www.waterlooquota.com September 2014 QUOTA FLA H Quota International of Waterloo ! Quick Bits Fall Meeting Schedule ! September 23, 2014! Elks Club Ballroom! Catered Meal ! Guest Night! ! October 28, 2014! Kimball Ridge Center! Lobby Area & Nut Room! Dessert Only - No Dinner! ! November 25, 2014! Covenant Medical Center! Cooking Demonstration & Meal! By Chef Haley, Ansborough HyVee! ! Birthdays Ginny Salkeld (Sept 4) Jill Harlan (Sept 9) Vicki Atkins (Sept 11) Carol Toppin (Sept 12) Jeanne Speas (Sept 16) Eileen Gunderson (Sept 17) Joan Tietz (Sept 17) Pat Hagerstrom (Sept 18) Lynne Jensen (Sept 19) ! Anniversaries Niki Maas (Sept 7) Chris Lorenz (Sept 13) Linda Butler (Sept 29) September 2014 President’s Message Wow! This summer went very fast but I love the turning of the leaves and the crisp, fresh smell that will be in the air as we move into autumn. Congratulations to Mary Twaites and all the committee chairs who made the September 2014 Quarter Auction another success. Of course, they could not have managed without all the Quotarians and husbands who gave of their time to this event too. THANK YOU ALL! A special thank you to Barb Burns and Linda Butler for organizing the food and everyone who baked and donated such a good selection! The attenders had fun. The winner of the door prize was so excited as she has a love of bird houses! She has been to all of our auctions and now we need to keep encouraging her to join us. Remember that you can invite someone to visit our meetings anytime during the year. Waterloo Quota will just keep on growing if we all share something about what we do with people we meet. Nut time is here and we have two chocolate choices. Yippee! When you are filling your orders, be sure to pick up an ear plug packet and a brochure about the club and add a Quota card with your information on it. This is a good way to interest potential members. If you need some cards, see Mary Twaites. October 30th is our next bake sale at Covenant. Jill Harlan and Deanna Rustad will be sharing details about the event at our September meeting. Many of the nurses and staff at Covenant don’t have time to bake special treats so we can sell, sell, sell IF we have the baked goods to sell. Halloween is such a fun and easy theme to use for baking. Let’s see how creative we can be! We have gained some wonderful new members this year so let’s all work to keep them involved with our ongoing community projects. Take new ideas for projects or community support to your committee meetings or send them to any of the Board members so we can make an even greater impact. We can always expand our reach, if we know the opportunities. Working together we can become a tremendous Quota team! — Sandy Lawry Circle the World with Quota…. Friendship, Service and Sharing 1 www.waterlooquota.com September 2014 Upcoming Events Quota Girls Gone Wild Weekend September 26-28, 2014 Iowa City/West Branch ! Backpack Project at Food Bank October 21, 2014 ! Next Bake Sale/Nut Sale at Covenant Medical Center October 30, 2014 Contact Jill Harlan for information about donating baked goods or selling nuts. ! Kudos A huge THANK YOU to Eileen Gunderson for writing requests for grant monies which have reaped reward for our club. The McElroy Trust has granted $2,500 for support of the Cops ’n Kids Program. The Lincoln Savings Bank has awarded $1,000 toward support of the care bear project in the hospitals sponsored by the Service to Disadvantaged Women & Children Committee. ! Updates There are 3 co-chairs for the Service to Disadvantaged Women & Children Committee: • Oletha O’Donnell • Rose Quirk • Ann Tippett ! The Board has recommended and approved that every month half of the proceeds from the 50/50 Raffle go to the Food Bank. “Thunder in the Valley”…. Quota Flies High at Air Show The Hearing & Speech Committee was busy with the distribution of earplugs at the Thunder in the Valley Air Show on August 23-24 at the Waterloo Airport. The weekend project went very well despite some weather problems on Saturday. Over the two days Quota gave away approximately 1,500 earplugs. “If Saturday's weather had been as good as Sunday’s, we would have passed them all out much more quickly,” commented Quotarian Eileen Gunderson. “As it was, our volunteers left when a thunderstorm seemed imminent. Sunday was a totally different story and we distributed everything we had shortly after 9 am. We could easily have given away many more earplugs and were wishing we had thought of doing this sooner so we'd have had a bigger supply.” The committee has looked at the response to this giveaway and public relations project and are thinking ahead to similar types of ‘loud’ public events. The earplugs were a popular item with the crowd and helped protect many ears from the thunderous display. Quotarians Eileen Gunderson and Ginny Salkeld hand out earplugs at Thunder in the Valley Air Show in August to promote good hearing health. ! October Birthdays Mary Nichols (Oct 8) Jean Moore (Oct 18) Barb Burns (Oct 18) Marcy Hartleip (Oct 26) ! October Anniversaries Kathleen Zmolek (10/12/53) Jean Appleby (10/2/53) September 2014 Circle the World with Quota…. Friendship, Service and Sharing 2 www.waterlooquota.com September 2014 Quota Going Nuts in October! According to Ways & Means co-chairs, Marcy Hartleip and Carol Wagner, 7,900 pounds of nuts are expected to arrive on September 25th to the Kimball Ridge Center. The “Nut Room” is back in business, ladies! Bagging volunteers can begin their work immediately following delivery. The October meeting will be held at Kimball Ridge and host a total club effort toward the bagging brigade. There will be 2 shifts of members bagging nuts — one group working from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. prior to the social and business meetings (which will occur from 6:00 - 6:45 p.m.) — and another group bagging 6:45 - 7:45 p.m. Members will sign-up for the shift that works best for them. The hostess committee will bring dessert. No actual meal will be provided. Best of luck for another successful selling season. Remember that the nuts make great holiday gifts. Nuts to you, Quotarians! ! Welcome Linda Butler to Quota Linda Butler is a new member to Quota who joined our group because she felt a need to “get out and do something”. A service group seemed the preferred choice over joining just a card club! Linda has been a longtime friend with her sponsor, Barb Burns. She was born and raised in Waterloo and lives only 3 blocks from the house her parents built and moved into when she was 3 months old. Linda attended Hawkeye Community College for becoming a Medical Secretary. For 26 years she worked for Allen Hospital/Iowa Health System. Since July of 2013, Linda has been been employed at Hawkeye CC as an Administrative Assistant in the School of Health Sciences. ! Annual Employee Activities Committee Fall Craft Sale Friday, October 10, 2014 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Covenant Medical Center Rooms 1 and 2 Payment Options: Cash Check Payroll Deduction Covenant Medical Center Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare September 2014 Table Runners Handmade Greeting Cards Quilted and Crocheted Items Purses Hats, Scarves, Wool Mittens Wreaths, Wood Items Custom Tutus, Baby Items Pottery Hooded Bath Towels Fall Decorations BBQ Sauce, Cement Leaves Tea Towels, Blankets Cookies, Bars, Cupcakes, Candies Tie Dyed Items Handmade Soaps Jewelry, Stained Glass Personalized Cups, Signs, Tiles and More Linda has a strong sense of home and family. She and husband Dan have two sons and their partners (Matt & Kim, Tim & Stephanie) and three WONDERFUL grandchildren, Cannon, Chloe and Claire. Linda and Dan love to kayak and hang out with their grandkids. They have two Russian Blue cats named “Hope” and “Faith”, and a Shitzu mix puppy Beau. Linda loves her pets! ! We are so happy that Linda decided to join Quota and we look forward to getting to know her. Don’t be shy… introduce yourself and ask her about those charming cats! ! Circle the World with Quota…. Friendship, Service and Sharing 3 www.waterlooquota.com September 2014 Quarter Auction 2014 Brings New Member to Club Angela Miller (at left) admires the jewelry display and visits with the Lia Sophia vendor at the 2014 Quota Quarter Auction. Angela decided to join the club and is our newest member. Congratulations and welcome to Quota, Angela! Waterloo Quotarians Vicki Atkins and Rose Quirk (at right) share smiles and friendly conversation with two Cedar Rapids Quota vendors (at left) during a break in the action. Quotarian Mary Sandberg enjoyed browsing the cute and colorful hair bows display. Vendors offered great gift ideas with several items at attractive bargain prices. Local vendors set-up their displays and prepare for a fun night of selling their products, talking with customers, eating delicious food items, and bidding on donated items. Mission Statement Quota International is a non-profit organization empowering women, children, the deaf, hard-of-hearing, and speech-impaired in local communities around the world. The objects of Quota International shall be to seek individuals committed to sharing their time, talent, and resources to meet Quota International’s service goals, and more particularly: To serve country and community; To promote high ethical standards; To emphasize the dignity of all useful occupations; September 2014 Circle the World with Quota…. Friendship, Service and Sharing 4
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