Wood Window - Quaker Windows

Wood Window
Exterior & Interior Trim
Help you take your home to the next level by draping your windows and doors with interior and exterior accessory choices,
designed to add beauty and mesh with décor.
1. Time is Money.
If new homeowners could stretch their budgets and move into their
new house quicker, and builders could get done ahead of schedule and
move on to the next job faster, wouldn’t they be worth exploring? Absolutely! It all makes dollars…and sense.
Truth is, it can be achieved easier than you think with factory applications designed to streamline some tedious, post-installation tasks.
Factory-applied jamb extension are a very popular interior trim
option. For eons, the fall-back jamb depth for wood windows has been,
and still remains, 4 9/16” from nail fin to interior. Once the window
was installed, jamb extensions were added by the building crew.
Take note. That final step can be eliminated with factory-applied
jamb extensions. Quaker’s factory-trained techs can perfectly attach
jamb extensions to your windows and doors. 4 3/4”. 5 1/2”. 6 9/16”.
Anything up to 7 1/4”. Quaker can give you the exact depth needed.
Yes, even on arched windows.
Yes, even on pre-finished windows.
Yes, even on patio doors.
For the exterior side of windows and doors, brickmolds, sill nosing, panning and casings are popular add-ons
to enhance curb-side appearance. For decades, these accessories were only applied after the windows/doors were
installed. Certainly a time-gobbling step. Especially for windows on the 2nd floor and above. That has now completely changed. The bold exterior look afforded by Quaker accessories such as our 2 7/8” brickmold or 3 1/2” flat casing now comes
right out of the box, ready to be installed.
Again, Quaker will factory-apply these items, saving time,
money and angst on site.
Yes, even on arched windows.
Yes, even on patio doors.
Yes, even on combination units.
The windows will arrive at the jobsite ready to be installed.
2. Combination Unites:
A large set of windows mulled together makes a magnificent first impression. Connecting these windows together in the field though can be a magnificent headache if the right tools and manpower aren’t available.
Allowing Quaker’s factory-trained experts to mull multiple units before they arrive can make for a quick, easy
installation...saving time for everyone.
Wood Window
Exterior & Interior Trim
Help you take your home to the next level by draping your windows and doors with interior and exterior accessory choices,
designed to add beauty and mesh with décor.
3. Interior Finishing
If you’re thinking about painting your wood windows and doors yourself,
or paying someone to do so, here’s what you have ahead of you.
Step 1: Sanding the wood
Step 2: Taping off non-painted areas
Step 3: Priming the wood
Step 4: Painting the wood – first coat
Step 5: Painting the wood – second coat
Now consider this: Quaker offers a professionally-applied, Pre-Finished Interior as an option for our wood
windows and doors. Professional paint techs spray-apply our interior paint.
The most modern machinery makes sure the paint is applied as an even coat,
thus avoiding brush marks and runs. Plus it’s all done in a dust-free, controlled environment. Our pre-finished interior coatings are supplied by worldrenowned Sherwin Williams, whose color matching system can accommodate
almost any color request. Basically, every color offered by Sherwin Williams
is at your fingertips.
That said, undertaking the task of painting your wood is commendable
and a source of great pride when you’re done. Quaker can still help with
our Primed Interior option. You don’t have to worry about the initial sanding or priming. Quaker will do it for you. Your windows and doors will be ready to paint as soon as they reach
your home.
Window and door trim accessories are both decorative and functional. Here are some items to keep in mind
when looking at trim accessories for windows and doors.
4. Knowledge is Power.
If you don’t know what it is, how can you know what it does? Good question. There are some very unique
words used to describe window accessories. Let’s go over some of the more common ones.
Brickmold: The original purpose of brickmold was to give the bricklayer something to
brick up to, while also hiding the connection
between the window or door main frame and
the raw wood buck (a.k.a. construction frame).
Sill Nose: An extrusion that is used in conjunction with brickmold. Its purpose is to cover
and protect the sill portion of the window framing, whether it be brick, concrete or wood.
Panning: In simplest terms, it is exterior
Wood Window
Exterior & Interior Trim
Help you take your home to the next level by draping your windows and doors with interior and exterior accessory choices,
designed to add beauty and mesh with décor.
casing for windows and doors.
Jamb Extension: Flat piece of material (usually wood or composite) used to fill the gap between window and interior wall.
Ogee Lug: A decorative piece that sets directly under the top sash of a hung window. It is a integral
piece in many old windows. If looking for a true historical look, we offer this special add-on accessory.
Mull: A metal extrusion that connects two or more windows together (vertically or horizontally). Mull
is also used as a verb as in “They will mull the windows together.”
Rosette: An interior window/door accessory used as a connector piece between interior trim pieces.
5. Bold is Beautiful.
That’s what today’s trendssetters are saying. When it comes to home
exterior trim, “Wider is better”. Brickmold and panning are the way to
get there. Brickmold doesn’t have to be used with just brick facades. It
can be used with many other substrates, such as vinyl siding and hardie
board. Brickmold still has a functional use, but is considered more for
looks in the modern building industry.
Panning serves an aesthetic purpose of emboldening curb appeal too.
Panning will be either designed with lots of dimension and depth should
you choose a historical profile, or it will have little or no dimension should you want to go with a flat design.
Grouped windows can attain a brassy look with the use of widened mulls.
At Quaker, Quaker offers a variety of brickmold, panning and mull options because every job is distinct.
Quaker’s brickmold range — 1 5/8” to 2 7/8” wide.
Quaker’s panning range — 1” to 3 1/2” wide.
Quaker’s mull range – up to 4” wide.
Another big advantage is the fact that Quaker’s exterior accessories are made of painted extruded aluminum,
meaning you’ll have little or no maintenance. Whereas typical brickmold or panning is made of wood that can age
quickly, lose its luster and eventually rot.
6. Don’t Make the Interior Inferior
On the interior, there are several accessories that can warm up your decor too. Interior trim casing for a square
window is obtainable from your local lumber yard. But what do you do when you have an arched window? As a
courtesy to purchasers of our rounded or arched windows, Quaker offers an arched casing, specifically made to fit
your window’s arched contour.
Quaker also offers rosettes to provide a smooth transition between separate pieces of casing. It is especially
useful for curved casing applied to an arched window unit stacked atop a square one.
Factory applied jamb extension, especially when used with pre-painted windows, can give a clean, consistent
look from the window to the interior wall.