Downloaded from on June 14, 2017 Social forces can impact the circadian clocks of cohabiting hamsters Matthew J. Paul†, Premananda Indic and William J. Schwartz Research Cite this article: Paul MJ, Indic P, Schwartz WJ. 2014 Social forces can impact the circadian clocks of cohabiting hamsters. Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20132535. Received: 26 September 2013 Accepted: 13 January 2014 Subject Areas: behaviour, neuroscience Keywords: social interactions, circadian rhythms, body temperature, wavelet analysis Author for correspondence: Matthew J. Paul e-mail: [email protected] † Present address: Neuroscience Institute, Georgia State University, PO Box 5030, Atlanta, GA 30302-5030, USA. Department of Neurology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01655, USA A number of field and laboratory studies have shown that the social environment influences daily rhythms in numerous species. However, underlying mechanisms, including the circadian system’s role, are not known. Obstacles to this research have been the inability to track and objectively analyse rhythms of individual animals housed together. Here, we employed temperature dataloggers to track individual body temperature rhythms of pairs of cohabiting male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) in constant darkness and applied a continuous wavelet transform to determine the phase of rhythm onset before, during, and after cohabitation. Cohabitation altered the predicted trajectory of rhythm onsets in 34% of individuals, representing 58% of pairs, compared to 12% of hamsters single-housed as ‘virtual pair’ controls. Deviation from the predicted trajectory was by a change in circadian period (t), which tended to be asymmetric—affecting one individual of the pair in nine of 11 affected pairs—with hints that dominance might play a role. These data implicate a change in the speed of the circadian clock as one mechanism whereby social factors can alter daily rhythms. Miniature dataloggers coupled with wavelet analyses should provide powerful tools for future studies investigating the principles and mechanisms mediating social influences on daily timing. 1. Introduction Organisms have evolved endogenous, approximately 24 h (circadian) clocks to anticipate and prepare for predictable changes in the day– night environment. However, the period (t) of these internal clocks does not precisely match the Earth’s daily cycle and must be adjusted by environmental factors (e.g. light, food availability and temperature) to optimally time the organism’s daily rhythms in physiology and behaviour. Field and laboratory studies have shown that interactions between individuals can also influence the timing of daily rhythms and thus may be critical for the adaptive function of the clock, but elucidating the circadian role(s) and mechanism(s) of social cues has been problematic (for reviews, see [1–4]). Some of the difficulties with this research are illustrated by previous work investigating social effects on the circadian rhythms of Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Among widely available laboratory species, hamsters would seem to be well suited as subjects for such studies: they respond predictably to a range of non-photic phase-shifting cues [5] and have been used for dissecting the neurobiological and hormonal substrates that underlie social interactions, especially agonistic (conflict) behaviours [6,7]. Nevertheless, the effects of social cues on hamster rhythms have been inconsistent. Closely housed or co-housed hamsters not in physical contact do not affect each other’s rhythms [8,9], although more rapid re-entrainment to a phase-advanced light –dark (LD) cycle has been reported when males are paired with oestrous females [10]. Other studies have restricted the interval of social contact to a few hours per day. This approach has led to conflicting results [11 –14], perhaps due to differences in experimental design (blind versus intact animals, maintenance in continuous darkness versus light, interaction via neutral cage versus resident –intruder paradigm). Refinetti et al. [13] co-housed two hamsters in physical contact with each other but with markedly different t’s; one was entrained to a short 23.3 h LD cycle while the other was blinded and free ran & 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved. Downloaded from on June 14, 2017 Figure 1 illustrates the experimental timeline. As detailed fully in Material and methods, the Tb rhythm of each hamster was recorded by an implanted datalogger for a total of 85 days in DD, representing 13–14 days before randomized pairing, 62 –63 days of cohabitation with a single running wheel and 9 –10 days following separation. Figure 2 illustrates data analysis for one of the hamster pairs. Figure 2a shows double-plotted actograms of the Tb rhythms in DD of a pair of hamsters before, during (within the boxes) and after cohabitation. They are displayed in green (no. 99) and red (no. 94), with both rhythms merged in the adjacent enlarged actogram; simultaneous activity appears yellow. As described in Material and methods, rhythm onsets were determined by transforming the raw data using a continuous wavelet function (Mexican Hat). Onsets were defined as the zero crossing along the upward slope of the wavelet-derived circadian component of the Tb data. This method accurately tracks Tb rhythm onset occurring, on average, 94 min before the onset of wheel-running activity [16]. Figure 2b (upper figure) shows the time series obtained for three days during cohabitation (when hamster no. 99 phase-leads eg in 9 weeks DD n se pa ra tio 9 weeks en d m ea su re s 24 weeks 6 L : 18 D Tb r pa ecor iri di ng ng s sb surgeries Figure 1. Timeline of experimental procedures. 6 L : 18 D, photoperiod with 6 h of light and 18 h of dark per day; DD, constant darkness. hamster no. 94 by several hours), with wavelet-determined onsets indicated as black marks; in the lower figure, onsets are overlaid on an excerpt of hamster no. 94’s single-plotted actogram around the time of initial pairing. In Figure 2c, onset phase is double-plotted over time (denoted by the green (no. 99) or red (no. 94) dots) with the days before and after cohabitation denoted by shading. The blue line represents the predicted trajectory of onset phases over the duration of the experiment, as extrapolated from the linear regression of onset phases from the 13 to 14 days before cohabitation; dashed blue lines enclose the 95% prediction interval (sp., the area in which 95% of all data points would be expected to fall based on the regression line; this is not to be confused with the 95% confidence interval, which is the area with a 95% chance of containing the true regression line). Plotting each hamster’s predicted and actual onsets in this manner provides an objective method to determine whether, and at which point, t of a hamster’s circadian Tb rhythm is stably altered during cohabitation. (a) Cohabitation alters Tb rhythm t in a subset of hamsters For hamster no. 94, figure 2c shows that the onset phases of its Tb rhythm during cohabitation deviated markedly from that predicted, beginning around day 17 (4 days after pairing) and remaining outside the prediction interval for the duration of the experiment; on the other hand, onset phases of hamster no. 99 remained within the 95% prediction interval. For all the cohabiting pairs (n ¼ 19), 13/38 (34%) individuals exhibited a trajectory of onsets outside their 95% prediction interval; among the virtual pairs (controls; n ¼ 13), only 3/26 (12%) individuals deviated from their 95% prediction interval. These proportions were significantly different by x 2 analysis ( p , 0.05). Deviation from the prediction interval in affected animals was by a change of t. The mean absolute change of t (difference between t before cohabitation and t for the 10 days prior to separation) in affected animals was larger than in non-affected and virtually paired animals, and the latter did not differ from each other (mean + s.e. ¼ 0.13 + 0.02, 0.05 + 0.01, 0.07 + 0.01 for affected, non-affected and virtually paired hamsters, respectively, p , 0.0001, oneway ANOVA; affected versus non-affected and virtually paired hamsters, p , 0.001 for both comparisons, Fisher’s PLSD). When assessed after separation, affected hamsters continued to exhibit a greater change of t than non-affected and virtually paired hamsters (mean + s.e. absolute t change (before minus after cohabitation) ¼ 0.13 + 0.02, Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20132535 2. Results 2 with a t approximately 24 h. There was no synchronization or relative coordination of the activity of the blind hamster to that of the entrained one. The conclusion from all these studies has been that social factors provide only weak inputs to the hamster circadian clock. If social interactions do in fact represent a weak coupling force between individuals, then oscillator theory would suggest that strong effects might be revealed only when cohabitants are in direct, unrestrained physical contact for a relatively long period of time and their free-running t’s are relatively close to one another [15]. Only recently has it become feasible to test this prediction. Rather than relying on the inspection of group activity data displayed on actograms, it is now possible to continuously record rhythms from individual, cohabiting animals over months and to analyse the data using rigorous methods that do not demand invariance of period and amplitude over time. To our knowledge, no reported experiment in hamsters (or any other animal) has incorporated such a design, which should be more sensitive for inducing and detecting social influences on circadian rhythmicity. Here, we report the results of recording individual body temperature (Tb) rhythms of pairs of male Syrian hamsters, co-housed in a cage with a single running wheel for two months in constant darkness (DD). We determined the phase of rhythm onset before, during, and after cohabitation using a continuous wavelet transform that we have applied and validated for this purpose [16]. Data from paired hamsters were compared to control hamsters that were singly housed without cagemates; pairs and controls were treated identically, with the timing of daily care, behavioural observations and recording of experimental measures of each control hamster tethered (in time) to another control hamster to form a series of ‘virtual’ pairs. We demonstrate that the social environment can exert a significant effect on the circadian clocks of cohabiting hamsters, manifested as a change of t that, if it occurs, usually involves only one hamster of an affected pair. Downloaded from on June 14, 2017 (a) (b) 3 no. 99 06.00 12.00 18.00 0 06.00 12.00 18.00 0.8 0 06.00 12.00 18.00 0 06.00 12.00 18.00 0 amplitude 0 0.4 0 –0.4 –0.8 47 48 days 49 0 no. 94 06.00 12.00 18.00 0 06.00 12.00 18.00 Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20132535 0 0 24 phase difference in hours phase difference in hours (c) 24 12 0 –12 –24 0 20 40 days 60 80 12 0 –12 –24 0 20 40 days 60 80 Figure 2. Cohabitation alters t in a subset of hamsters. Representative body temperature (Tb) records of a cohoused hamster pair before, during and after cohabitation, in which t was altered by cohabitation in one of the cohabitants. Tb rhythms are plotted in (a) as individual actograms (left) and as a combined actogram (enlarged actogram, right). Black-lined boxes overlaid on the actograms indicate the duration of cohabitation. Elevated Tb of hamster nos. 99 and 94 are depicted in green and red, respectively, with overlapping intervals of elevated Tb in the combined actogram indicated in yellow. Phase onsets of Tb rhythms were extrapolated using wavelet analysis and plotted in (b) as black marks overlaying the wavelet-derived Tb time series for both cohabitants (upper plot; green and red line ¼ extrapolated Tb rhythms of hamster nos. 99 and 94, respectively) and an excerpt of hamster no. 94’s Tb actogram before and after pairing (lower plot). Phase onsets are double-plotted across days in (c) for hamster no. 99 (left, green dots) and hamster no. 94 (right, red dots) along with their predicted trajectory of phase onsets (blue line) and their prediction interval (dashed blue lines). Intervals before and after cohabitation are denoted by shading. 0.07 + 0.01 and 0.06 + 0.01 for affected, non-affected and virtually paired hamsters, respectively; p , 0.003, one-way ANOVA; affected versus non-affected and virtually paired hamsters, p , 0.004 for both comparisons, Fisher’s PLSD). When the entire sample of actually paired hamsters was grouped together, the mean absolute change of t did not differ from virtually paired hamsters. Six of the affected hamsters exhibited a shortening of t, whereas the remaining seven exhibited a lengthening of t. Of note, nine of the affected hamsters were co-housed with a non-affected cagemate; the remaining four affected animals represented two pairs. Thus, a total of 11 of 19 actual pairs were affected by cohabitation, and for the majority of these affected pairs, the change of t was asymmetric, occurring in only one hamster of the pair. Unlike the change of t, there were no differences in the change of amplitude between affected, non-affected and virtually paired hamsters (mean + s.e. absolute change of amplitude ¼ 0.09 + 0.02, 0.08 + 0.02, 0.09 + 0.02 for affected, non-affected and virtually paired hamsters, respectively; p . 0.95, one-way ANOVA). (b) Attributes of hamsters and hamster pairs We found no significant differences in pre-cohabitation circadian attributes or body mass between hamsters that exhibited a change of t and those that did not, whether grouped as ‘affected’ (n ¼ 13) versus ‘non-affected’ (n ¼ 25) hamsters or as hamsters from ‘affected’ (n ¼ 22) versus ‘non-affected’ Downloaded from on June 14, 2017 Table 1. Mean + s.e. of circadian and physical attributes of hamsters in actual pairs. BM, body mass. 4 non-affected hamsters affected pairs non-affected pairs 24.04 + 0.03 0.72 + 0.02 24.00 + 0.02 0.72 + 0.02 24.02 + 0.02 0.71 + 0.02 24.01 + 0.03 0.74 + 0.02 10.60 + 0.13 0.69 + 0.07 10.41 + 0.12 0.72 + 0.06 10.60 + 0.13 0.73 + 0.06 10.31 + 0.13 0.68 + 0.06 circadian 0.04 + 0.003 0.04 + 0.003 0.04 + 0.003 0.04 + 0.004 150.4 + 4.4 154.0 + 3.3 154.3 + 3.7 149.1 + 3.5 155.6 + 5.2 158.7 + 3.7 159.4 + 4.1 155.1 + 4.4 (n ¼ 16) pairs (table 1). In addition, we compared average intra-pair differences for each of these measures in ‘affected’ (n ¼ 11) versus ‘non-affected’ (n ¼ 8) pairs and again found no significant differences (table 2). The phase relationship between Tb rhythms at the onset of pairing did not predict a t change during cohabitation. In addition, the number of days of cohabitation until the phase trajectory deviated from the prediction interval as well as the phase relationship at deviation were variable; and whether the change of t in the affected hamster was biased towards or away from the unaffected hamster was indeterminate in some cases and variable in others. Estimated testis volume (ETV) after, but not before, cohabitation was negatively correlated with the absolute change of t ( pre-cohabitation t minus post-cohabitation t; R 2 ¼ 0.12, p , 0.05, regression; figure 3a). We examined circadian, physical and behavioural attributes of hamsters in the nine pairs that exhibited the asymmetrical change of t (i.e. pairs with only one affected hamster; table 3). Of the circadian attributes, only amplitude precision was predictive, with a higher proportion of affected hamsters exhibiting higher precision (six of eight pairs (in one pair precision was equal); p , 0.05, x 2 analysis). Overall, however, cycle-to-cycle variability in this measure was extremely low (mean + s.e. for all animals ¼ 0.04 + 0.003). There were some indications that dominance status might be an important variable. In seven of the nine pairs, the affected hamster weighed less than the non-affected hamster at pairing ( p , 0.05, x 2 analysis); differential body mass often predicts dominance status with the heavier hamster being dominant (reviewed in [17]). By the end of the experiment, however, the proportion of affected hamsters with a lower body mass fell short of significance (six of the nine pairs; p ¼ 0.16, x 2 analysis). Affected hamsters in six of the nine pairs had a lower ETV at week 29 (nine weeks before pairing), but this proportion was not significant ( p ¼ 0.16, x 2 analysis). Notably, by the end of the experiment, the affected hamsters in all nine pairs had significantly lower ETVs ( p , 0.05, x 2 analysis), due to a decrease in ETV of the affected hamster in each pair (from week 29 to the end of the experiment: change in ETV + s.e. of affected versus non-affected hamsters was 2911.0 + 326.7 mm3 versus 214.2 + 242.8 mm3, p , 0.05, Student’s t-test). Similar to that seen for all paired hamsters, ETV measures at the end of the experiment for hamsters from asymmetric pairs were negatively correlated with the absolute change of t (pre-cohabitation t minus post-cohabitation t; R 2 ¼ 0.3, p , 0.02, regression; figure 3b). Interestingly, at the time of Table 2. Mean + s.e. intra-pair difference in circadian and physical attributes of hamsters in actual pairs. affected pairs non-affected pairs 0.13 + 0.02 0.11 + 0.02 0.17 + 0.02 0.09 + 0.02 0.58 + 0.10 0.47 + 0.12 0.31 + 0.09 0.02 + 0.003 0.34 + 0.06 0.02 + 0.006 21.6 + 5.4 13.0 + 5.1 21.2 + 7.7 19.4 + 6.6 circadian t (h) amplitude (8) a (h) t precision (h) amplitude precision (8) physical BM at pairing (g) BM at end (g) the t change during cohabitation, the affected hamster was the second of each pair in the wheel (seven of seven pairs (the order of individuals in the remaining two pairs was indeterminate, as their rhythms were approx. 1808 out of phase); p , 0.05, x 2 analysis). Nonetheless, we were able to unequivocally assign dominance in only three of the nine pairs owing to an absence of agonistic behaviours during behavioural observations; in these pairs, the affected hamster was subordinate in two and dominant in one. 3. Discussion Here, we show that the social environment can impact circadian rhythmicity of Syrian hamsters by altering the period (t) of the circadian clock. Previous studies in this species have been inconsistent and limited to acute phase shifts or to modifications in light entrainment (acceleration in the rate of re-entrainment to a shift in the LD cycle) [8–14]. Because it was not possible in these studies to track individual activity rhythms when animals were housed together, they restricted social interactions to brief encounters, limited the physical contact between individuals or used blinded hamsters; each of these may have diminished the impact of social cues. Here, we implanted temperature dataloggers that allowed us to record rhythms of individual animals pair-housed in complete physical contact for an extended duration Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20132535 t (h) amplitude (8) a (h) t precision (h) amplitude precision (8) physical BM at pairing (g) BM at end (g) affected hamsters Downloaded from on June 14, 2017 (a) 5 |t change| (h) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20132535 (b) |t change| (h) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2000 3000 ETV 4000 (mm2) 5000 6000 before cohabitation 7000 2000 3000 4000 ETV 5000 (mm2) 6000 7000 at end Figure 3. t change of cohabitants is correlated with testis size after cohabitation. Regression analyses of absolute t change of individuals ( pre-cohabitation t minus post-cohabitation t) with their ETV before (left) and after (right) cohabitation as assessed (a) in all hamster pairs or (b) in asymmetric pairs only. Table 3. Circadian, physical and behavioural attributes of hamsters in asymmetric pairs. no. affected hamsters/ asym. pairs circadian t (shorter) amplitude (lower) a (shorter) t precision (higher) amplitude precision (higher) physical BM at pairing (lighter) BM at end (lighter) ETV before pairing (lower) ETV at end (lower) behavioural wheel occupation (second) dominance (subordinate) 4/9 3/9 6/9 4/9 6/8* 7/9* 6/9 6/9 9/9* 7/7* 2/3 *p , 0.05. (approx. two months). We suspect that such unrestrained interaction for a prolonged period of time is likely to be an important factor for eliciting cohabitation effects on the circadian clock. The other advance we made was to employ wavelet transforms to analyse the body temperature rhythms. Traditionally, t has been calculated using methods that assume sinusoidal waveforms and rhythms with period and amplitude that are constant over time or using subjectively determined phase points (e.g. visual inspection of actograms); such methods are inappropriate for the present application, in which the oscillators (animals) are combined and are not operating (living) independently from one another. Wavelet-determined rhythm onset provided an objective phase marker that permitted the analyses exemplified in figure 2c, in which the trajectory of onsets over time could be precisely mapped. Various degrees of social entrainment have been reported for a number of species indicating that social influences on t are not restricted to hamsters (for reviews, see [1–4]). Similar to reports in other species [18], we found that the effects of the social environment occurred in a subset of hamsters, supporting the notion that there are individual differences in the sensitivities of the circadian system to social factors. In this experiment, 13/38 (34%) of individuals, representing 11 of 19 (58%) pairs, deviated from the prediction interval. We investigated possible factors responsible for these individual differences by evaluating several circadian and physical attributes of the cohabitants. However, no differences were detected between affected and non-affected hamsters or pairs in the variables considered. Oscillator theory would suggest that the effects of cohabitation on circadian rhythmicity might be more likely in pairs of hamsters with more similar t’s; however, we failed to detect a statistically significant difference in the intra-pair t difference between affected and non-affected pairs ( p ¼ 0.27, Student’s t-test), even though the means were in the predicted direction (smaller in affected pairs). Perhaps a larger sample size containing a wider range of intra-pair t differences is needed to reach statistical significance. Downloaded from on June 14, 2017 4. Material and methods Sixty-eight male Syrian hamsters (M. auratus) housed from birth on a 14 L : 10 D cycle were purchased from Harlan Laboratories (Haslett, MI, USA) at five to nine weeks of age. Two pairs of 6 Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20132535 socially induced changes in wheel running, either by social facilitation or by social exclusion, could contribute to the t changes observed in this study. Given that we could not determine the wheel-running activity of individual hamsters, we could not assess whether hamsters that shortened t increased their wheel-running activity during cohabitation and vice versa. Future studies providing co-housed hamsters with two, one or no running wheels are required to parse out the effect of the running wheel, if any, in cohabitationinduced t changes. Another strategy would be to provide a large wheel that allows both hamsters to run simultaneously (assuming hamsters would do so and coordinate their running speed). At present, it is not clear which neural substrates mediate social influences on the circadian system. Social modulation of t might act through serotonin inputs to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which are thought to mediate the effects of arousal and wheel running on circadian activity (reviewed in [31,32]). Another possibility is that social forces might act through the intergeniculate leaflet of the thalamus, a pathway known to mediate the influence of other non-photic factors [33]. These findings raise the question as to whether social influences on t play a functional role in the life of the animal. In the wild, animals inhabit complex ecosystems involving interactions with both conspecifics and heterospecifics, and the ability to adjust one’s daily activity in response to these interactions could be beneficial. For example, family groups and communities might coordinate their efforts to achieve common goals [34,35]. Conversely, when the social context involves competition, territoriality, dominance hierarchies or predator avoidance, one would predict segregation rather than synchronization of activity [21,36–42]. A change in t may alter the timing of activity onset under entrained conditions (i.e. the phase angle of entrainment), which could bring the activity of individuals either closer together or further apart even while entrained to the ambient LD cycle [2]. There is a growing literature describing numerous examples of inter-organismal influences on daily activity. Because of technical difficulties in tracking individual activity rhythms of group-housed animals, the mechanisms underlying most of these examples are not known. Here, we describe the use of two relatively recent advances, temperature-sensitive dataloggers and wavelet analyses, which enabled us to overcome this limitation. In doing so, we uncovered evidence in support of one potential mechanism—alterations in the speed of the circadian clock. Many questions remain. Do other species use this same mechanism to adjust their daily activity? Can temporal synchronization and/or temporal segregation be explained by social influences on t interacting with light entrainment? What factors are responsible for individual differences in, and what environmental conditions promote, social influences on circadian activity? The use of temperature-sensitive dataloggers coupled with wavelet analyses, as described here, should provide powerful tools for future investigations asking these and other questions pertaining to social chronobiology. These data confirm and extend our findings from a preliminary study in which we monitored wheel-running activity in hamsters (without implanted temperature dataloggers) cohoused with a single running wheel in DD [19]. In that report, we found that long-term cohabitation altered the wheel-running activity of the hamster pairs during cohabitation and that a subset of individuals emerged from the cohabitation interval with an altered t. In both that report and this one, the cohabitation effect on t tended to be asymmetric, i.e. affecting only one individual of the pair. Dominance hierarchies could explain this asymmetry if social factors preferentially impact the dominant or subordinate individual. Deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) co-housed in constant darkness exhibited synchronous group activity rhythms with a period similar to the endogenous rhythm of the dominant mouse [20]. There is also anecdotal evidence that dominance could lead to temporal segregation. Bovet [21] reported one example in which three subordinate long-tailed field mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) avoided the time of peak out-of-burrow activity of a dominant mouse when housed together in a laboratory cage. While we did not observe sufficient aggression in our hamsters to determine the intra-pair hierarchy, we found circumstantial evidence suggesting dominance might play a role: affected hamsters weighed less than their non-affected cagemates and experienced partial testicular suppression (decreases in testis size). Notably, testis size at the end of the experiment was negatively correlated with the absolute change of t (figure 3). One interesting hypothesis is that low levels of testosterone, here due to social subjugation [22], render the circadian system of hamsters more susceptible to environmental influences, which could be social or not. Castration decreases and testosterone replacement restores t precision in male Syrian hamsters [23], and in degus (Octodon degus) testosterone decreases the responsiveness of the circadian system to social cues that facilitate re-entrainment to shifts in the LD cycle [24]. Of note, we observed more dramatic t changes in our preliminary report [19]—including cases of complete temporal segregation—than in this study. While we did not measure testis size in our preliminary report, hamsters in that report were entrained to a long (14 L : 10 D) photoperiod before release into DD. Hamsters are a photoperiodic species (for review, see [25]) and interpret DD as a short winter day length, so those hamsters almost certainly exhibited much more extensive testicular regression and decreased circulating testosterone than that seen in the affected hamsters of this report. This greater testicular suppression may explain the larger t changes in that experiment. Alternatively or in addition, DD may have triggered photoperiodic behavioural changes that amplify the effects of the social environment on the circadian system (e.g. increased aggression [26,27]). In this study, we removed this potentially confounding variable by first maintaining the hamsters in a short day length (6 L : 18 D photoperiod) for 24 weeks, a length of time known to render hamsters unresponsive to the seasonal effects of short day lengths ( photorefractory). We housed hamster pairs in cages with a single running wheel, a manipulation intended to induce competition for a limited resource that could be resolved through temporal segregation (wheel running is rewarding to hamsters [28]). However, wheel running also provides feedback to the circadian clock with high levels shortening t [29,30]. Thus, Downloaded from on June 14, 2017 Figure 1 illustrates our experimental protocol. Hamsters were maintained in a short day length (6 L : 18 D cycle) for 24 weeks before they were released into DD, a length of time known to render hamsters unresponsive to the seasonal effects of short day lengths ( photorefractory); ETV was recorded every four weeks to track reproductive state and the development of photorefractoriness. For ETV measures, hamsters were anaesthetized with isoflurane vapours, and the length and width of the testis were measured externally using callipers. ETV was calculated as the product of the length width2 [43]. For half of the hamsters, lights went off at 10 : 00 local time; for the remaining half, lights went off at 22 : 00. After 24 weeks, all hamsters were transferred to DD for nine weeks before being paired— these procedures ensured a spread of activity onsets and thus a variety of phase relations between individuals at the time of pairing. When placed in DD, each hamster was provided with a running wheel (diameter ¼ 7 inches). Temperature iButtons were surgically implanted after three to five weeks in DD and programmed to begin recording Tb after a two to four week recovery period. The Tb rhythm of each hamster was recorded for a total of 85 days in DD, representing 13 – 14 days before pairing, 62 – 63 days of cohabitation with a single running wheel and 9 – 10 days following separation. Hamsters were then sacrificed and iButtons removed and interrogated. (b) Pairing and behavioural observations At pairing, hamsters were weighed, and pairs placed together in a fresh cage. Pairs continued to have access to a single running wheel, which was previously occupied by one hamster of the pair; prior wheel ‘ownership’ was noted but did not influence the results of the experiment. During the first 30 min of cohabitation, hamsters were observed under dim red light for any aggressive or dominance behaviours. At the end of the experiment (9– 10 days after separation), body mass and ETV were recorded, and hamster pairs were reunited under dim red light for 30 min for a second behavioural observation test. To discriminate the behaviour of the individuals within each pair, one hamster was given an ear tag on each ear. For each hamster, a dominance score was calculated by summing the number of dominance behaviours (attacks and chases) and subtracting the number of subordinate behaviours (flees and on-back postures). Dominance was assigned only in pairs for which one hamster had a positive score (dominant hamster) and the other a negative score (subordinate hamster) for at least one of the observation tests. While dominance was sometimes indeterminate in one of the two tests, dominance status was never reversed in the second observation test. During cohabitation, hamsters were checked regularly (initially once per day for the first week, then approximately three times per week thereafter) for behavioural interactions and signs of physical discomfort. Single-housed controls were treated identically to paired hamsters, except that they were not provided with a cagemate. Nonetheless, timing of daily care, behavioural observations and recording of experimental measures of each single-housed (c) Implantation of iButtons Prior to surgery, iButton temperature dataloggers (Dallas Semiconductor DS1922, Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA; height, radius and weight ¼ 5.89 mm, 17.35 mm and 2.95 g, respectively) were coated in paraffin/elvax wax (Mini-Mitter Co., Inc., Sunriver, OR, USA) and sterilized by sequential soak in povidine iodine solution (overnight) followed by a sterile saline rinse. On the day of surgery, hamsters were anaesthetized with ketamine (100– 150 mg kg21, IP) and xylazine (10 mg kg21, IP). A small patch of fur was shaved on the lower abdominal surface and the area wiped clean with povidoneiodine solution. Incisions in the skin and abdominal wall, just large enough to allow passage of the iButton, were made within this shaved area, and the iButton was placed within the peritoneal cavity. The abdominal wall and skin were closed using sterile sutures and wound clips, respectively, and the wound treated with antibiotic ointment (Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates and Bacitracin Zinc Ointment USP). (d) Data collection and analysis Body temperature was recorded every 15 min by a digital thermometer encased within the iButton. Temperature records for each hamster were converted to .awd files and plotted as temperature actograms using ACTIVIEW software (Mini-Mitter Co., Inc.). These actograms were thresholded using each hamster’s mean body temperature value for the entire 85-day record. Continuous wavelet transforms were used to determine cycleto-cycle peak circadian amplitudes (Morlet function) and phases of rhythm onset and offset (Mexican Hat function), as we have described previously [16]. For each hamster, we calculated the cycle-to-cycle phase difference between rhythm onset and a reference marker (04.00 local time) and plotted the evolution of this phase difference to obtain the phase trajectory. The actual phase trajectory was compared to the predicted phase trajectory with 95% prediction interval, as extrapolated from the linear regression of onset phases from the 13 to 14 days before cohabitation. Change of t was determined by subtracting the slope of the pre-cohabitation regression line from that of the lines calculated during the 10 days immediately before or after separation. Precision of t and amplitude were calculated from the cycleto-cycle variation in Mexican Hat-determined onsets and Morlet-determined circadian peaks. Alpha was determined for each cycle as the difference between rhythm onset and offset. All comparisons of actual pairs versus virtual pairs, affected hamsters versus non-affected hamsters, and affected pairs versus non-affected pairs were conducted using the Student’s t-test (for means) or x 2 analysis (for proportions). One-way ANOVA was used to compare means of affected hamsters, nonaffected hamsters and virtually paired hamsters. All statistical tests were conducted using STATVIEW 5.0.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). All procedures were in accordance with the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Acknowledgements. We would like to thank T.R. Virgil for thoughtful discussions. The contents of this report are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH. Data accessibility. Raw Tb data are available from the Dryad Digital Repository at ( Funding statement. Supported by NINDS F32 NS058135 (M.J.P.) and NIGMS R01 GM094109 (W.J.S.). 7 Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20132535 (a) Experimental procedures hamster were tethered (in time) to another single-housed hamster to form a ‘virtual’ pair. cohoused hamsters were excluded from the data analyses. In one pair, a hamster displayed signs of sickness during the final weeks of the study (weight loss, hunched posture, decreased body temperature and low levels of locomotor activity). In the other, several weeks of body temperature data of one hamster were lost due to an iButton failure. Thus, the total number of hamsters analysed was 64. Upon arrival, hamsters were housed singly in plastic cages (1900 10.500 800 ) contained within well-ventilated, light-proof environmental compartments with food and water available ad libitum. Downloaded from on June 14, 2017 References 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 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