
Directions: Determine if the passages are examples of dramatic, situational, or verbal irony. Write the
correct answers below the passages.
Definition: Irony is when words/sentences convey the opposite of their literal meaning.
Example: The firehouse burned down.
Explanation: It would be ironic if a firehouse burned down because those it houses are trained and
equipped to fight fires.
Three kinds of irony:
1. Dramatic—other characters’ reveal actions or news unknown to main characters
2. Situational—shows unfairness in situations
3. Verbal—usually sarcastic remarks with meanings opposite of the literal meanings
Angela’s mother wanted her to do her homework, but she spent her time playing on social
networking sites. Her mother stood at the door of her bedroom and said, “I’m glad you are so
focused on your schoolwork! I just know you will score high on your final exams since you put
in so much time studying!”
This is an example of _______________________ irony.
You walked one mile to the grocery store. As you approached the front of the store, a friend
asked if needed a ride.
This is an example of _______________________ irony.
The customer watched as the boy stuck the candy in his front pocket when the store owner
turned his back. Mr. Williams, the proprietor of Ted’s Grocery, trusted the children of the
neighborhood. After all, they were a community of friends. The five-year-old smiled at the old
man behind the counter and left the store.
This is an example of _______________________ irony.
4. Kate gave her friend a surprise party for her birthday, yet she did not
expect to hear “Surprise! Happy Birthday!” when she walked through the door of her apartment.
This is an example of _______________________ irony.
Tim looked at his too short haircut in the mirror then frowned as his brother exclaimed, “It’s
looks great!”
This is an example of _______________________ irony.
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Lauren disliked basketball, so she decided to stay on Friday night when her classmates played
their game. Instead, she chose to go to an unknown event with her parents. As they approached
the arena, Lauren realized they were going to a professional basketball game.
This is an example of _______________________ irony.
The actress wrote the words on the palms of her hands so she could remember them. The other
girls in the room watched as the director asked her to recite her lines. No one mentioned to the
director that the actress did not know her lines.
This is an example of _______________________ irony.
John tripped and fell for the third time then said, “It’s my lucky day!”
This is an example of _______________________ irony.
Nora looked everywhere for her car keys before she found them in the ignition of her vehicle.
10. The man in the lifeboat around, “Water everywhere and not a drop to
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