THE IMPORTANCE OF Fleet driver traininG

OF fleet
The importance of fleet driver training
1 in 3
ROad accidents
involve a company vehiclei
In today’s fast-moving business world, an increasing number of companies are focusing on mobility
to better meet the needs of their clients and customers. Whether its delivering goods, travelling
to meetings or simply getting to and from work, more and more companies are relying on business
vehicles to do so.
For fleet managers however, this increase in fleet demand brings an increase in workload. As you
know, fleet management is a complex job with many responsibilities, particularly for individuals
in charge of small and medium-sized fleets. As a result of the need to source vehicles, manage
suppliers, control costs and work towards green credentials, less important tasks often are neglected.
According to a recent survey, driver training is one of these. The results of the survey show that 72%
of people driving for business are not offered any training, even though 58% would welcome itii.
With new legislation being put in place that means companies can now be held responsible for
incidents involving fleet drivers, it’s more important than ever for fleet managers to be aware
of the importance of good training and the benefits it can bring. As well as creating a fleet of safe,
conscientious drivers, fleet training can also reduce costs and operational risk, and positively impact
your corporate image.
The importance of fleet driver training
This guide discusses the importance of
providing drivers with a relevant driver training
programme, and highlights the benefits this can
bring to your business.
The importance of fleet driver training
Fleet driver training is
part of your duty of care
Under new sentencing guidelines,
large firms could be
up to
for corporate manslaughteriii
Fleet driver training is important because of the impact it has on driver safety. Under the Health
and Safety at Work Act 1974, as an employer you are required to ensure that all employees are
provided with a safe working environment. The act requires employers to take appropriate steps
to ensure the health and safety of both their employees, and others who may be affected by
their activities. This legislation also applies to employees who drive for work purposes.
So, taking the necessary steps to keep your fleet drivers safe is vital and part of your duty of care.
Unfortunately though, accidents involving fleet drivers can and do happen. In fact, driving is the
most dangerous task the majority of employees undertake while at work. Four times as many
people are killed while driving for work than any other industrial accidentiv. With these sobering
statistics, it makes sense that there is legislation in place in the event of an incident occurring.
Under the Corporate Manslaughter Act of 2007, a company or organisation can be found guilty if
a fatality occurs while someone is driving for work. This means that in the event of a fatal accident
involving one of your fleet drivers, your company could be held directly responsible for your
employee’s actions. And, due to the recent introduction of tougher sentencing guidelines,
you could now face fines of up to £20mv.
With these staggering cost implications, as well as the need to keep your drivers
safe, it’s clear that fleet driver training needs to be a priority.
The importance of fleet driver training
Training can be part of the
customary new starter induction
In the first year driver training can
typically REDUCE FLEET COSTS by up to
Now that we know the potential implications of failing to provide training for drivers, we can
start to think about the elements a driver training programme needs to include. Following the
pre-screening and interviewing of all potential fleet drivers, your company must offer a comprehensive
driver induction. This will be given to all new fleet drivers, as part of a wider business induction, and
can be delivered in a number of ways depending on your company’s preference. You could either
organise an expert to visit your premises and deliver the information to new drivers, or you could book
them onto a specialist one-day fleet driver assessment course. The course will likely consist of both a
classroom-based session, and an on-road driver assessment. Carrying out these assessments will give
you peace of mind that your employees are confident and competent drivers, and that they will fulfil
their role to the best of their abilities.
The induction process should include:
Licence checking
Health and safety procedures
Familiarisation with each employee’s vehicle
An overview of vehicle maintenance and
servicing schedules
Each employee’s expected driving
Accident and breakdown reporting procedures
Risk assessments
These should be included alongside the usual training involved with a new employee induction.
All training and assessments should be formally evidenced, with a record kept in the drivers
employment file. By doing this, you’ll have proof of the training a fleet driver has gone through,
which is in accordance with your duty of care responsibilities.
On top of this fleet driver induction process, it’s important that fleet cars and vans are regularly
checked to ensure they are in a road-worthy condition.
The importance of fleet driver training
Well-trained drivers
are safe drivers
A driver’s thinking distance is
31m At 70mph
38m on a hands-free phonevii
Increased fleet safety is a highly important benefit of a comprehensive driver training programme.
Your fleet could consist of the newest, safest vehicles on the market, but if your drivers aren’t
taking safe driving seriously, it’s irrelevant. As we’ve discussed previously, if a company car driver
is involved in a preventable accident as a result of reckless or irresponsible driving, you could
be prosecuted. For this reason, it’s vital that policies and procedures regarding safety are put in
place and adhered to by all employees.
It isn’t necessarily the content of safety training that will make employees safer drivers. The majority
will already be aware of the risks involved with speeding, mobile phone usage and drink driving, and
they don’t need to be trained on them. The key is consistency. By encouraging internal discussions and
ensuring workplace communications focus on issues around safety, you will not only drive the issue
home to employees, but also make them aware of your company’s stance on it.
But responsibility for safe driving doesn’t just fall on fleet drivers. As someone in charge of fleet
management, it’s your responsibility to ensure drivers are not working long hours, or under
pressure to complete jobs within unmanageable timeframes. Employees who are driving whilst
feeling tired or exhausted are an increased risk to themselves and other road users, and are much
more likely to have an accident.
The importance of fleet driver training
Educating drivers on vehicle
maintenance lowers repair costs
Vehicles operated by trained drivers experience
on tyres, brakes and clutches
Just like poor driver training, poor vehicle maintenance is an area that can prove to be incredibly
costly for businesses. On top of the cost of vehicle repairs and replacement parts, there’s also
the cost of vehicle downtime and missed deliveries and appointments, as well as any subsequent
damage to your brand that may occur.
But this is where driver training can help. An effective driver training programme will cover basic
car and van maintenance, and make drivers aware of what to look for should there be an issue with
their vehicle. Trained drivers are also less likely to inflict wear and tear on their vehicles as they’ll
have been educated on correct driving techniques. Proper training and education will make drivers
more aware, and minimise the risk of large scale breakdowns and associated repairs, which will help
reduce business spend on fleets.
A stress-free way of keeping on top of this maintenance is to partner with a fleet vehicle provider
that offers a scheduled maintenance package as part of the fleet leasing plan. Free2Move Lease
offers management of scheduled servicing, annual services, periodic maintenance, wear and tear
replacement service, and MOT test fees (with related repairs.) Scheduled maintenance will keep fleet
vehicles road-worthy, and you’ll minimise the risk of large, unexpected repair bills. As well as this,
fleet vehicle providers offer breakdown assistance programmes which include roadside and at-home
assistance, giving you and your fleet drivers extra peace of mind.
The importance of fleet driver training
You’ll experience lower fuel
and insurance premium costs
A driver can impact
fuel efficiency by up to
As well as improving the safety and ability of your drivers, fleet training also reduces general
fleet management costs. One area that benefits from significant cost-savings is fuel efficiency,
an issue that is incredibly important for businesses due to fuel price fluctuations and stringent
environmental legislation. According to a recent study monitoring fuel efficiency, a 10-12%
improvement in fuel consumption was recorded after drivers underwent a driver training workshopx.
A comprehensive driver training programme will encourage fuel-efficient driving by educating
employees on the importance of careful driving, and showing them the differences they can make.
Another area where driver training can reduce costs is insurance. Insurance premiums have increased
significantly over the past few months, and there’s no sign of this trend stopping anytime soonxi.
Evidence of risk management and driver training is something insurers are looking for, and if they
see signs of this (and fewer claims as a result) it will push down premiums.
With both of these areas, having visibility of your drivers activity is key, and there are a number of
technological solutions on the market that can help businesses keep a clear, historical record of their
fleet’s driving activity. Fleet management systems can track speeding points, online risk assessment
results and telematics scores, and combine the results to give a thorough overview and record of
driver’s habits. This approach has saved some companies up to 10% on their insurance premiumsxii.
The importance of fleet driver training
It’s clear that providing fleet drivers with comprehensive training is very important. Employees who
have undergone fleet training will be safer, more conscientious drivers, and have fewer road accidents
as a result. Given the staggering costs that companies may now face in the event of a fatal road
accident, this could mean substantial savings.
But investing in road safety doesn’t just benefit your business financially. By focusing on this area,
employees will understand that your company takes the matter extremely seriously, and as a result
they’ll take pride in having a safe driving record.
Ultimately, you’ll never be able to completely control what your fleet drivers are up to whilst they are
on the road. However, you can educate them and influence their behaviour with high-quality training,
and take steps to ensure you and your business are protected from convictions in the event of a
serious incident.
Training fleet drivers and making safety a priority will improve profitability, reduce operating costs,
and improve your corporate image, but it doesn’t need to be an extra weight on your workload.
Industry-leading fleet vehicle providers offer cars and vans with the latest built-in technology, as well
as comprehensive maintenance packages. Partnering with these providers will give you peace of
mind that your drivers are in the safest vehicles possible, and the knowledge that your fleet is being
taken care of by dedicated and knowledgeable professionals.
For more information on how Free2Move Lease could help you
effectively manage your fleet maintenance, speak to one of
our experts today on 0345 319 1017 or email us
[email protected]