Timeline of Chlorine

Timeline of Chlorine
This is a sequencing activity in which students match a set of events printed on
cards to a timeline.
The purpose is not to suggest that students should know the dates but rather
that they should be able to work out a likely sequence by considering the
events, and applying logic and analysis.
The correct chronology is listed below. Just cut out and distribute the event
cards to get started!
Acitvity 2 Timeline_A4 1pp.indd 1
03/05/2013 09:43
Chlorine was studied by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in
Sweden; he recorded the yellow–green colour
and found out that it would kill insects.
Chlorine was used to bleach textiles.
Sir Humphry Davy concluded that chlorine was an
element and named it, from the Greek chloros,
which means green–yellow.
Silver chloride was first used to produce
Chlorine was first used as an antiseptic to prevent
the spread of fever in a hospital.
Chlorine was first used to purify a water supply
after an outbreak of cholera in London.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was invented; at first
no-one could think of a purpose for it.
Chlorine gas was first used as a weapon at Ypres
by the German Army.
Acitvity 2 Timeline_A4 1pp.indd 2
03/05/2013 09:44