phone: 507-235-5579
Fax: 507-235-5570
Web address: umcfairmont.org
YOUTH website: www.umcfairmont.org/youth
To email Pastor Tony: [email protected]
To email office: [email protected]
To email Family Ministry Coordinator:,
Jenny Lewis: [email protected]
To email Christian Ed Director, Alma Barber:
[email protected]
To email Marlene: [email protected]