August 2016 Presentation

“Tips/Tricks & How To’s” using Mail, Safari & Internet
August 2016 Presentation by Charlie Reich
Mail does not offer the typeface options in the toolbar as seen in TextEdit, Pages etc. for good reason. Our
email is generally sent in Cc:’s to several family members or friends among which can own either a Mac or a
PC. We can fancy up our emails to include many different fonts, typefaces and page variations and they will
arrive to the Mac owners in your exact layout, however the PC user will only see it in the generic PC layout in
an Arial font or font that’s in their font library only, minus any fancy font’s or page colors .etc sent from your
Mac. Attached images are for all to see, it’s the special fonts or layouts that may not survive to a PC,
For our Mac owners that want to “fancy up” their email to Apple product users, the skies the limit!
Go to your Mail Toolbar > Format > Show Fonts. Under the Fonts header you will have a pot pourri of all your
Fonts along with their inherent Typeface and Size to chose and use in your email message, you can also
select your type font color in this window or your regular Mail toolbar
Along with this Fonts page option you have the ability to change your
email’s page color. There’s 5 different ways to select the color of your
choice. The pinwheel offers the ability to select the depth of any color, or
just go to the pencil box to select a fixed color.
Mail Saving Procedures: (.eml file)
Here’s a couple of ways to save an email message onto your desktop...
1. With an open email go to Mail toolbar: Mail > File > Save as... Another window will open showing your
message title in a blue background. You can leave title as-is or change the title to your liking and then click
Save. The Title will now be on your desktop designated as an .eml file. You can store this .eml title away in a
folder or leave it on the desktop. Whenever you click the .eml file’s title you open the email message.
— or —
2. With your message open go your Mail toolbar and open: Mail > File > Export as PDF... and your message
will be saved as a PDF file on your desktop.
Persistent Junk Mail:
Eventually we all gather email directed to arrive in our mailbox. The problem ofttimes evolves into receiving
daily, weekly, monthly offers (or nasties) from the same unwanted entity, even though we’ve requested they
stop mailing their offers. They then provide our name to other solicitors to send us their offers and our problem
propagates. Here’s a way to lock-out any unwanted senders once and for all without ever seeing their
messages again...
First place your cursor over the senders email address to select it > Right click
and Copy Address. Be aware there may be two senders addresses, The senders
address and a Reply To: address. Repeat the below process for each address on message...
Next go to Mail toolbar > Mail > Preferences... > select Rules
Now select > Add Rule. Then highlight the Description: window and go to toolbar: Mail > Edit > Paste to see
the Senders address pasted into this Description window.
In the 3rd row, Any Recipient window select From and you will then see the Senders address pasted into the
blank box on the right end of that row’s window..
Now move down to; Perform the following actions and change the selection from Move Message by scrolling
down to Delete Message and then click OK. You’ll never see a message arrive from this sender again!!!
Writers Tip:
“ Writers Tip ”
Partial Spell a Word”
If you suddenly encounter a “Writers Block” and can’t remember the correct spelling to complete a
word after typing the first three letters or so, just hit the esc key to see a listing of all the words
starting with the first letters you have typed,
Test it out... type the first few letters of a word and Press the esc Key
to see selection of completed words...
Typed Cha & clicked esc =
Typed pre & clicked esc =
... and more!
The Dock: My dock >
My workday Dock is illustrated above. I start on the left with my Finder icon moving across the right to my
Photoshop icon. Then comes the vertical dividing line, and on the right are my four non-Apple icons..., Wikipedia, Google, and followed by my Trash basket.
1. icon links me directly to Larry’s newsletter
2. Wikipedia. org icon opens their webpage. This is an excellent source, THE Source! for information on any
3. ... My workhorse, I use this daily for many tasks - as listed later below.
4. When searching for an alternative word this is the place to go. Once a selection is made
you can open the dictionary description by clicking the selected word in the Thesaurus’ program’s header.
5. Trash... Yes!
By the way, If you want to open an item in trash without first dragging in onto your desktop, just click on
and select the trashed topic within the Trash page and hit the Spacebar to open and read the item.
Dock Icons...and how to add images to the alternative subjects on the right side of your dock.
If you want to place the icon in the right side of your dock first open it’s webpage.
Click on the webpage title and first drag it down into your Applications folder.
You will notice this item’s icon with a suffix entitled .webloc. Now click & drag
the’s application icon down into the right side of your Dock to see it’s
webloc icon. If you were to drag the URL directly from the webpage into your
Dock you would see it with the generic World icon. In fact any URL that you drag directly into the dock
will all have the same World icon. If you have a row of them you will have to drag across each one to
see the title above each World icon to find what you’re looking for.
I’ve found that to insure the working stability of the optional right side Dock entries it’s best to first drag
the URL into the Applications folder. Next let’s identify it with it’s proper icon.
2. To find any icon images, here’s where Google is your friend. Open and type in what you are
searching for. Type in > Thesaurus icon. This will open a page of selections, scroll down and select the
Images for thesaurus icon. There’s a myriad of offerings to choose from, I elected to chose the one within
the second row with the name Thesaurus prominently imbedded to insure I know what this icon is when
selected to open it’s webpage. Right Click on this image and select Copy Image.
3. Now to place the captured image within the .webloc face.
a. Go to your Applications folder and Right click and hold on the Thesaurus .webloc icon.
b. Then select > Get Info. You will see the webloc icon in the upper left hand corner of your Get Info page.
c. Click on that small Webloc image to select it, and now see it enclosed within a blue frame.
d. Now go to the Finder toolbar > Finder > Insert > Paste ...and the webloc will be properly imaged!
4. This same process can be used to ID any
icon found within your Dock’s right side
Google the most versatile link on the Internet!
Oh, give me the strength to count the many ways of Google... and I can’t do it in this one small document.
In my family genealogical research, my writing tasks, my creative moments preparing Apple Sauce articles,
writing my memoirs, quickly researching the correct spelling of a unique word and whatever else confronts me
Google is my friend.
Step 1. Go to and drag the
webloc into your applications folder. You
can then do the above Dock Icons
process to properly ID the webloc icon.
You will find a plethora of Dock icons
illustrated under Images for google icons
pick out the one of your choice, Right click
it and copy to enable pasting into your Get
Info Google .webloc image.
Now every time you select this your
Google webpage will open with an empty
subject box awaiting your desire.
Google the most versatile link on the Internet!
Let me count (some of) the ways !!!
1. If you’re searching for an alternative to a phrase, just type in any phrase such as... in the same manner to
view synonyms...and the site will open with a selection of sites to search, one being
2. Google type in...Dear John I sent your saddle home to see a site to hear this old ballad sung by an old
country western guy. Also lists a site with all the words so you can sing it yourself ???
3. I Googled for a Bobcat image Images for bobcat for one that looked like the one
I found in my back yard a month ago... .
I Right Clicked on the one from the large selection offered of the many Bobcat
images to find the one that closely resembled mine. and selected Copy Image
which then placed the image in my Clipboard.
a. With the image now stored in my clipboard I was then able to open a Mail > New Message , click my
cursor in the message body and go to the Mail toolbar > Mail > Edit > Paste and see the image in my Mail’s
message body.
b. Next I opened a new TexEdit page and went to the Text Edit toolbar > TextEdit > Edit > Paste and see the
image in my TextEdit page.
c. The same process pasted the Bobcat image into a Pages and a Keynote page. As long as the image
remained in my Clipboard it could be pasted into any type file.
Folks you can continue to discover many ways to use Google...Enjoy!
I’ve rambled on enough, I hoped you enjoyed my August Presentation
[email protected]