Week of Sept 26th

Lesson plans
Benita Carlton
Week of Sept 26th
Fall 2016
Students can identify the subject and match the correct form of ser.
Students can conjugate ser properly.
Students will be taking notes over Subject Pronouns & the verb Ser
Students will be able to do this by
Power point presentation & learning lab video
* Subject Pronouns with youtube video The ser song
*Add to notes the verb Ser & Ser de to express origin
*Together in pg. 39 act. 11 & pg.41 Act. 15 (In composition books)
1 A,B,C
Student will continue Subject pronouns and the verb Ser with the following:
Assignment: Subject pronouns & the verb ser worksheet may use notes
1 A,B,C
substitute district meeting
Students will be able to express likes and dislikes in conversation and writing.
*Introduce Me gusta notes & presenting
- notes into composition books
*Review verbs in vocabulary for Un. 1 Et. 1
1 A,B, C
Students will be able to express likes and dislikes in conversation and writing.
Students will be able to do this with the following assignment.
Begin Me gusta assignment...
*Students will create a diagram illustrating 3 categories.
- Me gusta..., No me gusta..., Me gusta mucho..
1 A, B,C
Students will apply everything learned in Un. 1 Et. 1 by reviewing using the following
*Computer Lab www.classzone.com activity
-En Contexto Vocabulario
-Grammar: ser, gustar
1 A,B
end of six weeks (early release)