What is Empirical Economics ? Dr. Keshab Bhattarai1 HUBS October 4, 2010 1 Business School, University of Hull, HU6 7RX, Hull, Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) UK. email: [email protected] Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 1 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 2 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Economic theories establish cause e¤ect relation among economic variables by Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 2 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Economic theories establish cause e¤ect relation among economic variables by 1 Partial equilibrium analysis (relates few economic variables on the basis of ceteris paribus) or by Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 2 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Economic theories establish cause e¤ect relation among economic variables by 1 2 Partial equilibrium analysis (relates few economic variables on the basis of ceteris paribus) or by General equilibrium analysis (interdependence among variables in the system) Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 2 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Economic theories establish cause e¤ect relation among economic variables by 1 2 3 Partial equilibrium analysis (relates few economic variables on the basis of ceteris paribus) or by General equilibrium analysis (interdependence among variables in the system) Empirical Analysis relates to estimating, calibrating unknown parameters and computing the model to answer research questions. It involves Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 2 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Economic theories establish cause e¤ect relation among economic variables by 1 2 3 Partial equilibrium analysis (relates few economic variables on the basis of ceteris paribus) or by General equilibrium analysis (interdependence among variables in the system) Empirical Analysis relates to estimating, calibrating unknown parameters and computing the model to answer research questions. It involves 1 Statistical and econometric analysis Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 2 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Economic theories establish cause e¤ect relation among economic variables by 1 2 3 Partial equilibrium analysis (relates few economic variables on the basis of ceteris paribus) or by General equilibrium analysis (interdependence among variables in the system) Empirical Analysis relates to estimating, calibrating unknown parameters and computing the model to answer research questions. It involves 1 2 Statistical and econometric analysis Policy simulations Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 2 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Economic theories establish cause e¤ect relation among economic variables by 1 2 3 Partial equilibrium analysis (relates few economic variables on the basis of ceteris paribus) or by General equilibrium analysis (interdependence among variables in the system) Empirical Analysis relates to estimating, calibrating unknown parameters and computing the model to answer research questions. It involves 1 2 3 Statistical and econometric analysis Policy simulations Strategic modelling and experimental research Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 2 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Economic theories establish cause e¤ect relation among economic variables by 1 2 3 Partial equilibrium analysis (relates few economic variables on the basis of ceteris paribus) or by General equilibrium analysis (interdependence among variables in the system) Empirical Analysis relates to estimating, calibrating unknown parameters and computing the model to answer research questions. It involves 1 2 3 4 Statistical and econometric analysis Policy simulations Strategic modelling and experimental research Qualitative analysis Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 What is emprical Economics? 1 2 It is testing economic theories from the evidence. Economic theories establish cause e¤ect relation among economic variables by 1 2 3 Empirical Analysis relates to estimating, calibrating unknown parameters and computing the model to answer research questions. It involves 1 2 3 4 4 Partial equilibrium analysis (relates few economic variables on the basis of ceteris paribus) or by General equilibrium analysis (interdependence among variables in the system) Statistical and econometric analysis Policy simulations Strategic modelling and experimental research Qualitative analysis Models are used for comparative statics or dynamic analysis. Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 2 / 19 Guidelines for Empirical Research 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Construction of hypotheses: specify one or more equations of a model based on economic theories. Show underlying theory using …rst and second order conditions of optimisation or by solving a system of equations. It helps to use diagrams to show these relations Prepare most suitable data for analysis Estimate parameters and check if signs or magnitudes of estimated parameters or variables are consistent with the theory. Analyse variance by R 2 , F and χ2 and signi…cance of coe¢ cient by t tests. Econometric tests: heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation, stationarity, coitegration, mispeci…cation or measurement errors. Write an essay or article based on research experience gained following above steps. Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 3 / 19 Data sources primary survey secondary sources like 1 Economic and social data (ESDS) www.esds.ac.uk/international Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 4 / 19 Data sources primary survey secondary sources like 1 Economic and social data (ESDS) www.esds.ac.uk/international 2 datastream ; http://…nance.yahoo.com/ Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 4 / 19 Data sources primary survey secondary sources like 1 Economic and social data (ESDS) www.esds.ac.uk/international 2 datastream ; http://…nance.yahoo.com/ 3 Eurostat: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/statistics/themes Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 4 / 19 Data sources primary survey secondary sources like 1 Economic and social data (ESDS) www.esds.ac.uk/international 2 datastream ; http://…nance.yahoo.com/ 3 Eurostat: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/statistics/themes 4 BHPS: http://www.esds.ac.uk/government/; http://www.esds.ac.uk/government/surveys/ Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 4 / 19 Data sources primary survey secondary sources like 1 Economic and social data (ESDS) www.esds.ac.uk/international 2 datastream ; http://…nance.yahoo.com/ 3 Eurostat: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/statistics/themes 4 BHPS: http://www.esds.ac.uk/government/; http://www.esds.ac.uk/government/surveys/ 5 http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/…ndingData/bhpsTitles.asp Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 4 / 19 Data sources primary survey secondary sources like 1 Economic and social data (ESDS) www.esds.ac.uk/international 2 datastream ; http://…nance.yahoo.com/ 3 Eurostat: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/statistics/themes 4 BHPS: http://www.esds.ac.uk/government/; http://www.esds.ac.uk/government/surveys/ 5 http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/…ndingData/bhpsTitles.asp 6 http://www.statistics.gov.uk Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 4 / 19 Data sources primary survey secondary sources like 1 Economic and social data (ESDS) www.esds.ac.uk/international 2 datastream ; http://…nance.yahoo.com/ 3 Eurostat: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/statistics/themes 4 BHPS: http://www.esds.ac.uk/government/; http://www.esds.ac.uk/government/surveys/ 5 http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/…ndingData/bhpsTitles.asp 6 http://www.statistics.gov.uk 7 http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/links/data_free#uk Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 4 / 19 Empirical economics:an example Economic theory of consumer optimisation with a Cobb-Douglas utility function: Consumers problem: maximise utility subject to budget constraint max U = C1α C21 α s.t. P1 C1 + P2 C2 = I (1) Here P1 and P2 are prices of C1 and C2 goods and I is income of the consumer Demand function for C1 : C1 = αI P1 (2) Demand function for C2 : C2 = Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) (1 α) I (3) P2 Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 5 / 19 Empirical speci…cation Empirical analysis requires some manipulation of the original derivation. It is easier to convert this nonlinear demand function to a linear one by taking logs as: ln C1 = ln α + ln I ln P1 There are i = 1...n consumers. De…ne ln C1,i = Yi ; ln P1,i = β2 Xi ; (4) β1 = ln α + ln I ; Yi = β1 + β2 Xi + ei (5) Expected signs of intercept β1 > 0. This is the demand expected when price is zero; component of demand that does not respond to price leve. Slope β2 < 0 for a normal good when prices rise demand will fall. Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 6 / 19 Preparing data for demand analysis Let us consider demand for wheat. Data on individual commodities can be obtained from various surces such as http://www.ers.usda.gov/Data/Wheat/YBtable01.asp When data is constructed the unknown parameters β1 and β2 can be estimated. See data …le wheat.csv Table: Regression of wheat production on its price Coe¢ cient Stadard Error Intercept 29.44 4.02 Wheat price 1.12 0.99 2 R = 0.06 , F = 1.3 , N = 23. t-value 7.32 1.12 This is not a strong relation, need to do more research. Derivation of OLS estimators and test to follow next week. Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 7 / 19 Micro theories Smith (1776), Ricardo (1817), Cournot (1838), Bertrand (1883), Edgeworth (1925), Pareto (1896), Marshall (1890), Walras (1900) Veblen (1904), Slutskey (1915), Hicks (1939), Samuelson (1947), von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944), Nash (1950), Neumann (1957), Arrow (1953), Debreau (1959), Stigler (1961), Kuhn (1953), Shapley (1953), Robinson (1963), Shelten ( 1965), Aumann (1966) Scarf (1967), Shapley and Shubic (1969), Harsanyi (1967), Spence (1974), Kreps (1990), Fundenberg and Tirole (1991) and Binmore (1992).Hurwicz (1973), Myerson (1986), Maskin and Tirole (1989), Kreps (1990), Fundenberg and Tirole (1991) Binmore (1992), Rubinstein (1982) Sutton (1986) Cho and Kreps (1987) Sobel (1985) Machina (1987) Riley (1979) McCormick (1990), Ghosal and Morelli (2004) and others. Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 8 / 19 Macro theories: Smith (1776), Ricardo (1817), Malthus (1818) Marx ( ), Keynes (1936), Hicks (1937), Samuelson (1939), Phillips (1958), Friedman (1968), Phelps (1968), Tobin (1969),Sargent and Wallace (1975), Lucas (1976), Fisher (1977), Kydland and Prescott (1977) ,Wallis (1980), King and Plosser (1984) Mankiw (1989), Prescott (1986), Taylor (1987)Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1987), Manning (1995), Rankin (1992)Barro and Gordon (1983), Sargent (1986) Goodhart (1989), Nickell (1990), Mankiw and Romer(1993), Lockwood Miller and Zhang (1998) Wallis (1989), MPC (1999), Pagan and Wickens (1989), Hendry (1995), Holly Weale (2000)Taylor (1993), Sargent and Ljungqvists (2000), Minford and Peel (2002), Blake and Weal (2003), Garratt, Lee, Pesaran and Shin (2003)Solow (1956), Lucas (1988), Romer (1990), Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992),Harrod (1939), Domar (1947) and Solow (1956), Parente and Prescott (1993)Fullerton, Shoven and Whalley (1983), Auerbach and Kotliko¤ (1987), Perroni (1995), Rutherford (1995), Bank of England, NIESR) Kehoe, Srinivasan and Whalley (2005), Bhattarai (1997, 1999) Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 9 / 19 Growth Maddison (1991), Ramsey (1928), Hicks (1937), Harrod (1939), Domar (1947), Solow (1956), Kaldor (1961), Uzawa (1962) Cass (1965), Koopmans (1965), Lucas (1988), Romer (1989), Parente (1994), Perroni (1995), Sargent and Ljungqvist (2005) Bandhopadyay and Basu (2005), Basu and Bhattarai (2009) Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 10 / 19 Trade and exchange rates Ricardo (1817), Heckscher-Olhin (19919) Stopler-Samuelson (1955), Mundell R. A (1962) , Kemp (1962), Krugman (1979), Johnson (1967) Meade (1955), Neary (1980), Neary, P. (2002), Melitz M. T. (2003) ,Krugman P. (1980), Katz M. L and Shapiro C. (1985) , Melvin J. R. (1989) Whalley, J. (1985) ,Harrison, G.W., T.F.Rutherford and D.G. Tarr (1997) ,Hertel, T. (1997) Economides N. (1996) , Perroni, C. and J. Whalley (1996), Epifani, P. and G. Gancia (2008), Kim, S. J. and Y. J. Kim (2000), Greenaway and Milner (1986), Grossman, G.M. and E. Helpman (1990) Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 11 / 19 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Asheghian, Parviz, (2004), Atken Brian J and Ann E. Harrison (1999) ,Balasubramanyam„ V.,N., M. Salisu and David Sapsford (1996) ’Barrell, Ray and Nigel Pain, (1997) ’Batra Raveendra N., (1986) , Batra, Raveendra., N. and Rama Ramachandran, , (1980), Bergstrand Je¤rey H. and Peter Egger (2007),Bhagwati, Jagdih. N., Ernesto Tironi, (1980),Binh, NGuyen, N., and Jonathan Haughton, 2002,Blomstrom Magnus, Robert E. Lipsey and Mario Zejan (1996) ,Blough Roy, (1956),Boatwright, B.D. and Renton, G. A. (1975), Borensztein, E, J. De Gregorio,J.W. Lee (1998) Buckley, Peter., J. And MarkCasson, (1981) ,Calderon Russell, Togret R., (1985) Campa, Jose M. (1993). Caves, R.,E., (1982) ,Cheng, L., Qiu, L.D.,Tan, G. (2005) ,Coughlin Cletus, C., Joseph V Terza and Vachira Arromdee , (1991) ,de Mello, Luiz R.. (1999) ,Desai Mihir.A. C. F. Foley, James R.Hines J.R. (2005) ,Doornik J A and Hendry D.F. (2001) ,Eaton Jonathan and Samuel Kortum (2002) Feldstein, Martin and Charles Horioka (1980) Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 12 / 19 Public Finance: Pigou (1947), Samuelson (1954), Buchanan (1965), Atksinson and Stern (1974), Feldstein (1974), Whalley (1975), Boadway (1979), Summer (1980), Blomquest (1985), Bovenberg (1989), Benabou (2002) and Taveres (2004), Fullerton and Heutel (2007), Chen(2007)) Harberger (1962), Uzawa (1962), Cass (1965), Atkinson (1971), Goulder and Summers (1989), King and Rebelo (1993), Perroni (1995), Cummins, Hasset and Hubbard (1996), Rust and Phelan (1997), Dhillon, Perroni and Scharf(1999), Wagsta¤ (1999), Caucutt, Imrohoroglu and Kumar (2006), Krueckner (2006), Di Tella and MacCullock (2006), Jha (2008) Boadway (1984), Musgrave and Musgrave (1980) Atkinson and Stiglitz (1980), Myles (1995), Muller (1991), Shoven and Whalley (1992) and Hillman (2003) Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 13 / 19 Energy: Bohringer and Rutherford ( 2004) Grubb (2004) Green and Newbery (1992), Manne and Richel (1992), McFarland, Reilly and Herzog (2002) Nordhaus (1979), Perroni and Rutherford (1993), Backus and Crucini (2000), Boyd and Doroodian (2001), Coupal and Holland (2002), Grepperud and Rasmussen (2004), Jansen and Klaassen (2000), Kumbaroglu (2003), Spear( 2003) and Thompson (2000);Aronsson, (1999), Bohringer and Conrad and Loschel (2003), Crettez and Aronsson (1999), Crettez (2004) Dissou, Mac Leod, and Souissi (2002), Faehn and Holmoy (2003) Nordhaus and Yang (1996), Proost and Van Regemorter (1992), Rasmussen (2001), Kumbaroglu (2003), Roson (2003) , Uri and Boyd (1996) and Vennemo (1997) DEFRA Report (various years), Kyoto Protocol (1997), Glenn Eagle summit (2005), Stern Report (2006) Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 14 / 19 Multisectoral General Equilibrium Models Auerbach and Kotliko¤ (1987), Rutherford (1995), Kehoe, SriNivashan and Whalley (2005). Leontief (1949), Harberger (1962), Jorgensen (1961) Ballard-Fullerton-Shoven-Whalley (BFSW(1985)), and Robinson (1991), Fullerton and Rogers (1993), Mercenier and Srinivasan (1994) and Dixon et al. (1992) Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 15 / 19 Poverty Smith (1776) Rowntree B. S. (1902) Hansen A H (1926) Keezer D M (1943) Davis J. S, (1945) Atkinson, A. B.:(1970) Sen A. (1976) Beckerman W. (1979) Schultz TW (1979) Townsend P. (1979) Kakwani N. (1980) Danziger and Gottschalk,(1983) Cutler (1984) Basu,(1985) Piachaud(1987) Pyatt G (1987) Swinton,(1987) Atkinson, A. B.:(1987) Kniesner T. J., M B McElroy and S P Wilcox (1988) Lewis G. W. and D.T. Ulph (1988) Hagenaars and Vos, Klaas de (1988) Davidson(1988) Webb S (1889) Brown J C (1990) Jenkins(1991) Sharif (1991) Gaude and Watzlawick(1992) Keen M (1992) Blackburn(1994) Zheng (1994) Preston (1995) Bardhan P (1996) Ravallion M. (1996) Whitehouse E. 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Swayer (2005), Hull Economists; http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/; http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/ ;http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/schools/game.htm; http://www.hull.ac.uk/php/ecskrb/Confer/research.html; http://homepage.newschool.edu/het/alphabet.htm Dr. Bhattarai (HUBS) Empirical Economics October 4, 2010 19 / 19
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